
     1  // Copyright (c) 2021, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  package helidonworkload
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"strconv"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"testing"
    13  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	vzconst ""
    19  	oamapi ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	asserts ""
    23  	vzapi ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	appsv1 ""
    30  	corev1 ""
    31  	k8serrors ""
    32  	metav1 ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	k8sschema ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	k8scheme ""
    39  	ctrl ""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  const (
    46  	namespace          = "unit-test-namespace"
    47  	testRestartVersion = "new-restart"
    48  	helidonWorkload    = "testdata/templates/helidon_workload.yaml"
    49  )
    51  // TestReconcilerSetupWithManager test the creation of the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload reconciler.
    52  // GIVEN a controller implementation
    53  // WHEN the controller is created
    54  // THEN verify no error is returned
    55  func TestReconcilerSetupWithManager(t *testing.T) {
    56  	assert := asserts.New(t)
    58  	var mocker *gomock.Controller
    59  	var mgr *mocks.MockManager
    60  	var cli *mocks.MockClient
    61  	var scheme *runtime.Scheme
    62  	var reconciler Reconciler
    63  	var err error
    65  	mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
    66  	mgr = mocks.NewMockManager(mocker)
    67  	cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
    68  	scheme = runtime.NewScheme()
    69  	_ = vzapi.AddToScheme(scheme)
    70  	reconciler = Reconciler{Client: cli, Scheme: scheme}
    71  	mgr.EXPECT().GetControllerOptions().AnyTimes()
    72  	mgr.EXPECT().GetScheme().Return(scheme)
    73  	mgr.EXPECT().GetLogger().Return(logr.Discard())
    74  	mgr.EXPECT().SetFields(gomock.Any()).Return(nil).AnyTimes()
    75  	mgr.EXPECT().Add(gomock.Any()).Return(nil).AnyTimes()
    76  	err = reconciler.SetupWithManager(mgr)
    77  	mocker.Finish()
    78  	assert.NoError(err)
    79  }
    81  // TestReconcileWorkloadNotFound tests reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload when the workload
    82  // cannot be fetched. This happens when the workload has been deleted by the OAM runtime.
    83  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource has been deleted
    84  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called and we attempt to fetch the workload
    85  // THEN return success from the controller as there is nothing more to do
    86  func TestReconcileWorkloadNotFound(t *testing.T) {
    88  	assert := asserts.New(t)
    90  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
    91  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
    93  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
    94  	cli.EXPECT().
    95  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
    96  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
    97  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "")
    98  		})
   100  	// create a request and reconcile it
   101  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   102  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   103  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   105  	mocker.Finish()
   106  	assert.NoError(err)
   107  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   108  }
   110  // TestReconcileFetchWorkloadError tests reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload when the workload
   111  // cannot be fetched due to an unexpected error.
   112  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource has been created
   113  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called and we attempt to fetch the workload and get an error
   114  // THEN return the error
   115  func TestReconcileFetchWorkloadError(t *testing.T) {
   117  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   119  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   120  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   122  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   123  	cli.EXPECT().
   124  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   125  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   126  			return k8serrors.NewBadRequest("An error has occurred")
   127  		})
   129  	// create a request and reconcile it
   130  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   131  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   132  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   134  	mocker.Finish()
   135  	assert.Nil(err)
   136  	assert.True(result.Requeue)
   137  }
   139  // TestReconcileWorkloadMissingData tests reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload when the workload
   140  // can be fetched but doesn't contain all required data.
   141  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource has been created
   142  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called and we attempt to validate the workload and get an error
   143  // THEN return the error
   144  func TestReconcileWorkloadMissingData(t *testing.T) {
   146  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   147  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   148  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   150  	appConfigName := "unit-test-app-config"
   151  	componentName := "unit-test-component"
   152  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: appConfigName}
   153  	helidonTestContainerPort := corev1.ContainerPort{
   154  		ContainerPort: 8080,
   155  		Name:          "http",
   156  	}
   157  	helidonTestContainer := corev1.Container{
   158  		Name:  "hello-helidon-container-new",
   159  		Image: "",
   160  		Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
   161  			helidonTestContainerPort,
   162  		},
   163  	}
   164  	deploymentTemplate := &vzapi.DeploymentTemplate{
   165  		Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   166  			Namespace: namespace,
   167  			Labels: map[string]string{
   168  				"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new",
   169  			},
   170  		},
   171  		PodSpec: corev1.PodSpec{
   172  			Containers: []corev1.Container{
   173  				helidonTestContainer,
   174  			},
   175  		},
   176  	}
   178  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   179  	cli.EXPECT().
