
     1  # vcn  <img align="right" src="" width="160px"/>
     2  > ** & CNIL vcn CLI for notarization and authentication of digital artifacts_**
     4  [![Build and run testsuite](](
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     7  [![Docker pulls](](
     8  [![Changelog](](
     9  [![Release](](
    10  ## The Trust and Integrity platform for the Cloud native environment
    11  Give any digital asset a meaningful, globally-unique, immutable identity that is authentic, verifiable, traceable from anywhere.
    13  <img align="right" src="" width="256px"/>
    14  When using CodeNotary vcn in source code, release, deployment or at runtime, you allow a continuous trust verification that can be used to detect unusual or unwanted activity in your workload and act on it.
    15  <br/>
    16  Powered by CodeNotary's digital identity infrastructure, vcn lets you notarize all of your digital assets that add a trust level of your choice, custom attributes and a meaningful status without touching or appending anything (unlike digital certificates).
    17  That allows change and revocation post-release without breaking any customer environment.
    18  <br/>
    19  Everything is done in a global, collaborative way to break the common silo solution architecture. Leveraging an immutable, always-on DLT platform allows you to avoid complex setup of Certificate authorities or digital certificates (that are unfit for DevOps anyway).
    21  ## Table of contents
    23  - [Quick start](#quick-start)
    24  - [DevSecOps in mind](#devsecops-in-mind)
    25  - [What kind of behaviors can CodeNotary vcn detect](#what-kind-of-behaviors-can-codenotary-vcn-detect)
    26  - [How it works](#how-it-works)
    27  - [Installation](#installation)
    28  - [Usage](#usage)
    29  - [Integrations](#integrations)
    30  - [Documentation](#documentation)
    31  - [Testing](#testing)
    32  - [Codenotary Cloud](#codenotary-cloud)
    34  - [License](#license)
    36  ## Quick start
    38  1. **Download CodeNotary vcn.** There are releases for different platforms:
    40  - [Download the latest release]( and then read the [Usage](#usage) section below.
    41  - We recommend storing `vcn` in your `PATH` - Linux example:
    42     ```bash
    43     cp vcn-v<version>-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/vcn
    44     ```
    46  2. **Authenticate digital objects** You can use the command as a starting point.
    48     ```bash
    49     vcn authenticate <file|dir://directory|docker://dockerimage|git://gitdirectory>
    50     ```
    52  3. [**Create your identity (free)**]( You need an identity at CodeNotary to notarize objects yourself (btw, we're a data-minimum company and only ask for data that is really required)
    55  4. **Notarize existing digital objects** Once you have an account you can start notarizing digital assets to give them an identity.
    57     ```bash
    58     vcn login
    59     vcn notarize <file|dir://directory|docker://dockerimage|git://gitdirectory>
    60     ```
    63  ## DevSecOps in mind
    64  Codenotary vcn is a solution written by a devops-obsessed engineers for Devops engineers to bring better trust and security to the the CloudNative source to deployment process
    66  ## What kind of behaviors can CodeNotary vcn detect
    67  vcn (and its extensions for Docker, Kubernetes, documents or CI/CD) can detect, authenticate and alert on any behavior that involves using unauthentic digital assets. vcn verification can be embedded anywhere and can be used to trigger alerts, updates or workflows.
    69  vcn is so versatile, it can help detecting or acting on the following (but not limited to):
    70  * Immutable tagging of source code, builds, and container images with version number, owner, timestamp, organization, trust level, and much more
    71  * Simple and tamper-proof extraction of notarized tags like version number, owner, timestamp, organization, and trust level from any source code, build and container (based on the related image)
    72  * Quickly discover and identify untrusted, revoked or obsolete libraries, builds, and containers in your application
    73  * Detect the launch of an authorized or unknown container immediately
    74  * Prevent untrusted or revoked containers from starting in production
    75  * Verify the integrity and the publisher of all the data received over any channel
    77  and more
    78  * Enable application version checks and actions
    79  * Buggy or rogue libraries can be traced by simple revoke or unsupport
    80  * Revoke or unsupport your build or build version post-deployment (no complex certificate revocation that includes delivery of newly signed builds)
    81  * Stop unwanted containers from being launched
    82  * Make revocation part of the remediation process
    83  * Use revocation without impairing customer environments
    84  * Trace source code to build to deployment by integration into CI/CD or manual workflow
    85  * Tag your applications for specific use cases (alpha, beta - non-commercial aso).
