(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 package v2ray.core.proxy.dns; 4 option csharp_namespace = "V2Ray.Core.Proxy.Dns"; 5 option go_package = ""; 6 option java_package = "com.v2ray.core.proxy.dns"; 7 option java_multiple_files = true; 8 9 import "common/net/destination.proto"; 10 import "common/protoext/extensions.proto"; 11 12 message Config { 13 // Server is the DNS server address. If specified, this address overrides the 14 // original one. 15 server = 1; 16 uint32 user_level = 2; 17 } 18 19 message SimplifiedConfig { 20 option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).type = "outbound"; 21 option (v2ray.core.common.protoext.message_opt).short_name = "dns"; 22 }