   180  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   181  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   182  			workload.Spec.DeploymentTemplate = *deploymentTemplate
   183  			workload.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
   184  			workload.APIVersion = vzapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   185  			workload.Kind = "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload"
   186  			workload.Namespace = namespace
   187  			return nil
   188  		})
   190  	// create a request and reconcile it
   191  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   192  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   193  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   195  	mocker.Finish()
   196  	assert.Nil(err)
   197  	assert.True(result.Requeue)
   198  }
   200  // TestReconcileCreateHelidon tests the basic happy path of reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload. We
   201  // expect to write out a Deployment and Service but we aren't adding logging or any other scopes or traits.
   202  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource is created
   203  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called
   204  // THEN expect a Deployment and Service to be written
   205  func TestReconcileCreateHelidon(t *testing.T) {
   207  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   208  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   209  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   210  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   212  	appConfigName := "unit-test-app-config"
   213  	componentName := "unit-test-component"
   214  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: appConfigName}
   215  	helidonTestContainerPort := corev1.ContainerPort{
   216  		ContainerPort: 8080,
   217  		Name:          "http",
   218  	}
   219  	helidonTestContainer := corev1.Container{
   220  		Name:  "hello-helidon-container-new",
   221  		Image: "",
   222  		Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
   223  			helidonTestContainerPort,
   224  		},
   225  	}
   227  	deploymentTemplate := &vzapi.DeploymentTemplate{
   228  		Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   229  			Name:      "hello-helidon-deployment-new",
   230  			Namespace: namespace,
   231  			Labels: map[string]string{
   232  				"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new",
   233  			},
   234  		},
   235  		PodSpec: corev1.PodSpec{
   236  			Containers: []corev1.Container{
   237  				helidonTestContainer,
   238  			},
   239  		},
   240  		Selector: metav1.LabelSelector{
   241  			MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   242  				"app": "hello-helidon",
   243  			},
   244  			MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{{
   245  				Key:      "app",
   246  				Operator: "In",
   247  				Values:   []string{"hello-helidon"},
   248  			}},
   249  		},
   250  	}
   251  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
   252  	cli.EXPECT().
   253  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "hello-helidon-deployment-new"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   254  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   255  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "test")
   256  		})
   257  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
   258  	cli.EXPECT().
   259  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-app-config"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   260  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   261  			appconf.Namespace = name.Namespace
   262  			appconf.Name = name.Name
   263  			appconf.APIVersion = oamapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   264  			appconf.Kind = oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationKind
   265  			appconf.Spec.Components = []oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationComponent{{ComponentName: "unit-test-component"}}
   266  			return nil
   267  		})
   268  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   269  	cli.EXPECT().
   270  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   271  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   272  			workload.Spec.DeploymentTemplate = *deploymentTemplate
   273  			workload.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
   274  			workload.APIVersion = vzapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   275  			workload.Kind = "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload"
   276  			workload.Namespace = namespace
   277  			return nil
   278  		})
   279  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
   280  	cli.EXPECT().
   281  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   282  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   283  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
   284  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
   285  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   286  			expectedLabels := map[string]string{
   287  				"app":                 "hello-helidon-deploy-new",
   288  				oam.LabelAppName:      "unit-test-app-config",
   289  				oam.LabelAppComponent: "unit-test-component"}
   290  			assert.Equal(expectedLabels, deploy.GetLabels())
   291  			assert.Equal([]corev1.Container{
   292  				helidonTestContainer,
   293  			}, deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers)
   294  			return nil
   295  		})
   296  	// expect a call to create the Service
   297  	cli.EXPECT().
   298  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   299  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   300  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   301  			assert.Equal("unit-test-app-config", service.Labels[oam.LabelAppName])
   302  			assert.Equal("unit-test-component", service.Labels[oam.LabelAppComponent])
   303  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
   304  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
   305  			return nil
   306  		})
   307  	// expect a call to status update
   308  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
   309  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
   310  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   311  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
   312  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
   313  			return nil
   314  		})
   316  	// create a request and reconcile it
   317  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   318  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   319  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   321  	mocker.Finish()
   322  	assert.NoError(err)
   323  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   324  }
   326  // TestReconcileCreateHelidonWithServiceTemplate tests the basic happy path of reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload. We
   327  // expect to write out a Deployment and Service from the but we aren't adding logging or any other scopes or traits.
