
     1  #!/bin/bash
     2  #
     3  # Copyright 2021 The Sigstore Authors.
     4  #
     5  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  #
     9  #
    10  #
    11  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  # limitations under the License.
    17  set -ex
    20  echo '::group:: publish test image'
    21  DIGEST=$(ko publish -B ./cmd/sample)
    22  cat > pod.yaml <<EOF
    23  apiVersion: v1
    24  kind: Pod
    25  metadata:
    26    generateName: pod-test-
    27  spec:
    28    restartPolicy: Never
    29    containers:
    30    - name: sample
    31      image: $KO_DOCKER_REPO/sample
    32  EOF
    33  cat > distroless-pod.yaml <<EOF
    34  apiVersion: v1
    35  kind: Pod
    36  metadata:
    37    generateName: pod-test-
    38  spec:
    39    restartPolicy: Never
    40    containers:
    41    - name: sample
    42      image:
    43      command: [/busybox/sh, -c]
    44      args:
    45      - |
    46        echo Testing Fulcio verification
    47  EOF
    48  cat > job.yaml <<EOF
    49  apiVersion: batch/v1
    50  kind: Job
    51  metadata:
    52    generateName: job-test-
    53  spec:
    54    template:
    55      spec:
    56        restartPolicy: Never
    57        containers:
    58          - name: sample
    59            image: $KO_DOCKER_REPO/sample
    60  EOF
    62  cat > cronjob.yaml <<EOF
    63  apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
    64  kind: CronJob
    65  metadata:
    66    generateName: cronjob-test-
    67  spec:
    68    schedule: "* * * * *"
    69    jobTemplate:
    70      spec:
    71        template:
    72          spec:
    73            containers:
    74            - name: sample
    75              image: $KO_DOCKER_REPO/sample
    76            restartPolicy: Never
    77  EOF
    78  echo '::endgroup::'
    80  cat > manykeys.pem <<EOF
    81  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    83  A+6/ffM1bfNnq3AGkhGNfJTI3P0w1Y69gBTF/AfXhYuEc/SxmX0b3PwzWg==
    84  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    85  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    86  MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE40I8/4Q4k7IhuJvesexymMH4mQa6
    87  nD9c9iLu5S/Y5yjCDYtDTB7MzwTy+0RtIdIAv1ePBVGVQ/s7M2QDdrA8SQ==
    88  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
    89  EOF
    91  echo '::endgroup::'
    94  echo '::group:: enable verification'
    95  kubectl label namespace default --overwrite
    96  echo '::endgroup::'
    99  echo '::group:: test pod success (Fulcio root)'
   100  # This time it should succeed!
   101  if ! kubectl create -f distroless-pod.yaml ; then
   102    echo Failed to create Pod signed by Fulcio!
   103    exit 1
   104  else
   105    echo Successfully created Pod signed by Fulcio.
   106  fi
   107  echo '::endgroup::'
   110  echo '::group:: setup verification-key'
   111  # Update the cosign verification-key secret with a proper key pair.
   112  cosign generate-key-pair k8s://cosign-system/verification-key
   113  echo '::endgroup::'
   115  echo '::group:: setup multiple verification-keys'
   116  cosign public-key --key k8s://cosign-system/verification-key >> manykeys.pem
   118  # Save the old key
   119  kubectl get secret -n cosign-system verification-key -o=json | jq -r '.data["cosign.key"]' | base64 --decode > cosign.key
   120  kubectl delete secret -n cosign-system  verification-key
   121  kubectl create secret generic -n cosign-system verification-key --from-literal=cosign.password=${COSIGN_PASSWORD} --from-file=cosign.key
   123  echo '::group:: disable verification'
   124  kubectl label namespace default --overwrite
   125  echo '::endgroup::'
   128  echo '::group:: test pod success (before labeling)'
   129  # This time it should succeed!
   130  if ! kubectl create -f pod.yaml ; then
   131    echo Failed to create Pod in namespace without label!
   132    exit 1
   133  else
   134    echo Successfully created Pod in namespace without label.
