
     1  /*
     2   * This file is part of the libvirt-go-xml project
     3   *
     4   * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     5   * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     6   * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     7   * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     8   * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     9   * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    10   *
    11   * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
    12   * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    13   *
    20   * THE SOFTWARE.
    21   *
    22   * Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
    23   *
    24   */
    26  package libvirtxml
    28  import (
    29  	"encoding/xml"
    30  	"fmt"
    31  	"io"
    32  	"strconv"
    33  	"strings"
    34  )
    36  type DomainControllerPCIHole64 struct {
    37  	Size uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
    38  	Unit string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
    39  }
    41  type DomainControllerPCIModel struct {
    42  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
    43  }
    45  type DomainControllerPCITarget struct {
    46  	ChassisNr *uint
    47  	Chassis   *uint
    48  	Port      *uint
    49  	BusNr     *uint
    50  	Index     *uint
    51  	NUMANode  *uint
    52  	Hotplug   string
    53  }
    55  type DomainControllerPCI struct {
    56  	Model  *DomainControllerPCIModel  `xml:"model"`
    57  	Target *DomainControllerPCITarget `xml:"target"`
    58  	Hole64 *DomainControllerPCIHole64 `xml:"pcihole64"`
    59  }
    61  type DomainControllerUSBMaster struct {
    62  	StartPort uint `xml:"startport,attr"`
    63  }
    65  type DomainControllerUSB struct {
    66  	Port   *uint                      `xml:"ports,attr"`
    67  	Master *DomainControllerUSBMaster `xml:"master"`
    68  }
    70  type DomainControllerVirtIOSerial struct {
    71  	Ports   *uint `xml:"ports,attr"`
    72  	Vectors *uint `xml:"vectors,attr"`
    73  }
    75  type DomainControllerXenBus struct {
    76  	MaxGrantFrames   uint `xml:"maxGrantFrames,attr,omitempty"`
    77  	MaxEventChannels uint `xml:"maxEventChannels,attr,omitempty"`
    78  }
    80  type DomainControllerDriver struct {
    81  	Queues     *uint  `xml:"queues,attr"`
    82  	CmdPerLUN  *uint  `xml:"cmd_per_lun,attr"`
    83  	MaxSectors *uint  `xml:"max_sectors,attr"`
    84  	IOEventFD  string `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"`
    85  	IOThread   uint   `xml:"iothread,attr,omitempty"`
    86  	IOMMU      string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
    87  	ATS        string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
    88  	Packed     string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
    89  }
    91  type DomainController struct {
    92  	XMLName      xml.Name                      `xml:"controller"`
    93  	Type         string                        `xml:"type,attr"`
    94  	Index        *uint                         `xml:"index,attr"`
    95  	Model        string                        `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
    96  	Driver       *DomainControllerDriver       `xml:"driver"`
    97  	PCI          *DomainControllerPCI          `xml:"-"`
    98  	USB          *DomainControllerUSB          `xml:"-"`
    99  	VirtIOSerial *DomainControllerVirtIOSerial `xml:"-"`
   100  	XenBus       *DomainControllerXenBus       `xml:"-"`
   101  	ACPI         *DomainDeviceACPI             `xml:"acpi"`
   102  	Alias        *DomainAlias                  `xml:"alias"`
   103  	Address      *DomainAddress                `xml:"address"`
   104  }
   106  type DomainDiskSecret struct {
   107  	Type  string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   108  	Usage string `xml:"usage,attr,omitempty"`
   109  	UUID  string `xml:"uuid,attr,omitempty"`
   110  }
   112  type DomainDiskAuth struct {
   113  	Username string            `xml:"username,attr,omitempty"`
   114  	Secret   *DomainDiskSecret `xml:"secret"`
   115  }
   117  type DomainDiskSourceHost struct {
   118  	Transport string `xml:"transport,attr,omitempty"`
   119  	Name      string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   120  	Port      string `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   121  	Socket    string `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"`
   122  }
   124  type DomainDiskSourceSSL struct {
   125  	Verify string `xml:"verify,attr"`
   126  }
   128  type DomainDiskCookie struct {
   129  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
   130  	Value string `xml:",chardata"`
   131  }
   133  type DomainDiskCookies struct {
   134  	Cookies []DomainDiskCookie `xml:"cookie"`
   135  }
   137  type DomainDiskSourceReadahead struct {
   138  	Size string `xml:"size,attr"`
   139  }
   141  type DomainDiskSourceTimeout struct {
   142  	Seconds string `xml:"seconds,attr"`
   143  }
   145  type DomainDiskReservationsSource DomainChardevSource
   147  type DomainDiskReservations struct {
   148  	Enabled string                        `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
   149  	Managed string                        `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"`
   150  	Source  *DomainDiskReservationsSource `xml:"source"`
   151  }
   153  type DomainDiskSource struct {
   154  	File          *DomainDiskSourceFile      `xml:"-"`
   155  	Block         *DomainDiskSourceBlock     `xml:"-"`
   156  	Dir           *DomainDiskSourceDir       `xml:"-"`
   157  	Network       *DomainDiskSourceNetwork   `xml:"-"`
   158  	Volume        *DomainDiskSourceVolume    `xml:"-"`
   159  	NVME          *DomainDiskSourceNVME      `xml:"-"`
   160  	VHostUser     *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser `xml:"-"`
   161  	StartupPolicy string                     `xml:"startupPolicy,attr,omitempty"`
   162  	Index         uint                       `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"`
   163  	Encryption    *DomainDiskEncryption      `xml:"encryption"`
   164  	Reservations  *DomainDiskReservations    `xml:"reservations"`
   165  	Slices        *DomainDiskSlices          `xml:"slices"`
   166  	SSL           *DomainDiskSourceSSL       `xml:"ssl"`
   167  	Cookies       *DomainDiskCookies         `xml:"cookies"`
   168  	Readahead     *DomainDiskSourceReadahead `xml:"readahead"`
   169  	Timeout       *DomainDiskSourceTimeout   `xml:"timeout"`
   170  }
   172  type DomainDiskSlices struct {
   173  	Slices []DomainDiskSlice `xml:"slice"`
   174  }
   176  type DomainDiskSlice struct {
   177  	Type   string `xml:"type,attr"`
   178  	Offset uint   `xml:"offset,attr"`
   179  	Size   uint   `xml:"size,attr"`
   180  }
   182  type DomainDiskSourceFile struct {
   183  	File     string                 `xml:"file,attr,omitempty"`
   184  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   185  }
   187  type DomainDiskSourceNVME struct {
   188  	PCI *DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI
   189  }
   191  type DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI struct {
   192  	Managed   string            `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"`
   193  	Namespace uint64            `xml:"namespace,attr,omitempty"`
   194  	Address   *DomainAddressPCI `xml:"address"`
   195  }
   197  type DomainDiskSourceBlock struct {
   198  	Dev      string                 `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
   199  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   200  }
   202  type DomainDiskSourceDir struct {
   203  	Dir string `xml:"dir,attr,omitempty"`
   204  }
   206  type DomainDiskSourceNetwork struct {
   207  	Protocol  string                            `xml:"protocol,attr,omitempty"`
   208  	Name      string                            `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   209  	Query     string                            `xml:"query,attr,omitempty"`
   210  	TLS       string                            `xml:"tls,attr,omitempty"`
   211  	Hosts     []DomainDiskSourceHost            `xml:"host"`
   212  	Identity  *DomainDiskSourceNetworkIdentity  `xml:"identity"`
   213  	Initiator *DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator `xml:"initiator"`
   214  	Snapshot  *DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot  `xml:"snapshot"`
   215  	Config    *DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig    `xml:"config"`
   216  	Auth      *DomainDiskAuth                   `xml:"auth"`
   217  }
   219  type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIdentity struct {
   220  	User  string `xml:"user,attr"`
   221  	Group string `xml:"group,attr"`
   222  }
   224  type DomainDiskSourceNetworkInitiator struct {
   225  	IQN *DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN `xml:"iqn"`
   226  }
   228  type DomainDiskSourceNetworkIQN struct {
   229  	Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   230  }
   232  type DomainDiskSourceNetworkSnapshot struct {
   233  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
   234  }
   236  type DomainDiskSourceNetworkConfig struct {
   237  	File string `xml:"file,attr"`
   238  }
   240  type DomainDiskSourceVolume struct {
   241  	Pool     string                 `xml:"pool,attr,omitempty"`
   242  	Volume   string                 `xml:"volume,attr,omitempty"`
   243  	Mode     string                 `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
   244  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   245  }
   247  type DomainDiskSourceVHostUser DomainChardevSource
   249  type DomainDiskMetadataCache struct {
   250  	MaxSize *DomainDiskMetadataCacheSize `xml:"max_size"`
   251  }
   253  type DomainDiskMetadataCacheSize struct {
   254  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
   255  	Value int    `xml:",cdata"`
   256  }
   258  type DomainDiskDriver struct {
   259  	Name          string                   `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   260  	Type          string                   `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   261  	Cache         string                   `xml:"cache,attr,omitempty"`
   262  	ErrorPolicy   string                   `xml:"error_policy,attr,omitempty"`
   263  	RErrorPolicy  string                   `xml:"rerror_policy,attr,omitempty"`
   264  	RetryInterval string                   `xml:"retry_interval,attr,omitempty"`
   265  	RetryTimeout  string                   `xml:"retry_timeout,attr,omitempty"`
   266  	IO            string                   `xml:"io,attr,omitempty"`
   267  	IOEventFD     string                   `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"`
   268  	EventIDX      string                   `xml:"event_idx,attr,omitempty"`
   269  	CopyOnRead    string                   `xml:"copy_on_read,attr,omitempty"`
   270  	Discard       string                   `xml:"discard,attr,omitempty"`
   271  	IOThread      *uint                    `xml:"iothread,attr"`
   272  	DetectZeros   string                   `xml:"detect_zeroes,attr,omitempty"`
   273  	Queues        *uint                    `xml:"queues,attr"`
   274  	IOMMU         string                   `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
   275  	ATS           string                   `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
   276  	Packed        string                   `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
   277  	MetadataCache *DomainDiskMetadataCache `xml:"metadata_cache"`
   278  }
   280  type DomainDiskTarget struct {
   281  	Dev          string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
   282  	Bus          string `xml:"bus,attr,omitempty"`
   283  	Tray         string `xml:"tray,attr,omitempty"`
   284  	Removable    string `xml:"removable,attr,omitempty"`
   285  	RotationRate uint   `xml:"rotation_rate,attr,omitempty"`
   286  }
   288  type DomainDiskEncryption struct {
   289  	Format string            `xml:"format,attr,omitempty"`
   290  	Secret *DomainDiskSecret `xml:"secret"`
   291  }
   293  type DomainDiskReadOnly struct {
   294  }
   296  type DomainDiskShareable struct {
   297  }
   299  type DomainDiskTransient struct {
   300  	ShareBacking string `xml:"shareBacking,attr,omitempty"`
   301  }
   303  type DomainDiskIOTune struct {
   304  	TotalBytesSec          uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec,omitempty"`
   305  	ReadBytesSec           uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec,omitempty"`
   306  	WriteBytesSec          uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec,omitempty"`
   307  	TotalIopsSec           uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec,omitempty"`
   308  	ReadIopsSec            uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec,omitempty"`
   309  	WriteIopsSec           uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec,omitempty"`
   310  	TotalBytesSecMax       uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"`
   311  	ReadBytesSecMax        uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"`
   312  	WriteBytesSecMax       uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec_max,omitempty"`
   313  	TotalIopsSecMax        uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec_max,omitempty"`
   314  	ReadIopsSecMax         uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec_max,omitempty"`
   315  	WriteIopsSecMax        uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec_max,omitempty"`
   316  	TotalBytesSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"total_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   317  	ReadBytesSecMaxLength  uint64 `xml:"read_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   318  	WriteBytesSecMaxLength uint64 `xml:"write_bytes_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   319  	TotalIopsSecMaxLength  uint64 `xml:"total_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   320  	ReadIopsSecMaxLength   uint64 `xml:"read_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   321  	WriteIopsSecMaxLength  uint64 `xml:"write_iops_sec_max_length,omitempty"`
   322  	SizeIopsSec            uint64 `xml:"size_iops_sec,omitempty"`
   323  	GroupName              string `xml:"group_name,omitempty"`
   324  }
   326  type DomainDiskGeometry struct {
   327  	Cylinders uint   `xml:"cyls,attr"`
   328  	Headers   uint   `xml:"heads,attr"`
   329  	Sectors   uint   `xml:"secs,attr"`
   330  	Trans     string `xml:"trans,attr,omitempty"`
   331  }
   333  type DomainDiskBlockIO struct {
   334  	LogicalBlockSize  uint `xml:"logical_block_size,attr,omitempty"`
   335  	PhysicalBlockSize uint `xml:"physical_block_size,attr,omitempty"`
   336  }
   338  type DomainDiskFormat struct {
   339  	Type          string                   `xml:"type,attr"`
   340  	MetadataCache *DomainDiskMetadataCache `xml:"metadata_cache"`
   341  }
   343  type DomainDiskBackingStore struct {
   344  	Index        uint                    `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"`
   345  	Format       *DomainDiskFormat       `xml:"format"`
   346  	Source       *DomainDiskSource       `xml:"source"`
   347  	BackingStore *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"`
   348  }
   350  type DomainDiskMirror struct {
   351  	Job          string                  `xml:"job,attr,omitempty"`
   352  	Ready        string                  `xml:"ready,attr,omitempty"`
   353  	Format       *DomainDiskFormat       `xml:"format"`
   354  	Source       *DomainDiskSource       `xml:"source"`
   355  	BackingStore *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"`
   356  }
   358  type DomainBackendDomain struct {
   359  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
   360  }
   362  type DomainDisk struct {
   363  	XMLName       xml.Name                `xml:"disk"`
   364  	Device        string                  `xml:"device,attr,omitempty"`
   365  	RawIO         string                  `xml:"rawio,attr,omitempty"`
   366  	SGIO          string                  `xml:"sgio,attr,omitempty"`
   367  	Snapshot      string                  `xml:"snapshot,attr,omitempty"`
   368  	Model         string                  `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
   369  	Driver        *DomainDiskDriver       `xml:"driver"`
   370  	Auth          *DomainDiskAuth         `xml:"auth"`
   371  	Source        *DomainDiskSource       `xml:"source"`
   372  	BackingStore  *DomainDiskBackingStore `xml:"backingStore"`
   373  	BackendDomain *DomainBackendDomain    `xml:"backenddomain"`
   374  	Geometry      *DomainDiskGeometry     `xml:"geometry"`
   375  	BlockIO       *DomainDiskBlockIO      `xml:"blockio"`
   376  	Mirror        *DomainDiskMirror       `xml:"mirror"`
   377  	Target        *DomainDiskTarget       `xml:"target"`
   378  	IOTune        *DomainDiskIOTune       `xml:"iotune"`
   379  	ReadOnly      *DomainDiskReadOnly     `xml:"readonly"`
   380  	Shareable     *DomainDiskShareable    `xml:"shareable"`
   381  	Transient     *DomainDiskTransient    `xml:"transient"`
   382  	Serial        string                  `xml:"serial,omitempty"`
   383  	WWN           string                  `xml:"wwn,omitempty"`
   384  	Vendor        string                  `xml:"vendor,omitempty"`
   385  	Product       string                  `xml:"product,omitempty"`
   386  	Encryption    *DomainDiskEncryption   `xml:"encryption"`
   387  	Boot          *DomainDeviceBoot       `xml:"boot"`
   388  	ACPI          *DomainDeviceACPI       `xml:"acpi"`
   389  	Alias         *DomainAlias            `xml:"alias"`
   390  	Address       *DomainAddress          `xml:"address"`
   391  }
   393  type DomainFilesystemDriver struct {
   394  	Type     string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   395  	Format   string `xml:"format,attr,omitempty"`
   396  	Name     string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   397  	WRPolicy string `xml:"wrpolicy,attr,omitempty"`
   398  	IOMMU    string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
   399  	ATS      string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
   400  	Packed   string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
   401  	Queue    uint   `xml:"queue,attr,omitempty"`
   402  }
   404  type DomainFilesystemSource struct {
   405  	Mount    *DomainFilesystemSourceMount    `xml:"-"`
   406  	Block    *DomainFilesystemSourceBlock    `xml:"-"`
   407  	File     *DomainFilesystemSourceFile     `xml:"-"`
   408  	Template *DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate `xml:"-"`
   409  	RAM      *DomainFilesystemSourceRAM      `xml:"-"`
   410  	Bind     *DomainFilesystemSourceBind     `xml:"-"`
   411  	Volume   *DomainFilesystemSourceVolume   `xml:"-"`
   412  }
   414  type DomainFilesystemSourceMount struct {
   415  	Dir    string `xml:"dir,attr,omitempty"`
   416  	Socket string `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"`
   417  }
   419  type DomainFilesystemSourceBlock struct {
   420  	Dev string `xml:"dev,attr"`
   421  }
   423  type DomainFilesystemSourceFile struct {
   424  	File string `xml:"file,attr"`
   425  }
   427  type DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate struct {
   428  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
   429  }
   431  type DomainFilesystemSourceRAM struct {
   432  	Usage uint   `xml:"usage,attr"`
   433  	Units string `xml:"units,attr,omitempty"`
   434  }
   436  type DomainFilesystemSourceBind struct {
   437  	Dir string `xml:"dir,attr"`
   438  }
   440  type DomainFilesystemSourceVolume struct {
   441  	Pool   string `xml:"pool,attr"`
   442  	Volume string `xml:"volume,attr"`
   443  }
   445  type DomainFilesystemTarget struct {
   446  	Dir string `xml:"dir,attr"`
   447  }
   449  type DomainFilesystemReadOnly struct {
   450  }
   452  type DomainFilesystemSpaceHardLimit struct {
   453  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
   454  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
   455  }
   457  type DomainFilesystemSpaceSoftLimit struct {
   458  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
   459  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
   460  }
   462  type DomainFilesystemBinaryCache struct {
   463  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
   464  }
   466  type DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox struct {
   467  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
   468  }
   470  type DomainFilesystemBinaryLock struct {
   471  	POSIX string `xml:"posix,attr,omitempty"`
   472  	Flock string `xml:"flock,attr,omitempty"`
   473  }
   475  type DomainFilesystemBinary struct {
   476  	Path    string                         `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
   477  	XAttr   string                         `xml:"xattr,attr,omitempty"`
   478  	Cache   *DomainFilesystemBinaryCache   `xml:"cache"`
   479  	Sandbox *DomainFilesystemBinarySandbox `xml:"sandbox"`
   480  	Lock    *DomainFilesystemBinaryLock    `xml:"lock"`
   481  }
   483  type DomainFilesystem struct {
   484  	XMLName        xml.Name                        `xml:"filesystem"`
   485  	AccessMode     string                          `xml:"accessmode,attr,omitempty"`
   486  	Model          string                          `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
   487  	MultiDevs      string                          `xml:"multidevs,attr,omitempty"`
   488  	FMode          string                          `xml:"fmode,attr,omitempty"`
   489  	DMode          string                          `xml:"dmode,attr,omitempty"`
   490  	Driver         *DomainFilesystemDriver         `xml:"driver"`
   491  	Binary         *DomainFilesystemBinary         `xml:"binary"`
   492  	Source         *DomainFilesystemSource         `xml:"source"`
   493  	Target         *DomainFilesystemTarget         `xml:"target"`
   494  	ReadOnly       *DomainFilesystemReadOnly       `xml:"readonly"`
   495  	SpaceHardLimit *DomainFilesystemSpaceHardLimit `xml:"space_hard_limit"`
   496  	SpaceSoftLimit *DomainFilesystemSpaceSoftLimit `xml:"space_soft_limit"`
   497  	Boot           *DomainDeviceBoot               `xml:"boot"`
   498  	ACPI           *DomainDeviceACPI               `xml:"acpi"`
   499  	Alias          *DomainAlias                    `xml:"alias"`
   500  	Address        *DomainAddress                  `xml:"address"`
   501  }
   503  type DomainInterfaceMAC struct {
   504  	Address string `xml:"address,attr"`
   505  	Type    string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   506  	Check   string `xml:"check,attr,omitempty"`
   507  }
   509  type DomainInterfaceModel struct {
   510  	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
   511  }
   513  type DomainInterfaceSource struct {
   514  	User      *DomainInterfaceSourceUser     `xml:"-"`
   515  	Ethernet  *DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet `xml:"-"`
   516  	VHostUser *DomainChardevSource           `xml:"-"`
   517  	Server    *DomainInterfaceSourceServer   `xml:"-"`
   518  	Client    *DomainInterfaceSourceClient   `xml:"-"`
   519  	MCast     *DomainInterfaceSourceMCast    `xml:"-"`
   520  	Network   *DomainInterfaceSourceNetwork  `xml:"-"`
   521  	Bridge    *DomainInterfaceSourceBridge   `xml:"-"`
   522  	Internal  *DomainInterfaceSourceInternal `xml:"-"`
   523  	Direct    *DomainInterfaceSourceDirect   `xml:"-"`
   524  	Hostdev   *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev  `xml:"-"`
   525  	UDP       *DomainInterfaceSourceUDP      `xml:"-"`
   526  	VDPA      *DomainInterfaceSourceVDPA     `xml:"-"`
   527  }
   529  type DomainInterfaceSourceUser struct {
   530  }
   532  type DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet struct {
   533  	IP    []DomainInterfaceIP    `xml:"ip"`
   534  	Route []DomainInterfaceRoute `xml:"route"`
   535  }
   537  type DomainInterfaceSourceServer struct {
   538  	Address string                      `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   539  	Port    uint                        `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   540  	Local   *DomainInterfaceSourceLocal `xml:"local"`
   541  }
   543  type DomainInterfaceSourceClient struct {
   544  	Address string                      `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   545  	Port    uint                        `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   546  	Local   *DomainInterfaceSourceLocal `xml:"local"`
   547  }
   549  type DomainInterfaceSourceMCast struct {
   550  	Address string                      `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   551  	Port    uint                        `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   552  	Local   *DomainInterfaceSourceLocal `xml:"local"`
   553  }
   555  type DomainInterfaceSourceNetwork struct {
   556  	Network   string `xml:"network,attr,omitempty"`
   557  	PortGroup string `xml:"portgroup,attr,omitempty"`
   558  	Bridge    string `xml:"bridge,attr,omitempty"`
   559  	PortID    string `xml:"portid,attr,omitempty"`
   560  }
   562  type DomainInterfaceSourceBridge struct {
   563  	Bridge string `xml:"bridge,attr"`
   564  }
   566  type DomainInterfaceSourceInternal struct {
   567  	Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   568  }
   570  type DomainInterfaceSourceDirect struct {
   571  	Dev  string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
   572  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
   573  }
   575  type DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev struct {
   576  	PCI *DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource `xml:"-"`
   577  	USB *DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource `xml:"-"`
   578  }
   580  type DomainInterfaceSourceUDP struct {
   581  	Address string                      `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   582  	Port    uint                        `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   583  	Local   *DomainInterfaceSourceLocal `xml:"local"`
   584  }
   586  type DomainInterfaceSourceVDPA struct {
   587  	Device string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
   588  }
   590  type DomainInterfaceSourceLocal struct {
   591  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   592  	Port    uint   `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   593  }
   595  type DomainInterfaceTarget struct {
   596  	Dev     string `xml:"dev,attr"`
   597  	Managed string `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"`
   598  }
   600  type DomainInterfaceLink struct {
   601  	State string `xml:"state,attr"`
   602  }
   604  type DomainDeviceBoot struct {
   605  	Order    uint   `xml:"order,attr"`
   606  	LoadParm string `xml:"loadparm,attr,omitempty"`
   607  }
   609  type DomainInterfaceScript struct {
   610  	Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
   611  }
   613  type DomainInterfaceDriver struct {
   614  	Name        string                      `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   615  	TXMode      string                      `xml:"txmode,attr,omitempty"`
   616  	IOEventFD   string                      `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"`
   617  	EventIDX    string                      `xml:"event_idx,attr,omitempty"`
   618  	Queues      uint                        `xml:"queues,attr,omitempty"`
   619  	RXQueueSize uint                        `xml:"rx_queue_size,attr,omitempty"`
   620  	TXQueueSize uint                        `xml:"tx_queue_size,attr,omitempty"`
   621  	IOMMU       string                      `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
   622  	ATS         string                      `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
   623  	Packed      string                      `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
   624  	Host        *DomainInterfaceDriverHost  `xml:"host"`
   625  	Guest       *DomainInterfaceDriverGuest `xml:"guest"`
   626  }
   628  type DomainInterfaceDriverHost struct {
   629  	CSum     string `xml:"csum,attr,omitempty"`
   630  	GSO      string `xml:"gso,attr,omitempty"`
   631  	TSO4     string `xml:"tso4,attr,omitempty"`
   632  	TSO6     string `xml:"tso6,attr,omitempty"`
   633  	ECN      string `xml:"ecn,attr,omitempty"`
   634  	UFO      string `xml:"ufo,attr,omitempty"`
   635  	MrgRXBuf string `xml:"mrg_rxbuf,attr,omitempty"`
   636  }
   638  type DomainInterfaceDriverGuest struct {
   639  	CSum string `xml:"csum,attr,omitempty"`
   640  	TSO4 string `xml:"tso4,attr,omitempty"`