    87  not just containers, also virtual machines -  [check out vCenter Connector, in case you're running VMware vSphere](
    88  * Newly created or existing virtual machines automatically get a unique identity that can be trusted or untrusted
    89  * Prevent launch of untrusted VMs
    90  * Stop or suspend running outdated or untrusted VMs
    91  * Detect the cloning or export of VMs and alert
    94  ## How it works
    95  ![vcn How it works]( "How it works")
    97  ## Installation
    99  ### Download binary
   101  It's easiest to download the latest version for your platform from the [release page](
   104  Once downloaded, you can rename the binary to `vcn`, then run it from anywhere.
   105  > For Linux and macOS you need to mark the file as executable: `chmod +x vcn`
   107  ### Homebrew / Linuxbrew
   109  If you are on macOS and using [Homebrew]( (or on Linux and using [Linuxbrew](, you can install `vcn` with the following:
   111  ```
   112  brew tap vchain-us/brew
   113  brew install vcn
   114  ```
   116  ### Build from Source
   118  After having installed [golang]( 1.12 or newer clone this
   119  repository into your working directory.
   121  Now, you can build `vcn` in the working directory by using `make vcn` and then run `./vcn`.
   123  Alternatively, you can install `vcn` in your system simply by running `make install`. This will put the `vcn` executable into `GOBIN` which is
   124  accessible throughout the system.
   126  ## Usage
   128  Basically, `vcn` can notarize or authenticate any of the following kind of assets:
   130  - a **file**
   131  - an entire **directory** (by prefixing the directory path with `dir://`)
   132  - a **git commit** (by prefixing the local git working directory path with `git://`)
   133  - a **container image** (by using `docker://` or `podman://` followed by the name of an image present in the local registry of docker or podman, respectively)
   135  > It's possible to provide a hash value directly by using the `--hash` flag.
   137  For detailed **command line usage** see [docs/cmd/]( or just run `vcn help`.
   139  ### Wildcard support and recursive notarization
   141   It's also possible to notarize assets using wildcard.
   142   With `--recursive` flag is possible to iterate over inner directories.
   143  ```shell script
   144  ./vcn n "*.md" --recursive
   145  ```
   147  ### Local API server
   149  It's possible to start a local API server. All commands are supported.
   150  The notarization password can be submitted with the `x-notarization-password` header.
   151  Examples:
   153  ```bash
   154  curl --location --request GET '' \
   155  --header 'x-notarization-password: *********' \
   156  --header 'Authorization: Basic ****' \
   157  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   158  --data-raw '{
   159  	"Kind":		"file",
   160  	"Name":		"",
   161  	"Hash":		"e2b58ab102dbadb3b1fd5139c8d2a937dc622b1b0d0907075edea163fe2cd093",
   162  	"Size":		1400,
   163  	"ContentType":	"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
   164  }'
   165  ```
   166  ### Notarization
   168  Register an account with []( first.
   170  Then start with the `login` command. `vcn` will walk you through login and importing up your secret upon initial use.
   171  ```
   172  vcn login
   173  ```
   175  Once your secret is set you can notarize assets like in the following examples:
   177  ```
   178  vcn notarize <file>
   179  vcn notarize dir://<directory>
   180  vcn notarize docker://<imageId>
   181  vcn notarize podman://<imageId>
   182  vcn notarize git://<path_to_git_repo>
   183  vcn notarize --hash <hash>
   184  ```
   186  By default all assets are notarized private, so not much information is disclosed about the asset. If you want to make that public and therefore, more trusted, please use the `--public` flag.
   188  ```
   189  vcn notarize --public <asset>
   190  ```
   192  Change the asset's status:
   194  ```
   195  vcn unsupport <asset>
   196  vcn untrust <asset>
   197  ```
   199  Finally, to fetch all assets you've notarized:
   201  ```
   202  vcn list
   203  ```
   205  ### Authentication
   207  ```
   208  vcn authenticate <file>
   209  vcn authenticate dir://<directory>
   210  vcn authenticate docker://<imageId>
   211  vcn authenticate podman://<imageId>
   212  vcn authenticate git://<path_to_git_repo>
   213  vcn authenticate --hash <hash>
   214  ```
   215  > You can use `vcn authenticate` even without a []( account.
   217  To output results in `json` or `yaml` formats:
   218  ```
   219  vcn authenticate --output=json <asset>
   220  vcn authenticate --output=yaml <asset>
   221  ```
   222  > Check out the [user guide]( for further details.
