(about) 1 // Copyright (c) 2020, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 2 // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at 3 4 import groovy.transform.Field 5 6 def DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG 7 def SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS = false 8 def SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = false 9 @Field 10 def SUSPECT_LIST = "" 11 def VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = "" 12 def VZ_BASE_IMAGE = "" 13 def tarfilePrefix="" 14 def storeLocation="" 15 16 def agentLabel = env.JOB_NAME.contains('master') ? "2.0-large-phx" : "2.0-large" 17 18 pipeline { 19 options { 20 skipDefaultCheckout true 21 copyArtifactPermission('*'); 22 timestamps () 23 } 24 25 agent { 26 docker { 27 image "${RUNNER_DOCKER_IMAGE}" 28 args "${RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}" 29 registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" 30 registryCredentialsId 'ocir-pull-and-push-account' 31 label "${agentLabel}" 32 } 33 } 34 35 parameters { 36 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to kick off acceptance test run at the end of this build', name: 'RUN_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS', defaultValue: true) 37 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to include the slow tests in the acceptance tests', name: 'RUN_SLOW_TESTS', defaultValue: false) 38 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to create the cluster with Calico for AT testing (defaults to true)', name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', defaultValue: true) 39 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to dump k8s cluster on success (off by default can be useful to capture for comparing to failed cluster)', name: 'DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS', defaultValue: false) 40 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to trigger full testing after a successful run. Off by default. This is always done for successful master and release* builds, this setting only is used to enable the trigger for other branches', name: 'TRIGGER_FULL_TESTS', defaultValue: false) 41 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to generate a tarball', name: 'GENERATE_TARBALL', defaultValue: false) 42 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to push images to OCIR', name: 'PUSH_TO_OCIR', defaultValue: false) 43 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to fail the Integration Tests to test failure handling', name: 'SIMULATE_FAILURE', defaultValue: false) 44 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to perform a scan of the built images', name: 'PERFORM_SCAN', defaultValue: false) 45 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to wait for triggered tests or not. This defaults to false, this setting is useful for things like release automation that require everything to complete successfully', name: 'WAIT_FOR_TRIGGERED', defaultValue: false) 46 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to fail build if UT coverage number decreases lower than its release-* coverage from object storage. This defaults to false, meaning Any non release-*/master branch will WARN only if its coverage is lower. This can be enabled so that jobs will FAIL if coverage drops, for example when testing a PR before merging.', name: 'FAIL_IF_COVERAGE_DECREASED', defaultValue: false) 47 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to write the UT coverage number to object storage. This always occurs for release-*/master branches. Defaults to true, but it can be disabled to not always upload.', name: 'UPLOAD_UNIT_TEST_COVERAGE', defaultValue: true) 48 booleanParam (description: 'Whether to run clusterAPI override tests', name: 'RUN_CLUSTERAPI_OVERRIDE_TESTS', defaultValue: false) 49 choice (name: 'WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN', 50 description: 'Wildcard DNS Domain', 51 // 1st choice is the default value 52 choices: [ "", ""]) 53 choice (name: 'CRD_API_VERSION', 54 description: 'This is the API crd version.', 55 // 1st choice is the default value 56 choices: [ "v1beta1", "v1alpha1"]) 57 string (name: 'CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH', 58 defaultValue: '', 59 description: 'The branch to check out after cloning the console repository.', 60 trim: true) 61 } 62 63 environment { 64 TEST_ENV = "JENKINS" 65 CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}" 66 IS_PERIODIC_PIPELINE = "false" 67 68 DOCKER_PLATFORM_CI_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-platform-operator-jenkins' 69 DOCKER_PLATFORM_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-platform-operator' 70 DOCKER_PLATFORM_IMAGE_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^release-.*/ || env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? env.DOCKER_PLATFORM_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME : env.DOCKER_PLATFORM_CI_IMAGE_NAME}" 71 DOCKER_APP_CI_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-application-operator-jenkins' 72 DOCKER_APP_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-application-operator' 73 DOCKER_APP_IMAGE_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^release-.