   641  	TSO6 string `xml:"tso6,attr,omitempty"`
   642  	ECN  string `xml:"ecn,attr,omitempty"`
   643  	UFO  string `xml:"ufo,attr,omitempty"`
   644  }
   646  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPort struct {
   647  	Params *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams `xml:"parameters"`
   648  }
   650  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams struct {
   651  	Any          *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsAny          `xml:"-"`
   652  	VEPA8021QBG  *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVEPA8021QBG  `xml:"-"`
   653  	VNTag8011QBH *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVNTag8021QBH `xml:"-"`
   654  	OpenVSwitch  *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsOpenVSwitch  `xml:"-"`
   655  	MidoNet      *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsMidoNet      `xml:"-"`
   656  }
   658  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsAny struct {
   659  	ManagerID     *uint  `xml:"managerid,attr"`
   660  	TypeID        *uint  `xml:"typeid,attr"`
   661  	TypeIDVersion *uint  `xml:"typeidversion,attr"`
   662  	InstanceID    string `xml:"instanceid,attr,omitempty"`
   663  	ProfileID     string `xml:"profileid,attr,omitempty"`
   664  	InterfaceID   string `xml:"interfaceid,attr,omitempty"`
   665  }
   667  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVEPA8021QBG struct {
   668  	ManagerID     *uint  `xml:"managerid,attr"`
   669  	TypeID        *uint  `xml:"typeid,attr"`
   670  	TypeIDVersion *uint  `xml:"typeidversion,attr"`
   671  	InstanceID    string `xml:"instanceid,attr,omitempty"`
   672  }
   674  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVNTag8021QBH struct {
   675  	ProfileID string `xml:"profileid,attr,omitempty"`
   676  }
   678  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsOpenVSwitch struct {
   679  	InterfaceID string `xml:"interfaceid,attr,omitempty"`
   680  	ProfileID   string `xml:"profileid,attr,omitempty"`
   681  }
   683  type DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsMidoNet struct {
   684  	InterfaceID string `xml:"interfaceid,attr,omitempty"`
   685  }
   687  type DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams struct {
   688  	Average *int `xml:"average,attr"`
   689  	Peak    *int `xml:"peak,attr"`
   690  	Burst   *int `xml:"burst,attr"`
   691  	Floor   *int `xml:"floor,attr"`
   692  }
   694  type DomainInterfaceBandwidth struct {
   695  	Inbound  *DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams `xml:"inbound"`
   696  	Outbound *DomainInterfaceBandwidthParams `xml:"outbound"`
   697  }
   699  type OvsParams struct {
   700  	Ofport uint32 `xml:"ofport"`
   701  }
   703  type DomainInterfaceVLan struct {
   704  	Trunk string                   `xml:"trunk,attr,omitempty"`
   705  	Tags  []DomainInterfaceVLanTag `xml:"tag"`
   706  }
   708  type DomainInterfaceVLanTag struct {
   709  	ID         uint   `xml:"id,attr"`
   710  	NativeMode string `xml:"nativeMode,attr,omitempty"`
   711  }
   713  type DomainInterfaceGuest struct {
   714  	Dev    string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
   715  	Actual string `xml:"actual,attr,omitempty"`
   716  }
   718  type DomainInterfaceFilterRef struct {
   719  	Filter     string                       `xml:"filter,attr"`
   720  	Parameters []DomainInterfaceFilterParam `xml:"parameter"`
   721  }
   723  type DomainInterfaceFilterParam struct {
   724  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
   725  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
   726  }
   728  type DomainInterfaceBackend struct {
   729  	Tap   string `xml:"tap,attr,omitempty"`
   730  	VHost string `xml:"vhost,attr,omitempty"`
   731  }
   733  type DomainInterfaceTune struct {
   734  	SndBuf uint `xml:"sndbuf"`
   735  }
   737  type DomainInterfaceMTU struct {
   738  	Size uint `xml:"size,attr"`
   739  }
   741  type DomainInterfaceCoalesce struct {
   742  	RX *DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX `xml:"rx"`
   743  }
   745  type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRX struct {
   746  	Frames *DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames `xml:"frames"`
   747  }
   749  type DomainInterfaceCoalesceRXFrames struct {
   750  	Max *uint `xml:"max,attr"`
   751  }
   753  type DomainROM struct {
   754  	Bar     string `xml:"bar,attr,omitempty"`
   755  	File    string `xml:"file,attr,omitempty"`
   756  	Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
   757  }
   759  type DomainInterfaceIP struct {
   760  	Address string `xml:"address,attr"`
   761  	Family  string `xml:"family,attr,omitempty"`
   762  	Prefix  uint   `xml:"prefix,attr,omitempty"`
   763  	Peer    string `xml:"peer,attr,omitempty"`
   764  }
   766  type DomainInterfaceRoute struct {
   767  	Family  string `xml:"family,attr,omitempty"`
   768  	Address string `xml:"address,attr"`
   769  	Netmask string `xml:"netmask,attr,omitempty"`
   770  	Prefix  uint   `xml:"prefix,attr,omitempty"`
   771  	Gateway string `xml:"gateway,attr"`
   772  	Metric  uint   `xml:"metric,attr,omitempty"`
   773  }
   775  type DomainInterfaceTeaming struct {
   776  	Type       string `xml:"type,attr"`
   777  	Persistent string `xml:"persistent,attr,omitempty"`
   778  }
   780  type DomainInterfacePortOptions struct {
   781  	Isolated string `xml:"isolated,attr,omitempty"`
   782  }
   784  type DomainInterface struct {
   785  	XMLName             xml.Name                    `xml:"interface"`
   786  	Managed             string                      `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"`
   787  	TrustGuestRXFilters string                      `xml:"trustGuestRxFilters,attr,omitempty"`
   788  	MAC                 *DomainInterfaceMAC         `xml:"mac"`
   789  	Source              *DomainInterfaceSource      `xml:"source"`
   790  	Boot                *DomainDeviceBoot           `xml:"boot"`
   791  	VLan                *DomainInterfaceVLan        `xml:"vlan"`
   792  	OvsParams           *OvsParams                  `xml:"ovsparam"`
   793  	VirtualPort         *DomainInterfaceVirtualPort `xml:"virtualport"`
   794  	IP                  []DomainInterfaceIP         `xml:"ip"`
   795  	Route               []DomainInterfaceRoute      `xml:"route"`
   796  	Script              *DomainInterfaceScript      `xml:"script"`
   797  	DownScript          *DomainInterfaceScript      `xml:"downscript"`
   798  	BackendDomain       *DomainBackendDomain        `xml:"backenddomain"`
   799  	Target              *DomainInterfaceTarget      `xml:"target"`
   800  	Guest               *DomainInterfaceGuest       `xml:"guest"`
   801  	Model               *DomainInterfaceModel       `xml:"model"`
   802  	Driver              *DomainInterfaceDriver      `xml:"driver"`
   803  	Backend             *DomainInterfaceBackend     `xml:"backend"`
   804  	FilterRef           *DomainInterfaceFilterRef   `xml:"filterref"`
   805  	Tune                *DomainInterfaceTune        `xml:"tune"`
   806  	Teaming             *DomainInterfaceTeaming     `xml:"teaming"`
   807  	Link                *DomainInterfaceLink        `xml:"link"`
   808  	MTU                 *DomainInterfaceMTU         `xml:"mtu"`
   809  	Bandwidth           *DomainInterfaceBandwidth   `xml:"bandwidth"`
   810  	PortOptions         *DomainInterfacePortOptions `xml:"port"`
   811  	Coalesce            *DomainInterfaceCoalesce    `xml:"coalesce"`
   812  	ROM                 *DomainROM                  `xml:"rom"`
   813  	ACPI                *DomainDeviceACPI           `xml:"acpi"`
   814  	Alias               *DomainAlias                `xml:"alias"`
   815  	Address             *DomainAddress              `xml:"address"`
   816  }
   818  type DomainChardevSource struct {
   819  	Null      *DomainChardevSourceNull      `xml:"-"`
   820  	VC        *DomainChardevSourceVC        `xml:"-"`
   821  	Pty       *DomainChardevSourcePty       `xml:"-"`
   822  	Dev       *DomainChardevSourceDev       `xml:"-"`
   823  	File      *DomainChardevSourceFile      `xml:"-"`
   824  	Pipe      *DomainChardevSourcePipe      `xml:"-"`
   825  	StdIO     *DomainChardevSourceStdIO     `xml:"-"`
   826  	UDP       *DomainChardevSourceUDP       `xml:"-"`
   827  	TCP       *DomainChardevSourceTCP       `xml:"-"`
   828  	UNIX      *DomainChardevSourceUNIX      `xml:"-"`
   829  	SpiceVMC  *DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC  `xml:"-"`
   830  	SpicePort *DomainChardevSourceSpicePort `xml:"-"`
   831  	NMDM      *DomainChardevSourceNMDM      `xml:"-"`
   832  }
   834  type DomainChardevSourceNull struct {
   835  }
   837  type DomainChardevSourceVC struct {
   838  }
   840  type DomainChardevSourcePty struct {
   841  	Path     string                 `xml:"path,attr"`
   842  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   843  }
   845  type DomainChardevSourceDev struct {
   846  	Path     string                 `xml:"path,attr"`
   847  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   848  }
   850  type DomainChardevSourceFile struct {
   851  	Path     string                 `xml:"path,attr"`
   852  	Append   string                 `xml:"append,attr,omitempty"`
   853  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   854  }
   856  type DomainChardevSourcePipe struct {
   857  	Path     string                 `xml:"path,attr"`
   858  	SecLabel []DomainDeviceSecLabel `xml:"seclabel"`
   859  }
   861  type DomainChardevSourceStdIO struct {
   862  }
   864  type DomainChardevSourceUDP struct {
   865  	BindHost       string `xml:"-"`
   866  	BindService    string `xml:"-"`
   867  	ConnectHost    string `xml:"-"`
   868  	ConnectService string `xml:"-"`
   869  }
   871  type DomainChardevSourceReconnect struct {
   872  	Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr"`
   873  	Timeout *uint  `xml:"timeout,attr"`
   874  }
   876  type DomainChardevSourceTCP struct {
   877  	Mode      string                        `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
   878  	Host      string                        `xml:"host,attr,omitempty"`
   879  	Service   string                        `xml:"service,attr,omitempty"`
   880  	TLS       string                        `xml:"tls,attr,omitempty"`
   881  	Reconnect *DomainChardevSourceReconnect `xml:"reconnect"`
   882  }
   884  type DomainChardevSourceUNIX struct {
   885  	Mode      string                        `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
   886  	Path      string                        `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
   887  	Reconnect *DomainChardevSourceReconnect `xml:"reconnect"`
   888  	SecLabel  []DomainDeviceSecLabel        `xml:"seclabel"`
   889  }
   891  type DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC struct {
   892  }
   894  type DomainChardevSourceSpicePort struct {
   895  	Channel string `xml:"channel,attr"`
   896  }
   898  type DomainChardevSourceNMDM struct {
   899  	Master string `xml:"master,attr"`
   900  	Slave  string `xml:"slave,attr"`
   901  }
   903  type DomainChardevTarget struct {
   904  	Type  string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   905  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   906  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"` // is guest agent connected?
   907  	Port  *uint  `xml:"port,attr"`
   908  }
   910  type DomainConsoleTarget struct {
   911  	Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   912  	Port *uint  `xml:"port,attr"`
   913  }
   915  type DomainSerialTarget struct {
   916  	Type  string                   `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   917  	Port  *uint                    `xml:"port,attr"`
   918  	Model *DomainSerialTargetModel `xml:"model"`
   919  }
   921  type DomainSerialTargetModel struct {
   922  	Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   923  }
   925  type DomainParallelTarget struct {
   926  	Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
   927  	Port *uint  `xml:"port,attr"`
   928  }
   930  type DomainChannelTarget struct {
   931  	VirtIO   *DomainChannelTargetVirtIO   `xml:"-"`
   932  	Xen      *DomainChannelTargetXen      `xml:"-"`
   933  	GuestFWD *DomainChannelTargetGuestFWD `xml:"-"`
   934  }
   936  type DomainChannelTargetVirtIO struct {
   937  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   938  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"` // is guest agent connected?
   939  }
   941  type DomainChannelTargetXen struct {
   942  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
   943  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"` // is guest agent connected?
   944  }
   946  type DomainChannelTargetGuestFWD struct {
   947  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
   948  	Port    string `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   949  }
   951  type DomainAlias struct {
   952  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
   953  }
   955  type DomainDeviceACPI struct {
   956  	Index uint `xml:"index,attr,omitempty"`
   957  }
   959  type DomainAddressPCI struct {
   960  	Domain        *uint              `xml:"domain,attr"`
   961  	Bus           *uint              `xml:"bus,attr"`
   962  	Slot          *uint              `xml:"slot,attr"`
   963  	Function      *uint              `xml:"function,attr"`
   964  	MultiFunction string             `xml:"multifunction,attr,omitempty"`
   965  	ZPCI          *DomainAddressZPCI `xml:"zpci"`
   966  }
   968  type DomainAddressZPCI struct {
   969  	UID *uint `xml:"uid,attr,omitempty"`
   970  	FID *uint `xml:"fid,attr,omitempty"`
   971  }
   973  type DomainAddressUSB struct {
   974  	Bus    *uint  `xml:"bus,attr"`
   975  	Port   string `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
   976  	Device *uint  `xml:"device,attr"`
   977  }
   979  type DomainAddressDrive struct {
   980  	Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"`
   981  	Bus        *uint `xml:"bus,attr"`
   982  	Target     *uint `xml:"target,attr"`
   983  	Unit       *uint `xml:"unit,attr"`
   984  }
   986  type DomainAddressDIMM struct {
   987  	Slot *uint   `xml:"slot,attr"`
   988  	Base *uint64 `xml:"base,attr"`
   989  }
   991  type DomainAddressISA struct {
   992  	IOBase *uint `xml:"iobase,attr"`
   993  	IRQ    *uint `xml:"irq,attr"`
   994  }
   996  type DomainAddressVirtioMMIO struct {
   997  }
   999  type DomainAddressCCW struct {
  1000  	CSSID *uint `xml:"cssid,attr"`
  1001  	SSID  *uint `xml:"ssid,attr"`
  1002  	DevNo *uint `xml:"devno,attr"`
  1003  }
  1005  type DomainAddressVirtioSerial struct {
  1006  	Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"`
  1007  	Bus        *uint `xml:"bus,attr"`
  1008  	Port       *uint `xml:"port,attr"`
  1009  }
  1011  type DomainAddressSpaprVIO struct {
  1012  	Reg *uint64 `xml:"reg,attr"`
  1013  }
  1015  type DomainAddressCCID struct {
  1016  	Controller *uint `xml:"controller,attr"`
  1017  	Slot       *uint `xml:"slot,attr"`
  1018  }
  1020  type DomainAddressVirtioS390 struct {
  1021  }
  1023  type DomainAddressUnassigned struct {
  1024  }
  1026  type DomainAddress struct {
  1027  	PCI          *DomainAddressPCI
  1028  	Drive        *DomainAddressDrive
  1029  	VirtioSerial *DomainAddressVirtioSerial
  1030  	CCID         *DomainAddressCCID
  1031  	USB          *DomainAddressUSB
  1032  	SpaprVIO     *DomainAddressSpaprVIO
  1033  	VirtioS390   *DomainAddressVirtioS390
  1034  	CCW          *DomainAddressCCW
  1035  	VirtioMMIO   *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO
  1036  	ISA          *DomainAddressISA
  1037  	DIMM         *DomainAddressDIMM
  1038  	Unassigned   *DomainAddressUnassigned
  1039  }
  1041  type DomainChardevLog struct {
  1042  	File   string `xml:"file,attr"`
  1043  	Append string `xml:"append,attr,omitempty"`
  1044  }
  1046  type DomainConsole struct {
  1047  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:"console"`
  1048  	TTY      string                 `xml:"tty,attr,omitempty"`
  1049  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1050  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1051  	Target   *DomainConsoleTarget   `xml:"target"`
  1052  	Log      *DomainChardevLog      `xml:"log"`
  1053  	ACPI     *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1054  	Alias    *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1055  	Address  *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1056  }
  1058  type DomainSerial struct {
  1059  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:"serial"`
  1060  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1061  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1062  	Target   *DomainSerialTarget    `xml:"target"`
  1063  	Log      *DomainChardevLog      `xml:"log"`
  1064  	ACPI     *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1065  	Alias    *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1066  	Address  *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1067  }
  1069  type DomainParallel struct {
  1070  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:"parallel"`
  1071  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1072  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1073  	Target   *DomainParallelTarget  `xml:"target"`
  1074  	Log      *DomainChardevLog      `xml:"log"`
  1075  	ACPI     *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1076  	Alias    *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1077  	Address  *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1078  }
  1080  type DomainChardevProtocol struct {
  1081  	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
  1082  }
  1084  type DomainChannel struct {
  1085  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:"channel"`
  1086  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1087  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1088  	Target   *DomainChannelTarget   `xml:"target"`
  1089  	Log      *DomainChardevLog      `xml:"log"`
  1090  	ACPI     *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1091  	Alias    *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1092  	Address  *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1093  }
  1095  type DomainRedirDev struct {
  1096  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:"redirdev"`
  1097  	Bus      string                 `xml:"bus,attr,omitempty"`
  1098  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1099  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1100  	Boot     *DomainDeviceBoot      `xml:"boot"`
  1101  	ACPI     *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1102  	Alias    *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1103  	Address  *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1104  }
  1106  type DomainRedirFilter struct {
  1107  	USB []DomainRedirFilterUSB `xml:"usbdev"`
  1108  }
  1110  type DomainRedirFilterUSB struct {
  1111  	Class   *uint  `xml:"class,attr"`
  1112  	Vendor  *uint  `xml:"vendor,attr"`
  1113  	Product *uint  `xml:"product,attr"`
  1114  	Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
  1115  	Allow   string `xml:"allow,attr"`
  1116  }
  1118  type DomainInput struct {
  1119  	XMLName xml.Name           `xml:"input"`
  1120  	Type    string             `xml:"type,attr"`
  1121  	Bus     string             `xml:"bus,attr,omitempty"`
  1122  	Model   string             `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1123  	Driver  *DomainInputDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1124  	Source  *DomainInputSource `xml:"source"`
  1125  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI  `xml:"acpi"`
  1126  	Alias   *DomainAlias       `xml:"alias"`
  1127  	Address *DomainAddress     `xml:"address"`
  1128  }
  1130  type DomainInputDriver struct {
  1131  	IOMMU  string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
  1132  	ATS    string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
  1133  	Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
  1134  }
  1136  type DomainInputSource struct {
  1137  	Passthrough *DomainInputSourcePassthrough `xml:"-"`
  1138  	EVDev       *DomainInputSourceEVDev       `xml:"-"`
  1139  }
  1141  type DomainInputSourcePassthrough struct {
  1142  	EVDev string `xml:"evdev,attr"`
  1143  }
  1145  type DomainInputSourceEVDev struct {
  1146  	Dev    string `xml:"dev,attr"`
  1147  	Grab   string `xml:"grab,attr,omitempty"`
  1148  	Repeat string `xml:"repeat,attr,omitempty"`
  1149  }
  1151  type DomainGraphicListenerAddress struct {
  1152  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
  1153  }
  1155  type DomainGraphicListenerNetwork struct {
  1156  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
  1157  	Network string `xml:"network,attr,omitempty"`
  1158  }
  1160  type DomainGraphicListenerSocket struct {
  1161  	Socket string `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"`
  1162  }
  1164  type DomainGraphicListener struct {
  1165  	Address *DomainGraphicListenerAddress `xml:"-"`
  1166  	Network *DomainGraphicListenerNetwork `xml:"-"`
  1167  	Socket  *DomainGraphicListenerSocket  `xml:"-"`
  1168  }
  1170  type DomainGraphicChannel struct {
  1171  	Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  1172  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  1173  }
  1175  type DomainGraphicFileTransfer struct {
  1176  	Enable string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
  1177  }
  1179  type DomainGraphicsSDLGL struct {
  1180  	Enable string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
  1181  }
  1183  type DomainGraphicSDL struct {
  1184  	Display    string               `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"`
  1185  	XAuth      string               `xml:"xauth,attr,omitempty"`
  1186  	FullScreen string               `xml:"fullscreen,attr,omitempty"`
  1187  	GL         *DomainGraphicsSDLGL `xml:"gl"`
  1188  }
  1190  type DomainGraphicVNC struct {
  1191  	Socket        string                  `xml:"socket,attr,omitempty"`
  1192  	Port          int                     `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
  1193  	AutoPort      string                  `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"`
  1194  	WebSocket     int                     `xml:"websocket,attr,omitempty"`
  1195  	Keymap        string                  `xml:"keymap,attr,omitempty"`
  1196  	SharePolicy   string                  `xml:"sharePolicy,attr,omitempty"`
  1197  	Passwd        string                  `xml:"passwd,attr,omitempty"`
  1198  	PasswdValidTo string                  `xml:"passwdValidTo,attr,omitempty"`
  1199  	Connected     string                  `xml:"connected,attr,omitempty"`
  1200  	PowerControl  string                  `xml:"powerControl,attr,omitempty"`
  1201  	Listen        string                  `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"`
  1202  	Listeners     []DomainGraphicListener `xml:"listen"`
  1203  }
  1205  type DomainGraphicRDP struct {
  1206  	Port        int                     `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
  1207  	AutoPort    string                  `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"`
  1208  	ReplaceUser string                  `xml:"replaceUser,attr,omitempty"`
  1209  	MultiUser   string                  `xml:"multiUser,attr,omitempty"`
  1210  	Listen      string                  `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"`
  1211  	Listeners   []DomainGraphicListener `xml:"listen"`
  1212  }
  1214  type DomainGraphicDesktop struct {
  1215  	Display    string `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"`
  1216  	FullScreen string `xml:"fullscreen,attr,omitempty"`
  1217  }
  1219  type DomainGraphicSpiceChannel struct {
  1220  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
  1221  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  1222  }
  1224  type DomainGraphicSpiceImage struct {
  1225  	Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
  1226  }
  1228  type DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG struct {
  1229  	Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
  1230  }
  1232  type DomainGraphicSpiceZLib struct {
  1233  	Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
  1234  }
  1236  type DomainGraphicSpicePlayback struct {
  1237  	Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
  1238  }
  1240  type DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming struct {
  1241  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  1242  }
  1244  type DomainGraphicSpiceMouse struct {
  1245  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  1246  }
  1248  type DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard struct {
  1249  	CopyPaste string `xml:"copypaste,attr"`
  1250  }
  1252  type DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer struct {
  1253  	Enable string `xml:"enable,attr"`
  1254  }
  1256  type DomainGraphicSpiceGL struct {
  1257  	Enable     string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
  1258  	RenderNode string `xml:"rendernode,attr,omitempty"`
  1259  }
  1261  type DomainGraphicSpice struct {
  1262  	Port          int                             `xml:"port,attr,omitempty"`
  1263  	TLSPort       int                             `xml:"tlsPort,attr,omitempty"`
  1264  	AutoPort      string                          `xml:"autoport,attr,omitempty"`
  1265  	Listen        string                          `xml:"listen,attr,omitempty"`
  1266  	Keymap        string                          `xml:"keymap,attr,omitempty"`
  1267  	DefaultMode   string                          `xml:"defaultMode,attr,omitempty"`
  1268  	Passwd        string                          `xml:"passwd,attr,omitempty"`
  1269  	PasswdValidTo string                          `xml:"passwdValidTo,attr,omitempty"`
  1270  	Connected     string                          `xml:"connected,attr,omitempty"`
  1271  	Listeners     []DomainGraphicListener         `xml:"listen"`
  1272  	Channel       []DomainGraphicSpiceChannel     `xml:"channel"`
  1273  	Image         *DomainGraphicSpiceImage        `xml:"image"`
  1274  	JPEG          *DomainGraphicSpiceJPEG         `xml:"jpeg"`
  1275  	ZLib          *DomainGraphicSpiceZLib         `xml:"zlib"`
  1276  	Playback      *DomainGraphicSpicePlayback     `xml:"playback"`
  1277  	Streaming     *DomainGraphicSpiceStreaming    `xml:"streaming"`
  1278  	Mouse         *DomainGraphicSpiceMouse        `xml:"mouse"`
  1279  	ClipBoard     *DomainGraphicSpiceClipBoard    `xml:"clipboard"`
  1280  	FileTransfer  *DomainGraphicSpiceFileTransfer `xml:"filetransfer"`
  1281  	GL            *DomainGraphicSpiceGL           `xml:"gl"`
  1282  }
  1284  type DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL struct {
  1285  	RenderNode string `xml:"rendernode,attr,omitempty"`
  1286  }
  1288  type DomainGraphicEGLHeadless struct {
  1289  	GL *DomainGraphicEGLHeadlessGL `xml:"gl"`
  1290  }
  1292  type DomainGraphicAudio struct {
  1293  	ID uint `xml:"id,attr,omitempty"`
  1294  }
  1296  type DomainGraphic struct {
  1297  	XMLName     xml.Name                  `xml:"graphics"`
  1298  	SDL         *DomainGraphicSDL         `xml:"-"`
  1299  	VNC         *DomainGraphicVNC         `xml:"-"`
  1300  	RDP         *DomainGraphicRDP         `xml:"-"`
  1301  	Desktop     *DomainGraphicDesktop     `xml:"-"`
  1302  	Spice       *DomainGraphicSpice       `xml:"-"`
  1303  	EGLHeadless *DomainGraphicEGLHeadless `xml:"-"`
  1304  	Audio       *DomainGraphicAudio       `xml:"audio"`
  1305  }
  1307  type DomainVideoAccel struct {
  1308  	Accel3D    string `xml:"accel3d,attr,omitempty"`
  1309  	Accel2D    string `xml:"accel2d,attr,omitempty"`
  1310  	RenderNode string `xml:"rendernode,attr,omitempty"`
  1311  }
  1313  type DomainVideoResolution struct {
  1314  	X uint `xml:"x,attr"`
  1315  	Y uint `xml:"y,attr"`
  1316  }
  1318  type DomainVideoModel struct {
  1319  	Type       string                 `xml:"type,attr"`
  1320  	Heads      uint                   `xml:"heads,attr,omitempty"`
  1321  	Ram        uint                   `xml:"ram,attr,omitempty"`
  1322  	VRam       uint                   `xml:"vram,attr,omitempty"`
  1323  	VRam64     uint                   `xml:"vram64,attr,omitempty"`
  1324  	VGAMem     uint                   `xml:"vgamem,attr,omitempty"`
  1325  	Primary    string                 `xml:"primary,attr,omitempty"`
  1326  	Accel      *DomainVideoAccel      `xml:"acceleration"`
  1327  	Resolution *DomainVideoResolution `xml:"resolution"`
  1328  }
  1330  type DomainVideo struct {
  1331  	XMLName xml.Name           `xml:"video"`