   328  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload with a ServiceTemplate
   329  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called
   330  // THEN expect a Deployment and Service to be written using the ServiceTemplate
   331  func TestReconcileCreateHelidonWithServiceTemplate(t *testing.T) {
   333  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   334  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   335  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   336  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   338  	appConfigName := "unit-test-app-config"
   339  	componentName := "unit-test-component"
   340  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: appConfigName}
   341  	helidonTestContainerPort := corev1.ContainerPort{
   342  		ContainerPort: 8080,
   343  		Name:          "http",
   344  	}
   345  	helidonTestContainer := corev1.Container{
   346  		Name:  "hello-helidon-container-new",
   347  		Image: "",
   348  		Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
   349  			helidonTestContainerPort,
   350  		},
   351  	}
   352  	testServicePort := corev1.ServicePort{
   353  		Name:       "test-port",
   354  		Port:       1111,
   355  		TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(2222),
   356  		Protocol:   corev1.ProtocolTCP,
   357  	}
   359  	deploymentTemplate := &vzapi.DeploymentTemplate{
   360  		Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   361  			Name:      "hello-helidon-deployment-new",
   362  			Namespace: namespace,
   363  			Labels: map[string]string{
   364  				"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new",
   365  			},
   366  		},
   367  		PodSpec: corev1.PodSpec{
   368  			Containers: []corev1.Container{
   369  				helidonTestContainer,
   370  			},
   371  		},
   372  		Selector: metav1.LabelSelector{
   373  			MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   374  				"app": "hello-helidon",
   375  			},
   376  			MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{{
   377  				Key:      "app",
   378  				Operator: "In",
   379  				Values:   []string{"hello-helidon"},
   380  			}},
   381  		},
   382  	}
   384  	serviceTemplate := &vzapi.ServiceTemplate{
   385  		Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   386  			Labels:      map[string]string{"test-key": "test-val"},
   387  			Annotations: map[string]string{"test-key": "test-val"},
   388  		},
   389  		ServiceSpec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
   390  			Ports: []corev1.ServicePort{testServicePort},
   391  		},
   392  	}
   394  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
   395  	cli.EXPECT().
   396  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "hello-helidon-deployment-new"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   397  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   398  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "test")
   399  		})
   400  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
   401  	cli.EXPECT().
   402  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-app-config"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   403  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   404  			appconf.Namespace = name.Namespace
   405  			appconf.Name = name.Name
   406  			appconf.APIVersion = oamapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   407  			appconf.Kind = oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationKind
   408  			appconf.Spec.Components = []oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationComponent{{ComponentName: "unit-test-component"}}
   409  			return nil
   410  		})
   411  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   412  	cli.EXPECT().
   413  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   414  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   415  			workload.Spec.DeploymentTemplate = *deploymentTemplate
   416  			workload.Spec.ServiceTemplate = *serviceTemplate
   417  			workload.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
   418  			workload.APIVersion = vzapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   419  			workload.Kind = "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload"
   420  			workload.Namespace = namespace
   421  			return nil
   422  		})
   423  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
   424  	cli.EXPECT().
   425  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   426  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   427  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
   428  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
   429  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   430  			assert.Equal(map[string]string{"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new", "": "unit-test-component", "": "unit-test-app-config"}, deploy.GetLabels())
   431  			assert.Equal([]corev1.Container{
   432  				helidonTestContainer,
   433  			}, deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers)
   434  			return nil
   435  		})
   436  	// expect a call to create the Service
   437  	cli.EXPECT().
   438  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   439  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   440  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
   441  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
   442  			assert.Equal(deploymentTemplate.Metadata.Name, service.GetName())
   443  			assert.Equal(deploymentTemplate.Metadata.Namespace, service.GetNamespace())
   444  			assert.Contains(service.GetLabels(), labelKey)
   445  			assert.Contains(service.GetLabels(), "test-key")
   446  			assert.Contains(service.GetAnnotations(), "test-key")
   447  			assert.Contains(service.Spec.Selector, labelKey)
   448  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[0], testServicePort)
   449  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Type, corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP)
   450  			return nil
   451  		})
   452  	// expect a call to status update
   453  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
   454  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
   455  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   456  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
   457  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
   458  			return nil
   459  		})
   461  	// create a request and reconcile it
   462  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   463  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   464  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   466  	mocker.Finish()
   467  	assert.NoError(err)
   468  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   469  }
   471  // TestReconcileCreateHelidonWithMultipleContainers tests the basic happy path of reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload with multiple containers.
   472  // We expect to write out a Deployment and Service but we aren't adding logging or any other scopes or traits.