   225  ## Integrations
   227  * [Github Action]( - An action to verify the authenticity of your commits within your Github workflow
   228  * [docker]( - Out of the box support for notarizing and authenticating Docker images.
   229  * []( - The `vcn`'s DockerHub repository.
   230  * [kube-notary]( - A Kubernetes watchdog for verifying image trust with CodeNotary.
   231  * [vcn-watchdog]( - Continuous authentication with CodeNotary for Docker.
   232  * [jsvcn]( - CodeNotary JavaScript Client.
   233  * [jvcn]( - CodeNotary Java Bindings.
   234  * [jvcn-maven-plugin]( - Maven dependency authentication and enforcement.
   236  ## Documentation
   238  * [Command line usage](
   239  * [Configuration](
   240  * [Environments](
   241  * [Formatted output (json/yaml)](
   242  * [Notarization explained](
   244  ## Examples
   246  #### Authenticate a Docker image automatically prior to running it
   248  First, you’ll need to pull the image by using:
   250  ```
   251  docker pull hello-world
   252  ```
   254  Then use the below command to put in place an automatic safety check. It allows only verified images to run.
   256  ```
   257  vcn authenticate docker://hello-world && docker run hello-world
   258  ```
   259  If an image was not verified, it will not run and nothing will execute.
   262  #### Authenticate multiple assets
   263  You can authenticate multiple assets by piping other command outputs into `vcn`:
   264  ```
   265  ls | xargs vcn authenticate
   266  ```
   267  > The exit code will be `0` only if all the assets in you other command outputs are verified.
   269  #### Authenticate by a specific signer
   270  By adding `--signerID`, you can authenticate that your asset has been signed by a specific SignerID.
   271  > A SignerID is the signer public address (represented as a 40 hex characters long string prefixed with `0x`).
   273  ```
   274  vcn authenticate --signerID 0x8f2d1422aed72df1dba90cf9a924f2f3eb3ccd87 docker://hello-world
   275  ```
   277  #### Authenticate by a list of signers
   279  If an asset you or your organization wants to trust needs to be verified against a list of signers as a prerequisite, then use the `vcn authenticate` command and the following syntax:
   281  - Add a `--signerID` flag in front of each SignerID you want to add
   282  (eg. `--signerID 0x0...1 --signerID 0x0...2`)
   283  - Or set the env var `VCN_SIGNERID` correctly by using a space to separate each SignerID (eg. `VCN_SIGNERID=0x0...1 0x0...2`)
   284  > Be aware that using the `--signerID` flag will take precedence over `VCN_SIGNERID`.
   286  The asset authentication will succeed only if the asset has been signed by at least one of the signers.
   288  #### Authenticate using the asset's hash
   290  If you want to authenticate an asset using only its hash, you can do so by using the command as shown below:
   292  ```
   293  vcn authenticate --hash fce289e99eb9bca977dae136fbe2a82b6b7d4c372474c9235adc1741675f587e
   294  ```
   296  #### Unsupport/untrust an asset you do not have anymore
   298  In case you want to unsupport/untrust an asset of yours that you no longer have, you can do so using the asset hash(es) with the following steps below.
   300  First, you’ll need to get the hash of the asset from your CodeNotary [dashboard]( or alternatively you can use the `vcn list` command. Then, in the CLI, use:
   302  ```
   303  vcn untrust --hash <asset's hash>
   304  # or
   305  vcn unsupport --hash <asset's hash>
   306  ```
   308  #### Notarization within automated environments
   310  First, you’ll need to make `vcn` have access to the `${HOME}/.vcn` folder that holds your secret (the private key).
   311  Then, set up your environment accordingly using the following commands:
   312  ```
   313  export VCN_USER=<email>
   314  export VCN_PASSWORD=<login password>
   315  export VCN_NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD=<notarization password>
   316  ```
   317  > It's possible to disable one time password requirement with:
   318  >```bash
   319  > export VCN_OTP_EMPTY=true
   320  > ```
   321  Once done, you can use `vcn` in your non-interactive environment using:
   323  ```
   324  vcn login
   325  vcn notarize <asset>
   326  ```
   327  > Other commands like `untrust` and `unsupport` will also work.