  1332  	Model   DomainVideoModel   `xml:"model"`
  1333  	Driver  *DomainVideoDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1334  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI  `xml:"acpi"`
  1335  	Alias   *DomainAlias       `xml:"alias"`
  1336  	Address *DomainAddress     `xml:"address"`
  1337  }
  1339  type DomainVideoDriver struct {
  1340  	Name    string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  1341  	VGAConf string `xml:"vgaconf,attr,omitempty"`
  1342  	IOMMU   string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
  1343  	ATS     string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
  1344  	Packed  string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
  1345  }
  1347  type DomainMemBalloonStats struct {
  1348  	Period uint `xml:"period,attr"`
  1349  }
  1351  type DomainMemBalloon struct {
  1352  	XMLName           xml.Name                `xml:"memballoon"`
  1353  	Model             string                  `xml:"model,attr"`
  1354  	AutoDeflate       string                  `xml:"autodeflate,attr,omitempty"`
  1355  	FreePageReporting string                  `xml:"freePageReporting,attr,omitempty"`
  1356  	Driver            *DomainMemBalloonDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1357  	Stats             *DomainMemBalloonStats  `xml:"stats"`
  1358  	ACPI              *DomainDeviceACPI       `xml:"acpi"`
  1359  	Alias             *DomainAlias            `xml:"alias"`
  1360  	Address           *DomainAddress          `xml:"address"`
  1361  }
  1363  type DomainVSockCID struct {
  1364  	Auto    string `xml:"auto,attr,omitempty"`
  1365  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
  1366  }
  1368  type DomainVSockDriver struct {
  1369  	IOMMU  string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
  1370  	ATS    string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
  1371  	Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
  1372  }
  1374  type DomainVSock struct {
  1375  	XMLName xml.Name           `xml:"vsock"`
  1376  	Model   string             `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1377  	CID     *DomainVSockCID    `xml:"cid"`
  1378  	Driver  *DomainVSockDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1379  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI  `xml:"acpi"`
  1380  	Alias   *DomainAlias       `xml:"alias"`
  1381  	Address *DomainAddress     `xml:"address"`
  1382  }
  1384  type DomainMemBalloonDriver struct {
  1385  	IOMMU  string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
  1386  	ATS    string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
  1387  	Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
  1388  }
  1390  type DomainPanic struct {
  1391  	XMLName xml.Name          `xml:"panic"`
  1392  	Model   string            `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1393  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1394  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1395  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1396  }
  1398  type DomainSoundCodec struct {
  1399  	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
  1400  }
  1402  type DomainSound struct {
  1403  	XMLName xml.Name           `xml:"sound"`
  1404  	Model   string             `xml:"model,attr"`
  1405  	Codec   []DomainSoundCodec `xml:"codec"`
  1406  	Audio   *DomainSoundAudio  `xml:"audio"`
  1407  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI  `xml:"acpi"`
  1408  	Alias   *DomainAlias       `xml:"alias"`
  1409  	Address *DomainAddress     `xml:"address"`
  1410  }
  1412  type DomainSoundAudio struct {
  1413  	ID uint `xml:"id,attr"`
  1414  }
  1416  type DomainAudio struct {
  1417  	XMLName    xml.Name               `xml:"audio"`
  1418  	ID         int                    `xml:"id,attr"`
  1419  	None       *DomainAudioNone       `xml:"-"`
  1420  	ALSA       *DomainAudioALSA       `xml:"-"`
  1421  	CoreAudio  *DomainAudioCoreAudio  `xml:"-"`
  1422  	Jack       *DomainAudioJack       `xml:"-"`
  1423  	OSS        *DomainAudioOSS        `xml:"-"`
  1424  	PulseAudio *DomainAudioPulseAudio `xml:"-"`
  1425  	SDL        *DomainAudioSDL        `xml:"-"`
  1426  	SPICE      *DomainAudioSPICE      `xml:"-"`
  1427  	File       *DomainAudioFile       `xml:"-"`
  1428  }
  1430  type DomainAudioChannel struct {
  1431  	MixingEngine  string                      `xml:"mixingEngine,attr,omitempty"`
  1432  	FixedSettings string                      `xml:"fixedSettings,attr,omitempty"`
  1433  	Voices        uint                        `xml:"voices,attr,omitempty"`
  1434  	Settings      *DomainAudioChannelSettings `xml:"settings"`
  1435  	BufferLength  uint                        `xml:"bufferLength,attr,omitempty"`
  1436  }
  1438  type DomainAudioChannelSettings struct {
  1439  	Frequency uint   `xml:"frequency,attr,omitempty"`
  1440  	Channels  uint   `xml:"channels,attr,omitempty"`
  1441  	Format    string `xml:"format,attr,omitempty"`
  1442  }
  1444  type DomainAudioNone struct {
  1445  	Input  *DomainAudioNoneChannel `xml:"input"`
  1446  	Output *DomainAudioNoneChannel `xml:"output"`
  1447  }
  1449  type DomainAudioNoneChannel struct {
  1450  	DomainAudioChannel
  1451  }
  1453  type DomainAudioALSA struct {
  1454  	Input  *DomainAudioALSAChannel `xml:"input"`
  1455  	Output *DomainAudioALSAChannel `xml:"output"`
  1456  }
  1458  type DomainAudioALSAChannel struct {
  1459  	DomainAudioChannel
  1460  	Dev string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
  1461  }
  1463  type DomainAudioCoreAudio struct {
  1464  	Input  *DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel `xml:"input"`
  1465  	Output *DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel `xml:"output"`
  1466  }
  1468  type DomainAudioCoreAudioChannel struct {
  1469  	DomainAudioChannel
  1470  	BufferCount uint `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"`
  1471  }
  1473  type DomainAudioJack struct {
  1474  	Input  *DomainAudioJackChannel `xml:"input"`
  1475  	Output *DomainAudioJackChannel `xml:"output"`
  1476  }
  1478  type DomainAudioJackChannel struct {
  1479  	DomainAudioChannel
  1480  	ServerName   string `xml:"serverName,attr,omitempty"`
  1481  	ClientName   string `xml:"clientName,attr,omitempty"`
  1482  	ConnectPorts string `xml:"connectPorts,attr,omitempty"`
  1483  	ExactName    string `xml:"exactName,attr,omitempty"`
  1484  }
  1486  type DomainAudioOSS struct {
  1487  	TryMMap   string `xml:"tryMMap,attr,omitempty"`
  1488  	Exclusive string `xml:"exclusive,attr,omitempty"`
  1489  	DSPPolicy *int   `xml:"dspPolicy,attr"`
  1491  	Input  *DomainAudioOSSChannel `xml:"input"`
  1492  	Output *DomainAudioOSSChannel `xml:"output"`
  1493  }
  1495  type DomainAudioOSSChannel struct {
  1496  	DomainAudioChannel
  1497  	Dev         string `xml:"dev,attr,omitempty"`
  1498  	BufferCount uint   `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"`
  1499  	TryPoll     string `xml:"tryPoll,attr,omitempty"`
  1500  }
  1502  type DomainAudioPulseAudio struct {
  1503  	ServerName string                        `xml:"serverName,attr,omitempty"`
  1504  	Input      *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"input"`
  1505  	Output     *DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel `xml:"output"`
  1506  }
  1508  type DomainAudioPulseAudioChannel struct {
  1509  	DomainAudioChannel
  1510  	Name       string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  1511  	StreamName string `xml:"streamName,attr,omitempty"`
  1512  	Latency    uint   `xml:"latency,attr,omitempty"`
  1513  }
  1515  type DomainAudioSDL struct {
  1516  	Driver string                 `xml:"driver,attr,omitempty"`
  1517  	Input  *DomainAudioSDLChannel `xml:"input"`
  1518  	Output *DomainAudioSDLChannel `xml:"output"`
  1519  }
  1521  type DomainAudioSDLChannel struct {
  1522  	DomainAudioChannel
  1523  	BufferCount uint `xml:"bufferCount,attr,omitempty"`
  1524  }
  1526  type DomainAudioSPICE struct {
  1527  	Input  *DomainAudioSPICEChannel `xml:"input"`
  1528  	Output *DomainAudioSPICEChannel `xml:"output"`
  1529  }
  1531  type DomainAudioSPICEChannel struct {
  1532  	DomainAudioChannel
  1533  }
  1535  type DomainAudioFile struct {
  1536  	Path   string                  `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
  1537  	Input  *DomainAudioFileChannel `xml:"input"`
  1538  	Output *DomainAudioFileChannel `xml:"output"`
  1539  }
  1541  type DomainAudioFileChannel struct {
  1542  	DomainAudioChannel
  1543  }
  1545  type DomainRNGRate struct {
  1546  	Bytes  uint `xml:"bytes,attr"`
  1547  	Period uint `xml:"period,attr,omitempty"`
  1548  }
  1550  type DomainRNGBackend struct {
  1551  	Random  *DomainRNGBackendRandom  `xml:"-"`
  1552  	EGD     *DomainRNGBackendEGD     `xml:"-"`
  1553  	BuiltIn *DomainRNGBackendBuiltIn `xml:"-"`
  1554  }
  1556  type DomainRNGBackendEGD struct {
  1557  	Source   *DomainChardevSource   `xml:"source"`
  1558  	Protocol *DomainChardevProtocol `xml:"protocol"`
  1559  }
  1561  type DomainRNGBackendRandom struct {
  1562  	Device string `xml:",chardata"`
  1563  }
  1565  type DomainRNGBackendBuiltIn struct {
  1566  }
  1568  type DomainRNG struct {
  1569  	XMLName xml.Name          `xml:"rng"`
  1570  	Model   string            `xml:"model,attr"`
  1571  	Driver  *DomainRNGDriver  `xml:"driver"`
  1572  	Rate    *DomainRNGRate    `xml:"rate"`
  1573  	Backend *DomainRNGBackend `xml:"backend"`
  1574  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1575  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1576  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1577  }
  1579  type DomainRNGDriver struct {
  1580  	IOMMU  string `xml:"iommu,attr,omitempty"`
  1581  	ATS    string `xml:"ats,attr,omitempty"`
  1582  	Packed string `xml:"packed,attr,omitempty"`
  1583  }
  1585  type DomainHostdevSubsysUSB struct {
  1586  	Source *DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource `xml:"source"`
  1587  }
  1589  type DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource struct {
  1590  	Address *DomainAddressUSB `xml:"address"`
  1591  }
  1593  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI struct {
  1594  	SGIO      string                         `xml:"sgio,attr,omitempty"`
  1595  	RawIO     string                         `xml:"rawio,attr,omitempty"`
  1596  	Source    *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource `xml:"source"`
  1597  	ReadOnly  *DomainDiskReadOnly            `xml:"readonly"`
  1598  	Shareable *DomainDiskShareable           `xml:"shareable"`
  1599  }
  1601  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource struct {
  1602  	Host  *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost  `xml:"-"`
  1603  	ISCSI *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI `xml:"-"`
  1604  }
  1606  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter struct {
  1607  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
  1608  }
  1610  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost struct {
  1611  	Adapter *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIAdapter `xml:"adapter"`
  1612  	Address *DomainAddressDrive             `xml:"address"`
  1613  }
  1615  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI struct {
  1616  	Name      string                                  `xml:"name,attr"`
  1617  	Host      []DomainDiskSourceHost                  `xml:"host"`
  1618  	Auth      *DomainDiskAuth                         `xml:"auth"`
  1619  	Initiator *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator `xml:"initiator"`
  1620  }
  1622  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceInitiator struct {
  1623  	IQN DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN `xml:"iqn"`
  1624  }
  1626  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceIQN struct {
  1627  	Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
  1628  }
  1630  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost struct {
  1631  	Model  string                             `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1632  	Source *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHostSource `xml:"source"`
  1633  }
  1635  type DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHostSource struct {
  1636  	Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr,omitempty"`
  1637  	WWPN     string `xml:"wwpn,attr,omitempty"`
  1638  }
  1640  type DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource struct {
  1641  	WriteFiltering string            `xml:"writeFiltering,attr,omitempty"`
  1642  	Address        *DomainAddressPCI `xml:"address"`
  1643  }
  1645  type DomainHostdevSubsysPCIDriver struct {
  1646  	Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  1647  }
  1649  type DomainHostdevSubsysPCI struct {
  1650  	Driver  *DomainHostdevSubsysPCIDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1651  	Source  *DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource `xml:"source"`
  1652  	Teaming *DomainInterfaceTeaming       `xml:"teaming"`
  1653  }
  1655  type DomainAddressMDev struct {
  1656  	UUID string `xml:"uuid,attr"`
  1657  }
  1659  type DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource struct {
  1660  	Address *DomainAddressMDev `xml:"address"`
  1661  }
  1663  type DomainHostdevSubsysMDev struct {
  1664  	Model   string                         `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1665  	Display string                         `xml:"display,attr,omitempty"`
  1666  	RamFB   string                         `xml:"ramfb,attr,omitempty"`
  1667  	Source  *DomainHostdevSubsysMDevSource `xml:"source"`
  1668  }
  1670  type DomainHostdevCapsStorage struct {
  1671  	Source *DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource `xml:"source"`
  1672  }
  1674  type DomainHostdevCapsStorageSource struct {
  1675  	Block string `xml:"block"`
  1676  }
  1678  type DomainHostdevCapsMisc struct {
  1679  	Source *DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource `xml:"source"`
  1680  }
  1682  type DomainHostdevCapsMiscSource struct {
  1683  	Char string `xml:"char"`
  1684  }
  1686  type DomainIP struct {
  1687  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
  1688  	Family  string `xml:"family,attr,omitempty"`
  1689  	Prefix  *uint  `xml:"prefix,attr"`
  1690  }
  1692  type DomainRoute struct {
  1693  	Family  string `xml:"family,attr,omitempty"`
  1694  	Address string `xml:"address,attr,omitempty"`
  1695  	Gateway string `xml:"gateway,attr,omitempty"`
  1696  }
  1698  type DomainHostdevCapsNet struct {
  1699  	Source *DomainHostdevCapsNetSource `xml:"source"`
  1700  	IP     []DomainIP                  `xml:"ip"`
  1701  	Route  []DomainRoute               `xml:"route"`
  1702  }
  1704  type DomainHostdevCapsNetSource struct {
  1705  	Interface string `xml:"interface"`
  1706  }
  1708  type DomainHostdev struct {
  1709  	Managed        string                       `xml:"managed,attr,omitempty"`
  1710  	SubsysUSB      *DomainHostdevSubsysUSB      `xml:"-"`
  1711  	SubsysSCSI     *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI     `xml:"-"`
  1712  	SubsysSCSIHost *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost `xml:"-"`
  1713  	SubsysPCI      *DomainHostdevSubsysPCI      `xml:"-"`
  1714  	SubsysMDev     *DomainHostdevSubsysMDev     `xml:"-"`
  1715  	CapsStorage    *DomainHostdevCapsStorage    `xml:"-"`
  1716  	CapsMisc       *DomainHostdevCapsMisc       `xml:"-"`
  1717  	CapsNet        *DomainHostdevCapsNet        `xml:"-"`
  1718  	Boot           *DomainDeviceBoot            `xml:"boot"`
  1719  	ROM            *DomainROM                   `xml:"rom"`
  1720  	ACPI           *DomainDeviceACPI            `xml:"acpi"`
  1721  	Alias          *DomainAlias                 `xml:"alias"`
  1722  	Address        *DomainAddress               `xml:"address"`
  1723  }
  1725  type DomainMemorydevSource struct {
  1726  	NodeMask  string                          `xml:"nodemask,omitempty"`
  1727  	PageSize  *DomainMemorydevSourcePagesize  `xml:"pagesize"`
  1728  	Path      string                          `xml:"path,omitempty"`
  1729  	AlignSize *DomainMemorydevSourceAlignsize `xml:"alignsize"`
  1730  	PMem      *DomainMemorydevSourcePMem      `xml:"pmem"`
  1731  }
  1733  type DomainMemorydevSourcePMem struct {
  1734  }
  1736  type DomainMemorydevSourcePagesize struct {
  1737  	Value uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
  1738  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1739  }
  1741  type DomainMemorydevSourceAlignsize struct {
  1742  	Value uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
  1743  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1744  }
  1746  type DomainMemorydevTargetNode struct {
  1747  	Value uint `xml:",chardata"`
  1748  }
  1750  type DomainMemorydevTargetReadOnly struct {
  1751  }
  1753  type DomainMemorydevTargetSize struct {
  1754  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  1755  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1756  }
  1758  type DomainMemorydevTargetLabel struct {
  1759  	Size *DomainMemorydevTargetSize `xml:"size"`
  1760  }
  1762  type DomainMemorydevTarget struct {
  1763  	Size     *DomainMemorydevTargetSize     `xml:"size"`
  1764  	Node     *DomainMemorydevTargetNode     `xml:"node"`
  1765  	Label    *DomainMemorydevTargetLabel    `xml:"label"`
  1766  	ReadOnly *DomainMemorydevTargetReadOnly `xml:"readonly"`
  1767  }
  1769  type DomainMemorydev struct {
  1770  	XMLName xml.Name               `xml:"memory"`
  1771  	Model   string                 `xml:"model,attr"`
  1772  	Access  string                 `xml:"access,attr,omitempty"`
  1773  	Discard string                 `xml:"discard,attr,omitempty"`
  1774  	UUID    string                 `xml:"uuid,omitempty"`
  1775  	Source  *DomainMemorydevSource `xml:"source"`
  1776  	Target  *DomainMemorydevTarget `xml:"target"`
  1777  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI      `xml:"acpi"`
  1778  	Alias   *DomainAlias           `xml:"alias"`
  1779  	Address *DomainAddress         `xml:"address"`
  1780  }
  1782  type DomainWatchdog struct {
  1783  	XMLName xml.Name          `xml:"watchdog"`
  1784  	Model   string            `xml:"model,attr"`
  1785  	Action  string            `xml:"action,attr,omitempty"`
  1786  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1787  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1788  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1789  }
  1791  type DomainHub struct {
  1792  	Type    string            `xml:"type,attr"`
  1793  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1794  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1795  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1796  }
  1798  type DomainIOMMU struct {
  1799  	Model  string             `xml:"model,attr"`
  1800  	Driver *DomainIOMMUDriver `xml:"driver"`
  1801  }
  1803  type DomainIOMMUDriver struct {
  1804  	IntRemap    string `xml:"intremap,attr,omitempty"`
  1805  	CachingMode string `xml:"caching_mode,attr,omitempty"`
  1806  	EIM         string `xml:"eim,attr,omitempty"`
  1807  	IOTLB       string `xml:"iotlb,attr,omitempty"`
  1808  	AWBits      uint   `xml:"aw_bits,attr,omitempty"`
  1809  }
  1811  type DomainNVRAM struct {
  1812  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1813  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1814  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1815  }
  1817  type DomainLease struct {
  1818  	Lockspace string             `xml:"lockspace"`
  1819  	Key       string             `xml:"key"`
  1820  	Target    *DomainLeaseTarget `xml:"target"`
  1821  }
  1823  type DomainLeaseTarget struct {
  1824  	Path   string `xml:"path,attr"`
  1825  	Offset uint64 `xml:"offset,attr,omitempty"`
  1826  }
  1828  type DomainSmartcard struct {
  1829  	XMLName     xml.Name                  `xml:"smartcard"`
  1830  	Passthrough *DomainChardevSource      `xml:"source"`
  1831  	Protocol    *DomainChardevProtocol    `xml:"protocol"`
  1832  	Host        *DomainSmartcardHost      `xml:"-"`
  1833  	HostCerts   []DomainSmartcardHostCert `xml:"certificate"`
  1834  	Database    string                    `xml:"database,omitempty"`
  1835  	ACPI        *DomainDeviceACPI         `xml:"acpi"`
  1836  	Alias       *DomainAlias              `xml:"alias"`
  1837  	Address     *DomainAddress            `xml:"address"`
  1838  }
  1840  type DomainSmartcardHost struct {
  1841  }
  1843  type DomainSmartcardHostCert struct {
  1844  	File string `xml:",chardata"`
  1845  }
  1847  type DomainTPM struct {
  1848  	XMLName xml.Name          `xml:"tpm"`
  1849  	Model   string            `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  1850  	Backend *DomainTPMBackend `xml:"backend"`
  1851  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI `xml:"acpi"`
  1852  	Alias   *DomainAlias      `xml:"alias"`
  1853  	Address *DomainAddress    `xml:"address"`
  1854  }
  1856  type DomainTPMBackend struct {
  1857  	Passthrough *DomainTPMBackendPassthrough `xml:"-"`
  1858  	Emulator    *DomainTPMBackendEmulator    `xml:"-"`
  1859  }
  1861  type DomainTPMBackendPassthrough struct {
  1862  	Device *DomainTPMBackendDevice `xml:"device"`
  1863  }
  1865  type DomainTPMBackendEmulator struct {
  1866  	Version         string                      `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
  1867  	Encryption      *DomainTPMBackendEncryption `xml:"encryption"`
  1868  	PersistentState string                      `xml:"persistent_state,attr,omitempty"`
  1869  }
  1871  type DomainTPMBackendEncryption struct {
  1872  	Secret string `xml:"secret,attr"`
  1873  }
  1875  type DomainTPMBackendDevice struct {
  1876  	Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
  1877  }
  1879  type DomainShmem struct {
  1880  	XMLName xml.Name           `xml:"shmem"`
  1881  	Name    string             `xml:"name,attr"`
  1882  	Role    string             `xml:"role,attr,omitempty"`
  1883  	Size    *DomainShmemSize   `xml:"size"`
  1884  	Model   *DomainShmemModel  `xml:"model"`
  1885  	Server  *DomainShmemServer `xml:"server"`
  1886  	MSI     *DomainShmemMSI    `xml:"msi"`
  1887  	ACPI    *DomainDeviceACPI  `xml:"acpi"`
  1888  	Alias   *DomainAlias       `xml:"alias"`
  1889  	Address *DomainAddress     `xml:"address"`
  1890  }
  1892  type DomainShmemSize struct {
  1893  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  1894  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1895  }
  1897  type DomainShmemModel struct {
  1898  	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
  1899  }
  1901  type DomainShmemServer struct {
  1902  	Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
  1903  }
  1905  type DomainShmemMSI struct {
  1906  	Enabled   string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
  1907  	Vectors   uint   `xml:"vectors,attr,omitempty"`
  1908  	IOEventFD string `xml:"ioeventfd,attr,omitempty"`
  1909  }
  1911  type DomainDeviceList struct {
  1912  	Emulator     string              `xml:"emulator,omitempty"`
  1913  	Disks        []DomainDisk        `xml:"disk"`
  1914  	Controllers  []DomainController  `xml:"controller"`
  1915  	Leases       []DomainLease       `xml:"lease"`
  1916  	Filesystems  []DomainFilesystem  `xml:"filesystem"`
  1917  	Interfaces   []DomainInterface   `xml:"interface"`
  1918  	Smartcards   []DomainSmartcard   `xml:"smartcard"`
  1919  	Serials      []DomainSerial      `xml:"serial"`
  1920  	Parallels    []DomainParallel    `xml:"parallel"`
  1921  	Consoles     []DomainConsole     `xml:"console"`
  1922  	Channels     []DomainChannel     `xml:"channel"`
  1923  	Inputs       []DomainInput       `xml:"input"`
  1924  	TPMs         []DomainTPM         `xml:"tpm"`
  1925  	Graphics     []DomainGraphic     `xml:"graphics"`
  1926  	Sounds       []DomainSound       `xml:"sound"`
  1927  	Audios       []DomainAudio       `xml:"audio"`
  1928  	Videos       []DomainVideo       `xml:"video"`
  1929  	Hostdevs     []DomainHostdev     `xml:"hostdev"`
  1930  	RedirDevs    []DomainRedirDev    `xml:"redirdev"`
  1931  	RedirFilters []DomainRedirFilter `xml:"redirfilter"`
  1932  	Hubs         []DomainHub         `xml:"hub"`
  1933  	Watchdog     *DomainWatchdog     `xml:"watchdog"`
  1934  	MemBalloon   *DomainMemBalloon   `xml:"memballoon"`
  1935  	RNGs         []DomainRNG         `xml:"rng"`
  1936  	NVRAM        *DomainNVRAM        `xml:"nvram"`
  1937  	Panics       []DomainPanic       `xml:"panic"`
  1938  	Shmems       []DomainShmem       `xml:"shmem"`
  1939  	Memorydevs   []DomainMemorydev   `xml:"memory"`
  1940  	IOMMU        *DomainIOMMU        `xml:"iommu"`
  1941  	VSock        *DomainVSock        `xml:"vsock"`
  1942  }
  1944  type DomainMemory struct {
  1945  	Value    uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  1946  	Unit     string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1947  	DumpCore string `xml:"dumpCore,attr,omitempty"`
  1948  }
  1950  type DomainCurrentMemory struct {
  1951  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  1952  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1953  }
  1955  type DomainMaxMemory struct {
  1956  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  1957  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1958  	Slots uint   `xml:"slots,attr,omitempty"`
  1959  }
  1961  type DomainMemoryHugepage struct {
  1962  	Size    uint   `xml:"size,attr"`
  1963  	Unit    string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  1964  	Nodeset string `xml:"nodeset,attr,omitempty"`
  1965  }
  1967  type DomainMemoryHugepages struct {
  1968  	Hugepages []DomainMemoryHugepage `xml:"page"`
  1969  }
  1971  type DomainMemoryNosharepages struct {
  1972  }
  1974  type DomainMemoryLocked struct {
  1975  }
  1977  type DomainMemorySource struct {
  1978  	Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
  1979  }
  1981  type DomainMemoryAccess struct {
  1982  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  1983  }
  1985  type DomainMemoryAllocation struct {
  1986  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  1987  }
  1989  type DomainMemoryDiscard struct {
  1990  }
  1992  type DomainMemoryBacking struct {
  1993  	MemoryHugePages    *DomainMemoryHugepages    `xml:"hugepages"`
  1994  	MemoryNosharepages *DomainMemoryNosharepages `xml:"nosharepages"`
  1995  	MemoryLocked       *DomainMemoryLocked       `xml:"locked"`
  1996  	MemorySource       *DomainMemorySource       `xml:"source"`
  1997  	MemoryAccess       *DomainMemoryAccess       `xml:"access"`
  1998  	MemoryAllocation   *DomainMemoryAllocation   `xml:"allocation"`
  1999  	MemoryDiscard      *DomainMemoryDiscard      `xml:"discard"`
  2000  }
  2002  type DomainOSType struct {
  2003  	Arch    string `xml:"arch,attr,omitempty"`
  2004  	Machine string `xml:"machine,attr,omitempty"`
  2005  	Type    string `xml:",chardata"`
  2006  }
  2008  type DomainSMBios struct {
  2009  	Mode string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  2010  }
  2012  type DomainNVRam struct {
  2013  	NVRam    string `xml:",chardata"`
  2014  	Template string `xml:"template,attr,omitempty"`
  2015  }
  2017  type DomainBootDevice struct {
  2018  	Dev string `xml:"dev,attr"`
  2019  }
  2021  type DomainBootMenu struct {
  2022  	Enable  string `xml:"enable,attr,omitempty"`
  2023  	Timeout string `xml:"timeout,attr,omitempty"`
  2024  }
  2026  type DomainSysInfoBIOS struct {
  2027  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2028  }
  2030  type DomainSysInfoSystem struct {
  2031  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2032  }
  2034  type DomainSysInfoBaseBoard struct {
  2035  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2036  }
  2038  type DomainSysInfoProcessor struct {
  2039  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2040  }
  2042  type DomainSysInfoMemory struct {
  2043  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2044  }
  2046  type DomainSysInfoChassis struct {
  2047  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2048  }
  2050  type DomainSysInfoOEMStrings struct {
  2051  	Entry []string `xml:"entry"`
  2052  }
  2054  type DomainSysInfoSMBIOS struct {
  2055  	BIOS       *DomainSysInfoBIOS       `xml:"bios"`
  2056  	System     *DomainSysInfoSystem     `xml:"system"`
  2057  	BaseBoard  []DomainSysInfoBaseBoard `xml:"baseBoard"`
  2058  	Chassis    *DomainSysInfoChassis    `xml:"chassis"`
  2059  	Processor  []DomainSysInfoProcessor `xml:"processor"`
  2060  	Memory     []DomainSysInfoMemory    `xml:"memory"`