*/ || env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? env.DOCKER_APP_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME : env.DOCKER_APP_CI_IMAGE_NAME}" 74 DOCKER_CLUSTER_CI_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-cluster-operator-jenkins' 75 DOCKER_CLUSTER_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-cluster-operator' 76 DOCKER_CLUSTER_IMAGE_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^release-.*/ || env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? env.DOCKER_CLUSTER_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME : env.DOCKER_CLUSTER_CI_IMAGE_NAME}" 77 DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_CI_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-authproxy-jenkins' 78 DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-authproxy' 79 DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /^release-.*/ || env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? env.DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME : env.DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_CI_IMAGE_NAME}" 80 CREATE_LATEST_TAG = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? '1' : '0'}" 81 USE_V8O_DOC_STAGE = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' ? 'true' : 'false'}" 82 GOPATH = '/home/opc/go' 83 GO_REPO_PATH = "${GOPATH}/src/" 84 DOCKER_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw') 85 DOCKER_EMAIL = credentials('github-packages-email') 86 DOCKER_REPO = '' 87 DOCKER_NAMESPACE = 'verrazzano' 88 NETRC_FILE = credentials('netrc') 89 GITHUB_PKGS_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw') 90 SERVICE_KEY = credentials('PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_KEY') 91 RELEASE_OWNERS = credentials('release-version-owners') 92 93 CLUSTER_NAME = 'verrazzano' 94 POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE = "${WORKSPACE}/post_dump_failed_file.tmp" 95 TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE = "${WORKSPACE}/tests_executed_file.tmp" 96 KUBECONFIG = "${WORKSPACE}/test_kubeconfig" 97 VERRAZZANO_KUBECONFIG = "${KUBECONFIG}" 98 OCR_CREDS = credentials('ocr-pull-and-push-account') 99 OCR_REPO = '' 100 IMAGE_PULL_SECRET = 'verrazzano-container-registry' 101 INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND = "./tests/e2e/config/scripts/${params.CRD_API_VERSION}/install-verrazzano-kind.yaml" 102 INSTALL_PROFILE = "dev" 103 VZ_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "default" 104 TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR = "${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e/config/scripts" 105 106 WEBLOGIC_PSW = credentials('weblogic-example-domain-password') // Needed by ToDoList example test 107 DATABASE_PSW = credentials('todo-mysql-password') // Needed by ToDoList example test 108 109 // used for console artifact capture on failure 110 JENKINS_READ = credentials('jenkins-auditor') 111 112 OCI_CLI_AUTH="instance_principal" 113 OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace') 114 OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET="build-failure-artifacts" 115 OCI_OS_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds" 116 OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds-by-commit" 117 OCI_OS_REGION="us-phoenix-1" // where to download existing artifacts from 118 OCI_OS_DIST_REGION="eu-frankfurt-1" // where to upload distributions to 119 120 // used to emit metrics 121 PROMETHEUS_CREDENTIALS = credentials('prometheus-credentials') 122 123 OCIR_SCAN_COMPARTMENT = credentials('ocir-scan-compartment') 124 OCIR_SCAN_TARGET = credentials('ocir-scan-target') 125 OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY = credentials('ocir-scan-registry') 126 OCIR_SCAN_REPOSITORY_PATH = credentials('ocir-scan-repository-path') 127 DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS = credentials('v8odev-ocir') 128 129 // used to write to object storage, or fail build if UT coverage does not pass 130 FAIL_BUILD_COVERAGE = "${params.FAIL_IF_COVERAGE_DECREASED}" 131 UPLOAD_UT_COVERAGE = "${params.UPLOAD_UNIT_TEST_COVERAGE}" 132 133 // File containing base image information 134 BASE_IMAGE_INFO_FILE = "base-image-v1.0.0.txt" 135 } 136 137 stages { 138 stage('Clean workspace and checkout') { 139 steps { 140 sh """ 141 echo "${NODE_LABELS}" 142 """ 143 144 script { 145 def scmInfo = checkout scm 146 env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT 147 env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH 148 echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}" 149 } 150 sh """ 151 cp -f "${NETRC_FILE}" $HOME/.netrc 152 chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc 153 """ 154 155 script { 156 try { 157 sh """ 158 echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 159 """ 160 } catch(error) { 161 echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep" 162 retry(4) { 163 sleep(30) 164 sh """ 165 echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 166 """ 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 moveContentToGoRepoPath() 171 downloadBaseImageInfoFile() 172 173 script { 174 def props = readProperties file: '.verrazzano-development-version' 175 VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = props['verrazzano-development-version'] 176 TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim() 177 SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo $env.GIT_COMMIT | head -c 8") 178 env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION = "${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}" 179 if (!"