(about) 1 " Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. 2 " Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 3 " license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 4 " 5 " This file provides a utility function that performs auto-completion of 6 " package names, for use by other commands. 7 8 let s:goos = $GOOS 9 let s:goarch = $GOARCH 10 11 if len(s:goos) == 0 12 if exists('g:golang_goos') 13 let s:goos = g:golang_goos 14 elseif has('win32') || has('win64') 15 let s:goos = 'windows' 16 elseif has('macunix') 17 let s:goos = 'darwin' 18 else 19 let s:goos = '*' 20 endif 21 endif 22 23 if len(s:goarch) == 0 24 if exists('g:golang_goarch') 25 let s:goarch = g:golang_goarch 26 else 27 let s:goarch = '*' 28 endif 29 endif 30 31 function! go#complete#Package(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) 32 let dirs = [] 33 34 if executable('go') 35 let goroot = substitute(system('go env GOROOT'), '\n', '', 'g') 36 if v:shell_error 37 echomsg '\'go env GOROOT\' failed' 38 endif 39 else 40 let goroot = $GOROOT 41 endif 42 43 if len(goroot) != 0 && isdirectory(goroot) 44 let dirs += [goroot] 45 endif 46 47 let pathsep = ':' 48 if s:goos == 'windows' 49 let pathsep = ';' 50 endif 51 let workspaces = split($GOPATH, pathsep) 52 if workspaces != [] 53 let dirs += workspaces 54 endif 55 56 if len(dirs) == 0 57 " should not happen 58 return [] 59 endif 60 61 let ret = {} 62 for dir in dirs 63 " this may expand to multiple lines 64 let root = split(expand(dir . '/pkg/' . s:goos . '_' . s:goarch), "\n") 65 for r in root 66 for i in split(globpath(r, a:ArgLead.'*'), "\n") 67 if isdirectory(i) 68 let i .= '/' 69 elseif i !~ '\.a$' 70 continue 71 endif 72 let i = substitute(substitute(i[len(r)+1:], '[\\]', '/', 'g'), '\.a$', '', 'g') 73 let ret[i] = i 74 endfor 75 endfor 76 endfor 77 return sort(keys(ret)) 78 endfunction