  2061  	OEMStrings *DomainSysInfoOEMStrings `xml:"oemStrings"`
  2062  }
  2064  type DomainSysInfoFWCfg struct {
  2065  	Entry []DomainSysInfoEntry `xml:"entry"`
  2066  }
  2068  type DomainSysInfo struct {
  2069  	SMBIOS *DomainSysInfoSMBIOS `xml:"-"`
  2070  	FWCfg  *DomainSysInfoFWCfg  `xml:"-"`
  2071  }
  2073  type DomainSysInfoEntry struct {
  2074  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2075  	File  string `xml:"file,attr,omitempty"`
  2076  	Value string `xml:",chardata"`
  2077  }
  2079  type DomainBIOS struct {
  2080  	UseSerial     string `xml:"useserial,attr,omitempty"`
  2081  	RebootTimeout *int   `xml:"rebootTimeout,attr"`
  2082  }
  2084  type DomainLoader struct {
  2085  	Path     string `xml:",chardata"`
  2086  	Readonly string `xml:"readonly,attr,omitempty"`
  2087  	Secure   string `xml:"secure,attr,omitempty"`
  2088  	Type     string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
  2089  }
  2091  type DomainACPI struct {
  2092  	Tables []DomainACPITable `xml:"table"`
  2093  }
  2095  type DomainACPITable struct {
  2096  	Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
  2097  	Path string `xml:",chardata"`
  2098  }
  2100  type DomainOSInitEnv struct {
  2101  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2102  	Value string `xml:",chardata"`
  2103  }
  2105  type DomainOSFirmwareInfo struct {
  2106  	Features []DomainOSFirmwareFeature `xml:"feature"`
  2107  }
  2109  type DomainOSFirmwareFeature struct {
  2110  	Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
  2111  	Name    string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  2112  }
  2114  type DomainOS struct {
  2115  	Type         *DomainOSType         `xml:"type"`
  2116  	Firmware     string                `xml:"firmware,attr,omitempty"`
  2117  	FirmwareInfo *DomainOSFirmwareInfo `xml:"firmware"`
  2118  	Init         string                `xml:"init,omitempty"`
  2119  	InitArgs     []string              `xml:"initarg"`
  2120  	InitEnv      []DomainOSInitEnv     `xml:"initenv"`
  2121  	InitDir      string                `xml:"initdir,omitempty"`
  2122  	InitUser     string                `xml:"inituser,omitempty"`
  2123  	InitGroup    string                `xml:"initgroup,omitempty"`
  2124  	Loader       *DomainLoader         `xml:"loader"`
  2125  	NVRam        *DomainNVRam          `xml:"nvram"`
  2126  	Kernel       string                `xml:"kernel,omitempty"`
  2127  	Initrd       string                `xml:"initrd,omitempty"`
  2128  	Cmdline      string                `xml:"cmdline,omitempty"`
  2129  	DTB          string                `xml:"dtb,omitempty"`
  2130  	ACPI         *DomainACPI           `xml:"acpi"`
  2131  	BootDevices  []DomainBootDevice    `xml:"boot"`
  2132  	BootMenu     *DomainBootMenu       `xml:"bootmenu"`
  2133  	BIOS         *DomainBIOS           `xml:"bios"`
  2134  	SMBios       *DomainSMBios         `xml:"smbios"`
  2135  }
  2137  type DomainResource struct {
  2138  	Partition string `xml:"partition,omitempty"`
  2139  }
  2141  type DomainVCPU struct {
  2142  	Placement string `xml:"placement,attr,omitempty"`
  2143  	CPUSet    string `xml:"cpuset,attr,omitempty"`
  2144  	Current   uint   `xml:"current,attr,omitempty"`
  2145  	Value     uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  2146  }
  2148  type DomainVCPUsVCPU struct {
  2149  	Id           *uint  `xml:"id,attr"`
  2150  	Enabled      string `xml:"enabled,attr,omitempty"`
  2151  	Hotpluggable string `xml:"hotpluggable,attr,omitempty"`
  2152  	Order        *uint  `xml:"order,attr"`
  2153  }
  2155  type DomainVCPUs struct {
  2156  	VCPU []DomainVCPUsVCPU `xml:"vcpu"`
  2157  }
  2159  type DomainCPUModel struct {
  2160  	Fallback string `xml:"fallback,attr,omitempty"`
  2161  	Value    string `xml:",chardata"`
  2162  	VendorID string `xml:"vendor_id,attr,omitempty"`
  2163  }
  2165  type DomainCPUTopology struct {
  2166  	Sockets int `xml:"sockets,attr,omitempty"`
  2167  	Dies    int `xml:"dies,attr,omitempty"`
  2168  	Cores   int `xml:"cores,attr,omitempty"`
  2169  	Threads int `xml:"threads,attr,omitempty"`
  2170  }
  2172  type DomainCPUFeature struct {
  2173  	Policy string `xml:"policy,attr,omitempty"`
  2174  	Name   string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
  2175  }
  2177  type DomainCPUCache struct {
  2178  	Level uint   `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"`
  2179  	Mode  string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  2180  }
  2182  type DomainCPU struct {
  2183  	XMLName    xml.Name           `xml:"cpu"`
  2184  	Match      string             `xml:"match,attr,omitempty"`
  2185  	Mode       string             `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  2186  	Check      string             `xml:"check,attr,omitempty"`
  2187  	Migratable string             `xml:"migratable,attr,omitempty"`
  2188  	Model      *DomainCPUModel    `xml:"model"`
  2189  	Vendor     string             `xml:"vendor,omitempty"`
  2190  	Topology   *DomainCPUTopology `xml:"topology"`
  2191  	Cache      *DomainCPUCache    `xml:"cache"`
  2192  	Features   []DomainCPUFeature `xml:"feature"`
  2193  	Numa       *DomainNuma        `xml:"numa"`
  2194  }
  2196  type DomainNuma struct {
  2197  	Cell          []DomainCell             `xml:"cell"`
  2198  	Interconnects *DomainNUMAInterconnects `xml:"interconnects"`
  2199  }
  2201  type DomainCell struct {
  2202  	ID        *uint                `xml:"id,attr"`
  2203  	CPUs      string               `xml:"cpus,attr,omitempty"`
  2204  	Memory    uint                 `xml:"memory,attr"`
  2205  	Unit      string               `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  2206  	MemAccess string               `xml:"memAccess,attr,omitempty"`
  2207  	Discard   string               `xml:"discard,attr,omitempty"`
  2208  	Distances *DomainCellDistances `xml:"distances"`
  2209  	Caches    []DomainCellCache    `xml:"cache"`
  2210  }
  2212  type DomainCellDistances struct {
  2213  	Siblings []DomainCellSibling `xml:"sibling"`
  2214  }
  2216  type DomainCellSibling struct {
  2217  	ID    uint `xml:"id,attr"`
  2218  	Value uint `xml:"value,attr"`
  2219  }
  2221  type DomainCellCache struct {
  2222  	Level         uint                `xml:"level,attr"`
  2223  	Associativity string              `xml:"associativity,attr"`
  2224  	Policy        string              `xml:"policy,attr"`
  2225  	Size          DomainCellCacheSize `xml:"size"`
  2226  	Line          DomainCellCacheLine `xml:"line"`
  2227  }
  2229  type DomainCellCacheSize struct {
  2230  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2231  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr"`
  2232  }
  2234  type DomainCellCacheLine struct {
  2235  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2236  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr"`
  2237  }
  2239  type DomainNUMAInterconnects struct {
  2240  	Latencies  []DomainNUMAInterconnectLatency   `xml:"latency"`
  2241  	Bandwidths []DomainNUMAInterconnectBandwidth `xml:"bandwidth"`
  2242  }
  2244  type DomainNUMAInterconnectLatency struct {
  2245  	Initiator uint   `xml:"initiator,attr"`
  2246  	Target    uint   `xml:"target,attr"`
  2247  	Cache     uint   `xml:"cache,attr,omitempty"`
  2248  	Type      string `xml:"type,attr"`
  2249  	Value     uint   `xml:"value,attr"`
  2250  }
  2252  type DomainNUMAInterconnectBandwidth struct {
  2253  	Initiator uint   `xml:"initiator,attr"`
  2254  	Target    uint   `xml:"target,attr"`
  2255  	Type      string `xml:"type,attr"`
  2256  	Value     uint   `xml:"value,attr"`
  2257  	Unit      string `xml:"unit,attr"`
  2258  }
  2260  type DomainClock struct {
  2261  	Offset     string        `xml:"offset,attr,omitempty"`
  2262  	Basis      string        `xml:"basis,attr,omitempty"`
  2263  	Adjustment string        `xml:"adjustment,attr,omitempty"`
  2264  	TimeZone   string        `xml:"timezone,attr,omitempty"`
  2265  	Timer      []DomainTimer `xml:"timer"`
  2266  }
  2268  type DomainTimer struct {
  2269  	Name       string              `xml:"name,attr"`
  2270  	Track      string              `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
  2271  	TickPolicy string              `xml:"tickpolicy,attr,omitempty"`
  2272  	CatchUp    *DomainTimerCatchUp `xml:"catchup"`
  2273  	Frequency  uint64              `xml:"frequency,attr,omitempty"`
  2274  	Mode       string              `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  2275  	Present    string              `xml:"present,attr,omitempty"`
  2276  }
  2278  type DomainTimerCatchUp struct {
  2279  	Threshold uint `xml:"threshold,attr,omitempty"`
  2280  	Slew      uint `xml:"slew,attr,omitempty"`
  2281  	Limit     uint `xml:"limit,attr,omitempty"`
  2282  }
  2284  type DomainFeature struct {
  2285  }
  2287  type DomainFeatureState struct {
  2288  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
  2289  }
  2291  type DomainFeatureAPIC struct {
  2292  	EOI string `xml:"eoi,attr,omitempty"`
  2293  }
  2295  type DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId struct {
  2296  	DomainFeatureState
  2297  	Value string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
  2298  }
  2300  type DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks struct {
  2301  	DomainFeatureState
  2302  	Retries uint `xml:"retries,attr,omitempty"`
  2303  }
  2305  type DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer struct {
  2306  	DomainFeatureState
  2307  	Direct *DomainFeatureState `xml:"direct"`
  2308  }
  2310  type DomainFeatureHyperV struct {
  2311  	DomainFeature
  2312  	Relaxed         *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"relaxed"`
  2313  	VAPIC           *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"vapic"`
  2314  	Spinlocks       *DomainFeatureHyperVSpinlocks `xml:"spinlocks"`
  2315  	VPIndex         *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"vpindex"`
  2316  	Runtime         *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"runtime"`
  2317  	Synic           *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"synic"`
  2318  	STimer          *DomainFeatureHyperVSTimer    `xml:"stimer"`
  2319  	Reset           *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"reset"`
  2320  	VendorId        *DomainFeatureHyperVVendorId  `xml:"vendor_id"`
  2321  	Frequencies     *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"frequencies"`
  2322  	ReEnlightenment *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"reenlightenment"`
  2323  	TLBFlush        *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"tlbflush"`
  2324  	IPI             *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"ipi"`
  2325  	EVMCS           *DomainFeatureState           `xml:"evmcs"`
  2326  }
  2328  type DomainFeatureKVM struct {
  2329  	Hidden        *DomainFeatureState `xml:"hidden"`
  2330  	HintDedicated *DomainFeatureState `xml:"hint-dedicated"`
  2331  	PollControl   *DomainFeatureState `xml:"poll-control"`
  2332  }
  2334  type DomainFeatureXenPassthrough struct {
  2335  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
  2336  	Mode  string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  2337  }
  2339  type DomainFeatureXenE820Host struct {
  2340  	State string `xml:"state,attr"`
  2341  }
  2343  type DomainFeatureXen struct {
  2344  	E820Host    *DomainFeatureXenE820Host    `xml:"e820_host"`
  2345  	Passthrough *DomainFeatureXenPassthrough `xml:"passthrough"`
  2346  }
  2348  type DomainFeatureGIC struct {
  2349  	Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
  2350  }
  2352  type DomainFeatureIOAPIC struct {
  2353  	Driver string `xml:"driver,attr,omitempty"`
  2354  }
  2356  type DomainFeatureHPT struct {
  2357  	Resizing    string                    `xml:"resizing,attr,omitempty"`
  2358  	MaxPageSize *DomainFeatureHPTPageSize `xml:"maxpagesize"`
  2359  }
  2361  type DomainFeatureHPTPageSize struct {
  2362  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  2363  	Value string `xml:",chardata"`
  2364  }
  2366  type DomainFeatureSMM struct {
  2367  	State string                `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
  2368  	TSeg  *DomainFeatureSMMTSeg `xml:"tseg"`
  2369  }
  2371  type DomainFeatureSMMTSeg struct {
  2372  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  2373  	Value uint   `xml:",chardata"`
  2374  }
  2376  type DomainFeatureCapability struct {
  2377  	State string `xml:"state,attr,omitempty"`
  2378  }
  2380  type DomainLaunchSecurity struct {
  2381  	SEV *DomainLaunchSecuritySEV `xml:"-"`
  2382  }
  2384  type DomainLaunchSecuritySEV struct {
  2385  	CBitPos         *uint  `xml:"cbitpos"`
  2386  	ReducedPhysBits *uint  `xml:"reducedPhysBits"`
  2387  	Policy          *uint  `xml:"policy"`
  2388  	DHCert          string `xml:"dhCert"`
  2389  	Session         string `xml:"sesion"`
  2390  }
  2392  type DomainFeatureCapabilities struct {
  2393  	Policy         string                   `xml:"policy,attr,omitempty"`
  2394  	AuditControl   *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"audit_control"`
  2395  	AuditWrite     *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"audit_write"`
  2396  	BlockSuspend   *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"block_suspend"`
  2397  	Chown          *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"chown"`
  2398  	DACOverride    *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"dac_override"`
  2399  	DACReadSearch  *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"dac_read_Search"`
  2400  	FOwner         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"fowner"`
  2401  	FSetID         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"fsetid"`
  2402  	IPCLock        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"ipc_lock"`
  2403  	IPCOwner       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"ipc_owner"`
  2404  	Kill           *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"kill"`
  2405  	Lease          *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"lease"`
  2406  	LinuxImmutable *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"linux_immutable"`
  2407  	MACAdmin       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mac_admin"`
  2408  	MACOverride    *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mac_override"`
  2409  	MkNod          *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"mknod"`
  2410  	NetAdmin       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_admin"`
  2411  	NetBindService *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_bind_service"`
  2412  	NetBroadcast   *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_broadcast"`
  2413  	NetRaw         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"net_raw"`
  2414  	SetGID         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setgid"`
  2415  	SetFCap        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setfcap"`
  2416  	SetPCap        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setpcap"`
  2417  	SetUID         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"setuid"`
  2418  	SysAdmin       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_admin"`
  2419  	SysBoot        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_boot"`
  2420  	SysChRoot      *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_chroot"`
  2421  	SysModule      *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_module"`
  2422  	SysNice        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_nice"`
  2423  	SysPAcct       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_pacct"`
  2424  	SysPTrace      *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_ptrace"`
  2425  	SysRawIO       *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_rawio"`
  2426  	SysResource    *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_resource"`
  2427  	SysTime        *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_time"`
  2428  	SysTTYCnofig   *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"sys_tty_config"`
  2429  	SysLog         *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"syslog"`
  2430  	WakeAlarm      *DomainFeatureCapability `xml:"wake_alarm"`
  2431  }
  2433  type DomainFeatureMSRS struct {
  2434  	Unknown string `xml:"unknown,attr"`
  2435  }
  2437  type DomainFeatureCFPC struct {
  2438  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2439  }
  2441  type DomainFeatureSBBC struct {
  2442  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2443  }
  2445  type DomainFeatureIBS struct {
  2446  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2447  }
  2449  type DomainFeatureList struct {
  2450  	PAE          *DomainFeature             `xml:"pae"`
  2451  	ACPI         *DomainFeature             `xml:"acpi"`
  2452  	APIC         *DomainFeatureAPIC         `xml:"apic"`
  2453  	HAP          *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"hap"`
  2454  	Viridian     *DomainFeature             `xml:"viridian"`
  2455  	PrivNet      *DomainFeature             `xml:"privnet"`
  2456  	HyperV       *DomainFeatureHyperV       `xml:"hyperv"`
  2457  	KVM          *DomainFeatureKVM          `xml:"kvm"`
  2458  	Xen          *DomainFeatureXen          `xml:"xen"`
  2459  	PVSpinlock   *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"pvspinlock"`
  2460  	PMU          *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"pmu"`
  2461  	VMPort       *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"vmport"`
  2462  	GIC          *DomainFeatureGIC          `xml:"gic"`
  2463  	SMM          *DomainFeatureSMM          `xml:"smm"`
  2464  	IOAPIC       *DomainFeatureIOAPIC       `xml:"ioapic"`
  2465  	HPT          *DomainFeatureHPT          `xml:"hpt"`
  2466  	HTM          *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"htm"`
  2467  	NestedHV     *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"nested-hv"`
  2468  	Capabilities *DomainFeatureCapabilities `xml:"capabilities"`
  2469  	VMCoreInfo   *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"vmcoreinfo"`
  2470  	MSRS         *DomainFeatureMSRS         `xml:"msrs"`
  2471  	CCFAssist    *DomainFeatureState        `xml:"ccf-assist"`
  2472  	CFPC         *DomainFeatureCFPC         `xml:"cfpc"`
  2473  	SBBC         *DomainFeatureSBBC         `xml:"sbbc"`
  2474  	IBS          *DomainFeatureIBS          `xml:"ibs"`
  2475  }
  2477  type DomainCPUTuneShares struct {
  2478  	Value uint `xml:",chardata"`
  2479  }
  2481  type DomainCPUTunePeriod struct {
  2482  	Value uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
  2483  }
  2485  type DomainCPUTuneQuota struct {
  2486  	Value int64 `xml:",chardata"`
  2487  }
  2489  type DomainCPUTuneVCPUPin struct {
  2490  	VCPU   uint   `xml:"vcpu,attr"`
  2491  	CPUSet string `xml:"cpuset,attr"`
  2492  }
  2494  type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin struct {
  2495  	CPUSet string `xml:"cpuset,attr"`
  2496  }
  2498  type DomainCPUTuneIOThreadPin struct {
  2499  	IOThread uint   `xml:"iothread,attr"`
  2500  	CPUSet   string `xml:"cpuset,attr"`
  2501  }
  2503  type DomainCPUTuneVCPUSched struct {
  2504  	VCPUs     string `xml:"vcpus,attr"`
  2505  	Scheduler string `xml:"scheduler,attr,omitempty"`
  2506  	Priority  *int   `xml:"priority,attr"`
  2507  }
  2509  type DomainCPUTuneIOThreadSched struct {
  2510  	IOThreads string `xml:"iothreads,attr"`
  2511  	Scheduler string `xml:"scheduler,attr,omitempty"`
  2512  	Priority  *int   `xml:"priority,attr"`
  2513  }
  2515  type DomainCPUTuneEmulatorSched struct {
  2516  	Scheduler string `xml:"scheduler,attr,omitempty"`
  2517  	Priority  *int   `xml:"priority,attr"`
  2518  }
  2520  type DomainCPUCacheTune struct {
  2521  	VCPUs   string                      `xml:"vcpus,attr,omitempty"`
  2522  	Cache   []DomainCPUCacheTuneCache   `xml:"cache"`
  2523  	Monitor []DomainCPUCacheTuneMonitor `xml:"monitor"`
  2524  }
  2526  type DomainCPUCacheTuneCache struct {
  2527  	ID    uint   `xml:"id,attr"`
  2528  	Level uint   `xml:"level,attr"`
  2529  	Type  string `xml:"type,attr"`
  2530  	Size  uint   `xml:"size,attr"`
  2531  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr"`
  2532  }
  2534  type DomainCPUCacheTuneMonitor struct {
  2535  	Level uint   `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"`
  2536  	VCPUs string `xml:"vcpus,attr,omitempty"`
  2537  }
  2539  type DomainCPUMemoryTune struct {
  2540  	VCPUs   string                       `xml:"vcpus,attr"`
  2541  	Nodes   []DomainCPUMemoryTuneNode    `xml:"node"`
  2542  	Monitor []DomainCPUMemoryTuneMonitor `xml:"monitor"`
  2543  }
  2545  type DomainCPUMemoryTuneNode struct {
  2546  	ID        uint `xml:"id,attr"`
  2547  	Bandwidth uint `xml:"bandwidth,attr"`
  2548  }
  2550  type DomainCPUMemoryTuneMonitor struct {
  2551  	Level uint   `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"`
  2552  	VCPUs string `xml:"vcpus,attr,omitempty"`
  2553  }
  2555  type DomainCPUTune struct {
  2556  	Shares         *DomainCPUTuneShares         `xml:"shares"`
  2557  	Period         *DomainCPUTunePeriod         `xml:"period"`
  2558  	Quota          *DomainCPUTuneQuota          `xml:"quota"`
  2559  	GlobalPeriod   *DomainCPUTunePeriod         `xml:"global_period"`
  2560  	GlobalQuota    *DomainCPUTuneQuota          `xml:"global_quota"`
  2561  	EmulatorPeriod *DomainCPUTunePeriod         `xml:"emulator_period"`
  2562  	EmulatorQuota  *DomainCPUTuneQuota          `xml:"emulator_quota"`
  2563  	IOThreadPeriod *DomainCPUTunePeriod         `xml:"iothread_period"`
  2564  	IOThreadQuota  *DomainCPUTuneQuota          `xml:"iothread_quota"`
  2565  	VCPUPin        []DomainCPUTuneVCPUPin       `xml:"vcpupin"`
  2566  	EmulatorPin    *DomainCPUTuneEmulatorPin    `xml:"emulatorpin"`
  2567  	IOThreadPin    []DomainCPUTuneIOThreadPin   `xml:"iothreadpin"`
  2568  	VCPUSched      []DomainCPUTuneVCPUSched     `xml:"vcpusched"`
  2569  	EmulatorSched  *DomainCPUTuneEmulatorSched  `xml:"emulatorsched"`
  2570  	IOThreadSched  []DomainCPUTuneIOThreadSched `xml:"iothreadsched"`
  2571  	CacheTune      []DomainCPUCacheTune         `xml:"cachetune"`
  2572  	MemoryTune     []DomainCPUMemoryTune        `xml:"memorytune"`
  2573  }
  2575  type DomainQEMUCommandlineArg struct {
  2576  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2577  }
  2579  type DomainQEMUCommandlineEnv struct {
  2580  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2581  	Value string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
  2582  }
  2584  type DomainQEMUCommandline struct {
  2585  	XMLName xml.Name                   `xml:" commandline"`
  2586  	Args    []DomainQEMUCommandlineArg `xml:"arg"`
  2587  	Envs    []DomainQEMUCommandlineEnv `xml:"env"`
  2588  }
  2590  type DomainQEMUCapabilitiesEntry struct {
  2591  	Name string `xml:"capability,attr"`
  2592  }
  2593  type DomainQEMUCapabilities struct {
  2594  	XMLName xml.Name                      `xml:" capabilities"`
  2595  	Add     []DomainQEMUCapabilitiesEntry `xml:"add"`
  2596  	Del     []DomainQEMUCapabilitiesEntry `xml:"del"`
  2597  }
  2599  type DomainQEMUDeprecation struct {
  2600  	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:" deprecation"`
  2601  	Behavior string   `xml:"behavior,attr,omitempty"`
  2602  }
  2604  type DomainLXCNamespace struct {
  2605  	XMLName  xml.Name               `xml:" namespace"`
  2606  	ShareNet *DomainLXCNamespaceMap `xml:"sharenet"`
  2607  	ShareIPC *DomainLXCNamespaceMap `xml:"shareipc"`
  2608  	ShareUTS *DomainLXCNamespaceMap `xml:"shareuts"`
  2609  }
  2611  type DomainLXCNamespaceMap struct {
  2612  	Type  string `xml:"type,attr"`
  2613  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2614  }
  2616  type DomainBHyveCommandlineArg struct {
  2617  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2618  }
  2620  type DomainBHyveCommandlineEnv struct {
  2621  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2622  	Value string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
  2623  }
  2625  type DomainBHyveCommandline struct {
  2626  	XMLName xml.Name                    `xml:" commandline"`
  2627  	Args    []DomainBHyveCommandlineArg `xml:"arg"`
  2628  	Envs    []DomainBHyveCommandlineEnv `xml:"env"`
  2629  }
  2631  type DomainXenCommandlineArg struct {
  2632  	Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
  2633  }
  2635  type DomainXenCommandline struct {
  2636  	XMLName xml.Name                  `xml:" commandline"`
  2637  	Args    []DomainXenCommandlineArg `xml:"arg"`
  2638  }
  2640  type DomainBlockIOTune struct {
  2641  	Weight uint                      `xml:"weight,omitempty"`
  2642  	Device []DomainBlockIOTuneDevice `xml:"device"`
  2643  }
  2645  type DomainBlockIOTuneDevice struct {
  2646  	Path          string `xml:"path"`
  2647  	Weight        uint   `xml:"weight,omitempty"`
  2648  	ReadIopsSec   uint   `xml:"read_iops_sec,omitempty"`
  2649  	WriteIopsSec  uint   `xml:"write_iops_sec,omitempty"`
  2650  	ReadBytesSec  uint   `xml:"read_bytes_sec,omitempty"`
  2651  	WriteBytesSec uint   `xml:"write_bytes_sec,omitempty"`
  2652  }
  2654  type DomainPM struct {
  2655  	SuspendToMem  *DomainPMPolicy `xml:"suspend-to-mem"`
  2656  	SuspendToDisk *DomainPMPolicy `xml:"suspend-to-disk"`
  2657  }
  2659  type DomainPMPolicy struct {
  2660  	Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr"`
  2661  }
  2663  type DomainSecLabel struct {
  2664  	Type       string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
  2665  	Model      string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  2666  	Relabel    string `xml:"relabel,attr,omitempty"`
  2667  	Label      string `xml:"label,omitempty"`
  2668  	ImageLabel string `xml:"imagelabel,omitempty"`
  2669  	BaseLabel  string `xml:"baselabel,omitempty"`
  2670  }
  2672  type DomainDeviceSecLabel struct {
  2673  	Model     string `xml:"model,attr,omitempty"`
  2674  	LabelSkip string `xml:"labelskip,attr,omitempty"`
  2675  	Relabel   string `xml:"relabel,attr,omitempty"`
  2676  	Label     string `xml:"label,omitempty"`
  2677  }
  2679  type DomainNUMATune struct {
  2680  	Memory   *DomainNUMATuneMemory   `xml:"memory"`
  2681  	MemNodes []DomainNUMATuneMemNode `xml:"memnode"`
  2682  }
  2684  type DomainNUMATuneMemory struct {
  2685  	Mode      string `xml:"mode,attr,omitempty"`
  2686  	Nodeset   string `xml:"nodeset,attr,omitempty"`
  2687  	Placement string `xml:"placement,attr,omitempty"`
  2688  }
  2690  type DomainNUMATuneMemNode struct {
  2691  	CellID  uint   `xml:"cellid,attr"`
  2692  	Mode    string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  2693  	Nodeset string `xml:"nodeset,attr"`
  2694  }
  2696  type DomainIOThreadIDs struct {
  2697  	IOThreads []DomainIOThread `xml:"iothread"`
  2698  }
  2700  type DomainIOThread struct {
  2701  	ID uint `xml:"id,attr"`
  2702  }
  2704  type DomainKeyWrap struct {
  2705  	Ciphers []DomainKeyWrapCipher `xml:"cipher"`
  2706  }
  2708  type DomainKeyWrapCipher struct {
  2709  	Name  string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2710  	State string `xml:"state,attr"`
  2711  }
  2713  type DomainIDMap struct {
  2714  	UIDs []DomainIDMapRange `xml:"uid"`
  2715  	GIDs []DomainIDMapRange `xml:"gid"`
  2716  }
  2718  type DomainIDMapRange struct {
  2719  	Start  uint `xml:"start,attr"`
  2720  	Target uint `xml:"target,attr"`
  2721  	Count  uint `xml:"count,attr"`
  2722  }
  2724  type DomainMemoryTuneLimit struct {
  2725  	Value uint64 `xml:",chardata"`
  2726  	Unit  string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
  2727  }
  2729  type DomainMemoryTune struct {
  2730  	HardLimit     *DomainMemoryTuneLimit `xml:"hard_limit"`
  2731  	SoftLimit     *DomainMemoryTuneLimit `xml:"soft_limit"`
  2732  	MinGuarantee  *DomainMemoryTuneLimit `xml:"min_guarantee"`
  2733  	SwapHardLimit *DomainMemoryTuneLimit `xml:"swap_hard_limit"`
  2734  }
  2736  type DomainMetadata struct {
  2737  	XML string `xml:",innerxml"`
  2738  }
  2740  type DomainVMWareDataCenterPath struct {
  2741  	XMLName xml.Name `xml:" datacenterpath"`
  2742  	Value   string   `xml:",chardata"`
  2743  }
  2745  type DomainPerf struct {
  2746  	Events []DomainPerfEvent `xml:"event"`
  2747  }
  2749  type DomainPerfEvent struct {
  2750  	Name    string `xml:"name,attr"`
  2751  	Enabled string `xml:"enabled,attr"`
  2752  }
  2754  type DomainGenID struct {
  2755  	Value string `xml:",chardata"`
  2756  }
  2758  // NB, try to keep the order of fields in this struct
  2759  // matching the order of XML elements that libvirt
  2760  // will generate when dumping XML.
