
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     3  # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  # license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  set -e
     8  eval $(go tool dist env)
     9  O=$GOCHAR
    10  GC="go tool ${O}g"
    11  LD="go tool ${O}l"
    13  gccm=""
    14  case "$O" in
    15  8)
    16  	gccm=-m32;;
    17  6)
    18  	gccm=-m64;;
    19  esac
    21  PATH=.:$PATH
    23  havegccgo=false
    24  if which gccgo >/dev/null 2>&1
    25  then
    26  	havegccgo=true
    27  fi
    29  mode=run
    30  case X"$1" in
    31  X-test)
    32  	mode=test
    33  	shift
    34  esac
    36  gc() {
    37  	$GC $1.go; $LD $1.$O
    38  }
    40  gc_B() {
    41  	$GC -B $1.go; $LD $1.$O
    42  }
    44  runonly() {
    45  	if [ $mode = run ]
    46  	then
    47  		"$@"
    48  	fi
    49  }
    51  run() {
    52  	if [ $mode = test ]
    53  	then
    54  		if echo $1 | grep -q '^gc '
    55  		then
    56  			$1	# compile the program
    57  			program=$(echo $1 | sed 's/gc //')
    58  			shift
    59  			echo $program
    60  			$1 <fasta-1000.out > /tmp/$$
    61  			case $program in
    62  			chameneosredux)
    63  				# exact numbers may vary but non-numbers should match
    64  				grep -v '[0-9]' /tmp/$$ > /tmp/$$x
    65  				grep -v '[0-9]' chameneosredux.txt > /tmp/$$y
    66  				cmp /tmp/$$x /tmp/$$y
    67  				rm -f /tmp/$$ /tmp/$$x /tmp/$$y
    68  				;;
    69  			*)
    70  				cmp /tmp/$$ $program.txt
    71  				rm -f /tmp/$$
    72  			esac
    73  		fi
    74  		return
    75  	fi
    76  	if ! $havegccgo && echo $1 | grep -q '^gccgo '
    77  	then
    78  		return
    79  	fi
    80  	echo -n '	'$1'	'
    81  	$1
    82  	shift
    84  	echo $((time -p $* >/dev/null) 2>&1) | awk '{print $4 "u " $6 "s " $2 "r"}'
    85  }
    87  fasta() {
    88  	runonly echo 'fasta -n 25000000'
    89  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 fasta.c" a.out 25000000
    90  	run 'gccgo -O2 fasta.go' a.out -n 25000000	#commented out until WriteString is in bufio
    91  	run 'gc fasta' $O.out -n 25000000
    92  	run 'gc_B fasta' $O.out -n 25000000
    93  }
    95  revcomp() {
    96  	runonly gcc -O2 fasta.c
    97  	runonly a.out 25000000 > x
    98  	runonly echo 'reverse-complement < output-of-fasta-25000000'
    99  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 reverse-complement.c" a.out < x
   100  	run 'gccgo -O2 reverse-complement.go' a.out < x
   101  	run 'gc reverse-complement' $O.out < x
   102  	run 'gc_B reverse-complement' $O.out < x
   103  	rm x
   104  }
   106  nbody() {
   107  	runonly echo 'nbody -n 50000000'
   108  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 nbody.c -lm" a.out 50000000
   109  	run 'gccgo -O2 nbody.go' a.out -n 50000000
   110  	run 'gc nbody' $O.out -n 50000000
   111  	run 'gc_B nbody' $O.out -n 50000000
   112  }
   114  binarytree() {
   115  	runonly echo 'binary-tree 15 # too slow to use 20'
   116  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 binary-tree.c -lm" a.out 15
   117  	run 'gccgo -O2 binary-tree.go' a.out -n 15
   118  	run 'gccgo -O2 binary-tree-freelist.go' a.out -n 15
   119  	run 'gc binary-tree' $O.out -n 15
   120  	run 'gc binary-tree-freelist' $O.out -n 15
   121  }
   123  fannkuch() {
   124  	runonly echo 'fannkuch 12'
   125  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 fannkuch.c" a.out 12