   473  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource is created
   474  // AND that the workload has multiple containers
   475  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called
   476  // THEN expect a Deployment and Service to be written with multiple containers
   477  func TestReconcileCreateHelidonWithMultipleContainers(t *testing.T) {
   479  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   480  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   481  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   482  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   484  	appConfigName := "unit-test-app-config"
   485  	componentName := "unit-test-component"
   486  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: appConfigName}
   487  	helidonTestContainerPort := corev1.ContainerPort{
   488  		ContainerPort: 8080,
   489  		Name:          "http",
   490  	}
   491  	helidonTestContainerPort2 := corev1.ContainerPort{
   492  		ContainerPort: 8081,
   493  		Name:          "udp",
   494  		Protocol:      corev1.ProtocolUDP,
   495  	}
   496  	helidonTestContainer := corev1.Container{
   497  		Name:  "hello-helidon-container-new",
   498  		Image: "",
   499  		Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
   500  			helidonTestContainerPort,
   501  		},
   502  	}
   503  	helidonTestContainer2 := corev1.Container{
   504  		Name:  "hello-helidon-container-new2",
   505  		Image: "",
   506  		Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{
   507  			helidonTestContainerPort2,
   508  		},
   509  	}
   510  	deploymentTemplate := &vzapi.DeploymentTemplate{
   511  		Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   512  			Name:      "hello-helidon-deployment-new",
   513  			Namespace: namespace,
   514  			Labels: map[string]string{
   515  				"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new",
   516  			},
   517  		},
   518  		PodSpec: corev1.PodSpec{
   519  			Containers: []corev1.Container{
   520  				helidonTestContainer,
   521  				helidonTestContainer2,
   522  			},
   523  		},
   524  	}
   526  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
   527  	cli.EXPECT().
   528  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "hello-helidon-deployment-new"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   529  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   530  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "test")
   531  		})
   532  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
   533  	cli.EXPECT().
   534  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-app-config"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   535  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   536  			appconf.Namespace = name.Namespace
   537  			appconf.Name = name.Name
   538  			appconf.APIVersion = oamapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   539  			appconf.Kind = oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationKind
   540  			appconf.Spec.Components = []oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationComponent{{ComponentName: "unit-test-component"}}
   541  			return nil
   542  		})
   543  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   544  	cli.EXPECT().
   545  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: namespace, Name: "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   546  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   547  			workload.Spec.DeploymentTemplate = *deploymentTemplate
   548  			workload.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
   549  			workload.APIVersion = vzapi.SchemeGroupVersion.String()
   550  			workload.Kind = "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload"
   551  			workload.Namespace = namespace
   552  			return nil
   553  		})
   554  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
   555  	cli.EXPECT().
   556  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   557  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   558  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
   559  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
   560  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   561  			assert.Equal(map[string]string{"app": "hello-helidon-deploy-new", "": "unit-test-component", "": "unit-test-app-config"}, deploy.GetLabels())
   562  			assert.Equal([]corev1.Container{
   563  				helidonTestContainer,
   564  				helidonTestContainer2,
   565  			}, deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers)
   567  			return nil
   568  		})
   569  	// expect a call to create the Service
   570  	cli.EXPECT().
   571  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   572  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   573  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
   574  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
   575  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[0].Name, helidonTestContainer.Name+"-"+strconv.FormatInt(int64(helidonTestContainer.Ports[0].ContainerPort), 10))
   576  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[0].Port, helidonTestContainer.Ports[0].ContainerPort)
   577  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort, intstr.FromInt(int(helidonTestContainer.Ports[0].ContainerPort)))
   578  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol, corev1.ProtocolTCP)
   579  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[1].Name, helidonTestContainer2.Name+"-"+strconv.FormatInt(int64(helidonTestContainer2.Ports[0].ContainerPort), 10))
   580  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[1].Port, helidonTestContainer2.Ports[0].ContainerPort)
   581  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[1].TargetPort, intstr.FromInt(int(helidonTestContainer2.Ports[0].ContainerPort)))
   582  			assert.Equal(service.Spec.Ports[1].Protocol, helidonTestContainer2.Ports[0].Protocol)
   583  			return nil
   584  		})
   585  	// expect a call to status update
   586  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
   587  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
   588  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   589  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
   590  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
   591  			return nil
   592  		})
   594  	// create a request and reconcile it
   595  	request := newRequest(namespace, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   596  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   597  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   599  	mocker.Finish()
   600  	assert.NoError(err)
   601  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   602  }
   604  // TestReconcileCreateVerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadWithLoggingScope tests the basic happy path of reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload that has a logging scope.
   605  // We expect to write out a Deployment, Service and Configmap.
