
     1  // Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
     6  //go:generate go run $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/src/ -env="" .
     8  package main
    10  import (
    11  	"runtime"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  func init() {
    18  	runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU())
    20  	cmdRoot = newCmdRoot()
    21  	tool.InitializeRunFlags(&cmdRoot.Flags)
    22  }
    24  func main() {
    25  	cmdline.Main(cmdRoot)
    26  }
    28  // cmdRoot represents the root of the jiri tool.
    29  var cmdRoot *cmdline.Command
    31  // Use a factory to avoid an initialization loop between between the
    32  // Runner functions in subcommands and the ParsedFlags field in the
    33  // Command.
    34  func newCmdRoot() *cmdline.Command {
    35  	return &cmdline.Command{
    36  		Name:  "jiri",
    37  		Short: "Multi-purpose tool for multi-repo development",
    38  		Long: `
    39  Command jiri is a multi-purpose tool for multi-repo development.
    40  `,
    41  		LookPath: true,
    42  		Children: []*cmdline.Command{
    43  			cmdCL,
    44  			cmdImport,
    45  			cmdProfile,
    46  			cmdProject,
    47  			cmdRebuild,
    48  			cmdSnapshot,
    49  			cmdUpdate,
    50  			cmdWhich,
    51  		},
    52  		Topics: []cmdline.Topic{
    53  			topicFileSystem,
    54  			topicManifest,
    55  		},
    56  	}
    57  }
    59  var topicFileSystem = cmdline.Topic{
    60  	Name:  "filesystem",
    61  	Short: "Description of jiri file system layout",
    62  	Long: `
    63  All data managed by the jiri tool is located in the file system under a root
    64  directory, colloquially called the jiri root directory.  The file system layout
    65  looks like this:
    67   [root]                              # root directory (name picked by user)
    68   [root]/.jiri_root                   # root metadata directory
    69   [root]/.jiri_root/bin               # contains tool binaries (jiri, etc.)
    70   [root]/.jiri_root/update_history    # contains history of update snapshots
    71   [root]/.manifest                    # contains jiri manifests
    72   [root]/[project1]                   # project directory (name picked by user)
    73   [root]/[project1]/.jiri             # project metadata directory
    74   [root]/[project1]/.jiri/metadata.v2 # project metadata file
    75   [root]/[project1]/.jiri/<<cls>>     # project per-cl metadata directories
    76   [root]/[project1]/<<files>>         # project files
    77   [root]/[project2]...
    79  The [root] and [projectN] directory names are picked by the user.  The <<cls>>
    80  are named via jiri cl new, and the <<files>> are named as the user adds files
    81  and directories to their project.  All other names above have special meaning to
    82  the jiri tool, and cannot be changed; you must ensure your path names don't
    83  collide with these special names.
    85  There are two ways to run the jiri tool:
    87  1) Shim script (recommended approach).  This is a shell script that looks for
    88  the [root] directory.  If the JIRI_ROOT environment variable is set, that is
    89  assumed to be the [root] directory.  Otherwise the script looks for the
    90  .jiri_root directory, starting in the current working directory and walking up
    91  the directory chain.  The search is terminated successfully when the .jiri_root
    92  directory is found; it fails after it reaches the root of the file system.  Thus
    93  the shim must be invoked from the [root] directory or one of its subdirectories.
    95  Once the [root] is found, the JIRI_ROOT environment variable is set to its
    96  location, and [root]/.jiri_root/bin/jiri is invoked.  That file contains the
    97  actual jiri binary.
    99  The point of the shim script is to make it easy to use the jiri tool with
   100  multiple [root] directories on your file system.  Keep in mind that when "jiri
   101  update" is run, the jiri tool itself is automatically updated along with all
   102  projects.  By using the shim script, you only need to remember to invoke the
   103  jiri tool from within the appropriate [root] directory, and the projects and
   104  tools under that [root] directory will be updated.
   106  The shim script is located at [root]/release/go/src/
   108  2) Direct binary.  This is the jiri binary, containing all of the actual jiri
   109  tool logic.  The binary requires the JIRI_ROOT environment variable to point to
   110  the [root] directory.
   112  Note that if you have multiple [root] directories on your file system, you must
   113  remember to run the jiri binary corresponding to the setting of your JIRI_ROOT
   114  environment variable.  Things may fail if you mix things up, since the jiri
   115  binary is updated with each call to "jiri update", and you may encounter version
   116  mismatches between the jiri binary and the various metadata files or other
   117  logic.  This is the reason the shim script is recommended over running the
   118  binary directly.