  2761  type Domain struct {
  2762  	XMLName        xml.Name              `xml:"domain"`
  2763  	Type           string                `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
  2764  	ID             *int                  `xml:"id,attr"`
  2765  	Name           string                `xml:"name,omitempty"`
  2766  	UUID           string                `xml:"uuid,omitempty"`
  2767  	GenID          *DomainGenID          `xml:"genid"`
  2768  	Title          string                `xml:"title,omitempty"`
  2769  	Description    string                `xml:"description,omitempty"`
  2770  	Metadata       *DomainMetadata       `xml:"metadata"`
  2771  	MaximumMemory  *DomainMaxMemory      `xml:"maxMemory"`
  2772  	Memory         *DomainMemory         `xml:"memory"`
  2773  	CurrentMemory  *DomainCurrentMemory  `xml:"currentMemory"`
  2774  	BlockIOTune    *DomainBlockIOTune    `xml:"blkiotune"`
  2775  	MemoryTune     *DomainMemoryTune     `xml:"memtune"`
  2776  	MemoryBacking  *DomainMemoryBacking  `xml:"memoryBacking"`
  2777  	VCPU           *DomainVCPU           `xml:"vcpu"`
  2778  	VCPUs          *DomainVCPUs          `xml:"vcpus"`
  2779  	IOThreads      uint                  `xml:"iothreads,omitempty"`
  2780  	IOThreadIDs    *DomainIOThreadIDs    `xml:"iothreadids"`
  2781  	CPUTune        *DomainCPUTune        `xml:"cputune"`
  2782  	NUMATune       *DomainNUMATune       `xml:"numatune"`
  2783  	Resource       *DomainResource       `xml:"resource"`
  2784  	SysInfo        []DomainSysInfo       `xml:"sysinfo"`
  2785  	Bootloader     string                `xml:"bootloader,omitempty"`
  2786  	BootloaderArgs string                `xml:"bootloader_args,omitempty"`
  2787  	OS             *DomainOS             `xml:"os"`
  2788  	IDMap          *DomainIDMap          `xml:"idmap"`
  2789  	Features       *DomainFeatureList    `xml:"features"`
  2790  	CPU            *DomainCPU            `xml:"cpu"`
  2791  	Clock          *DomainClock          `xml:"clock"`
  2792  	OnPoweroff     string                `xml:"on_poweroff,omitempty"`
  2793  	OnReboot       string                `xml:"on_reboot,omitempty"`
  2794  	OnCrash        string                `xml:"on_crash,omitempty"`
  2795  	PM             *DomainPM             `xml:"pm"`
  2796  	Perf           *DomainPerf           `xml:"perf"`
  2797  	Devices        *DomainDeviceList     `xml:"devices"`
  2798  	SecLabel       []DomainSecLabel      `xml:"seclabel"`
  2799  	KeyWrap        *DomainKeyWrap        `xml:"keywrap"`
  2800  	LaunchSecurity *DomainLaunchSecurity `xml:"launchSecurity"`
  2802  	/* Hypervisor namespaces must all be last */
  2803  	QEMUCommandline      *DomainQEMUCommandline
  2804  	QEMUCapabilities     *DomainQEMUCapabilities
  2805  	QEMUDeprecation      *DomainQEMUDeprecation
  2806  	LXCNamespace         *DomainLXCNamespace
  2807  	BHyveCommandline     *DomainBHyveCommandline
  2808  	VMWareDataCenterPath *DomainVMWareDataCenterPath
  2809  	XenCommandline       *DomainXenCommandline
  2810  }
  2812  func (d *Domain) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  2813  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  2814  }
  2816  func (d *Domain) Marshal() (string, error) {
  2817  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  2818  	if err != nil {
  2819  		return "", err
  2820  	}
  2821  	return string(doc), nil
  2822  }
  2824  type domainController DomainController
  2826  type domainControllerPCI struct {
  2827  	DomainControllerPCI
  2828  	domainController
  2829  }
  2831  type domainControllerUSB struct {
  2832  	DomainControllerUSB
  2833  	domainController
  2834  }
  2836  type domainControllerVirtIOSerial struct {
  2837  	DomainControllerVirtIOSerial
  2838  	domainController
  2839  }
  2841  type domainControllerXenBus struct {
  2842  	DomainControllerXenBus
  2843  	domainController
  2844  }
  2846  func (a *DomainControllerPCITarget) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  2847  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "chassisNr", a.ChassisNr, "%d")
  2848  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "chassis", a.Chassis, "%d")
  2849  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "port", a.Port, "%d")
  2850  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "busNr", a.BusNr, "%d")
  2851  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "index", a.Index, "%d")
  2852  	if a.Hotplug != "" {
  2853  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  2854  			xml.Name{Local: "hotplug"}, a.Hotplug,
  2855  		})
  2856  	}
  2857  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  2858  	if a.NUMANode != nil {
  2859  		node := xml.StartElement{
  2860  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "node"},
  2861  		}
  2862  		e.EncodeToken(node)
  2863  		e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("%d", *a.NUMANode)))
  2864  		e.EncodeToken(node.End())
  2865  	}
  2866  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  2867  	return nil
  2868  }
  2870  func (a *DomainControllerPCITarget) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  2871  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  2872  		if attr.Name.Local == "chassisNr" {
  2873  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.ChassisNr, 10); err != nil {
  2874  				return err
  2875  			}
  2876  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "chassis" {
  2877  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Chassis, 10); err != nil {
  2878  				return err
  2879  			}
  2880  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "port" {
  2881  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Port, 0); err != nil {
  2882  				return err
  2883  			}
  2884  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "busNr" {
  2885  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.BusNr, 10); err != nil {
  2886  				return err
  2887  			}
  2888  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "index" {
  2889  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Index, 10); err != nil {
  2890  				return err
  2891  			}
  2892  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "hotplug" {
  2893  			a.Hotplug = attr.Value
  2894  		}
  2895  	}
  2896  	for {
  2897  		tok, err := d.Token()
  2898  		if err == io.EOF {
  2899  			break
  2900  		}
  2901  		if err != nil {
  2902  			return err
  2903  		}
  2905  		switch tok := tok.(type) {
  2906  		case xml.StartElement:
  2907  			if tok.Name.Local == "node" {
  2908  				data, err := d.Token()
  2909  				if err != nil {
  2910  					return err
  2911  				}
  2912  				switch data := data.(type) {
  2913  				case xml.CharData:
  2914  					val, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(data), 10, 64)
  2915  					if err != nil {
  2916  						return err
  2917  					}
  2918  					vali := uint(val)
  2919  					a.NUMANode = &vali
  2920  				}
  2921  			}
  2922  		}
  2923  	}
  2924  	return nil
  2925  }
  2927  func (a *DomainController) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  2928  	start.Name.Local = "controller"
  2929  	if a.Type == "pci" {
  2930  		pci := domainControllerPCI{}
  2931  		pci.domainController = domainController(*a)
  2932  		if a.PCI != nil {
  2933  			pci.DomainControllerPCI = *a.PCI
  2934  		}
  2935  		return e.EncodeElement(pci, start)
  2936  	} else if a.Type == "usb" {
  2937  		usb := domainControllerUSB{}
  2938  		usb.domainController = domainController(*a)
  2939  		if a.USB != nil {
  2940  			usb.DomainControllerUSB = *a.USB
  2941  		}
  2942  		return e.EncodeElement(usb, start)
  2943  	} else if a.Type == "virtio-serial" {
  2944  		vioserial := domainControllerVirtIOSerial{}
  2945  		vioserial.domainController = domainController(*a)
  2946  		if a.VirtIOSerial != nil {
  2947  			vioserial.DomainControllerVirtIOSerial = *a.VirtIOSerial
  2948  		}
  2949  		return e.EncodeElement(vioserial, start)
  2950  	} else if a.Type == "xenbus" {
  2951  		xenbus := domainControllerXenBus{}
  2952  		xenbus.domainController = domainController(*a)
  2953  		if a.XenBus != nil {
  2954  			xenbus.DomainControllerXenBus = *a.XenBus
  2955  		}
  2956  		return e.EncodeElement(xenbus, start)
  2957  	} else {
  2958  		gen := domainController(*a)
  2959  		return e.EncodeElement(gen, start)
  2960  	}
  2961  }
  2963  func getAttr(attrs []xml.Attr, name string) (string, bool) {
  2964  	for _, attr := range attrs {
  2965  		if attr.Name.Local == name {
  2966  			return attr.Value, true
  2967  		}
  2968  	}
  2969  	return "", false
  2970  }
  2972  func (a *DomainController) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  2973  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  2974  	if !ok {
  2975  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain controller")
  2976  	}
  2977  	if typ == "pci" {
  2978  		var pci domainControllerPCI
  2979  		err := d.DecodeElement(&pci, &start)
  2980  		if err != nil {
  2981  			return err
  2982  		}
  2983  		*a = DomainController(pci.domainController)
  2984  		a.PCI = &pci.DomainControllerPCI
  2985  		return nil
  2986  	} else if typ == "usb" {
  2987  		var usb domainControllerUSB
  2988  		err := d.DecodeElement(&usb, &start)
  2989  		if err != nil {
  2990  			return err
  2991  		}
  2992  		*a = DomainController(usb.domainController)
  2993  		a.USB = &usb.DomainControllerUSB
  2994  		return nil
  2995  	} else if typ == "virtio-serial" {
  2996  		var vioserial domainControllerVirtIOSerial
  2997  		err := d.DecodeElement(&vioserial, &start)
  2998  		if err != nil {
  2999  			return err
  3000  		}
  3001  		*a = DomainController(vioserial.domainController)
  3002  		a.VirtIOSerial = &vioserial.DomainControllerVirtIOSerial
  3003  		return nil
  3004  	} else if typ == "xenbus" {
  3005  		var xenbus domainControllerXenBus
  3006  		err := d.DecodeElement(&xenbus, &start)
  3007  		if err != nil {
  3008  			return err
  3009  		}
  3010  		*a = DomainController(xenbus.domainController)
  3011  		a.XenBus = &xenbus.DomainControllerXenBus
  3012  		return nil
  3013  	} else {
  3014  		var gen domainController
  3015  		err := d.DecodeElement(&gen, &start)
  3016  		if err != nil {
  3017  			return err
  3018  		}
  3019  		*a = DomainController(gen)
  3020  		return nil
  3021  	}
  3022  }
  3024  func (d *DomainGraphic) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  3025  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  3026  }
  3028  func (d *DomainGraphic) Marshal() (string, error) {
  3029  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  3030  	if err != nil {
  3031  		return "", err
  3032  	}
  3033  	return string(doc), nil
  3034  }
  3036  func (d *DomainController) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  3037  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  3038  }
  3040  func (d *DomainController) Marshal() (string, error) {
  3041  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  3042  	if err != nil {
  3043  		return "", err
  3044  	}
  3045  	return string(doc), nil
  3046  }
  3048  func (a *DomainDiskReservationsSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3049  	start.Name.Local = "source"
  3050  	src := DomainChardevSource(*a)
  3051  	typ := getChardevSourceType(&src)
  3052  	if typ != "" {
  3053  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3054  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  3055  		})
  3056  	}
  3057  	return e.EncodeElement(&src, start)
  3058  }
  3060  func (a *DomainDiskReservationsSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3061  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3062  	if !ok {
  3063  		typ = "unix"
  3064  	}
  3065  	src := createChardevSource(typ)
  3066  	err := d.DecodeElement(&src, &start)
  3067  	if err != nil {
  3068  		return err
  3069  	}
  3070  	*a = DomainDiskReservationsSource(*src)
  3071  	return nil
  3072  }
  3074  func (a *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3075  	start.Name.Local = "source"
  3076  	src := DomainChardevSource(*a)
  3077  	typ := getChardevSourceType(&src)
  3078  	if typ != "" {
  3079  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3080  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  3081  		})
  3082  	}
  3083  	return e.EncodeElement(&src, start)
  3084  }
  3086  func (a *DomainDiskSourceVHostUser) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3087  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3088  	if !ok {
  3089  		typ = "unix"
  3090  	}
  3091  	src := createChardevSource(typ)
  3092  	err := d.DecodeElement(&src, &start)
  3093  	if err != nil {
  3094  		return err
  3095  	}
  3096  	*a = DomainDiskSourceVHostUser(*src)
  3097  	return nil
  3098  }
  3100  type domainDiskSource DomainDiskSource
  3102  type domainDiskSourceFile struct {
  3103  	DomainDiskSourceFile
  3104  	domainDiskSource
  3105  }
  3107  type domainDiskSourceBlock struct {
  3108  	DomainDiskSourceBlock
  3109  	domainDiskSource
  3110  }
  3112  type domainDiskSourceDir struct {
  3113  	DomainDiskSourceDir
  3114  	domainDiskSource
  3115  }
  3117  type domainDiskSourceNetwork struct {
  3118  	DomainDiskSourceNetwork
  3119  	domainDiskSource
  3120  }
  3122  type domainDiskSourceVolume struct {
  3123  	DomainDiskSourceVolume
  3124  	domainDiskSource
  3125  }
  3127  type domainDiskSourceNVMEPCI struct {
  3128  	DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI
  3129  	domainDiskSource
  3130  }
  3132  type domainDiskSourceVHostUser struct {
  3133  	DomainDiskSourceVHostUser
  3134  	domainDiskSource
  3135  }
  3137  func (a *DomainDiskSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3138  	if a.File != nil {
  3139  		if a.StartupPolicy == "" && a.Encryption == nil && a.File.File == "" {
  3140  			return nil
  3141  		}
  3142  		file := domainDiskSourceFile{
  3143  			*a.File, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3144  		}
  3145  		return e.EncodeElement(&file, start)
  3146  	} else if a.Block != nil {
  3147  		if a.StartupPolicy == "" && a.Encryption == nil && a.Block.Dev == "" {
  3148  			return nil
  3149  		}
  3150  		block := domainDiskSourceBlock{
  3151  			*a.Block, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3152  		}
  3153  		return e.EncodeElement(&block, start)
  3154  	} else if a.Dir != nil {
  3155  		dir := domainDiskSourceDir{
  3156  			*a.Dir, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3157  		}
  3158  		return e.EncodeElement(&dir, start)
  3159  	} else if a.Network != nil {
  3160  		network := domainDiskSourceNetwork{
  3161  			*a.Network, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3162  		}
  3163  		return e.EncodeElement(&network, start)
  3164  	} else if a.Volume != nil {
  3165  		if a.StartupPolicy == "" && a.Encryption == nil && a.Volume.Pool == "" && a.Volume.Volume == "" {
  3166  			return nil
  3167  		}
  3168  		volume := domainDiskSourceVolume{
  3169  			*a.Volume, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3170  		}
  3171  		return e.EncodeElement(&volume, start)
  3172  	} else if a.NVME != nil {
  3173  		if a.NVME.PCI != nil {
  3174  			nvme := domainDiskSourceNVMEPCI{
  3175  				*a.NVME.PCI, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3176  			}
  3177  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3178  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "pci",
  3179  			})
  3180  			return e.EncodeElement(&nvme, start)
  3181  		}
  3182  	} else if a.VHostUser != nil {
  3183  		vhost := domainDiskSourceVHostUser{
  3184  			*a.VHostUser, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3185  		}
  3186  		return e.EncodeElement(&vhost, start)
  3187  	}
  3188  	return nil
  3189  }
  3191  func (a *DomainDiskSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3192  	if a.File != nil {
  3193  		file := domainDiskSourceFile{
  3194  			*a.File, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3195  		}
  3196  		err := d.DecodeElement(&file, &start)
  3197  		if err != nil {
  3198  			return err
  3199  		}
  3200  		*a = DomainDiskSource(file.domainDiskSource)
  3201  		a.File = &file.DomainDiskSourceFile
  3202  	} else if a.Block != nil {
  3203  		block := domainDiskSourceBlock{
  3204  			*a.Block, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3205  		}
  3206  		err := d.DecodeElement(&block, &start)
  3207  		if err != nil {
  3208  			return err
  3209  		}
  3210  		*a = DomainDiskSource(block.domainDiskSource)
  3211  		a.Block = &block.DomainDiskSourceBlock
  3212  	} else if a.Dir != nil {
  3213  		dir := domainDiskSourceDir{
  3214  			*a.Dir, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3215  		}
  3216  		err := d.DecodeElement(&dir, &start)
  3217  		if err != nil {
  3218  			return err
  3219  		}
  3220  		*a = DomainDiskSource(dir.domainDiskSource)
  3221  		a.Dir = &dir.DomainDiskSourceDir
  3222  	} else if a.Network != nil {
  3223  		network := domainDiskSourceNetwork{
  3224  			*a.Network, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3225  		}
  3226  		err := d.DecodeElement(&network, &start)
  3227  		if err != nil {
  3228  			return err
  3229  		}
  3230  		*a = DomainDiskSource(network.domainDiskSource)
  3231  		a.Network = &network.DomainDiskSourceNetwork
  3232  	} else if a.Volume != nil {
  3233  		volume := domainDiskSourceVolume{
  3234  			*a.Volume, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3235  		}
  3236  		err := d.DecodeElement(&volume, &start)
  3237  		if err != nil {
  3238  			return err
  3239  		}
  3240  		*a = DomainDiskSource(volume.domainDiskSource)
  3241  		a.Volume = &volume.DomainDiskSourceVolume
  3242  	} else if a.NVME != nil {
  3243  		typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3244  		if !ok {
  3245  			return fmt.Errorf("Missing nvme source type")
  3246  		}
  3247  		if typ == "pci" {
  3248  			a.NVME.PCI = &DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI{}
  3249  			nvme := domainDiskSourceNVMEPCI{
  3250  				*a.NVME.PCI, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3251  			}
  3252  			err := d.DecodeElement(&nvme, &start)
  3253  			if err != nil {
  3254  				return err
  3255  			}
  3256  			*a = DomainDiskSource(nvme.domainDiskSource)
  3257  			a.NVME.PCI = &nvme.DomainDiskSourceNVMEPCI
  3258  		}
  3259  	} else if a.VHostUser != nil {
  3260  		vhost := domainDiskSourceVHostUser{
  3261  			*a.VHostUser, domainDiskSource(*a),
  3262  		}
  3263  		err := d.DecodeElement(&vhost, &start)
  3264  		if err != nil {
  3265  			return err
  3266  		}
  3267  		*a = DomainDiskSource(vhost.domainDiskSource)
  3268  		a.VHostUser = &vhost.DomainDiskSourceVHostUser
  3269  	}
  3270  	return nil
  3271  }
  3273  type domainDiskBackingStore DomainDiskBackingStore
  3275  func (a *DomainDiskBackingStore) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3276  	start.Name.Local = "backingStore"
  3277  	if a.Source != nil {
  3278  		if a.Source.File != nil {
  3279  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3280  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "file",
  3281  			})
  3282  		} else if a.Source.Block != nil {
  3283  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3284  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "block",
  3285  			})
  3286  		} else if a.Source.Dir != nil {
  3287  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3288  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "dir",
  3289  			})
  3290  		} else if a.Source.Network != nil {
  3291  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3292  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "network",
  3293  			})
  3294  		} else if a.Source.Volume != nil {
  3295  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3296  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "volume",
  3297  			})
  3298  		} else if a.Source.VHostUser != nil {
  3299  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3300  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vhostuser",
  3301  			})
  3302  		}
  3303  	}
  3304  	disk := domainDiskBackingStore(*a)
  3305  	return e.EncodeElement(disk, start)
  3306  }
  3308  func (a *DomainDiskBackingStore) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3309  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3310  	if !ok {
  3311  		typ = "file"
  3312  	}
  3313  	a.Source = &DomainDiskSource{}
  3314  	if typ == "file" {
  3315  		a.Source.File = &DomainDiskSourceFile{}
  3316  	} else if typ == "block" {
  3317  		a.Source.Block = &DomainDiskSourceBlock{}
  3318  	} else if typ == "network" {
  3319  		a.Source.Network = &DomainDiskSourceNetwork{}
  3320  	} else if typ == "dir" {
  3321  		a.Source.Dir = &DomainDiskSourceDir{}
  3322  	} else if typ == "volume" {
  3323  		a.Source.Volume = &DomainDiskSourceVolume{}
  3324  	} else if typ == "vhostuser" {
  3325  		a.Source.VHostUser = &DomainDiskSourceVHostUser{}
  3326  	}
  3327  	disk := domainDiskBackingStore(*a)
  3328  	err := d.DecodeElement(&disk, &start)
  3329  	if err != nil {
  3330  		return err
  3331  	}
  3332  	*a = DomainDiskBackingStore(disk)
  3333  	if !ok && a.Source.File.File == "" {
  3334  		a.Source.File = nil
  3335  	}
  3336  	return nil
  3337  }
  3339  type domainDiskMirror DomainDiskMirror
  3341  func (a *DomainDiskMirror) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3342  	start.Name.Local = "mirror"
  3343  	if a.Source != nil {
  3344  		if a.Source.File != nil {
  3345  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3346  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "file",
  3347  			})
  3348  			if a.Source.File.File != "" {
  3349  				start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3350  					xml.Name{Local: "file"}, a.Source.File.File,
  3351  				})
  3352  			}
  3353  			if a.Format != nil && a.Format.Type != "" {
  3354  				start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3355  					xml.Name{Local: "format"}, a.Format.Type,
  3356  				})
  3357  			}
  3358  		} else if a.Source.Block != nil {
  3359  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3360  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "block",
  3361  			})
  3362  		} else if a.Source.Dir != nil {
  3363  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3364  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "dir",
  3365  			})
  3366  		} else if a.Source.Network != nil {
  3367  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3368  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "network",
  3369  			})
  3370  		} else if a.Source.Volume != nil {
  3371  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3372  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "volume",
  3373  			})
  3374  		} else if a.Source.VHostUser != nil {
  3375  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3376  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vhostuser",
  3377  			})
  3378  		}
  3379  	}
  3380  	disk := domainDiskMirror(*a)
  3381  	return e.EncodeElement(disk, start)
  3382  }
  3384  func (a *DomainDiskMirror) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3385  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3386  	if !ok {
  3387  		typ = "file"
  3388  	}
  3389  	a.Source = &DomainDiskSource{}
  3390  	if typ == "file" {
  3391  		a.Source.File = &DomainDiskSourceFile{}
  3392  	} else if typ == "block" {
  3393  		a.Source.Block = &DomainDiskSourceBlock{}
  3394  	} else if typ == "network" {
  3395  		a.Source.Network = &DomainDiskSourceNetwork{}
  3396  	} else if typ == "dir" {
  3397  		a.Source.Dir = &DomainDiskSourceDir{}
  3398  	} else if typ == "volume" {
  3399  		a.Source.Volume = &DomainDiskSourceVolume{}
  3400  	} else if typ == "vhostuser" {
  3401  		a.Source.VHostUser = &DomainDiskSourceVHostUser{}
  3402  	}
  3403  	disk := domainDiskMirror(*a)
  3404  	err := d.DecodeElement(&disk, &start)
  3405  	if err != nil {
  3406  		return err
  3407  	}
  3408  	*a = DomainDiskMirror(disk)
  3409  	if !ok {
  3410  		if a.Source.File.File == "" {
  3411  			file, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "file")
  3412  			if ok {
  3413  				a.Source.File.File = file
  3414  			} else {
  3415  				a.Source.File = nil
  3416  			}
  3417  		}
  3418  		if a.Format == nil {
  3419  			format, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "format")
  3420  			if ok {
  3421  				a.Format = &DomainDiskFormat{
  3422  					Type: format,
  3423  				}
  3424  			}
  3425  		}
  3426  	}
  3427  	return nil
  3428  }
  3430  type domainDisk DomainDisk
  3432  func (a *DomainDisk) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3433  	start.Name.Local = "disk"
  3434  	if a.Source != nil {
  3435  		if a.Source.File != nil {
  3436  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3437  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "file",
  3438  			})
  3439  		} else if a.Source.Block != nil {
  3440  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3441  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "block",
  3442  			})
  3443  		} else if a.Source.Dir != nil {
  3444  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3445  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "dir",
  3446  			})
  3447  		} else if a.Source.Network != nil {
  3448  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3449  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "network",
  3450  			})
  3451  		} else if a.Source.Volume != nil {
  3452  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3453  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "volume",
  3454  			})
  3455  		} else if a.Source.NVME != nil {
  3456  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3457  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "nvme",
  3458  			})
  3459  		} else if a.Source.VHostUser != nil {
  3460  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3461  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vhostuser",
  3462  			})
  3463  		}
  3464  	}
  3465  	disk := domainDisk(*a)
  3466  	return e.EncodeElement(disk, start)
  3467  }
  3469  func (a *DomainDisk) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3470  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3471  	if !ok {
  3472  		typ = "file"
  3473  	}
  3474  	a.Source = &DomainDiskSource{}
  3475  	if typ == "file" {
  3476  		a.Source.File = &DomainDiskSourceFile{}
  3477  	} else if typ == "block" {
  3478  		a.Source.Block = &DomainDiskSourceBlock{}
  3479  	} else if typ == "network" {
  3480  		a.Source.Network = &DomainDiskSourceNetwork{}
  3481  	} else if typ == "dir" {
  3482  		a.Source.Dir = &DomainDiskSourceDir{}
  3483  	} else if typ == "volume" {
  3484  		a.Source.Volume = &DomainDiskSourceVolume{}
  3485  	} else if typ == "nvme" {
  3486  		a.Source.NVME = &DomainDiskSourceNVME{}
  3487  	} else if typ == "vhostuser" {
  3488  		a.Source.VHostUser = &DomainDiskSourceVHostUser{}
  3489  	}
  3490  	disk := domainDisk(*a)
  3491  	err := d.DecodeElement(&disk, &start)
  3492  	if err != nil {
  3493  		return err
  3494  	}
  3495  	*a = DomainDisk(disk)
  3496  	return nil
  3497  }
  3499  func (d *DomainDisk) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  3500  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  3501  }
  3503  func (d *DomainDisk) Marshal() (string, error) {
  3504  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  3505  	if err != nil {
  3506  		return "", err
  3507  	}
  3508  	return string(doc), nil
  3509  }
  3511  type domainInputSource DomainInputSource
  3513  type domainInputSourcePassthrough struct {
  3514  	DomainInputSourcePassthrough
  3515  	domainInputSource
  3516  }
  3518  type domainInputSourceEVDev struct {
  3519  	DomainInputSourceEVDev
  3520  	domainInputSource
  3521  }
  3523  func (a *DomainInputSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3524  	if a.Passthrough != nil {
  3525  		passthrough := domainInputSourcePassthrough{
  3526  			*a.Passthrough, domainInputSource(*a),
  3527  		}
  3528  		return e.EncodeElement(&passthrough, start)
  3529  	} else if a.EVDev != nil {
  3530  		evdev := domainInputSourceEVDev{
  3531  			*a.EVDev, domainInputSource(*a),
  3532  		}
  3533  		return e.EncodeElement(&evdev, start)
  3534  	}
  3535  	return nil
  3536  }
  3538  func (a *DomainInputSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3539  	if a.Passthrough != nil {
  3540  		passthrough := domainInputSourcePassthrough{
  3541  			*a.Passthrough, domainInputSource(*a),
  3542  		}
  3543  		err := d.DecodeElement(&passthrough, &start)
  3544  		if err != nil {
  3545  			return err
  3546  		}
  3547  		*a = DomainInputSource(passthrough.domainInputSource)
  3548  		a.Passthrough = &passthrough.DomainInputSourcePassthrough
  3549  	} else if a.EVDev != nil {
  3550  		evdev := domainInputSourceEVDev{
  3551  			*a.EVDev, domainInputSource(*a),
  3552  		}
  3553  		err := d.DecodeElement(&evdev, &start)
  3554  		if err != nil {
  3555  			return err
  3556  		}
  3557  		*a = DomainInputSource(evdev.domainInputSource)
  3558  		a.EVDev = &evdev.DomainInputSourceEVDev
  3559  	}
  3560  	return nil
  3561  }
  3563  type domainInput DomainInput
  3565  func (a *DomainInput) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3566  	start.Name.Local = "input"
  3567  	input := domainInput(*a)
  3568  	return e.EncodeElement(input, start)
  3569  }
  3571  func (a *DomainInput) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3572  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3573  	if ok {
  3574  		a.Source = &DomainInputSource{}
  3575  		if typ == "passthrough" {
  3576  			a.Source.Passthrough = &DomainInputSourcePassthrough{}
  3577  		} else if typ == "evdev" {
  3578  			a.Source.EVDev = &DomainInputSourceEVDev{}
  3579  		}
  3580  	}
  3581  	input := domainInput(*a)
  3582  	err := d.DecodeElement(&input, &start)
  3583  	if err != nil {
  3584  		return err
  3585  	}
  3586  	*a = DomainInput(input)
  3587  	return nil
  3588  }
  3590  func (a *DomainFilesystemSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3591  	if a.Mount != nil {
  3592  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Mount, start)
  3593  	} else if a.Block != nil {
  3594  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Block, start)
  3595  	} else if a.File != nil {
  3596  		return e.EncodeElement(a.File, start)
  3597  	} else if a.Template != nil {
  3598  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Template, start)
  3599  	} else if a.RAM != nil {
  3600  		return e.EncodeElement(a.RAM, start)
  3601  	} else if a.Bind != nil {
  3602  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Bind, start)
  3603  	} else if a.Volume != nil {
  3604  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Volume, start)
  3605  	}
  3606  	return nil
  3607  }
  3609  func (a *DomainFilesystemSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3610  	if a.Mount != nil {
  3611  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Mount, &start)
  3612  	} else if a.Block != nil {
  3613  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Block, &start)
  3614  	} else if a.File != nil {
  3615  		return d.DecodeElement(a.File, &start)