   606  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource is created
   607  // AND that the workload has a logging scope applied
   608  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called
   609  // THEN expect a Deployment, Service and Configmap to be written
   610  func TestReconcileCreateVerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadWithLoggingScope(t *testing.T) {
   612  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   613  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   614  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   615  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   617  	testNamespace := "test-namespace"
   618  	loggingSecretName := "test-secret-name"
   620  	fluentdImage := "unit-test-image:latest"
   621  	// set the Fluentd image which is obtained via env then reset at end of test
   622  	initialDefaultFluentdImage := logging.DefaultFluentdImage
   623  	logging.DefaultFluentdImage = fluentdImage
   624  	defer func() { logging.DefaultFluentdImage = initialDefaultFluentdImage }()
   626  	params := map[string]string{
   627  		"##APPCONF_NAME##":          "test-appconf",
   628  		"##APPCONF_NAMESPACE##":     testNamespace,
   629  		"##COMPONENT_NAME##":        "test-component",
   630  		"##SCOPE_NAME##":            "test-scope",
   631  		"##SCOPE_NAMESPACE##":       testNamespace,
   632  		"##INGEST_URL##":            "http://test-ingest-host:9200",
   633  		"##INGEST_SECRET_NAME##":    loggingSecretName,
   634  		"##FLUENTD_IMAGE##":         "test-fluentd-image-name",
   635  		"##WORKLOAD_APIVER##":       "",
   636  		"##WORKLOAD_KIND##":         "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload",
   637  		"##WORKLOAD_NAME##":         "test-workload-name",
   638  		"##WORKLOAD_NAMESPACE##":    testNamespace,
   639  		"##DEPLOYMENT_NAME##":       "test-deployment",
   640  		"##CONTAINER_NAME##":        "test-container",
   641  		"##CONTAINER_IMAGE##":       "test-container-image",
   642  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NAME##":   "http",
   643  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NUMBER##": "8080",
   644  		"##LOGGING_SCOPE_NAME##":    "test-logging-scope",
   645  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_NAME##":    "test-ingress-trait",
   646  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_PATH##":    "/test-ingress-path",
   647  	}
   648  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
   649  	cli.EXPECT().
   650  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-deployment"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   651  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   652  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "test")
   653  		})
   654  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
   655  	cli.EXPECT().
   656  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-appconf"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   657  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   658  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(appconf, "testdata/templates/helidon_appconf_with_ingress_and_logging.yaml", params))
   659  			return nil
   660  		}).Times(1)
   661  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   662  	cli.EXPECT().
   663  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   664  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   665  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(workload, helidonWorkload, params))
   666  			return nil
   667  		}).Times(1)
   669  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
   670  	cli.EXPECT().
   671  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   672  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   673  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
   674  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
   675  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   676  			assert.Equal(map[string]string{"": "test-component", "": "test-appconf"}, deploy.GetLabels())
   677  			assert.Equal(params["##CONTAINER_NAME##"], deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Name)
   678  			assert.Len(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, 1, "Expect 4 containers: app+sidecar")
   680  			// The app container should be unmodified for the Helidon use case.
   681  			c, found := findContainer(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, "test-container")
   682  			assert.True(found, "Expected to find app container test-container")
   683  			assert.Equal(c.Image, "test-container-image")
   684  			assert.Len(c.Ports, 1)
   685  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].Name, "http")
   686  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].ContainerPort, int32(8080))
   687  			assert.Nil(c.VolumeMounts, "Expected app container to have no volume mounts")
   688  			return nil
   689  		})
   690  	// expect a call to create the Service
   691  	cli.EXPECT().
   692  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   693  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   694  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
   695  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
   696  			return nil
   697  		})
   698  	// expect a call to status update
   699  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
   700  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
   701  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   702  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
   703  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
   704  			return nil
   705  		})
   707  	// create a request and reconcile it
   708  	request := newRequest(testNamespace, "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   709  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   710  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   712  	mocker.Finish()
   713  	assert.NoError(err)
   714  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   715  }
   717  // TestReconcileCreateVerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadWithMultipleContainersAndLoggingScope tests correct sidecar setup for a workload with multiple containers.
   718  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource is created
   719  // AND that the workload has multiple containers
   720  // AND that the workload has a logging scope applied
   721  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called
   722  // THEN expect a Deployment, Service and Configmap to be written
   723  // AND expect that each application container has an associated logging sidecar container
   724  func TestReconcileCreateVerrazzanoHelidonWorkloadWithMultipleContainersAndLoggingScope(t *testing.T) {
   726  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   727  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   728  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   729  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   731  	testNamespace := "test-namespace"
   732  	loggingSecretName := "test-secret-name"
   734  	fluentdImage := "unit-test-image:latest"
   735  	// set the Fluentd image which is obtained via env then reset at end of test
   736  	initialDefaultFluentdImage := logging.DefaultFluentdImage
   737  	logging.DefaultFluentdImage = fluentdImage
   738  	defer func() { logging.DefaultFluentdImage = initialDefaultFluentdImage }()
   740  	params := map[string]string{
   741  		"##APPCONF_NAME##":            "test-appconf",
   742  		"##APPCONF_NAMESPACE##":       testNamespace,
   743  		"##COMPONENT_NAME##":          "test-component",
   744  		"##SCOPE_NAME##":              "test-scope",
   745  		"##SCOPE_NAMESPACE##":         testNamespace,
   746  		"##INGEST_URL##":              "http://test-ingest-host:9200",
   747  		"##INGEST_SECRET_NAME##":      loggingSecretName,
   748  		"##FLUENTD_IMAGE##":           "test-fluentd-image-name",
   749  		"##WORKLOAD_APIVER##":         "",
   750  		"##WORKLOAD_KIND##":           "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload",
   751  		"##WORKLOAD_NAME##":           "test-workload-name",
   752  		"##WORKLOAD_NAMESPACE##":      testNamespace,
   753  		"##DEPLOYMENT_NAME##":         "test-deployment",
   754  		"##CONTAINER_NAME_1##":        "test-container-1",
   755  		"##CONTAINER_IMAGE_1##":       "test-container-image-1",
   756  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NAME_1##":   "http1",
   757  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NUMBER_1##": "8081",
   758  		"##CONTAINER_NAME_2##":        "test-container-2",
   759  		"##CONTAINER_IMAGE_2##":       "test-container-image-2",
   760  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NAME_2##":   "http2",
   761  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NUMBER_2##": "8082",
   762  		"##LOGGING_SCOPE_NAME##":      "test-logging-scope",
   763  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_NAME##":      "test-ingress-trait",
   764  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_PATH##":      "/test-ingress-path",
   765  	}
   766  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
   767  	cli.EXPECT().