${env.GIT_BRANCH}".startsWith("release-")) { 180 env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION = "${env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}+${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}" 181 } 182 DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG = "v${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}-${TIMESTAMP}-${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}" 183 // update the description with some meaningful info 184 currentBuild.description = SHORT_COMMIT_HASH + " : " + env.GIT_COMMIT 185 def currentCommitHash = env.GIT_COMMIT 186 def commitList = getCommitList() 187 withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-to-slack-users', variable: 'JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON')]) { 188 def userMappings = readJSON file: JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON 189 SUSPECT_LIST = getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings) 190 echo "Suspect list: ${SUSPECT_LIST}" 191 } 192 193 def imageProps = readProperties file: "${WORKSPACE}/${BASE_IMAGE_INFO_FILE}" 194 VZ_BASE_IMAGE = imageProps['base-image'] 195 env.VZ_BASE_IMAGE = "${VZ_BASE_IMAGE}" 196 echo "Verrazzano base image: ${VZ_BASE_IMAGE}" 197 } 198 } 199 } 200 201 stage('Generate operator.yaml') { 202 environment { 203 MODULE_INTEGRATION = "true" 204 } 205 when { not { buildingTag() } } 206 steps { 207 generateOperatorYaml("${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}") 208 } 209 post { 210 failure { 211 script { 212 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 213 } 214 } 215 success { 216 archiveArtifacts artifacts: "generated-operator.yaml", allowEmptyArchive: true 217 } 218 } 219 } 220 221 stage('Check Repo Clean') { 222 steps { 223 checkRepoClean() 224 } 225 post { 226 failure { 227 script { 228 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 229 } 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 stage('Verrazzano development version check') { 234 when { not { buildingTag() } } 235 steps { 236 script { 237 VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION_CHECK = sh (script: "git ls-remote --tags origin | grep -F ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}", returnStatus: true ) 238 if (VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION_CHECK == 0) { 239 if (env.JOB_NAME ==~ "verrazzano/release-*") { 240 slackSend ( channel: "$SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL", message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nVZ Helper was not run, the Verrazzano Development Version ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION} matches a prior release\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\n\nRelease Owners:\n ${RELEASE_OWNERS}\n") 241 } 242 } 243 } 244 } 245 post { 246 failure { 247 script { 248 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 249 } 250 } 251 } 252 } 253 254 stage('Parallel Build, Test, and Compliance') { 255 parallel { 256 stage('Build Verrazzano CLI and Save Binary') { 257 steps { 258 buildVerrazzanoCLI("${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}") 259 } 260 post { 261 failure { 262 script { 263 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 264 } 265 } 266 success { 267 script { 268 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.tar.gz*', allowEmptyArchive: true 269 echo "Saving CLI Binary" 270 saveCLIExecutable() 271 } 272 273 } 274 } 275 } 276 277 stage('Build Images and Save Generated Files') { 278 when { not { buildingTag() } } 279 steps { 280 script { 281 buildImages("${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}") 282 } 283 } 284 post { 285 failure { 286 script { 287 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 288 } 289 } 290 success { 291 echo "Saving generated files" 292 saveGeneratedFiles() 293 script { 294 archiveArtifacts artifacts: "generated-verrazzano-bom.json,verrazzano_images.txt", allowEmptyArchive: true 295 } 296 } 297 } 298 } 299 300 stage('Quality, Compliance Checks, and Unit Tests') { 301 when { not { buildingTag() } } 302 steps { 303 sh """ 304 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 305 make precommit 306 make unit-test-coverage-ratcheting 307 echo "Checking versions..." 