  3616  	} else if a.Template != nil {
  3617  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Template, &start)
  3618  	} else if a.RAM != nil {
  3619  		return d.DecodeElement(a.RAM, &start)
  3620  	} else if a.Bind != nil {
  3621  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Bind, &start)
  3622  	} else if a.Volume != nil {
  3623  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Volume, &start)
  3624  	}
  3625  	return nil
  3626  }
  3628  type domainFilesystem DomainFilesystem
  3630  func (a *DomainFilesystem) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3631  	start.Name.Local = "filesystem"
  3632  	if a.Source != nil {
  3633  		if a.Source.Mount != nil {
  3634  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3635  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "mount",
  3636  			})
  3637  		} else if a.Source.Block != nil {
  3638  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3639  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "block",
  3640  			})
  3641  		} else if a.Source.File != nil {
  3642  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3643  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "file",
  3644  			})
  3645  		} else if a.Source.Template != nil {
  3646  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3647  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "template",
  3648  			})
  3649  		} else if a.Source.RAM != nil {
  3650  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3651  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "ram",
  3652  			})
  3653  		} else if a.Source.Bind != nil {
  3654  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3655  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "bind",
  3656  			})
  3657  		} else if a.Source.Volume != nil {
  3658  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3659  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "volume",
  3660  			})
  3661  		}
  3662  	}
  3663  	fs := domainFilesystem(*a)
  3664  	return e.EncodeElement(fs, start)
  3665  }
  3667  func (a *DomainFilesystem) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3668  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3669  	if !ok {
  3670  		typ = "mount"
  3671  	}
  3672  	a.Source = &DomainFilesystemSource{}
  3673  	if typ == "mount" {
  3674  		a.Source.Mount = &DomainFilesystemSourceMount{}
  3675  	} else if typ == "block" {
  3676  		a.Source.Block = &DomainFilesystemSourceBlock{}
  3677  	} else if typ == "file" {
  3678  		a.Source.File = &DomainFilesystemSourceFile{}
  3679  	} else if typ == "template" {
  3680  		a.Source.Template = &DomainFilesystemSourceTemplate{}
  3681  	} else if typ == "ram" {
  3682  		a.Source.RAM = &DomainFilesystemSourceRAM{}
  3683  	} else if typ == "bind" {
  3684  		a.Source.Bind = &DomainFilesystemSourceBind{}
  3685  	} else if typ == "volume" {
  3686  		a.Source.Volume = &DomainFilesystemSourceVolume{}
  3687  	}
  3688  	fs := domainFilesystem(*a)
  3689  	err := d.DecodeElement(&fs, &start)
  3690  	if err != nil {
  3691  		return err
  3692  	}
  3693  	*a = DomainFilesystem(fs)
  3694  	return nil
  3695  }
  3697  func (d *DomainFilesystem) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  3698  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  3699  }
  3701  func (d *DomainFilesystem) Marshal() (string, error) {
  3702  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  3703  	if err != nil {
  3704  		return "", err
  3705  	}
  3706  	return string(doc), nil
  3707  }
  3709  func (a *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3710  	start.Name.Local = "parameters"
  3711  	if a.Any != nil {
  3712  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Any, start)
  3713  	} else if a.VEPA8021QBG != nil {
  3714  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VEPA8021QBG, start)
  3715  	} else if a.VNTag8011QBH != nil {
  3716  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VNTag8011QBH, start)
  3717  	} else if a.OpenVSwitch != nil {
  3718  		return e.EncodeElement(a.OpenVSwitch, start)
  3719  	} else if a.MidoNet != nil {
  3720  		return e.EncodeElement(a.MidoNet, start)
  3721  	}
  3722  	return nil
  3723  }
  3725  func (a *DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3726  	if a.Any != nil {
  3727  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Any, &start)
  3728  	} else if a.VEPA8021QBG != nil {
  3729  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VEPA8021QBG, &start)
  3730  	} else if a.VNTag8011QBH != nil {
  3731  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VNTag8011QBH, &start)
  3732  	} else if a.OpenVSwitch != nil {
  3733  		return d.DecodeElement(a.OpenVSwitch, &start)
  3734  	} else if a.MidoNet != nil {
  3735  		return d.DecodeElement(a.MidoNet, &start)
  3736  	}
  3737  	return nil
  3738  }
  3740  type domainInterfaceVirtualPort DomainInterfaceVirtualPort
  3742  func (a *DomainInterfaceVirtualPort) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3743  	start.Name.Local = "virtualport"
  3744  	if a.Params != nil {
  3745  		if a.Params.Any != nil {
  3746  			/* no type attr wanted */
  3747  		} else if a.Params.VEPA8021QBG != nil {
  3748  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3749  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "802.1Qbg",
  3750  			})
  3751  		} else if a.Params.VNTag8011QBH != nil {
  3752  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3753  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "802.1Qbh",
  3754  			})
  3755  		} else if a.Params.OpenVSwitch != nil {
  3756  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3757  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "openvswitch",
  3758  			})
  3759  		} else if a.Params.MidoNet != nil {
  3760  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3761  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "midonet",
  3762  			})
  3763  		}
  3764  	}
  3765  	vp := domainInterfaceVirtualPort(*a)
  3766  	return e.EncodeElement(&vp, start)
  3767  }
  3769  func (a *DomainInterfaceVirtualPort) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3770  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3771  	a.Params = &DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParams{}
  3772  	if !ok {
  3773  		var any DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsAny
  3774  		a.Params.Any = &any
  3775  	} else if typ == "802.1Qbg" {
  3776  		var vepa DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVEPA8021QBG
  3777  		a.Params.VEPA8021QBG = &vepa
  3778  	} else if typ == "802.1Qbh" {
  3779  		var vntag DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsVNTag8021QBH
  3780  		a.Params.VNTag8011QBH = &vntag
  3781  	} else if typ == "openvswitch" {
  3782  		var ovs DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsOpenVSwitch
  3783  		a.Params.OpenVSwitch = &ovs
  3784  	} else if typ == "midonet" {
  3785  		var mido DomainInterfaceVirtualPortParamsMidoNet
  3786  		a.Params.MidoNet = &mido
  3787  	}
  3789  	vp := domainInterfaceVirtualPort(*a)
  3790  	err := d.DecodeElement(&vp, &start)
  3791  	if err != nil {
  3792  		return err
  3793  	}
  3794  	*a = DomainInterfaceVirtualPort(vp)
  3795  	return nil
  3796  }
  3798  func (a *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3799  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  3800  	if a.PCI != nil {
  3801  		addr := xml.StartElement{
  3802  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "address"},
  3803  		}
  3804  		addr.Attr = append(addr.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3805  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "pci",
  3806  		})
  3807  		e.EncodeElement(a.PCI.Address, addr)
  3808  	} else if a.USB != nil {
  3809  		addr := xml.StartElement{
  3810  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "address"},
  3811  		}
  3812  		addr.Attr = append(addr.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3813  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "usb",
  3814  		})
  3815  		e.EncodeElement(a.USB.Address, addr)
  3816  	}
  3817  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  3818  	return nil
  3819  }
  3821  func (a *DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3822  	for {
  3823  		tok, err := d.Token()
  3824  		if err != nil {
  3825  			if err == io.EOF {
  3826  				break
  3827  			}
  3828  			return err
  3829  		}
  3831  		switch tok := tok.(type) {
  3832  		case xml.StartElement:
  3833  			if tok.Name.Local == "address" {
  3834  				typ, ok := getAttr(tok.Attr, "type")
  3835  				if !ok {
  3836  					return fmt.Errorf("Missing hostdev address type attribute")
  3837  				}
  3839  				if typ == "pci" {
  3840  					a.PCI = &DomainHostdevSubsysPCISource{
  3841  						"",
  3842  						&DomainAddressPCI{},
  3843  					}
  3844  					err := d.DecodeElement(a.PCI.Address, &tok)
  3845  					if err != nil {
  3846  						return err
  3847  					}
  3848  				} else if typ == "usb" {
  3849  					a.USB = &DomainHostdevSubsysUSBSource{
  3850  						&DomainAddressUSB{},
  3851  					}
  3852  					err := d.DecodeElement(a.USB, &tok)
  3853  					if err != nil {
  3854  						return err
  3855  					}
  3856  				}
  3857  			}
  3858  		}
  3859  	}
  3860  	d.Skip()
  3861  	return nil
  3862  }
  3864  func (a *DomainInterfaceSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3865  	if a.User != nil {
  3866  		/* We don't want an empty <source></source> for User mode */
  3867  		//return e.EncodeElement(a.User, start)
  3868  		return nil
  3869  	} else if a.Ethernet != nil {
  3870  		if len(a.Ethernet.IP) > 0 && len(a.Ethernet.Route) > 0 {
  3871  			return e.EncodeElement(a.Ethernet, start)
  3872  		}
  3873  		return nil
  3874  	} else if a.VHostUser != nil {
  3875  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.VHostUser)
  3876  		if typ != "" {
  3877  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3878  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  3879  			})
  3880  		}
  3881  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VHostUser, start)
  3882  	} else if a.Server != nil {
  3883  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Server, start)
  3884  	} else if a.Client != nil {
  3885  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Client, start)
  3886  	} else if a.MCast != nil {
  3887  		return e.EncodeElement(a.MCast, start)
  3888  	} else if a.Network != nil {
  3889  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Network, start)
  3890  	} else if a.Bridge != nil {
  3891  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Bridge, start)
  3892  	} else if a.Internal != nil {
  3893  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Internal, start)
  3894  	} else if a.Direct != nil {
  3895  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Direct, start)
  3896  	} else if a.Hostdev != nil {
  3897  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Hostdev, start)
  3898  	} else if a.UDP != nil {
  3899  		return e.EncodeElement(a.UDP, start)
  3900  	} else if a.VDPA != nil {
  3901  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VDPA, start)
  3902  	}
  3903  	return nil
  3904  }
  3906  func (a *DomainInterfaceSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3907  	if a.User != nil {
  3908  		return d.DecodeElement(a.User, &start)
  3909  	} else if a.Ethernet != nil {
  3910  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Ethernet, &start)
  3911  	} else if a.VHostUser != nil {
  3912  		typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  3913  		if !ok {
  3914  			typ = "pty"
  3915  		}
  3916  		a.VHostUser = createChardevSource(typ)
  3917  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VHostUser, &start)
  3918  	} else if a.Server != nil {
  3919  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Server, &start)
  3920  	} else if a.Client != nil {
  3921  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Client, &start)
  3922  	} else if a.MCast != nil {
  3923  		return d.DecodeElement(a.MCast, &start)
  3924  	} else if a.Network != nil {
  3925  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Network, &start)
  3926  	} else if a.Bridge != nil {
  3927  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Bridge, &start)
  3928  	} else if a.Internal != nil {
  3929  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Internal, &start)
  3930  	} else if a.Direct != nil {
  3931  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Direct, &start)
  3932  	} else if a.Hostdev != nil {
  3933  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Hostdev, &start)
  3934  	} else if a.UDP != nil {
  3935  		return d.DecodeElement(a.UDP, &start)
  3936  	} else if a.VDPA != nil {
  3937  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VDPA, &start)
  3938  	}
  3939  	return nil
  3940  }
  3942  type domainInterface DomainInterface
  3944  func (a *DomainInterface) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  3945  	start.Name.Local = "interface"
  3946  	if a.Source != nil {
  3947  		if a.Source.User != nil {
  3948  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3949  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "user",
  3950  			})
  3951  		} else if a.Source.Ethernet != nil {
  3952  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3953  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "ethernet",
  3954  			})
  3955  		} else if a.Source.VHostUser != nil {
  3956  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3957  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vhostuser",
  3958  			})
  3959  		} else if a.Source.Server != nil {
  3960  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3961  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "server",
  3962  			})
  3963  		} else if a.Source.Client != nil {
  3964  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3965  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "client",
  3966  			})
  3967  		} else if a.Source.MCast != nil {
  3968  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3969  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "mcast",
  3970  			})
  3971  		} else if a.Source.Network != nil {
  3972  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3973  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "network",
  3974  			})
  3975  		} else if a.Source.Bridge != nil {
  3976  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3977  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "bridge",
  3978  			})
  3979  		} else if a.Source.Internal != nil {
  3980  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3981  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "internal",
  3982  			})
  3983  		} else if a.Source.Direct != nil {
  3984  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3985  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "direct",
  3986  			})
  3987  		} else if a.Source.Hostdev != nil {
  3988  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3989  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "hostdev",
  3990  			})
  3991  		} else if a.Source.UDP != nil {
  3992  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3993  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "udp",
  3994  			})
  3995  		} else if a.Source.VDPA != nil {
  3996  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  3997  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vdpa",
  3998  			})
  3999  		}
  4000  	}
  4001  	fs := domainInterface(*a)
  4002  	return e.EncodeElement(fs, start)
  4003  }
  4005  func (a *DomainInterface) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4006  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4007  	if !ok {
  4008  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing interface type attribute")
  4009  	}
  4010  	a.Source = &DomainInterfaceSource{}
  4011  	if typ == "user" {
  4012  		a.Source.User = &DomainInterfaceSourceUser{}
  4013  	} else if typ == "ethernet" {
  4014  		a.Source.Ethernet = &DomainInterfaceSourceEthernet{}
  4015  	} else if typ == "vhostuser" {
  4016  		a.Source.VHostUser = &DomainChardevSource{}
  4017  	} else if typ == "server" {
  4018  		a.Source.Server = &DomainInterfaceSourceServer{}
  4019  	} else if typ == "client" {
  4020  		a.Source.Client = &DomainInterfaceSourceClient{}
  4021  	} else if typ == "mcast" {
  4022  		a.Source.MCast = &DomainInterfaceSourceMCast{}
  4023  	} else if typ == "network" {
  4024  		a.Source.Network = &DomainInterfaceSourceNetwork{}
  4025  	} else if typ == "bridge" {
  4026  		a.Source.Bridge = &DomainInterfaceSourceBridge{}
  4027  	} else if typ == "internal" {
  4028  		a.Source.Internal = &DomainInterfaceSourceInternal{}
  4029  	} else if typ == "direct" {
  4030  		a.Source.Direct = &DomainInterfaceSourceDirect{}
  4031  	} else if typ == "hostdev" {
  4032  		a.Source.Hostdev = &DomainInterfaceSourceHostdev{}
  4033  	} else if typ == "udp" {
  4034  		a.Source.UDP = &DomainInterfaceSourceUDP{}
  4035  	} else if typ == "vdpa" {
  4036  		a.Source.VDPA = &DomainInterfaceSourceVDPA{}
  4037  	}
  4038  	fs := domainInterface(*a)
  4039  	err := d.DecodeElement(&fs, &start)
  4040  	if err != nil {
  4041  		return err
  4042  	}
  4043  	*a = DomainInterface(fs)
  4044  	return nil
  4045  }
  4047  func (d *DomainInterface) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4048  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4049  }
  4051  func (d *DomainInterface) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4052  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4053  	if err != nil {
  4054  		return "", err
  4055  	}
  4056  	return string(doc), nil
  4057  }
  4059  type domainSmartcard DomainSmartcard
  4061  func (a *DomainSmartcard) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4062  	start.Name.Local = "smartcard"
  4063  	if a.Passthrough != nil {
  4064  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4065  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "passthrough",
  4066  		})
  4067  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Passthrough)
  4068  		if typ != "" {
  4069  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4070  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4071  			})
  4072  		}
  4073  	} else if a.Host != nil {
  4074  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4075  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "host",
  4076  		})
  4077  	} else if len(a.HostCerts) != 0 {
  4078  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4079  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "host-certificates",
  4080  		})
  4081  	}
  4082  	smartcard := domainSmartcard(*a)
  4083  	return e.EncodeElement(smartcard, start)
  4084  }
  4086  func (a *DomainSmartcard) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4087  	mode, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "mode")
  4088  	if !ok {
  4089  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing mode on smartcard device")
  4090  	}
  4091  	if mode == "host" {
  4092  		a.Host = &DomainSmartcardHost{}
  4093  	} else if mode == "passthrough" {
  4094  		typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4095  		if !ok {
  4096  			typ = "pty"
  4097  		}
  4098  		a.Passthrough = createChardevSource(typ)
  4099  	}
  4100  	smartcard := domainSmartcard(*a)
  4101  	err := d.DecodeElement(&smartcard, &start)
  4102  	if err != nil {
  4103  		return err
  4104  	}
  4105  	*a = DomainSmartcard(smartcard)
  4106  	return nil
  4107  }
  4109  func (d *DomainSmartcard) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4110  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4111  }
  4113  func (d *DomainSmartcard) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4114  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4115  	if err != nil {
  4116  		return "", err
  4117  	}
  4118  	return string(doc), nil
  4119  }
  4121  func (a *DomainTPMBackend) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4122  	start.Name.Local = "backend"
  4123  	if a.Passthrough != nil {
  4124  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4125  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "passthrough",
  4126  		})
  4127  		err := e.EncodeElement(a.Passthrough, start)
  4128  		if err != nil {
  4129  			return err
  4130  		}
  4131  	} else if a.Emulator != nil {
  4132  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4133  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "emulator",
  4134  		})
  4135  		err := e.EncodeElement(a.Emulator, start)
  4136  		if err != nil {
  4137  			return err
  4138  		}
  4139  	}
  4140  	return nil
  4141  }
  4143  func (a *DomainTPMBackend) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4144  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4145  	if !ok {
  4146  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing TPM backend type")
  4147  	}
  4148  	if typ == "passthrough" {
  4149  		a.Passthrough = &DomainTPMBackendPassthrough{}
  4150  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.Passthrough, &start)
  4151  		if err != nil {
  4152  			return err
  4153  		}
  4154  	} else if typ == "emulator" {
  4155  		a.Emulator = &DomainTPMBackendEmulator{}
  4156  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.Emulator, &start)
  4157  		if err != nil {
  4158  			return err
  4159  		}
  4160  	} else {
  4161  		d.Skip()
  4162  	}
  4163  	return nil
  4164  }
  4166  func (d *DomainTPM) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4167  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4168  }
  4170  func (d *DomainTPM) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4171  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4172  	if err != nil {
  4173  		return "", err
  4174  	}
  4175  	return string(doc), nil
  4176  }
  4178  func (d *DomainShmem) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4179  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4180  }
  4182  func (d *DomainShmem) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4183  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4184  	if err != nil {
  4185  		return "", err
  4186  	}
  4187  	return string(doc), nil
  4188  }
  4190  func getChardevSourceType(s *DomainChardevSource) string {
  4191  	if s.Null != nil {
  4192  		return "null"
  4193  	} else if s.VC != nil {
  4194  		return "vc"
  4195  	} else if s.Pty != nil {
  4196  		return "pty"
  4197  	} else if s.Dev != nil {
  4198  		return "dev"
  4199  	} else if s.File != nil {
  4200  		return "file"
  4201  	} else if s.Pipe != nil {
  4202  		return "pipe"
  4203  	} else if s.StdIO != nil {
  4204  		return "stdio"
  4205  	} else if s.UDP != nil {
  4206  		return "udp"
  4207  	} else if s.TCP != nil {
  4208  		return "tcp"
  4209  	} else if s.UNIX != nil {
  4210  		return "unix"
  4211  	} else if s.SpiceVMC != nil {
  4212  		return "spicevmc"
  4213  	} else if s.SpicePort != nil {
  4214  		return "spiceport"
  4215  	} else if s.NMDM != nil {
  4216  		return "nmdm"
  4217  	}
  4218  	return ""
  4219  }
  4221  func createChardevSource(typ string) *DomainChardevSource {
  4222  	switch typ {
  4223  	case "null":
  4224  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4225  			Null: &DomainChardevSourceNull{},
  4226  		}
  4227  	case "vc":
  4228  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4229  			VC: &DomainChardevSourceVC{},
  4230  		}
  4231  	case "pty":
  4232  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4233  			Pty: &DomainChardevSourcePty{},
  4234  		}
  4235  	case "dev":
  4236  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4237  			Dev: &DomainChardevSourceDev{},
  4238  		}
  4239  	case "file":
  4240  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4241  			File: &DomainChardevSourceFile{},
  4242  		}
  4243  	case "pipe":
  4244  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4245  			Pipe: &DomainChardevSourcePipe{},
  4246  		}
  4247  	case "stdio":
  4248  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4249  			StdIO: &DomainChardevSourceStdIO{},
  4250  		}
  4251  	case "udp":
  4252  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4253  			UDP: &DomainChardevSourceUDP{},
  4254  		}
  4255  	case "tcp":
  4256  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4257  			TCP: &DomainChardevSourceTCP{},
  4258  		}
  4259  	case "unix":
  4260  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4261  			UNIX: &DomainChardevSourceUNIX{},
  4262  		}
  4263  	case "spicevmc":
  4264  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4265  			SpiceVMC: &DomainChardevSourceSpiceVMC{},
  4266  		}
  4267  	case "spiceport":
  4268  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4269  			SpicePort: &DomainChardevSourceSpicePort{},
  4270  		}
  4271  	case "nmdm":
  4272  		return &DomainChardevSource{
  4273  			NMDM: &DomainChardevSourceNMDM{},
  4274  		}
  4275  	}
  4277  	return nil
  4278  }
  4280  type domainChardevSourceUDPFlat struct {
  4281  	Mode    string `xml:"mode,attr"`
  4282  	Host    string `xml:"host,attr,omitempty"`
  4283  	Service string `xml:"service,attr,omitempty"`
  4284  }
  4286  func (a *DomainChardevSource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4287  	if a.Null != nil {
  4288  		return nil
  4289  	} else if a.VC != nil {
  4290  		return nil
  4291  	} else if a.Pty != nil {
  4292  		if a.Pty.Path != "" {
  4293  			return e.EncodeElement(a.Pty, start)
  4294  		}
  4295  		return nil
  4296  	} else if a.Dev != nil {
  4297  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Dev, start)
  4298  	} else if a.File != nil {
  4299  		return e.EncodeElement(a.File, start)
  4300  	} else if a.Pipe != nil {
  4301  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Pipe, start)
  4302  	} else if a.StdIO != nil {
  4303  		return nil
  4304  	} else if a.UDP != nil {
  4305  		srcs := []domainChardevSourceUDPFlat{
  4306  			domainChardevSourceUDPFlat{
  4307  				Mode:    "bind",
  4308  				Host:    a.UDP.BindHost,
  4309  				Service: a.UDP.BindService,
  4310  			},
  4311  			domainChardevSourceUDPFlat{
  4312  				Mode:    "connect",
  4313  				Host:    a.UDP.ConnectHost,
  4314  				Service: a.UDP.ConnectService,
  4315  			},
  4316  		}
  4317  		if srcs[0].Host != "" || srcs[0].Service != "" {
  4318  			err := e.EncodeElement(&srcs[0], start)
  4319  			if err != nil {
  4320  				return err
  4321  			}
  4322  		}
  4323  		if srcs[1].Host != "" || srcs[1].Service != "" {
  4324  			err := e.EncodeElement(&srcs[1], start)
  4325  			if err != nil {
  4326  				return err
  4327  			}
  4328  		}
  4329  	} else if a.TCP != nil {
  4330  		return e.EncodeElement(a.TCP, start)
  4331  	} else if a.UNIX != nil {
  4332  		if a.UNIX.Path == "" && a.UNIX.Mode == "" {
  4333  			return nil
  4334  		}
  4335  		return e.EncodeElement(a.UNIX, start)
  4336  	} else if a.SpiceVMC != nil {
  4337  		return nil
  4338  	} else if a.SpicePort != nil {
  4339  		return e.EncodeElement(a.SpicePort, start)
  4340  	} else if a.NMDM != nil {
  4341  		return e.EncodeElement(a.NMDM, start)
  4342  	}
  4343  	return nil
  4344  }
  4346  func (a *DomainChardevSource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4347  	if a.Null != nil {
  4348  		d.Skip()
  4349  		return nil
  4350  	} else if a.VC != nil {
  4351  		d.Skip()
  4352  		return nil
  4353  	} else if a.Pty != nil {
  4354  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Pty, &start)
  4355  	} else if a.Dev != nil {
  4356  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Dev, &start)
  4357  	} else if a.File != nil {
  4358  		return d.DecodeElement(a.File, &start)
  4359  	} else if a.Pipe != nil {
  4360  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Pipe, &start)
  4361  	} else if a.StdIO != nil {
  4362  		d.Skip()
  4363  		return nil
  4364  	} else if a.UDP != nil {
  4365  		src := domainChardevSourceUDPFlat{}
  4366  		err := d.DecodeElement(&src, &start)
  4367  		if src.Mode == "connect" {
  4368  			a.UDP.ConnectHost = src.Host
  4369  			a.UDP.ConnectService = src.Service
  4370  		} else {
  4371  			a.UDP.BindHost = src.Host
  4372  			a.UDP.BindService = src.Service
  4373  		}
  4374  		return err
  4375  	} else if a.TCP != nil {
  4376  		return d.DecodeElement(a.TCP, &start)
  4377  	} else if a.UNIX != nil {
  4378  		return d.DecodeElement(a.UNIX, &start)
  4379  	} else if a.SpiceVMC != nil {
  4380  		d.Skip()
  4381  		return nil
  4382  	} else if a.SpicePort != nil {
  4383  		return d.DecodeElement(a.SpicePort, &start)
  4384  	} else if a.NMDM != nil {
  4385  		return d.DecodeElement(a.NMDM, &start)
  4386  	}
  4387  	return nil
  4388  }
  4390  type domainConsole DomainConsole
  4392  func (a *DomainConsole) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4393  	start.Name.Local = "console"
  4394  	if a.Source != nil {
  4395  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4396  		if typ != "" {
  4397  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4398  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4399  			})
  4400  		}
  4401  	}
  4402  	fs := domainConsole(*a)
  4403  	return e.EncodeElement(fs, start)
  4404  }
  4406  func (a *DomainConsole) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4407  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4408  	if !ok {
  4409  		typ = "pty"
  4410  	}
  4411  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4412  	con := domainConsole(*a)
  4413  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4414  	if err != nil {
  4415  		return err
  4416  	}
  4417  	*a = DomainConsole(con)
  4418  	return nil
  4419  }
  4421  func (d *DomainConsole) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4422  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4423  }
  4425  func (d *DomainConsole) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4426  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4427  	if err != nil {
  4428  		return "", err
  4429  	}
  4430  	return string(doc), nil
  4431  }
  4433  type domainSerial DomainSerial
  4435  func (a *DomainSerial) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4436  	start.Name.Local = "serial"
  4437  	if a.Source != nil {
  4438  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4439  		if typ != "" {
  4440  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4441  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4442  			})
  4443  		}
  4444  	}
  4445  	s := domainSerial(*a)
  4446  	return e.EncodeElement(s, start)
  4447  }
  4449  func (a *DomainSerial) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4450  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4451  	if !ok {
  4452  		typ = "pty"
  4453  	}
  4454  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4455  	con := domainSerial(*a)
  4456  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4457  	if err != nil {
  4458  		return err
  4459  	}
  4460  	*a = DomainSerial(con)
  4461  	return nil
  4462  }
