
     1  # People who have agreed to one of the CLAs and can contribute patches.
     2  # The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
     3  # lists people.  For example, Google employees are listed here
     4  # but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright.
     5  #
     6  #
     7  #
     8  #
     9  # Names should be added to this file as:
    10  #     Name <email address>
    11  Adam Sadovsky <>
    12  Alex Fandrianto <>
    13  Ali Ghassemi <>
    14  Ankur Taly <>
    15  Arup Mukherjee <>
    16  Asim Shankar <>
    17  Benjamin Prosnitz <>
    18  Bogdan Caprita <>
    19  Cosmos Nicolaou <>
    20  Ivan Pilat <>
    21  James Ring <>
    22  James Robinson <>
    23  Jason Campbell <>
    24  Jing Jin <>
    25  Jiri Simsa <>
    26  Jungho Ahn <>
    27  Matt Rosencrantz <>
    28  Nicolas LaCasse <>
    29  Ross Wang <>
    30  Ryan Brown <>
    31  Sergey Rogulenko <>
    32  Srdjan Petrovic <>
    33  Suharsh Sivakumar <>
    34  Tilak Sharma <>
    35  Todd Wang <>