
     1  notes: |
     2    documented in docs:
     3    goup ngo -p test_eprofile_exec -d ./tests/functests -t e0194.yml --configdir=./tests/functests
     5    ### CICD Pipeline integration
     7    To integrate with pipeline, one challenge is to manage the input args. By using execution profile, we aim to reduce the number of input parameters and fill in or configure the manually in many places in cicd platforms or pipelines
     9    In order to achieve this, we can use two optional fields:
    11    ```
    12    taskname: a_entry_task_name
    13    verbose: vvv
    14    ```
    16    It simply instruct up cli to use the indicated task name and verbose level instead of the task name and verbose as command line argument
    18    so this turns the command line from:
    20    ```
    21    up ngo task_to_call_dictated_by_eprofile -v v
    22    ```
    24    to:
    26    ```
    27    up ngo -p test_eprofile_exec
    28    ```
    30  eprofiles:
    31    - name: test_eprofile_exec
    32      instance: dev
    33      taskname: task_to_call_dictated_by_eprofile
    34      verbose: vvv
    36      evars:
    37        - name: ENV_VAR_AAA
    38          value: aaa
    40  tasks:
    41    -
    42      name: task
    43      desc: this task now is not entry anymore
    44      task:
    45        -
    46          func: cmd
    47          do:
    48            - name: print
    49              cmd: hahaha
    51    -
    52      name: task_to_call_dictated_by_eprofile
    53      task:
    54        -
    55          func: cmd
    56          desc: |
    57            if you use eprofile, then evar UP_EXEC_ENTRY_TASK_NAME's value will be used as entry task, it will override whatever has been input from command line
    58          do:
    59            - name: print
    60              cmd: this is a entry task according to the evar - UP_EXEC_ENTRY_TASK_NAME
    61        -
    62          func: shell
    63          desc: |
    64            UP_EXEC_ENTRY_TASK_NAME should be empty as it is not register into env vars but only used for program entry
    65          do:
    66            - echo """UP_EXEC_ENTRY_TASK_NAME:${UP_EXEC_ENTRY_TASK_NAME}"""
    67            - echo """ENV_VAR_AAA:${ENV_VAR_AAA}"""
    68            - env |grep ENV_VAR_AAA
    69            - source ./tests/functests/test_env.src; env |grep UP_GLOBAL