  4464  func (d *DomainSerial) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4465  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4466  }
  4468  func (d *DomainSerial) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4469  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4470  	if err != nil {
  4471  		return "", err
  4472  	}
  4473  	return string(doc), nil
  4474  }
  4476  type domainParallel DomainParallel
  4478  func (a *DomainParallel) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4479  	start.Name.Local = "parallel"
  4480  	if a.Source != nil {
  4481  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4482  		if typ != "" {
  4483  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4484  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4485  			})
  4486  		}
  4487  	}
  4488  	s := domainParallel(*a)
  4489  	return e.EncodeElement(s, start)
  4490  }
  4492  func (a *DomainParallel) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4493  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4494  	if !ok {
  4495  		typ = "pty"
  4496  	}
  4497  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4498  	con := domainParallel(*a)
  4499  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4500  	if err != nil {
  4501  		return err
  4502  	}
  4503  	*a = DomainParallel(con)
  4504  	return nil
  4505  }
  4507  func (d *DomainParallel) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4508  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4509  }
  4511  func (d *DomainParallel) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4512  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4513  	if err != nil {
  4514  		return "", err
  4515  	}
  4516  	return string(doc), nil
  4517  }
  4519  func (d *DomainInput) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4520  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4521  }
  4523  func (d *DomainInput) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4524  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4525  	if err != nil {
  4526  		return "", err
  4527  	}
  4528  	return string(doc), nil
  4529  }
  4531  func (d *DomainVideo) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4532  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4533  }
  4535  func (d *DomainVideo) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4536  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4537  	if err != nil {
  4538  		return "", err
  4539  	}
  4540  	return string(doc), nil
  4541  }
  4543  type domainChannelTarget DomainChannelTarget
  4545  func (a *DomainChannelTarget) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4546  	if a.VirtIO != nil {
  4547  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4548  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "virtio",
  4549  		})
  4550  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VirtIO, start)
  4551  	} else if a.Xen != nil {
  4552  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4553  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "xen",
  4554  		})
  4555  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Xen, start)
  4556  	} else if a.GuestFWD != nil {
  4557  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4558  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "guestfwd",
  4559  		})
  4560  		return e.EncodeElement(a.GuestFWD, start)
  4561  	}
  4562  	return nil
  4563  }
  4565  func (a *DomainChannelTarget) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4566  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4567  	if !ok {
  4568  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing channel target type")
  4569  	}
  4570  	if typ == "virtio" {
  4571  		a.VirtIO = &DomainChannelTargetVirtIO{}
  4572  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VirtIO, &start)
  4573  	} else if typ == "xen" {
  4574  		a.Xen = &DomainChannelTargetXen{}
  4575  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Xen, &start)
  4576  	} else if typ == "guestfwd" {
  4577  		a.GuestFWD = &DomainChannelTargetGuestFWD{}
  4578  		return d.DecodeElement(a.GuestFWD, &start)
  4579  	}
  4580  	d.Skip()
  4581  	return nil
  4582  }
  4584  type domainChannel DomainChannel
  4586  func (a *DomainChannel) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4587  	start.Name.Local = "channel"
  4588  	if a.Source != nil {
  4589  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4590  		if typ != "" {
  4591  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4592  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4593  			})
  4594  		}
  4595  	}
  4596  	fs := domainChannel(*a)
  4597  	return e.EncodeElement(fs, start)
  4598  }
  4600  func (a *DomainChannel) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4601  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4602  	if !ok {
  4603  		typ = "pty"
  4604  	}
  4605  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4606  	con := domainChannel(*a)
  4607  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4608  	if err != nil {
  4609  		return err
  4610  	}
  4611  	*a = DomainChannel(con)
  4612  	return nil
  4613  }
  4615  func (d *DomainChannel) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4616  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4617  }
  4619  func (d *DomainChannel) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4620  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4621  	if err != nil {
  4622  		return "", err
  4623  	}
  4624  	return string(doc), nil
  4625  }
  4627  func (a *DomainRedirFilterUSB) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4628  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "class", a.Class, "0x%02x")
  4629  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "vendor", a.Vendor, "0x%04x")
  4630  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "product", a.Product, "0x%04x")
  4631  	if a.Version != "" {
  4632  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4633  			xml.Name{Local: "version"}, a.Version,
  4634  		})
  4635  	}
  4636  	start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4637  		xml.Name{Local: "allow"}, a.Allow,
  4638  	})
  4639  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  4640  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  4641  	return nil
  4642  }
  4644  func (a *DomainRedirFilterUSB) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4645  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  4646  		if attr.Name.Local == "class" && attr.Value != "-1" {
  4647  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Class, 0); err != nil {
  4648  				return err
  4649  			}
  4650  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "product" && attr.Value != "-1" {
  4651  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Product, 0); err != nil {
  4652  				return err
  4653  			}
  4654  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "vendor" && attr.Value != "-1" {
  4655  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Vendor, 0); err != nil {
  4656  				return err
  4657  			}
  4658  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "version" && attr.Value != "-1" {
  4659  			a.Version = attr.Value
  4660  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "allow" {
  4661  			a.Allow = attr.Value
  4662  		}
  4663  	}
  4664  	d.Skip()
  4665  	return nil
  4666  }
  4668  type domainRedirDev DomainRedirDev
  4670  func (a *DomainRedirDev) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4671  	start.Name.Local = "redirdev"
  4672  	if a.Source != nil {
  4673  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4674  		if typ != "" {
  4675  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4676  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4677  			})
  4678  		}
  4679  	}
  4680  	fs := domainRedirDev(*a)
  4681  	return e.EncodeElement(fs, start)
  4682  }
  4684  func (a *DomainRedirDev) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4685  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4686  	if !ok {
  4687  		typ = "pty"
  4688  	}
  4689  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4690  	con := domainRedirDev(*a)
  4691  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4692  	if err != nil {
  4693  		return err
  4694  	}
  4695  	*a = DomainRedirDev(con)
  4696  	return nil
  4697  }
  4699  func (d *DomainRedirDev) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4700  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4701  }
  4703  func (d *DomainRedirDev) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4704  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4705  	if err != nil {
  4706  		return "", err
  4707  	}
  4708  	return string(doc), nil
  4709  }
  4711  func (d *DomainMemBalloon) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4712  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4713  }
  4715  func (d *DomainMemBalloon) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4716  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4717  	if err != nil {
  4718  		return "", err
  4719  	}
  4720  	return string(doc), nil
  4721  }
  4723  func (d *DomainVSock) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4724  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4725  }
  4727  func (d *DomainVSock) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4728  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4729  	if err != nil {
  4730  		return "", err
  4731  	}
  4732  	return string(doc), nil
  4733  }
  4735  func (d *DomainSound) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4736  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4737  }
  4739  func (d *DomainSound) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4740  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4741  	if err != nil {
  4742  		return "", err
  4743  	}
  4744  	return string(doc), nil
  4745  }
  4747  type domainRNGBackendEGD DomainRNGBackendEGD
  4749  func (a *DomainRNGBackendEGD) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4750  	start.Name.Local = "backend"
  4751  	if a.Source != nil {
  4752  		typ := getChardevSourceType(a.Source)
  4753  		if typ != "" {
  4754  			start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4755  				xml.Name{Local: "type"}, typ,
  4756  			})
  4757  		}
  4758  	}
  4759  	egd := domainRNGBackendEGD(*a)
  4760  	return e.EncodeElement(egd, start)
  4761  }
  4763  func (a *DomainRNGBackendEGD) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4764  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  4765  	if !ok {
  4766  		typ = "pty"
  4767  	}
  4768  	a.Source = createChardevSource(typ)
  4769  	con := domainRNGBackendEGD(*a)
  4770  	err := d.DecodeElement(&con, &start)
  4771  	if err != nil {
  4772  		return err
  4773  	}
  4774  	*a = DomainRNGBackendEGD(con)
  4775  	return nil
  4776  }
  4778  func (a *DomainRNGBackend) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4779  	if a.Random != nil {
  4780  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4781  			xml.Name{Local: "model"}, "random",
  4782  		})
  4783  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Random, start)
  4784  	} else if a.EGD != nil {
  4785  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4786  			xml.Name{Local: "model"}, "egd",
  4787  		})
  4788  		return e.EncodeElement(a.EGD, start)
  4789  	} else if a.BuiltIn != nil {
  4790  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4791  			xml.Name{Local: "model"}, "builtin",
  4792  		})
  4793  		return e.EncodeElement(a.BuiltIn, start)
  4794  	}
  4795  	return nil
  4796  }
  4798  func (a *DomainRNGBackend) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4799  	model, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "model")
  4800  	if !ok {
  4801  		return nil
  4802  	}
  4803  	if model == "random" {
  4804  		a.Random = &DomainRNGBackendRandom{}
  4805  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.Random, &start)
  4806  		if err != nil {
  4807  			return err
  4808  		}
  4809  	} else if model == "egd" {
  4810  		a.EGD = &DomainRNGBackendEGD{}
  4811  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.EGD, &start)
  4812  		if err != nil {
  4813  			return err
  4814  		}
  4815  	} else if model == "builtin" {
  4816  		a.BuiltIn = &DomainRNGBackendBuiltIn{}
  4817  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.BuiltIn, &start)
  4818  		if err != nil {
  4819  			return err
  4820  		}
  4821  	}
  4822  	d.Skip()
  4823  	return nil
  4824  }
  4826  func (d *DomainRNG) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  4827  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  4828  }
  4830  func (d *DomainRNG) Marshal() (string, error) {
  4831  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  4832  	if err != nil {
  4833  		return "", err
  4834  	}
  4835  	return string(doc), nil
  4836  }
  4838  func (a *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4839  	if a.Host != nil {
  4840  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Host, start)
  4841  	} else if a.ISCSI != nil {
  4842  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4843  			xml.Name{Local: "protocol"}, "iscsi",
  4844  		})
  4845  		return e.EncodeElement(a.ISCSI, start)
  4846  	}
  4847  	return nil
  4848  }
  4850  func (a *DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISource) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4851  	proto, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "protocol")
  4852  	if !ok {
  4853  		a.Host = &DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceHost{}
  4854  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.Host, &start)
  4855  		if err != nil {
  4856  			return err
  4857  		}
  4858  	}
  4859  	if proto == "iscsi" {
  4860  		a.ISCSI = &DomainHostdevSubsysSCSISourceISCSI{}
  4861  		err := d.DecodeElement(a.ISCSI, &start)
  4862  		if err != nil {
  4863  			return err
  4864  		}
  4865  	}
  4866  	d.Skip()
  4867  	return nil
  4868  }
  4870  type domainHostdev DomainHostdev
  4872  type domainHostdevSubsysSCSI struct {
  4873  	DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI
  4874  	domainHostdev
  4875  }
  4877  type domainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost struct {
  4878  	DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost
  4879  	domainHostdev
  4880  }
  4882  type domainHostdevSubsysUSB struct {
  4883  	DomainHostdevSubsysUSB
  4884  	domainHostdev
  4885  }
  4887  type domainHostdevSubsysPCI struct {
  4888  	DomainHostdevSubsysPCI
  4889  	domainHostdev
  4890  }
  4892  type domainHostdevSubsysMDev struct {
  4893  	DomainHostdevSubsysMDev
  4894  	domainHostdev
  4895  }
  4897  type domainHostdevCapsStorage struct {
  4898  	DomainHostdevCapsStorage
  4899  	domainHostdev
  4900  }
  4902  type domainHostdevCapsMisc struct {
  4903  	DomainHostdevCapsMisc
  4904  	domainHostdev
  4905  }
  4907  type domainHostdevCapsNet struct {
  4908  	DomainHostdevCapsNet
  4909  	domainHostdev
  4910  }
  4912  func (a *DomainHostdev) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  4913  	start.Name.Local = "hostdev"
  4914  	if a.SubsysSCSI != nil {
  4915  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4916  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "subsystem",
  4917  		})
  4918  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4919  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "scsi",
  4920  		})
  4921  		scsi := domainHostdevSubsysSCSI{}
  4922  		scsi.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4923  		scsi.DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI = *a.SubsysSCSI
  4924  		return e.EncodeElement(scsi, start)
  4925  	} else if a.SubsysSCSIHost != nil {
  4926  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4927  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "subsystem",
  4928  		})
  4929  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4930  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "scsi_host",
  4931  		})
  4932  		scsi_host := domainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost{}
  4933  		scsi_host.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4934  		scsi_host.DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost = *a.SubsysSCSIHost
  4935  		return e.EncodeElement(scsi_host, start)
  4936  	} else if a.SubsysUSB != nil {
  4937  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4938  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "subsystem",
  4939  		})
  4940  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4941  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "usb",
  4942  		})
  4943  		usb := domainHostdevSubsysUSB{}
  4944  		usb.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4945  		usb.DomainHostdevSubsysUSB = *a.SubsysUSB
  4946  		return e.EncodeElement(usb, start)
  4947  	} else if a.SubsysPCI != nil {
  4948  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4949  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "subsystem",
  4950  		})
  4951  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4952  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "pci",
  4953  		})
  4954  		pci := domainHostdevSubsysPCI{}
  4955  		pci.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4956  		pci.DomainHostdevSubsysPCI = *a.SubsysPCI
  4957  		return e.EncodeElement(pci, start)
  4958  	} else if a.SubsysMDev != nil {
  4959  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4960  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "subsystem",
  4961  		})
  4962  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4963  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "mdev",
  4964  		})
  4965  		mdev := domainHostdevSubsysMDev{}
  4966  		mdev.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4967  		mdev.DomainHostdevSubsysMDev = *a.SubsysMDev
  4968  		return e.EncodeElement(mdev, start)
  4969  	} else if a.CapsStorage != nil {
  4970  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4971  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "capabilities",
  4972  		})
  4973  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4974  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "storage",
  4975  		})
  4976  		storage := domainHostdevCapsStorage{}
  4977  		storage.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4978  		storage.DomainHostdevCapsStorage = *a.CapsStorage
  4979  		return e.EncodeElement(storage, start)
  4980  	} else if a.CapsMisc != nil {
  4981  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4982  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "capabilities",
  4983  		})
  4984  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4985  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "misc",
  4986  		})
  4987  		misc := domainHostdevCapsMisc{}
  4988  		misc.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  4989  		misc.DomainHostdevCapsMisc = *a.CapsMisc
  4990  		return e.EncodeElement(misc, start)
  4991  	} else if a.CapsNet != nil {
  4992  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4993  			xml.Name{Local: "mode"}, "capabilities",
  4994  		})
  4995  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  4996  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "net",
  4997  		})
  4998  		net := domainHostdevCapsNet{}
  4999  		net.domainHostdev = domainHostdev(*a)
  5000  		net.DomainHostdevCapsNet = *a.CapsNet
  5001  		return e.EncodeElement(net, start)
  5002  	} else {
  5003  		gen := domainHostdev(*a)
  5004  		return e.EncodeElement(gen, start)
  5005  	}
  5006  }
  5008  func (a *DomainHostdev) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5009  	mode, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "mode")
  5010  	if !ok {
  5011  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'mode' attribute on domain hostdev")
  5012  	}
  5013  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  5014  	if !ok {
  5015  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain controller")
  5016  	}
  5017  	if mode == "subsystem" {
  5018  		if typ == "scsi" {
  5019  			var scsi domainHostdevSubsysSCSI
  5020  			err := d.DecodeElement(&scsi, &start)
  5021  			if err != nil {
  5022  				return err
  5023  			}
  5024  			*a = DomainHostdev(scsi.domainHostdev)
  5025  			a.SubsysSCSI = &scsi.DomainHostdevSubsysSCSI
  5026  			return nil
  5027  		} else if typ == "scsi_host" {
  5028  			var scsi_host domainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost
  5029  			err := d.DecodeElement(&scsi_host, &start)
  5030  			if err != nil {
  5031  				return err
  5032  			}
  5033  			*a = DomainHostdev(scsi_host.domainHostdev)
  5034  			a.SubsysSCSIHost = &scsi_host.DomainHostdevSubsysSCSIHost
  5035  			return nil
  5036  		} else if typ == "usb" {
  5037  			var usb domainHostdevSubsysUSB
  5038  			err := d.DecodeElement(&usb, &start)
  5039  			if err != nil {
  5040  				return err
  5041  			}
  5042  			*a = DomainHostdev(usb.domainHostdev)
  5043  			a.SubsysUSB = &usb.DomainHostdevSubsysUSB
  5044  			return nil
  5045  		} else if typ == "pci" {
  5046  			var pci domainHostdevSubsysPCI
  5047  			err := d.DecodeElement(&pci, &start)
  5048  			if err != nil {
  5049  				return err
  5050  			}
  5051  			*a = DomainHostdev(pci.domainHostdev)
  5052  			a.SubsysPCI = &pci.DomainHostdevSubsysPCI
  5053  			return nil
  5054  		} else if typ == "mdev" {
  5055  			var mdev domainHostdevSubsysMDev
  5056  			err := d.DecodeElement(&mdev, &start)
  5057  			if err != nil {
  5058  				return err
  5059  			}
  5060  			*a = DomainHostdev(mdev.domainHostdev)
  5061  			a.SubsysMDev = &mdev.DomainHostdevSubsysMDev
  5062  			return nil
  5063  		}
  5064  	} else if mode == "capabilities" {
  5065  		if typ == "storage" {
  5066  			var storage domainHostdevCapsStorage
  5067  			err := d.DecodeElement(&storage, &start)
  5068  			if err != nil {
  5069  				return err
  5070  			}
  5071  			*a = DomainHostdev(storage.domainHostdev)
  5072  			a.CapsStorage = &storage.DomainHostdevCapsStorage
  5073  			return nil
  5074  		} else if typ == "misc" {
  5075  			var misc domainHostdevCapsMisc
  5076  			err := d.DecodeElement(&misc, &start)
  5077  			if err != nil {
  5078  				return err
  5079  			}
  5080  			*a = DomainHostdev(misc.domainHostdev)
  5081  			a.CapsMisc = &misc.DomainHostdevCapsMisc
  5082  			return nil
  5083  		} else if typ == "net" {
  5084  			var net domainHostdevCapsNet
  5085  			err := d.DecodeElement(&net, &start)
  5086  			if err != nil {
  5087  				return err
  5088  			}
  5089  			*a = DomainHostdev(net.domainHostdev)
  5090  			a.CapsNet = &net.DomainHostdevCapsNet
  5091  			return nil
  5092  		}
  5093  	}
  5094  	var gen domainHostdev
  5095  	err := d.DecodeElement(&gen, &start)
  5096  	if err != nil {
  5097  		return err
  5098  	}
  5099  	*a = DomainHostdev(gen)
  5100  	return nil
  5101  }
  5103  func (d *DomainHostdev) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  5104  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  5105  }
  5107  func (d *DomainHostdev) Marshal() (string, error) {
  5108  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  5109  	if err != nil {
  5110  		return "", err
  5111  	}
  5112  	return string(doc), nil
  5113  }
  5115  func (a *DomainGraphicListener) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5116  	start.Name.Local = "listen"
  5117  	if a.Address != nil {
  5118  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5119  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "address",
  5120  		})
  5121  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Address, start)
  5122  	} else if a.Network != nil {
  5123  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5124  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "network",
  5125  		})
  5126  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Network, start)
  5127  	} else if a.Socket != nil {
  5128  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5129  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "socket",
  5130  		})
  5131  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Socket, start)
  5132  	} else {
  5133  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5134  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "none",
  5135  		})
  5136  		e.EncodeToken(start)
  5137  		e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5138  	}
  5139  	return nil
  5140  }
  5142  func (a *DomainGraphicListener) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5143  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  5144  	if !ok {
  5145  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain graphics listen")
  5146  	}
  5147  	if typ == "address" {
  5148  		var addr DomainGraphicListenerAddress
  5149  		err := d.DecodeElement(&addr, &start)
  5150  		if err != nil {
  5151  			return err
  5152  		}
  5153  		a.Address = &addr
  5154  		return nil
  5155  	} else if typ == "network" {
  5156  		var net DomainGraphicListenerNetwork
  5157  		err := d.DecodeElement(&net, &start)
  5158  		if err != nil {
  5159  			return err
  5160  		}
  5161  		a.Network = &net
  5162  		return nil
  5163  	} else if typ == "socket" {
  5164  		var sock DomainGraphicListenerSocket
  5165  		err := d.DecodeElement(&sock, &start)
  5166  		if err != nil {
  5167  			return err
  5168  		}
  5169  		a.Socket = &sock
  5170  		return nil
  5171  	} else if typ == "none" {
  5172  		d.Skip()
  5173  	}
  5174  	return nil
  5175  }
  5177  type domainGraphicSDL struct {
  5178  	DomainGraphicSDL
  5179  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5180  }
  5182  type domainGraphicVNC struct {
  5183  	DomainGraphicVNC
  5184  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5185  }
  5187  type domainGraphicRDP struct {
  5188  	DomainGraphicRDP
  5189  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5190  }
  5192  type domainGraphicDesktop struct {
  5193  	DomainGraphicDesktop
  5194  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5195  }
  5197  type domainGraphicSpice struct {
  5198  	DomainGraphicSpice
  5199  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5200  }
  5202  type domainGraphicEGLHeadless struct {
  5203  	DomainGraphicEGLHeadless
  5204  	Audio *DomainGraphicAudio `xml:"audio"`
  5205  }
  5207  func (a *DomainGraphic) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5208  	start.Name.Local = "graphics"
  5209  	if a.SDL != nil {
  5210  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5211  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "sdl",
  5212  		})
  5213  		sdl := domainGraphicSDL{*a.SDL, a.Audio}
  5214  		return e.EncodeElement(sdl, start)
  5215  	} else if a.VNC != nil {
  5216  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5217  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "vnc",
  5218  		})
  5219  		vnc := domainGraphicVNC{*a.VNC, a.Audio}
  5220  		return e.EncodeElement(vnc, start)
  5221  	} else if a.RDP != nil {
  5222  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5223  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "rdp",
  5224  		})
  5225  		rdp := domainGraphicRDP{*a.RDP, a.Audio}
  5226  		return e.EncodeElement(rdp, start)
  5227  	} else if a.Desktop != nil {
  5228  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5229  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "desktop",
  5230  		})
  5231  		desktop := domainGraphicDesktop{*a.Desktop, a.Audio}
  5232  		return e.EncodeElement(desktop, start)
  5233  	} else if a.Spice != nil {
  5234  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5235  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "spice",
  5236  		})
  5237  		spice := domainGraphicSpice{*a.Spice, a.Audio}
  5238  		return e.EncodeElement(spice, start)
  5239  	} else if a.EGLHeadless != nil {
  5240  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5241  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "egl-headless",
  5242  		})
  5243  		egl := domainGraphicEGLHeadless{*a.EGLHeadless, a.Audio}
  5244  		return e.EncodeElement(egl, start)
  5245  	}
  5246  	return nil
  5247  }
  5249  func (a *DomainGraphic) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5250  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  5251  	if !ok {
  5252  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain graphics")
  5253  	}
  5254  	if typ == "sdl" {
  5255  		var sdl domainGraphicSDL
  5256  		err := d.DecodeElement(&sdl, &start)
  5257  		if err != nil {
  5258  			return err
  5259  		}
  5260  		a.SDL = &sdl.DomainGraphicSDL
  5261  		a.Audio = sdl.Audio
  5262  		return nil
  5263  	} else if typ == "vnc" {
  5264  		var vnc domainGraphicVNC
  5265  		err := d.DecodeElement(&vnc, &start)
  5266  		if err != nil {
  5267  			return err
  5268  		}
  5269  		a.VNC = &vnc.DomainGraphicVNC
  5270  		a.Audio = vnc.Audio
  5271  		return nil
  5272  	} else if typ == "rdp" {
  5273  		var rdp domainGraphicRDP
  5274  		err := d.DecodeElement(&rdp, &start)
  5275  		if err != nil {
  5276  			return err
  5277  		}
  5278  		a.RDP = &rdp.DomainGraphicRDP
  5279  		a.Audio = rdp.Audio
  5280  		return nil
  5281  	} else if typ == "desktop" {
  5282  		var desktop domainGraphicDesktop
  5283  		err := d.DecodeElement(&desktop, &start)
  5284  		if err != nil {
  5285  			return err
  5286  		}
  5287  		a.Desktop = &desktop.DomainGraphicDesktop
  5288  		a.Audio = desktop.Audio
  5289  		return nil
  5290  	} else if typ == "spice" {
  5291  		var spice domainGraphicSpice
  5292  		err := d.DecodeElement(&spice, &start)
  5293  		if err != nil {
  5294  			return err
  5295  		}
  5296  		a.Spice = &spice.DomainGraphicSpice
  5297  		a.Audio = spice.Audio
  5298  		return nil
  5299  	} else if typ == "egl-headless" {
  5300  		var egl domainGraphicEGLHeadless
  5301  		err := d.DecodeElement(&egl, &start)
  5302  		if err != nil {
  5303  			return err
  5304  		}
  5305  		a.EGLHeadless = &egl.DomainGraphicEGLHeadless
  5306  		a.Audio = egl.Audio
  5307  		return nil
  5308  	}
  5309  	return nil
  5310  }
  5312  func (a *DomainAudio) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5313  	start.Name.Local = "audio"
  5314  	if a.ID != 0 {
  5315  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5316  			xml.Name{Local: "id"}, fmt.Sprintf("%d", a.ID),
  5317  		})
  5318  	}
  5319  	if a.None != nil {
  5320  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5321  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "none",
  5322  		})
  5323  		return e.EncodeElement(a.None, start)
  5324  	} else if a.ALSA != nil {
  5325  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5326  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "alsa",
  5327  		})
  5328  		return e.EncodeElement(a.ALSA, start)
  5329  	} else if a.CoreAudio != nil {
  5330  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5331  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "coreaudio",
  5332  		})
  5333  		return e.EncodeElement(a.CoreAudio, start)
  5334  	} else if a.Jack != nil {
  5335  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5336  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "jack",
  5337  		})