   126  	run 'gccgo -O2 fannkuch.go' a.out -n 12
   127  	run 'gccgo -O2 fannkuch-parallel.go' a.out -n 12
   128  	run 'gc fannkuch' $O.out -n 12
   129  	run 'gc fannkuch-parallel' $O.out -n 12
   130  	run 'gc_B fannkuch' $O.out -n 12
   131  }
   133  regexdna() {
   134  	runonly gcc -O2 fasta.c
   135  	runonly a.out 100000 > x
   136  	runonly echo 'regex-dna 100000'
   137  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 regex-dna.c -lpcre" a.out <x
   138  	run 'gccgo -O2 regex-dna.go' a.out <x
   139  	run 'gccgo -O2 regex-dna-parallel.go' a.out <x
   140  	run 'gc regex-dna' $O.out <x
   141  	run 'gc regex-dna-parallel' $O.out <x
   142  	run 'gc_B regex-dna' $O.out <x
   143  	rm x
   144  }
   146  spectralnorm() {
   147  	runonly echo 'spectral-norm 5500'
   148  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 spectral-norm.c -lm" a.out 5500
   149  	run 'gccgo -O2 spectral-norm.go' a.out -n 5500
   150  	run 'gc spectral-norm' $O.out -n 5500
   151  	run 'gc_B spectral-norm' $O.out -n 5500
   152  }
   154  knucleotide() {
   155  	runonly gcc -O2 fasta.c
   156  	runonly a.out 1000000 > x  # should be using 25000000
   157  	runonly echo 'k-nucleotide 1000000'
   158  	if [ $mode = run ]; then
   159  		run "gcc -O2 k-nucleotide.c $(pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs)" a.out <x
   160  	fi
   161  	run 'gccgo -O2 k-nucleotide.go' a.out <x
   162  	run 'gccgo -O2 k-nucleotide-parallel.go' a.out <x
   163  	run 'gc k-nucleotide' $O.out <x
   164  	run 'gc k-nucleotide-parallel' $O.out <x
   165  	run 'gc_B k-nucleotide' $O.out <x
   166  	rm x
   167  }
   169  mandelbrot() {
   170  	runonly echo 'mandelbrot 16000'
   171  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 mandelbrot.c" a.out 16000
   172  	run 'gccgo -O2 mandelbrot.go' a.out -n 16000
   173  	run 'gc mandelbrot' $O.out -n 16000
   174  	run 'gc_B mandelbrot' $O.out -n 16000
   175  }
   177  meteor() {
   178  	runonly echo 'meteor 2098'
   179  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 meteor-contest.c" a.out 2098
   180  	run 'gccgo -O2 meteor-contest.go' a.out -n 2098
   181  	run 'gc meteor-contest' $O.out -n 2098
   182  	run 'gc_B  meteor-contest' $O.out -n 2098
   183  }
   185  pidigits() {
   186  	runonly echo 'pidigits 10000'
   187  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 pidigits.c -lgmp" a.out 10000
   188  	run 'gccgo -O2 pidigits.go' a.out -n 10000
   189  	run 'gc pidigits' $O.out -n 10000
   190  	run 'gc_B  pidigits' $O.out -n 10000
   191  }
   193  threadring() {
   194  	runonly echo 'threadring 50000000'
   195  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 threadring.c -lpthread" a.out 50000000
   196  	run 'gccgo -O2 threadring.go' a.out -n 50000000
   197  	run 'gc threadring' $O.out -n 50000000
   198  }
   200  chameneos() {
   201  	runonly echo 'chameneos 6000000'
   202  	run "gcc $gccm -O2 chameneosredux.c -lpthread" a.out 6000000
   203  	run 'gccgo -O2 chameneosredux.go' a.out 6000000
   204  	run 'gc chameneosredux' $O.out 6000000
   205  }
   207  case $# in
   208  0)
   209  	run="fasta revcomp nbody binarytree fannkuch regexdna spectralnorm knucleotide mandelbrot meteor pidigits threadring chameneos"
   210  	;;
   211  *)
   212  	run=$*
   213  esac
   215  for i in $run
   216  do
   217  	$i
   218  	runonly echo
   219  done