
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: cmd-func
     3    title: tmp file
     4    head: |
     5      This shows how to create a tmp file with content
     7      params:
     8      * reg: register the file path to a name, so you can reference the file using this reg name
     9      * content: the content of the file to be created
    11      Note:
    12      You will have to manage to delete or clean up the tmp file in either step finally or task finally if you wish to
    14    sections:
    15      - title: Demo
    16        log: yes
    18  tasks:
    20    -
    21      name: task
    22      task:
    23        -
    24          func: cmd
    25          do:
    26            - name: tmpFile
    27              cmd:
    28                reg: myfile
    29                content: hello, world
    30            - name: print
    31              cmd: 'filename: {{.myfile}}'
    33            - name: readFile
    34              cmd:
    35                filename: '{{.myfile}}'
    36                reg: my_file_content
    37            - name: print
    38              cmd: 'file content: {{.my_file_content}}'
    41          finally:
    42            -
    43              func: shell
    44              do: 'cat {{.myfile}}'
    45            -
    46              func: shell
    47              desc: |
    48                this shows you delete the tmp file in step finally
    49              do: 'rm -f {{.myfile}}'
    50            -
    51              func: shell
    52              do: 'cat {{.myfile}}'
    53              flags: [ignoreError]
    54      finally:
    55        -
    56          func: shell
    57          desc: |
    58            this shows you delete the tmp file in task finally
    59            this is deactivated
    60            just for reference
    61          dox: 'rm -f {{.myfile}}'
    63        -
    64          func: shell
    65          do: 'cat {{.myfile}}'
    66          flags: [ignoreError]