  5338  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Jack, start)
  5339  	} else if a.OSS != nil {
  5340  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5341  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "oss",
  5342  		})
  5343  		return e.EncodeElement(a.OSS, start)
  5344  	} else if a.PulseAudio != nil {
  5345  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5346  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "pulseaudio",
  5347  		})
  5348  		return e.EncodeElement(a.PulseAudio, start)
  5349  	} else if a.SDL != nil {
  5350  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5351  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "sdl",
  5352  		})
  5353  		return e.EncodeElement(a.SDL, start)
  5354  	} else if a.SPICE != nil {
  5355  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5356  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "spice",
  5357  		})
  5358  		return e.EncodeElement(a.SPICE, start)
  5359  	} else if a.File != nil {
  5360  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5361  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "file",
  5362  		})
  5363  		return e.EncodeElement(a.File, start)
  5364  	}
  5365  	return nil
  5366  }
  5368  func (a *DomainAudio) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5369  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  5370  	if !ok {
  5371  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain audio")
  5372  	}
  5373  	id, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "id")
  5374  	if ok {
  5375  		idval, err := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 32)
  5376  		if err != nil {
  5377  			return err
  5378  		}
  5379  		a.ID = int(idval)
  5380  	}
  5382  	if typ == "none" {
  5383  		var none DomainAudioNone
  5384  		err := d.DecodeElement(&none, &start)
  5385  		if err != nil {
  5386  			return err
  5387  		}
  5388  		a.None = &none
  5389  		return nil
  5390  	} else if typ == "alsa" {
  5391  		var alsa DomainAudioALSA
  5392  		err := d.DecodeElement(&alsa, &start)
  5393  		if err != nil {
  5394  			return err
  5395  		}
  5396  		a.ALSA = &alsa
  5397  		return nil
  5398  	} else if typ == "coreaudio" {
  5399  		var coreaudio DomainAudioCoreAudio
  5400  		err := d.DecodeElement(&coreaudio, &start)
  5401  		if err != nil {
  5402  			return err
  5403  		}
  5404  		a.CoreAudio = &coreaudio
  5405  		return nil
  5406  	} else if typ == "jack" {
  5407  		var jack DomainAudioJack
  5408  		err := d.DecodeElement(&jack, &start)
  5409  		if err != nil {
  5410  			return err
  5411  		}
  5412  		a.Jack = &jack
  5413  		return nil
  5414  	} else if typ == "oss" {
  5415  		var oss DomainAudioOSS
  5416  		err := d.DecodeElement(&oss, &start)
  5417  		if err != nil {
  5418  			return err
  5419  		}
  5420  		a.OSS = &oss
  5421  		return nil
  5422  	} else if typ == "pulseaudio" {
  5423  		var pulseaudio DomainAudioPulseAudio
  5424  		err := d.DecodeElement(&pulseaudio, &start)
  5425  		if err != nil {
  5426  			return err
  5427  		}
  5428  		a.PulseAudio = &pulseaudio
  5429  		return nil
  5430  	} else if typ == "sdl" {
  5431  		var sdl DomainAudioSDL
  5432  		err := d.DecodeElement(&sdl, &start)
  5433  		if err != nil {
  5434  			return err
  5435  		}
  5436  		a.SDL = &sdl
  5437  		return nil
  5438  	} else if typ == "spice" {
  5439  		var spice DomainAudioSPICE
  5440  		err := d.DecodeElement(&spice, &start)
  5441  		if err != nil {
  5442  			return err
  5443  		}
  5444  		a.SPICE = &spice
  5445  		return nil
  5446  	} else if typ == "file" {
  5447  		var file DomainAudioFile
  5448  		err := d.DecodeElement(&file, &start)
  5449  		if err != nil {
  5450  			return err
  5451  		}
  5452  		a.File = &file
  5453  		return nil
  5454  	}
  5455  	return nil
  5456  }
  5458  func (d *DomainMemorydev) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  5459  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  5460  }
  5462  func (d *DomainMemorydev) Marshal() (string, error) {
  5463  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  5464  	if err != nil {
  5465  		return "", err
  5466  	}
  5467  	return string(doc), nil
  5468  }
  5470  func (d *DomainWatchdog) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  5471  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  5472  }
  5474  func (d *DomainWatchdog) Marshal() (string, error) {
  5475  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  5476  	if err != nil {
  5477  		return "", err
  5478  	}
  5479  	return string(doc), nil
  5480  }
  5482  func marshalUintAttr(start *xml.StartElement, name string, val *uint, format string) {
  5483  	if val != nil {
  5484  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5485  			xml.Name{Local: name}, fmt.Sprintf(format, *val),
  5486  		})
  5487  	}
  5488  }
  5490  func marshalUint64Attr(start *xml.StartElement, name string, val *uint64, format string) {
  5491  	if val != nil {
  5492  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5493  			xml.Name{Local: name}, fmt.Sprintf(format, *val),
  5494  		})
  5495  	}
  5496  }
  5498  func (a *DomainAddressPCI) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5499  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "domain", a.Domain, "0x%04x")
  5500  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "bus", a.Bus, "0x%02x")
  5501  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "slot", a.Slot, "0x%02x")
  5502  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "function", a.Function, "0x%x")
  5503  	if a.MultiFunction != "" {
  5504  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5505  			xml.Name{Local: "multifunction"}, a.MultiFunction,
  5506  		})
  5507  	}
  5508  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5509  	if a.ZPCI != nil {
  5510  		zpci := xml.StartElement{}
  5511  		zpci.Name.Local = "zpci"
  5512  		err := e.EncodeElement(a.ZPCI, zpci)
  5513  		if err != nil {
  5514  			return err
  5515  		}
  5516  	}
  5517  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5518  	return nil
  5519  }
  5521  func (a *DomainAddressZPCI) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5522  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "uid", a.UID, "0x%04x")
  5523  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "fid", a.FID, "0x%04x")
  5524  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5525  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5526  	return nil
  5527  }
  5529  func (a *DomainAddressUSB) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5530  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "bus", a.Bus, "%d")
  5531  	if a.Port != "" {
  5532  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5533  			xml.Name{Local: "port"}, a.Port,
  5534  		})
  5535  	}
  5536  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "device", a.Device, "%d")
  5537  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5538  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5539  	return nil
  5540  }
  5542  func (a *DomainAddressDrive) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5543  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "controller", a.Controller, "%d")
  5544  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "bus", a.Bus, "%d")
  5545  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "target", a.Target, "%d")
  5546  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "unit", a.Unit, "%d")
  5547  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5548  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5549  	return nil
  5550  }
  5552  func (a *DomainAddressDIMM) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5553  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "slot", a.Slot, "%d")
  5554  	marshalUint64Attr(&start, "base", a.Base, "0x%x")
  5555  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5556  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5557  	return nil
  5558  }
  5560  func (a *DomainAddressISA) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5561  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "iobase", a.IOBase, "0x%x")
  5562  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "irq", a.IRQ, "0x%x")
  5563  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5564  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5565  	return nil
  5566  }
  5568  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5569  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5570  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5571  	return nil
  5572  }
  5574  func (a *DomainAddressCCW) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5575  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "cssid", a.CSSID, "0x%x")
  5576  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "ssid", a.SSID, "0x%x")
  5577  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "devno", a.DevNo, "0x%04x")
  5578  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5579  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5580  	return nil
  5581  }
  5583  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioSerial) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5584  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "controller", a.Controller, "%d")
  5585  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "bus", a.Bus, "%d")
  5586  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "port", a.Port, "%d")
  5587  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5588  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5589  	return nil
  5590  }
  5592  func (a *DomainAddressSpaprVIO) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5593  	marshalUint64Attr(&start, "reg", a.Reg, "0x%x")
  5594  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5595  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5596  	return nil
  5597  }
  5599  func (a *DomainAddressCCID) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5600  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "controller", a.Controller, "%d")
  5601  	marshalUintAttr(&start, "slot", a.Slot, "%d")
  5602  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5603  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5604  	return nil
  5605  }
  5607  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioS390) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5608  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5609  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5610  	return nil
  5611  }
  5613  func (a *DomainAddressUnassigned) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5614  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5615  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  5616  	return nil
  5617  }
  5619  func (a *DomainAddress) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5620  	if a.USB != nil {
  5621  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5622  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "usb",
  5623  		})
  5624  		return e.EncodeElement(a.USB, start)
  5625  	} else if a.PCI != nil {
  5626  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5627  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "pci",
  5628  		})
  5629  		return e.EncodeElement(a.PCI, start)
  5630  	} else if a.Drive != nil {
  5631  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5632  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "drive",
  5633  		})
  5634  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Drive, start)
  5635  	} else if a.DIMM != nil {
  5636  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5637  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "dimm",
  5638  		})
  5639  		return e.EncodeElement(a.DIMM, start)
  5640  	} else if a.ISA != nil {
  5641  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5642  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "isa",
  5643  		})
  5644  		return e.EncodeElement(a.ISA, start)
  5645  	} else if a.VirtioMMIO != nil {
  5646  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5647  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "virtio-mmio",
  5648  		})
  5649  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VirtioMMIO, start)
  5650  	} else if a.CCW != nil {
  5651  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5652  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "ccw",
  5653  		})
  5654  		return e.EncodeElement(a.CCW, start)
  5655  	} else if a.VirtioSerial != nil {
  5656  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5657  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "virtio-serial",
  5658  		})
  5659  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VirtioSerial, start)
  5660  	} else if a.SpaprVIO != nil {
  5661  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5662  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "spapr-vio",
  5663  		})
  5664  		return e.EncodeElement(a.SpaprVIO, start)
  5665  	} else if a.CCID != nil {
  5666  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5667  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "ccid",
  5668  		})
  5669  		return e.EncodeElement(a.CCID, start)
  5670  	} else if a.VirtioS390 != nil {
  5671  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5672  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "virtio-s390",
  5673  		})
  5674  		return e.EncodeElement(a.VirtioS390, start)
  5675  	} else if a.Unassigned != nil {
  5676  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  5677  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "unassigned",
  5678  		})
  5679  		return e.EncodeElement(a.Unassigned, start)
  5680  	} else {
  5681  		return nil
  5682  	}
  5683  }
  5685  func unmarshalUint64Attr(valstr string, valptr **uint64, base int) error {
  5686  	if base == 16 {
  5687  		valstr = strings.TrimPrefix(valstr, "0x")
  5688  	}
  5689  	val, err := strconv.ParseUint(valstr, base, 64)
  5690  	if err != nil {
  5691  		return err
  5692  	}
  5693  	*valptr = &val
  5694  	return nil
  5695  }
  5697  func unmarshalUintAttr(valstr string, valptr **uint, base int) error {
  5698  	if base == 16 {
  5699  		valstr = strings.TrimPrefix(valstr, "0x")
  5700  	}
  5701  	val, err := strconv.ParseUint(valstr, base, 64)
  5702  	if err != nil {
  5703  		return err
  5704  	}
  5705  	vali := uint(val)
  5706  	*valptr = &vali
  5707  	return nil
  5708  }
  5710  func (a *DomainAddressUSB) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5711  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5712  		if attr.Name.Local == "bus" {
  5713  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Bus, 10); err != nil {
  5714  				return err
  5715  			}
  5716  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "port" {
  5717  			a.Port = attr.Value
  5718  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "device" {
  5719  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Device, 10); err != nil {
  5720  				return err
  5721  			}
  5722  		}
  5723  	}
  5724  	d.Skip()
  5725  	return nil
  5726  }
  5728  func (a *DomainAddressPCI) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5729  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5730  		if attr.Name.Local == "domain" {
  5731  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Domain, 0); err != nil {
  5732  				return err
  5733  			}
  5734  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "bus" {
  5735  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Bus, 0); err != nil {
  5736  				return err
  5737  			}
  5738  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "slot" {
  5739  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Slot, 0); err != nil {
  5740  				return err
  5741  			}
  5742  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "function" {
  5743  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Function, 0); err != nil {
  5744  				return err
  5745  			}
  5746  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "multifunction" {
  5747  			a.MultiFunction = attr.Value
  5748  		}
  5749  	}
  5751  	for {
  5752  		tok, err := d.Token()
  5753  		if err == io.EOF {
  5754  			break
  5755  		}
  5756  		if err != nil {
  5757  			return err
  5758  		}
  5760  		switch tok := tok.(type) {
  5761  		case xml.StartElement:
  5762  			if tok.Name.Local == "zpci" {
  5763  				a.ZPCI = &DomainAddressZPCI{}
  5764  				err = d.DecodeElement(a.ZPCI, &tok)
  5765  				if err != nil {
  5766  					return err
  5767  				}
  5768  			}
  5769  		}
  5770  	}
  5771  	return nil
  5772  }
  5774  func (a *DomainAddressZPCI) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5775  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5776  		if attr.Name.Local == "fid" {
  5777  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.FID, 0); err != nil {
  5778  				return err
  5779  			}
  5780  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "uid" {
  5781  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.UID, 0); err != nil {
  5782  				return err
  5783  			}
  5784  		}
  5785  	}
  5787  	d.Skip()
  5788  	return nil
  5789  }
  5791  func (a *DomainAddressDrive) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5792  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5793  		if attr.Name.Local == "controller" {
  5794  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Controller, 10); err != nil {
  5795  				return err
  5796  			}
  5797  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "bus" {
  5798  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Bus, 10); err != nil {
  5799  				return err
  5800  			}
  5801  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "target" {
  5802  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Target, 10); err != nil {
  5803  				return err
  5804  			}
  5805  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "unit" {
  5806  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Unit, 10); err != nil {
  5807  				return err
  5808  			}
  5809  		}
  5810  	}
  5811  	d.Skip()
  5812  	return nil
  5813  }
  5815  func (a *DomainAddressDIMM) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5816  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5817  		if attr.Name.Local == "slot" {
  5818  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Slot, 10); err != nil {
  5819  				return err
  5820  			}
  5821  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "base" {
  5822  			if err := unmarshalUint64Attr(attr.Value, &a.Base, 16); err != nil {
  5823  				return err
  5824  			}
  5825  		}
  5826  	}
  5827  	d.Skip()
  5828  	return nil
  5829  }
  5831  func (a *DomainAddressISA) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5832  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5833  		if attr.Name.Local == "iobase" {
  5834  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.IOBase, 16); err != nil {
  5835  				return err
  5836  			}
  5837  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "irq" {
  5838  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.IRQ, 16); err != nil {
  5839  				return err
  5840  			}
  5841  		}
  5842  	}
  5843  	d.Skip()
  5844  	return nil
  5845  }
  5847  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioMMIO) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5848  	d.Skip()
  5849  	return nil
  5850  }
  5852  func (a *DomainAddressCCW) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5853  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5854  		if attr.Name.Local == "cssid" {
  5855  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.CSSID, 0); err != nil {
  5856  				return err
  5857  			}
  5858  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "ssid" {
  5859  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.SSID, 0); err != nil {
  5860  				return err
  5861  			}
  5862  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "devno" {
  5863  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.DevNo, 0); err != nil {
  5864  				return err
  5865  			}
  5866  		}
  5867  	}
  5868  	d.Skip()
  5869  	return nil
  5870  }
  5872  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioSerial) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5873  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5874  		if attr.Name.Local == "controller" {
  5875  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Controller, 10); err != nil {
  5876  				return err
  5877  			}
  5878  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "bus" {
  5879  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Bus, 10); err != nil {
  5880  				return err
  5881  			}
  5882  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "port" {
  5883  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Port, 10); err != nil {
  5884  				return err
  5885  			}
  5886  		}
  5887  	}
  5888  	d.Skip()
  5889  	return nil
  5890  }
  5892  func (a *DomainAddressSpaprVIO) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5893  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5894  		if attr.Name.Local == "reg" {
  5895  			if err := unmarshalUint64Attr(attr.Value, &a.Reg, 16); err != nil {
  5896  				return err
  5897  			}
  5898  		}
  5899  	}
  5900  	d.Skip()
  5901  	return nil
  5902  }
  5904  func (a *DomainAddressCCID) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5905  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5906  		if attr.Name.Local == "controller" {
  5907  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Controller, 10); err != nil {
  5908  				return err
  5909  			}
  5910  		} else if attr.Name.Local == "slot" {
  5911  			if err := unmarshalUintAttr(attr.Value, &a.Slot, 10); err != nil {
  5912  				return err
  5913  			}
  5914  		}
  5915  	}
  5916  	d.Skip()
  5917  	return nil
  5918  }
  5920  func (a *DomainAddressVirtioS390) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5921  	d.Skip()
  5922  	return nil
  5923  }
  5925  func (a *DomainAddressUnassigned) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5926  	d.Skip()
  5927  	return nil
  5928  }
  5930  func (a *DomainAddress) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5931  	var typ string
  5932  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  5933  		if attr.Name.Local == "type" {
  5934  			typ = attr.Value
  5935  			break
  5936  		}
  5937  	}
  5938  	if typ == "" {
  5939  		d.Skip()
  5940  		return nil
  5941  	}
  5943  	if typ == "usb" {
  5944  		a.USB = &DomainAddressUSB{}
  5945  		return d.DecodeElement(a.USB, &start)
  5946  	} else if typ == "pci" {
  5947  		a.PCI = &DomainAddressPCI{}
  5948  		return d.DecodeElement(a.PCI, &start)
  5949  	} else if typ == "drive" {
  5950  		a.Drive = &DomainAddressDrive{}
  5951  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Drive, &start)
  5952  	} else if typ == "dimm" {
  5953  		a.DIMM = &DomainAddressDIMM{}
  5954  		return d.DecodeElement(a.DIMM, &start)
  5955  	} else if typ == "isa" {
  5956  		a.ISA = &DomainAddressISA{}
  5957  		return d.DecodeElement(a.ISA, &start)
  5958  	} else if typ == "virtio-mmio" {
  5959  		a.VirtioMMIO = &DomainAddressVirtioMMIO{}
  5960  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VirtioMMIO, &start)
  5961  	} else if typ == "ccw" {
  5962  		a.CCW = &DomainAddressCCW{}
  5963  		return d.DecodeElement(a.CCW, &start)
  5964  	} else if typ == "virtio-serial" {
  5965  		a.VirtioSerial = &DomainAddressVirtioSerial{}
  5966  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VirtioSerial, &start)
  5967  	} else if typ == "spapr-vio" {
  5968  		a.SpaprVIO = &DomainAddressSpaprVIO{}
  5969  		return d.DecodeElement(a.SpaprVIO, &start)
  5970  	} else if typ == "ccid" {
  5971  		a.CCID = &DomainAddressCCID{}
  5972  		return d.DecodeElement(a.CCID, &start)
  5973  	} else if typ == "virtio-s390" {
  5974  		a.VirtioS390 = &DomainAddressVirtioS390{}
  5975  		return d.DecodeElement(a.VirtioS390, &start)
  5976  	} else if typ == "unassigned" {
  5977  		a.Unassigned = &DomainAddressUnassigned{}
  5978  		return d.DecodeElement(a.Unassigned, &start)
  5979  	}
  5981  	return nil
  5982  }
  5984  func (d *DomainCPU) Unmarshal(doc string) error {
  5985  	return xml.Unmarshal([]byte(doc), d)
  5986  }
  5988  func (d *DomainCPU) Marshal() (string, error) {
  5989  	doc, err := xml.MarshalIndent(d, "", "  ")
  5990  	if err != nil {
  5991  		return "", err
  5992  	}
  5993  	return string(doc), nil
  5994  }
  5996  func (a *DomainLaunchSecuritySEV) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  5997  	e.EncodeToken(start)
  5999  	if a.CBitPos != nil {
  6000  		cbitpos := xml.StartElement{
  6001  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "cbitpos"},
  6002  		}
  6003  		e.EncodeToken(cbitpos)
  6004  		e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("%d", *a.CBitPos)))
  6005  		e.EncodeToken(cbitpos.End())
  6006  	}
  6008  	if a.ReducedPhysBits != nil {
  6009  		reducedPhysBits := xml.StartElement{
  6010  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "reducedPhysBits"},
  6011  		}
  6012  		e.EncodeToken(reducedPhysBits)
  6013  		e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("%d", *a.ReducedPhysBits)))
  6014  		e.EncodeToken(reducedPhysBits.End())
  6015  	}
  6017  	if a.Policy != nil {
  6018  		policy := xml.StartElement{
  6019  			Name: xml.Name{Local: "policy"},
  6020  		}
  6021  		e.EncodeToken(policy)
  6022  		e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("0x%04x", *a.Policy)))
  6023  		e.EncodeToken(policy.End())
  6024  	}
  6026  	dhcert := xml.StartElement{
  6027  		Name: xml.Name{Local: "dhCert"},
  6028  	}
  6029  	e.EncodeToken(dhcert)
  6030  	e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("%s", a.DHCert)))
  6031  	e.EncodeToken(dhcert.End())
  6033  	session := xml.StartElement{
  6034  		Name: xml.Name{Local: "session"},
  6035  	}
  6036  	e.EncodeToken(session)
  6037  	e.EncodeToken(xml.CharData(fmt.Sprintf("%s", a.Session)))
  6038  	e.EncodeToken(session.End())
  6040  	e.EncodeToken(start.End())
  6042  	return nil
  6043  }
  6045  func (a *DomainLaunchSecuritySEV) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  6046  	for {
  6047  		tok, err := d.Token()
  6048  		if err == io.EOF {
  6049  			break
  6050  		}
  6051  		if err != nil {
  6052  			return err
  6053  		}
  6055  		switch tok := tok.(type) {
  6056  		case xml.StartElement:
  6057  			if tok.Name.Local == "policy" {
  6058  				data, err := d.Token()
  6059  				if err != nil {
  6060  					return err
  6061  				}
  6062  				switch data := data.(type) {
  6063  				case xml.CharData:
  6064  					if err := unmarshalUintAttr(string(data), &a.Policy, 16); err != nil {
  6065  						return err
  6066  					}
  6067  				}
  6068  			} else if tok.Name.Local == "cbitpos" {
  6069  				data, err := d.Token()
  6070  				if err != nil {
  6071  					return err
  6072  				}
  6073  				switch data := data.(type) {
  6074  				case xml.CharData:
  6075  					if err := unmarshalUintAttr(string(data), &a.CBitPos, 10); err != nil {
  6076  						return err
  6077  					}
  6078  				}
  6079  			} else if tok.Name.Local == "reducedPhysBits" {
  6080  				data, err := d.Token()
  6081  				if err != nil {
  6082  					return err
  6083  				}
  6084  				switch data := data.(type) {
  6085  				case xml.CharData:
  6086  					if err := unmarshalUintAttr(string(data), &a.ReducedPhysBits, 10); err != nil {
  6087  						return err
  6088  					}
  6089  				}
  6090  			} else if tok.Name.Local == "dhCert" {
  6091  				data, err := d.Token()
  6092  				if err != nil {
  6093  					return err
  6094  				}
  6095  				switch data := data.(type) {
  6096  				case xml.CharData:
  6097  					a.DHCert = string(data)
  6098  				}
  6099  			} else if tok.Name.Local == "session" {
  6100  				data, err := d.Token()
  6101  				if err != nil {
  6102  					return err
  6103  				}
  6104  				switch data := data.(type) {
  6105  				case xml.CharData:
  6106  					a.Session = string(data)
  6107  				}
  6108  			}
  6109  		}
  6110  	}
  6111  	return nil
  6112  }
  6114  func (a *DomainLaunchSecurity) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  6116  	if a.SEV != nil {
  6117  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  6118  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "sev",
  6119  		})
  6120  		return e.EncodeElement(a.SEV, start)
  6121  	} else {
  6122  		return nil
  6123  	}
  6125  }
  6127  func (a *DomainLaunchSecurity) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  6128  	var typ string
  6129  	for _, attr := range start.Attr {
  6130  		if attr.Name.Local == "type" {
  6131  			typ = attr.Value
  6132  		}
  6133  	}
  6135  	if typ == "" {
  6136  		d.Skip()
  6137  		return nil
  6138  	}
  6140  	if typ == "sev" {
  6141  		a.SEV = &DomainLaunchSecuritySEV{}
  6142  		return d.DecodeElement(a.SEV, &start)
  6143  	}
  6145  	return nil
  6146  }
  6148  type domainSysInfo DomainSysInfo
  6150  type domainSysInfoSMBIOS struct {
  6151  	DomainSysInfoSMBIOS
  6152  	domainSysInfo
  6153  }
  6155  type domainSysInfoFWCfg struct {
  6156  	DomainSysInfoFWCfg
  6157  	domainSysInfo
  6158  }
  6160  func (a *DomainSysInfo) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  6161  	start.Name.Local = "sysinfo"
  6162  	if a.SMBIOS != nil {
  6163  		smbios := domainSysInfoSMBIOS{}
  6164  		smbios.domainSysInfo = domainSysInfo(*a)
  6165  		smbios.DomainSysInfoSMBIOS = *a.SMBIOS
  6166  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  6167  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "smbios",
  6168  		})
  6169  		return e.EncodeElement(smbios, start)
  6170  	} else if a.FWCfg != nil {
  6171  		fwcfg := domainSysInfoFWCfg{}
  6172  		fwcfg.domainSysInfo = domainSysInfo(*a)
  6173  		fwcfg.DomainSysInfoFWCfg = *a.FWCfg
  6174  		start.Attr = append(start.Attr, xml.Attr{
  6175  			xml.Name{Local: "type"}, "fwcfg",
  6176  		})
  6177  		return e.EncodeElement(fwcfg, start)
  6178  	} else {
  6179  		gen := domainSysInfo(*a)
  6180  		return e.EncodeElement(gen, start)
  6181  	}
  6182  }
  6184  func (a *DomainSysInfo) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
  6185  	typ, ok := getAttr(start.Attr, "type")
  6186  	if !ok {
  6187  		return fmt.Errorf("Missing 'type' attribute on domain controller")
  6188  	}
  6189  	if typ == "smbios" {
  6190  		var smbios domainSysInfoSMBIOS
  6191  		err := d.DecodeElement(&smbios, &start)
  6192  		if err != nil {
  6193  			return err
  6194  		}
  6195  		*a = DomainSysInfo(smbios.domainSysInfo)
  6196  		a.SMBIOS = &smbios.DomainSysInfoSMBIOS
  6197  		return nil
  6198  	} else if typ == "fwcfg" {
  6199  		var fwcfg domainSysInfoFWCfg
  6200  		err := d.DecodeElement(&fwcfg, &start)
  6201  		if err != nil {
  6202  			return err
  6203  		}
  6204  		*a = DomainSysInfo(fwcfg.domainSysInfo)
  6205  		a.FWCfg = &fwcfg.DomainSysInfoFWCfg
  6206  		return nil
  6207  	} else {
  6208  		var gen domainSysInfo
  6209  		err := d.DecodeElement(&gen, &start)
  6210  		if err != nil {
  6211  			return err
  6212  		}
  6213  		*a = DomainSysInfo(gen)
  6214  		return nil
  6215  	}
  6216  }