308 release/scripts/ ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION} 309 """ 310 } 311 post { 312 failure { 313 script { 314 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 315 } 316 } 317 always { 318 sh """ 319 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 320 cp coverage.html ${WORKSPACE} 321 cp coverage.xml ${WORKSPACE} 322 build/ ${WORKSPACE} 323 """ 324 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html', allowEmptyArchive: true 325 junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true 326 cobertura(coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml', 327 enableNewApi: true, 328 autoUpdateHealth: false, 329 autoUpdateStability: false, 330 failUnstable: true, 331 failUnhealthy: true, 332 failNoReports: true, 333 onlyStable: false, 334 fileCoverageTargets: '100, 0, 0', 335 lineCoverageTargets: '68, 68, 68', 336 packageCoverageTargets: '100, 0, 0', 337 ) 338 } 339 } 340 } 341 342 } 343 } 344 345 stage('Scan Image') { 346 when { 347 allOf { 348 not { buildingTag() } 349 expression {params.PERFORM_SCAN == true} 350 } 351 } 352 steps { 353 script { 354 scanContainerImage "${env.DOCKER_REPO}/${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/${DOCKER_PLATFORM_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" 355 scanContainerImage "${env.DOCKER_REPO}/${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/${DOCKER_APP_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" 356 scanContainerImage "${env.DOCKER_REPO}/${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/${DOCKER_CLUSTER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" 357 scanContainerImage "${env.DOCKER_REPO}/${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE}/${DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" 358 } 359 } 360 post { 361 failure { 362 script { 363 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 364 } 365 } 366 always { 367 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/scanning-report*.json', allowEmptyArchive: true 368 } 369 } 370 } 371 372 stage('Skip acceptance tests if commit message contains skip-at') { 373 steps { 374 script { 375 // note that SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS will be false at this point (its default value) 376 // so we are going to run the AT's unless this logic decides to skip them... 377 378 // if we are planning to run the AT's (which is the default) 379 if (params.RUN_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS == true) { 380 SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS = false 381 // check if the user has asked to skip AT using the commit message 382 result = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep 'skip-at'", returnStatus: true) 383 if (result == 0) { 384 // found 'skip-at', so don't run them 385 SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS = true 386 echo "Skip acceptance tests based on opt-out in commit message [skip-at]" 387 echo "SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS is ${SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS}" 388 } 389 } else { 390 SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS = true 391 } 392 } 393 } 394 } 395 396 stage('Kind Acceptance Tests on 1.27') { 397 when { 398 allOf { 399 not { buildingTag() } 400 anyOf { 401 branch 'master'; 402 branch 'release-*'; 403 expression {SKIP_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS == false}; 404 } 405 } 406 } 407 408 environment { 409 SEARCH_HTTP_ENDPOINT = credentials('search-gw-url') 410 SEARCH_PASSWORD = "${PROMETHEUS_CREDENTIALS_PSW}" 411 SEARCH_USERNAME = "${PROMETHEUS_CREDENTIALS_USR}" 412 } 413 414 steps { 415 retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) { 416 script { 417 build job: "verrazzano-new-kind-acceptance-tests/${BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}", 418 parameters: [ 419 string(name: 'KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_VERSION', value: '1.27'), 420 string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT), 421 string(name: 'WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN', value: params.WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN), 422 string(name: 'CRD_API_VERSION', value: params.CRD_API_VERSION), 423 booleanParam(name: 'RUN_SLOW_TESTS', value: params.RUN_SLOW_TESTS), 424 booleanParam(name: 'DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS', value: params.DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS), 425 booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: params.CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO), 426 booleanParam(name: 'RUN_CLUSTERAPI_OVERRIDE_TESTS', value: params.RUN_CLUSTERAPI_OVERRIDE_TESTS), 427 string(name: 'CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH', value: params.CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH), 428 ], wait: true 429 } 430 } 431 } 432 post { 433 failure { 434 script { 435 SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS = true 436 } 437 } 438 } 439 } 440 stage('Triggered Tests') { 441 when { 442 allOf { 443 not { buildingTag() } 444 expression {SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS == false} 445 anyOf { 446 branch 'master'; 447 branch 'release-*'; 448 expression {params.TRIGGER_FULL_TESTS == true}; 449 } 450 } 451 } 452 steps { 453 script { 454 build job: "verrazzano-push-triggered-acceptance-tests/${BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}", 455 parameters: [ 456 string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT), 457 string(name: 'WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN', value: params.WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN), 458 string(name: 'CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH', value: params.CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH) 459 ], wait: params.WAIT_FOR_TRIGGERED 460 } 461 } 462 } 463 stage('Zip Build and Test') { 464 // If the tests are clean and this is a release branch or GENERATE_TARBALL == true, 465 // generate the Verrazzano full product zip and run the Private Registry tests. 