   120  The jiri binary is located at [root]/.jiri_root/bin/jiri
   121  `,
   122  }
   124  var topicManifest = cmdline.Topic{
   125  	Name:  "manifest",
   126  	Short: "Description of manifest files",
   127  	Long: `
   128  Jiri manifest files describe the set of projects that get synced and tools that
   129  get built when running "jiri update".
   131  The first manifest file that jiri reads is in $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest.  This
   132  manifest **must** exist for the jiri tool to work.
   134  Usually the manifest in $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_manifest will import other manifests
   135  from remote repositories via <import> tags, but it can contain its own list of
   136  projects and tools as well.
   138  Manifests have the following XML schema:
   140  <manifest>
   141    <imports>
   142      <import remote=""
   143              manifest="public"
   144              name="manifest"
   145      />
   146      <localimport file="/path/to/local/manifest"/>
   147      ...
   148    </imports>
   149    <projects>
   150      <project name="my-project"
   151               path="path/where/project/lives"
   152               protocol="git"
   153               remote=""
   154               revision="ed42c05d8688ab23"
   155               remotebranch="my-branch"
   156               gerrithost=""
   157               githooks="path/to/githooks-dir"
   158               runhook="path/to/runhook-script"
   159      />
   160      ...
   161    </projects>
   162    <tools>
   163      <tool name="jiri"
   164            package=""
   165            project="release.go.jiri"
   166      />
   167      ...
   168    </tools>
   169  </manifest>
   171  The <import> and <localimport> tags can be used to share common projects and
   172  tools across multiple manifests.
   174  A <localimport> tag should be used when the manifest being imported and the
   175  importing manifest are both in the same repository, or when neither one is in a
   176  repository.  The "file" attribute is the path to the manifest file being
   177  imported.  It can be absolute, or relative to the importing manifest file.
   179  If the manifest being imported and the importing manifest are in different
   180  repositories then an <import> tag must be used, with the following attributes:
   182  * remote (required) - The remote url of the repository containing the
   183  manifest to be imported
   185  * manifest (required) - The path of the manifest file to be imported,
   186  relative to the repository root.
   188  * name (optional) - The name of the project corresponding to the manifest
   189  repository.  If your manifest contains a <project> with the same remote as
   190  the manifest remote, then the "name" attribute of on the <import> tag should
   191  match the "name" attribute on the <project>.  Otherwise, jiri will clone the
   192  manifest repository on every update.
   194  The <project> tags describe the projects to sync, and what state they should
   195  sync to, accoring to the following attributes:
   197  * name (required) - The name of the project.
   199  * path (required) - The location where the project will be located, relative to
   200  the jiri root.
   202  * remote (required) - The remote url of the project repository.
   204  * protocol (optional) - The protocol to use when cloning and syncing the repo.
   205  Currently "git" is the default and only supported protocol.
   207  * remotebranch (optional) - The remote branch that the project will sync to.
   208  Defaults to "master".  The "remotebranch" attribute is ignored if "revision"
   209  is specified.
   211  * revision (optional) - The specific revision (usually a git SHA) that the
   212  project will sync to.  If "revision" is  specified then the "remotebranch"
   213  attribute is ignored.
   215  * gerrithost (optional) - The url of the Gerrit host for the project.  If
   216  specified, then running "jiri cl mail" will upload a CL to this Gerrit host.
   218  * githooks (optional) - The path (relative to $JIRI_ROOT) of a directory
   219  containing git hooks that will be installed in the projects .git/hooks
   220  directory during each update.
   222  * runhook (optional) - The path (relate to $JIRI_ROOT) of a script that will be
   223  run during each update.
   225  The <tool> tags describe the tools that will be compiled and installed in
   226  $JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/bin after each update.  The tools must be written in go,
   227  and are identified by their package name and the project that contains their
   228  code.  They are configured via the following attributes:
   230  * name (required) - The name of the binary that will be installed in
   231    JIRI_ROOT/.jiri_root/bin
   233  * package (required) - The name of the Go package that will be passed to "go
   234    build".
   236  * project (required) - The name of the project that contains the source code
   237    for the tool.
   238  `,
   239  }