   768  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-deployment"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   769  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   770  			return k8serrors.NewNotFound(k8sschema.GroupResource{}, "test")
   771  		})
   772  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
   773  	cli.EXPECT().
   774  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-appconf"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   775  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   776  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(appconf, "testdata/templates/helidon_appconf_with_ingress_and_logging.yaml", params))
   777  			return nil
   778  		})
   779  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
   780  	cli.EXPECT().
   781  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
   782  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
   783  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(workload, "testdata/templates/helidon_workload_multi_container.yaml", params))
   784  			return nil
   785  		}).Times(1)
   787  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
   788  	cli.EXPECT().
   789  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   790  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   791  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
   792  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
   793  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
   794  			assert.Equal(map[string]string{"": "test-component", "": "test-appconf"}, deploy.GetLabels())
   795  			assert.Equal(params["##CONTAINER_NAME_1##"], deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Name)
   797  			// There should be 4 containers because a sidecar will be added for each original container.
   798  			assert.Len(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, 2, "Expect 2 containers.")
   800  			// The first app container should be unmodified.
   801  			c, found := findContainer(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, "test-container-1")
   802  			assert.True(found, "Expected to find app container test-container")
   803  			assert.Equal(c.Image, "test-container-image-1")
   804  			assert.Len(c.Ports, 1)
   805  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].Name, "http1")
   806  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].ContainerPort, int32(8081))
   807  			assert.Nil(c.VolumeMounts, "Expected app container to have no volume mounts")
   809  			// The second app container should be unmodified.
   810  			c, found = findContainer(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, "test-container-2")
   811  			assert.True(found, "Expected to find app container test-container")
   812  			assert.Equal(c.Image, "test-container-image-2")
   813  			assert.Len(c.Ports, 1)
   814  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].Name, "http2")
   815  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].ContainerPort, int32(8082))
   816  			assert.Nil(c.VolumeMounts, "Expected app container to have no volume mounts")
   817  			return nil
   818  		})
   819  	// expect a call to create the Service
   820  	cli.EXPECT().
   821  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   822  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
   823  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
   824  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
   825  			return nil
   826  		})
   827  	// expect a call to status update
   828  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
   829  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
   830  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
   831  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
   832  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
   833  			return nil
   834  		})
   836  	// create a request and reconcile it
   837  	request := newRequest(testNamespace, "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
   838  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
   839  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
   841  	mocker.Finish()
   842  	assert.NoError(err)
   843  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
   844  }
   846  // newScheme creates a new scheme that includes this package's object to use for testing
   847  func newScheme() *runtime.Scheme {
   848  	scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
   849  	_ = vzapi.AddToScheme(scheme)
   850  	return scheme
   851  }
   853  // newReconciler creates a new reconciler for testing
   854  // c - The K8s client to inject into the reconciler
   855  func newReconciler(c client.Client) Reconciler {
   856  	scheme := newScheme()
   857  	metricsReconciler := &metricstrait.Reconciler{Client: c, Scheme: scheme, Scraper: "verrazzano-system/vmi-system-prometheus-0"}
   858  	return Reconciler{
   859  		Client:  c,
   860  		Log:     zap.S().With("test"),
   861  		Scheme:  scheme,
   862  		Metrics: metricsReconciler,
   863  	}
   864  }
   866  // newRequest creates a new reconciler request for testing
   867  // namespace - The namespace to use in the request
   868  // name - The name to use in the request
   869  func newRequest(namespace string, name string) ctrl.Request {
   870  	return ctrl.Request{
   871  		NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
   872  			Namespace: namespace,
   873  			Name:      name,
   874  		},
   875  	}
   876  }
   878  // readTemplate reads a string template from a file and replaces values in the template from param maps
   879  // template - The filename of a template
   880  // params - a vararg of param maps
   881  func readTemplate(template string, params[string]string) (string, error) {
   882  	bytes, err := os.ReadFile("../../" + template)
   883  	if err != nil {
   884  		bytes, err = os.ReadFile("../" + template)
   885  		if err != nil {
   886  			bytes, err = os.ReadFile(template)
   887  			if err != nil {
   888  				return "", err
   889  			}
   890  		}
   891  	}
   892  	content := string(bytes)
   893  	for _, p := range params {
   894  		for k, v := range p {
   895  			content = strings.ReplaceAll(content, k, v)
   896  		}
   897  	}
   898  	return content, nil
   899  }
   901  // updateUnstructuredFromYAMLTemplate updates an unstructured from a populated YAML template file.