466 // Optionally push images to OCIR for scanning. 467 when { 468 allOf { 469 not { buildingTag() } 470 expression {SKIP_TRIGGERED_TESTS == false} 471 anyOf { 472 expression{params.GENERATE_TARBALL == true}; 473 expression{params.PUSH_TO_OCIR == true}; 474 } 475 } 476 } 477 stages{ 478 stage("Build Product Zip") { 479 steps { 480 script { 481 try { 482 sh """ 483 echo "${OCR_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login -u ${OCR_CREDS_USR} ${OCR_REPO} --password-stdin 484 """ 485 } catch(error) { 486 echo "OCIR docker login at ${OCIR_REPO} failed, retrying after sleep" 487 retry(4) { 488 sleep(30) 489 sh """ 490 echo "${OCR_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login -u ${OCR_CREDS_USR} ${OCR_REPO} --password-stdin 491 """ 492 } 493 } 494 } 495 script { 496 sh """ 497 ci/scripts/ ${WORKSPACE} ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION} ${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH} 498 """ 499 } 500 } 501 } 502 stage("Private Registry Test") { 503 steps { 504 script { 505 tarfilePrefix="verrazzano-${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}-lite" 506 storeLocation="ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/${tarfilePrefix}.zip" 507 echo "Starting private registry test for ${storeLocation}, file prefix ${tarfilePrefix}" 508 build job: "verrazzano-private-registry/${BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}", 509 parameters: [ 510 string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT), 511 string(name: 'WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN', value: params.WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN), 512 string(name: 'DISTRIBUTION_VARIANT', value: 'Lite'), 513 string(name: 'ZIPFILE_LOCATION', value: storeLocation) 514 ], wait: true 515 } 516 } 517 } 518 stage("Push Images to OCIR") { 519 environment { 520 OCI_CLI_AUTH="api_key" 521 OCI_CLI_TENANCY = credentials('oci-dev-tenancy') 522 OCI_CLI_USER = credentials('oci-dev-user-ocid') 523 OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT = credentials('oci-dev-api-key-fingerprint') 524 OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE = credentials('oci-dev-api-key-file') 525 OCI_CLI_REGION = "us-ashburn-1" 526 OCI_REGION = "${env.OCI_CLI_REGION}" 527 // Directory containing the Verrazzano image tar files 528 VERRAZZANO_IMAGES_DIRECTORY = "${WORKSPACE}/vz-full/verrazzano-${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}/images" 529 } 530 when { 531 expression{params.PUSH_TO_OCIR == true} 532 } 533 steps { 534 script { 535 try { 536 sh """ 537 echo "${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 538 """ 539 } catch(error) { 540 echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep" 541 retry(4) { 542 sleep(30) 543 sh """ 544 echo "${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 545 """ 546 } 547 } 548 549 sh """ 550 echo "Pushing images to OCIR, note that images pushed using this pipeline are NOT treated as the latest scan results, those come from periodic test runs" 551 ci/scripts/ 552 """ 553 } 554 } 555 } 556 } 557 } 558 } 559 560 post { 561 always { 562 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/**,**/verrazzano_images.txt,**/*cluster-snapshot*/**', allowEmptyArchive: true 563 junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true 564 } 565 failure { 566 script { 567 failedOrAborted() 568 } 569 } 570 aborted { 571 script { 572 failedOrAborted() 573 } 574 } 575 cleanup { 576 deleteDir() 577 } 578 } 579 } 580 581 def failedOrAborted() { 582 sh """ 583 curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${WORKSPACE}/build-console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleText 584 """ 585 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/build-console-output.log', allowEmptyArchive: true 586 sh """ 587 curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${BUILD_URL}artifact/*zip*/ 588 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET} --name ${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/ --file 589 rm 590 """ 591 script { 592 if (isPagerDutyEnabled() && (env.JOB_NAME == "verrazzano/master" || env.JOB_NAME ==~ "verrazzano/release-1.*")) { 593 pagerduty(resolve: false, serviceKey: "$SERVICE_KEY", incDescription: "Verrazzano: ${env.JOB_NAME} - Failed", incDetails: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}") 594 } 595 if (env.JOB_NAME == "verrazzano/master" || env.JOB_NAME ==~ "verrazzano/release-1.