   329  ## Testing
   330  ```
   331  make test
   332  ```
   334  ## Codenotary Cloud
   336  Vcn was extended in order to be compatible with [Codenotary Cloud]( .
   337  Notarized assets informations are stored in a tamperproof ledger with cryptographic verification backed by [immudb](, the immutable database.
   338  Thanks to this `vcn` is faster and provides more powerful functionalities like local data inclusion, consistency verification and enhanced CLI filters.
   340  ### Obtain an API Key
   341  To provide access to Immutable Ledger a valid API Key is required.
   342  This API Key is bound to a specific Ledger and it's required during vcn login.
   343  To obtain a valid key you need to get access to a licensed Codenotary Cloud installation.
   345  ### Login
   347  To login in Immutable Ledger provides `--lc-port` and `--lc-host` flag, also the user submit API Key when requested.
   348  Once host, port and API Key are provided, it's possible to omit them in following commands. Otherwise, the user can provide them in other commands like `notarize`, `verify` or `inspect`.
   350  ```shell script
   351  vcn login --lc-port 443 --lc-host
   352  ```
   354  > One time password (otp) is not mandatory
   356  Alternatively, for using vcn in non-interactive mode, the user can supply the API Key via the `VCN_LC_API_KEY` environment variable, e.g.:
   358  ```shell script
   359  export VCN_LC_API_KEY=apikeyhere
   361  # No vcn login command needed
   363  # Other vcn commands...
   364  vcn notarize asset.txt --lc-host --lc-port 443
   365  ```
   367  #### TLS
   369  By default, vcn will try to establish a secure connection (TLS) with a Immutable Ledger server.
   371  The user can also provide a custom TLS certificate for the server, in case vcn is not able to download it automatically:
   373  ```shell script
   374  vcn login --lc-port 443 --lc-host --lc-cert mycert.pem
   375  ```
   377  For testing purposes or in case the provided certificate should be always trusted by the client, the user can
   378  configure vcn to skip TLS certificate verification with the `--lc-skip-tls-verify` option:
   380  ```shell script
   381  vcn login --lc-port 443 --lc-host --lc-cert mycert.pem --lc-skip-tls-verify
   382  ```
   384  Finally in case the Immutable Ledger Server is not exposed through a TLS endpoint, the user can request a cleartext
   385  connection using the `--lc-no-tls` option:
   387  ```shell script
   388  vcn login --lc-port 80 --lc-host --lc-no-tls
   389  ```
   390  ### Signature verification
   391  If the connected Codenotary Cloud server is cryptographically signing messages vcn will requests public key in order to verify signatures.
   392  It's possible to specify the public key with the environment vars `VCN_SIGNING_PUB_KEY_FILE={an ECDSA public key file path}` or `VCN_SIGNING_PUB_KEY={an ECDSA public key payload}`.
   393  In alternative also flags `--signing-pub-key-file` and  `--signing-pub-key` are availables.
   395  > If no public key is provided `vcn` will automatically trust the first signature found while connecting on a server configured to sign messages and it will save in `~/.vcn-trusted-signing-pub-key` the trusted public key.
   396  If `--enforce-signature-verify` flag or `VCN_ENFORCE_SIGNATURE_VERIFY` env var is provided and vcn is run inside a terminal it will requests for a fingerprint confirmation.
   398  In order to verify the fingerprint on the public openssl key its possible to check CNC dashboard and verify that fingerprint match the server identity.