   902  // uns - The unstructured to update
   903  // template - The template file
   904  // params - The param maps to merge into the template
   905  func updateUnstructuredFromYAMLTemplate(uns *unstructured.Unstructured, template string, params[string]string) error {
   906  	str, err := readTemplate(template, params...)
   907  	if err != nil {
   908  		return err
   909  	}
   910  	bytes, err := yaml.YAMLToJSON([]byte(str))
   911  	if err != nil {
   912  		return err
   913  	}
   914  	_, _, err = unstructured.UnstructuredJSONScheme.Decode(bytes, nil, uns)
   915  	if err != nil {
   916  		return err
   917  	}
   918  	return nil
   919  }
   921  // updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate updates an object from a populated YAML template file.
   922  // uns - The unstructured to update
   923  // template - The template file
   924  // params - The param maps to merge into the template
   925  func updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(obj interface{}, template string, params[string]string) error {
   926  	uns := unstructured.Unstructured{}
   927  	err := updateUnstructuredFromYAMLTemplate(&uns, template, params...)
   928  	if err != nil {
   929  		return err
   930  	}
   931  	err = runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(uns.Object, obj)
   932  	if err != nil {
   933  		return err
   934  	}
   935  	return nil
   936  }
   938  // findContainer finds a container in a slice by name.
   939  func findContainer(containers []corev1.Container, name string) (*corev1.Container, bool) {
   940  	for i, c := range containers {
   941  		if c.Name == name {
   942  			return &containers[i], true
   943  		}
   944  	}
   945  	return nil, false
   946  }
   948  func getTestDeployment(restartVersion string) *appsv1.Deployment {
   949  	deployment := &appsv1.Deployment{}
   950  	annotateRestartVersion(deployment, restartVersion)
   951  	return deployment
   952  }
   954  func annotateRestartVersion(deployment *appsv1.Deployment, restartVersion string) {
   955  	deployment.Spec.Template.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
   956  	deployment.Spec.Template.ObjectMeta.Annotations[vzconst.RestartVersionAnnotation] = restartVersion
   957  }
   959  // TestReconcileRestart tests reconciling a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload when the restart-version specified in the annotations.
   960  // This should result in restart-version written to the Helidon Deployment.
   961  // GIVEN a VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload resource
   962  // WHEN the controller Reconcile function is called and the restart-version is specified
   963  // THEN the restart-version written
   964  func TestReconcileRestart(t *testing.T) {
   966  	assert := asserts.New(t)
   967  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
   968  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
   969  	mockStatus := mocks.NewMockStatusWriter(mocker)
   971  	testNamespace := "test-namespace"
   972  	loggingSecretName := "test-secret-name"
   974  	appConfigName := "test-appconf"
   975  	componentName := "test-component"
   976  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: appConfigName}
   977  	annotations := map[string]string{vzconst.RestartVersionAnnotation: testRestartVersion}
   979  	fluentdImage := "unit-test-image:latest"
   980  	// set the Fluentd image which is obtained via env then reset at end of test
   981  	initialDefaultFluentdImage := logging.DefaultFluentdImage
   982  	logging.DefaultFluentdImage = fluentdImage
   983  	defer func() { logging.DefaultFluentdImage = initialDefaultFluentdImage }()
   985  	params := map[string]string{
   986  		"##APPCONF_NAME##":          appConfigName,
   987  		"##APPCONF_NAMESPACE##":     testNamespace,
   988  		"##COMPONENT_NAME##":        componentName,
   989  		"##SCOPE_NAME##":            "test-scope",
   990  		"##SCOPE_NAMESPACE##":       testNamespace,
   991  		"##INGEST_URL##":            "http://test-ingest-host:9200",
   992  		"##INGEST_SECRET_NAME##":    loggingSecretName,
   993  		"##FLUENTD_IMAGE##":         "test-fluentd-image-name",
   994  		"##WORKLOAD_APIVER##":       "",
   995  		"##WORKLOAD_KIND##":         "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload",
   996  		"##WORKLOAD_NAME##":         "test-workload-name",
   997  		"##WORKLOAD_NAMESPACE##":    testNamespace,
   998  		"##DEPLOYMENT_NAME##":       "test-deployment",
   999  		"##CONTAINER_NAME##":        "test-container",
  1000  		"##CONTAINER_IMAGE##":       "test-container-image",
  1001  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NAME##":   "http",
  1002  		"##CONTAINER_PORT_NUMBER##": "8080",
  1003  		"##LOGGING_SCOPE_NAME##":    "test-logging-scope",
  1004  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_NAME##":    "test-ingress-trait",
  1005  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_PATH##":    "/test-ingress-path",
  1006  	}
  1007  	// expect call to fetch existing deployment
  1008  	cli.EXPECT().