*" || env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ "mark/*") { 596 slackSend ( channel: "$SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL", message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\n\nSuspects:\n${SUSPECT_LIST}" ) 597 } 598 } 599 } 600 601 def isPagerDutyEnabled() { 602 // this controls whether PD alerts are enabled 603 if (NOTIFY_PAGERDUTY_MAINJOB_FAILURES.equals("true")) { 604 echo "Pager-Duty notifications enabled via global override setting" 605 return true 606 } 607 return false 608 } 609 610 // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps 611 def moveContentToGoRepoPath() { 612 sh """ 613 rm -rf ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 614 mkdir -p ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 615 tar cf - . | (cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ ; tar xf -) 616 """ 617 } 618 619 // Download the file containing the base image name and digest 620 def downloadBaseImageInfoFile() { 621 sh """ 622 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name verrazzano-base-images/${BASE_IMAGE_INFO_FILE} --file ${WORKSPACE}/${BASE_IMAGE_INFO_FILE} 623 """ 624 } 625 626 // Called in Stage CLI steps 627 def buildVerrazzanoCLI(dockerImageTag) { 628 sh """ 629 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tools/vz 630 make go-build DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=${dockerImageTag} 631 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ci/scripts/ ${env.BRANCH_NAME} ${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH} 632 cp out/linux_amd64/vz ${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz 633 """ 634 } 635 636 def checkRepoClean() { 637 sh """ 638 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 639 echo 'Check for forgotten manifest/generate actions...' 640 (cd platform-operator; make check-repo-clean) 641 (cd application-operator; make check-repo-clean) 642 (cd cluster-operator; make check-repo-clean) 643 """ 644 } 645 646 // Called in Stage Build steps 647 // Makes target docker push for application/platform operator and analysis 648 def buildImages(dockerImageTag) { 649 sh """ 650 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 651 echo 'Now build using ${env.VZ_BASE_IMAGE} as base image...' 652 make docker-push VERRAZZANO_PLATFORM_OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_PLATFORM_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_APPLICATION_OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_APP_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_CLUSTER_OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_CLUSTER_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME} DOCKER_REPO=${env.DOCKER_REPO} DOCKER_NAMESPACE=${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE} DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=${dockerImageTag} CREATE_LATEST_TAG=${CREATE_LATEST_TAG} 653 cp ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator/out/generated-verrazzano-bom.json $WORKSPACE/generated-verrazzano-bom.json 654 cp $WORKSPACE/generated-verrazzano-bom.json $WORKSPACE/verrazzano-bom.json 655 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tools/scripts/ $WORKSPACE/generated-verrazzano-bom.json $WORKSPACE/verrazzano_images.txt 656 """ 657 } 658 659 // Called in Stage Generate operator.yaml steps 660 def generateOperatorYaml(dockerImageTag) { 661 sh """ 662 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator 663 case "${env.BRANCH_NAME}" in 664 master|release-*) 665 ;; 666 *) 667 echo "Adding image pull secrets to operator.yaml for non master/release branch" 668 export IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS=verrazzano-container-registry 669 esac 670 DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_PLATFORM_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_APPLICATION_OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_APP_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_CLUSTER_OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_CLUSTER_IMAGE_NAME} VERRAZZANO_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME=${DOCKER_AUTHPROXY_IMAGE_NAME} DOCKER_REPO=${env.DOCKER_REPO} DOCKER_NAMESPACE=${env.DOCKER_NAMESPACE} DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=${dockerImageTag} OPERATOR_YAML=$WORKSPACE/generated-operator.yaml make generate-operator-yaml 671 """ 672 } 673 674 // Called in Stage Save Generated Files steps 675 def saveGeneratedFiles() { 676 sh """ 677 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 678 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/operator.yaml --file $WORKSPACE/generated-operator.yaml 679 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/operator.yaml --file $WORKSPACE/generated-operator.yaml 680 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/generated-verrazzano-bom.json --file $WORKSPACE/generated-verrazzano-bom.json 681 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/generated-verrazzano-bom.json --file $WORKSPACE/generated-verrazzano-bom.json 682 """ 683 } 684 685 def saveCLIExecutable() { 686 sh """ 687 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 688 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz --file $WORKSPACE/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz 689 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz --file $WORKSPACE/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz 690 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 --file $WORKSPACE/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 691 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 --file $WORKSPACE/vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 692 """ 693 } 694 695 // Called in many parallel stages of Stage Run Acceptance Tests 696 def runGinkgoRandomize(testSuitePath) { 697 catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { 698 sh """ 699 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e 700 ginkgo -p --randomize-all -v --keep-going --no-color ${testSuitePath}/... 