   135  fi
   136  echo '::endgroup::'
   139  echo '::group:: test job success'
   140  # This time it should succeed!
   141  if ! kubectl create -f job.yaml ; then
   142    echo Failed to create Job in namespace without label!
   143    exit 1
   144  else
   145    echo Successfully created Job in namespace without label.
   146  fi
   147  echo '::endgroup::'
   149  echo '::group:: test cronjob success'
   150  # This time it should succeed!
   151  if ! kubectl create -f cronjob.yaml ; then
   152    echo Failed to create CronJob in namespace without label!
   153    exit 1
   154  else
   155    echo Successfully created CronJob in namespace without label.
   156  fi
   157  echo '::endgroup::'
   159  echo '::group:: enable verification'
   160  kubectl label namespace default --overwrite
   161  echo '::endgroup::'
   164  echo '::group:: test pod rejection'
   165  if kubectl create -f pod.yaml ; then
   166    echo Failed to block Pod creation!
   167    exit 1
   168  else
   169    echo Successfully blocked Pod creation.
   170  fi
   171  echo '::endgroup::'
   174  echo '::group:: test job rejection'
   175  if kubectl create -f job.yaml ; then
   176    echo Failed to block Job creation!
   177    exit 1
   178  else
   179    echo Successfully blocked Job creation.
   180  fi
   181  echo '::endgroup::'
   183  echo '::group:: test cronjob rejection'
   184  if kubectl create -f cronjob.yaml ; then
   185    echo Failed to block CronJob creation!
   186    exit 1
   187  else
   188    echo Successfully blocked CronJob creation.
   189  fi
   190  echo '::endgroup::'
   192  echo '::group:: sign test image'
   193  cosign sign --key k8s://cosign-system/verification-key $DIGEST
   194  echo '::endgroup::'
   198  echo '::group:: test pod digest resolution'
   199  IMAGE=$(kubectl create --dry-run=server -f pod.yaml -oyaml | yq e '.spec.containers[0].image' -)
   201  if [ "$IMAGE" != "$DIGEST" ] ; then
   202    echo Failed to resolve tag to digest!
   203    exit 1
   204  else
   205    echo Successfully resolved tag to digest.
   206  fi
   207  echo '::endgroup::'
   209  echo '::group:: test job digest resolution'
   210  IMAGE=$(kubectl create --dry-run=server -f job.yaml -oyaml | yq e '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image' -)
   212  if [ "$IMAGE" != "$DIGEST" ] ; then
   213    echo Failed to resolve tag to digest!
   214    exit 1
   215  else
   216    echo Successfully resolved tag to digest.
   217  fi
   218  echo '::endgroup::'
   220  echo '::group:: test cronjob digest resolution'
   221  IMAGE=$(kubectl create --dry-run=server -f cronjob.yaml -oyaml | yq e '.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image' -)
   223  if [ "$IMAGE" != "$DIGEST" ] ; then
   224    echo Failed to resolve tag to digest!
   225    exit 1
   226  else
   227    echo Successfully resolved tag to digest.
   228  fi
   229  echo '::endgroup::'
   231  echo '::group:: test pod success'
   232  # This time it should succeed!
   233  if ! kubectl create -f pod.yaml ; then
   234    echo Failed to create Pod with properly signed image!
   235    exit 1
   236  else
   237    echo Successfully created Pod from signed image.
   238  fi
   239  echo '::endgroup::'
   242  echo '::group:: test job success'
   243  # This time it should succeed!
   244  if ! kubectl create -f job.yaml ; then
   245    echo Failed to create Job with properly signed image!
   246    exit 1
   247  else
   248    echo Successfully created Job from signed image.
   249  fi
   250  echo '::endgroup::'
   252  echo '::group:: test cronjob success'
   253  # This time it should succeed!
   254  if ! kubectl create -f cronjob.yaml ; then
   255    echo Failed to create CronJob with properly signed image!
   256    exit 1
   257  else
   258    echo Successfully created CronJob from signed image.
   259  fi
   260  echo '::endgroup::'