   399  To obtain the fingerprint from an openssl ECDSA `private` key use:
   400  ```shell
   401  ssh-keygen -f mykey.key -y > mykey.pem
   402  ssh-keygen -l -v -f mykey.pem
   403  ```
   404  To obtain the fingerprint from an openssl ECDSA `public` key use:
   405  ```shell
   406  ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f >
   407  ssh-keygen -l -v -f
   408  ```
   409  ### Commands
   410  All commands reference didn't change.
   412  ### Add custom metadata when signing assets
   413  The user can upload custom metadata when doing an asset notarization using the `--attr` option, e.g.:
   415  ```shell script
   416  vcn n --attr Testme=yes --attr project=5 --attr pipeline=test
   417  ```
   419  This command would add the custom asset metadata Testme: yes, project: 5, pipeline: test.
   421  The user can read the metadata back on asset authentication, i.e. using the `jq` utility:
   423  ```shell script
   424  vcn a -o json | jq .metadata
   425  ```
   427  ### Inspect
   428  Inspect has been extended with the addition of new filter: `--last`, `--first`, `--start` and `--end`.
   429  With `--last` and `--first` are returned the N first or last respectively.
   431  ```shell script
   432  vcn inspect document.pdf --last 10
   433  ```
   435  With `--start` and `--end` it's possible to use a time range filter:
   437  ```shell script
   438  vcn inspect document.pdf --start 2020/10/28-08:00:00 --end 2020/10/28-17:00:00
   439  ```
   441  If no filters are provided only maximum 100 items are returned.
   443  ### Signer Identifier
   444  It's possible to filter results by signer identifier:
   446  ```shell script
   447  vcn inspect document.pdf --signerID CygBE_zb8XnprkkO6ncIrbbwYoUq5T1zfyEF6DhqcAI=
   448  ```
   449  ### Attachments
   450  When notarizing an asset you can add attachments to the transaction:
   451  ```shell script
   452  vcn n artifact --attach attachment1:label1 --attach attachment2:label1 --attach attachment3:label2
   453  ```
   454  >This is especially useful when running a CI pipeline in multiple steps and each step provides a different result that should be attached (i. e. vulnerability scanner result, compliance scanner result, dependency scanner result).
   456  To retrieve these attachments you can either use the notarization transaction uid or the labels.
   457  When using the uid all attachments of the specific notarization transaction will be downloaded.
   458  ```shell script
   459  vcn a go.sum --lc-uid 1624700334893475066 --output attachments
   460  ```
   461  When using `labels` you can either download a specific attachment or all attachments with the same label.
   462  ```shell script
   463  vcn a go.sum --attach attachment2:label1 --output attachments
   464  vcn a go.sum --attach label1 --output attachments
   465  ```
   466  Another example that shows the artifact attachment's download across all notarizations:
   467  ```shell script
   468  # upload attachments one at a time:
   469  vcn n asset.bin --attach file1.txt:labelXYZ
   470  vcn n asset.bin --attach file2.txt:labelXYZ
   471  vcn n asset.bin --attach file3.txt:labelXYZ
   472  # downloads all attached files
   473  vcn a asset.bin --attach labelXYZ --output attachments
   474  ```
   476  The label only command --attach label1 downloads the latest version of all attachments that have the requested label.
   477  Existing files will not be overwritte. In case you want to download and overwrite existing files use the `--force` flag.
   478  If there are multiple versions of a specific attachment the file will be downloaded with an enumerated postfix.
   480  ```shell script
   481  vcn a go.sum --attach lab1 --output attachments --force
   482  ```
   484  ### Local API server
   486  Local API server is supported.
   487  The `API Key` can be submitted with the `x-notarization-lc-api-key` header.
   489  Notarize example:
   490  ```bash
   491  curl --location --request POST '' \
   492  --header 'x-notarization-lc-api-key: oikfnlbjinhhclvjiotckgwfuyfjxntxmcau' \
   493  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   494  --data-raw '{
   495  "Kind":"file",
   496  "Name":"",
   497  "Hash":"e2b58ab102dbadb3b1fd5139c8d2a937dc622b1b0d0907075edea163fe2cd093",
   498  "Size":1400,
   499  "ContentType":"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
   500  }'
   501  ```
   502  Authenticate example:
   503  ```bash
   504  curl --location --request GET '' \
   505  --header 'x-notarization-lc-api-key: oikfnlbjinhhclvjiotckgwfuyfjxntxmcau'
   506  ```
   507  Inspect example:
   508  ```bash
   509  curl --location --request GET '' \
   510  --header 'x-notarization-lc-api-key: oikfnlbjinhhclvjiotckgwfuyfjxntxmcau'
   511  ```
   512  Inspect with signerID example:
   513  ```bash
   514  curl --location --request GET '' \
   515  --header 'x-notarization-lc-api-key: oikfnlbjinhhclvjiotckgwfuyfjxntxmcau'
   516  ```
   517  Untrust example:
   518  ```bash
   519  curl --location --request POST '' \
   520  --header 'x-notarization-lc-api-key: oikfnlbjinhhclvjiotckgwfuyfjxntxmcau' \
   521  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   522  --data-raw '{
   523  	"Kind":		"file",
   524  	"Name":		"",
   525  	"Hash":		"e2b58ab102dbadb3b1fd5139c8d2a937dc622b1b0d0907075edea163fe2cd093",
   526  	"Size":		1400,
   527  	"ContentType":	"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
   528  }'
   529  ```
   531  ## License
   533  This software is released under [GPL3](