701 ../../build/ ${WORKSPACE} 702 """ 703 } 704 } 705 706 // Called in many parallel stages of Stage Run Acceptance Tests 707 def runGinkgo(testSuitePath) { 708 catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { 709 sh """ 710 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e 711 ginkgo -v --keep-going --no-color ${testSuitePath}/... 712 ../../build/ ${WORKSPACE} 713 """ 714 } 715 } 716 717 // Called in Stage Acceptance Tests post 718 def dumpK8sCluster(dumpDirectory) { 719 sh """ 720 mkdir -p ${dumpDirectory}/cluster-snapshot 721 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tools/scripts/ -d ${dumpDirectory}/cluster-snapshot -r ${dumpDirectory}/cluster-snapshot/ 722 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz bug-report --report-file ${dumpDirectory}/bug-report.tar.gz 723 mkdir -p ${dumpDirectory}/bug-report 724 tar -xvf ${dumpDirectory}/bug-report.tar.gz -C ${dumpDirectory}/bug-report 725 """ 726 } 727 728 729 // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps 730 @NonCPS 731 def getCommitList() { 732 echo "Checking for change sets" 733 def commitList = [] 734 def changeSets = currentBuild.changeSets 735 for (int i = 0; i < changeSets.size(); i++) { 736 echo "get commits from change set" 737 def commits = changeSets[i].items 738 for (int j = 0; j < commits.length; j++) { 739 def commit = commits[j] 740 def id = commit.commitId 741 echo "Add commit id: ${id}" 742 commitList.add(id) 743 } 744 } 745 return commitList 746 } 747 748 def trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(userIn) { 749 if (userIn == null) { 750 echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}" 751 return userIn 752 } 753 if (userIn.matches(".*\\+.**")) { 754 def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("+") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@")) 755 return userOut; 756 } 757 if (userIn.matches(".*<.**")) { 758 def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("<") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@")) 759 return userOut; 760 } 761 if (userIn.matches(".*")) { 762 def userOut = userIn.substring(0, userIn.indexOf("@")) 763 return userOut; 764 } 765 echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}" 766 return userIn 767 } 768 769 def getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings) { 770 def retValue = "" 771 def suspectList = [] 772 if (commitList == null || commitList.size() == 0) { 773 echo "No commits to form suspect list" 774 } else { 775 for (int i = 0; i < commitList.size(); i++) { 776 def id = commitList[i] 777 try { 778 def gitAuthor = sh( 779 script: "git log --format='%ae' '$id^!'", 780 returnStdout: true 781 ).trim() 782 if (gitAuthor != null) { 783 def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(gitAuthor) 784 echo "DEBUG: author: ${gitAuthor}, ${author}, id: ${id}" 785 if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) { 786 def slackUser = userMappings.get(author) 787 if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) { 788 echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect" 789 retValue += " ${slackUser}" 790 suspectList.add(slackUser) 791 } 792 } else { 793 // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated 794 if (!suspectList.contains(author)) { 795 echo "Added ${author} as suspect" 796 retValue += " ${author}" 797 suspectList.add(author) 798 } 799 } 800 } else { 801 echo "No author returned from git" 802 } 803 } catch (Exception e) { 804 echo "INFO: Problem processing commit ${id}, skipping commit: " + e.toString() 805 } 806 } 807 } 808 def startedByUser = ""; 809 def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses() 810 echo "causes: " + causes.toString() 811 for (cause in causes) { 812 def causeString = cause.toString() 813 echo "current cause: " + causeString 814 def causeInfo = readJSON text: causeString 815 if (causeInfo.userId != null) { 816 startedByUser = causeInfo.userId 817 } 818 } 819 820 if (startedByUser.length() > 0) { 821 echo "Build was started by a user, adding them to the suspect notification list: ${startedByUser}" 822 def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(startedByUser) 823 echo "DEBUG: author: ${startedByUser}, ${author}" 824 if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) { 825 def slackUser = userMappings.get(author) 826 if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) { 827 echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect" 828 retValue += " ${slackUser}" 829 suspectList.add(slackUser) 830 } 831 } else { 832 // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated 833 if (!suspectList.contains(author)) { 834 echo "Added ${author} as suspect" 835 retValue += " ${author}" 836 suspectList.add(author) 837 } 838 } 839 } else { 840 echo "Build not started by a user, not adding to notification list" 841 } 842 echo "returning suspect list: ${retValue}" 843 return retValue 844 }