  1009  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-deployment"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1010  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1011  			return nil
  1012  		})
  1013  	// expect a call to fetch the application configuration
  1014  	cli.EXPECT().
  1015  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-appconf"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1016  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, appconf *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1017  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(appconf, "testdata/templates/helidon_appconf_with_ingress_and_logging.yaml", params))
  1018  			return nil
  1019  		}).Times(1)
  1020  	// expect a call to fetch the VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
  1021  	cli.EXPECT().
  1022  		Get(gomock.Any(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: testNamespace, Name: "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload"}, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1023  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1024  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(workload, helidonWorkload, params))
  1025  			workload.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
  1026  			workload.ObjectMeta.Annotations = annotations
  1027  			return nil
  1028  		}).Times(1)
  1030  	// expect a call to create the Deployment
  1031  	cli.EXPECT().
  1032  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
  1033  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
  1034  			assert.Equal(deploymentAPIVersion, deploy.APIVersion)
  1035  			assert.Equal(deploymentKind, deploy.Kind)
  1036  			// make sure the OAM component and app name labels were copied
  1037  			assert.Equal(labels, deploy.GetLabels())
  1038  			assert.Equal(params["##CONTAINER_NAME##"], deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Name)
  1039  			assert.Len(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, 1)
  1041  			// The app container should be unmodified for the Helidon use case.
  1042  			c, found := findContainer(deploy.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers, "test-container")
  1043  			assert.True(found, "Expected to find app container test-container")
  1044  			assert.Equal(c.Image, "test-container-image")
  1045  			assert.Len(c.Ports, 1)
  1046  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].Name, "http")
  1047  			assert.Equal(c.Ports[0].ContainerPort, int32(8080))
  1048  			assert.Nil(c.VolumeMounts, "Expected app container to have no volume mounts")
  1049  			return nil
  1050  		})
  1051  	// expect a call to create the Service
  1052  	cli.EXPECT().
  1053  		Patch(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
  1054  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, service *corev1.Service, patch client.Patch, applyOpts ...client.PatchOption) error {
  1055  			assert.Equal(serviceAPIVersion, service.APIVersion)
  1056  			assert.Equal(serviceKind, service.Kind)
  1057  			return nil
  1058  		})
  1059  	// expect a call to list the deployment
  1060  	cli.EXPECT().
  1061  		List(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
  1062  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, list *appsv1.DeploymentList, opts ...client.ListOption) error {
  1063  			list.Items = []appsv1.Deployment{*getTestDeployment("")}
  1064  			return nil
  1065  		})
  1066  	// expect a call to fetch the deployment
  1067  	cli.EXPECT().
  1068  		Get(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1069  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1070  			annotateRestartVersion(deployment, "")
  1071  			return nil
  1072  		})
  1073  	// expect a call to update the deployment
  1074  	cli.EXPECT().
  1075  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.AssignableToTypeOf(&appsv1.Deployment{}), gomock.Any()).
  1076  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, deploy *appsv1.Deployment, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
  1077  			assert.Equal(testRestartVersion, deploy.Spec.Template.ObjectMeta.Annotations[vzconst.RestartVersionAnnotation])
  1078  			return nil
  1079  		})
  1080  	// expect a call to status update
  1081  	cli.EXPECT().Status().Return(mockStatus).AnyTimes()
  1082  	mockStatus.EXPECT().
  1083  		Update(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).
  1084  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, workload *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opts ...client.UpdateOption) error {
  1085  			assert.Len(workload.Status.Resources, 2)
  1086  			return nil
  1087  		})
  1089  	// create a request and reconcile it
  1090  	request := newRequest(testNamespace, "test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
  1091  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
  1092  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
  1094  	mocker.Finish()
  1095  	assert.NoError(err)
  1096  	assert.Equal(false, result.Requeue)
  1097  }
  1099  // TestReconcileKubeSystem tests to make sure we do not reconcile
  1100  // Any resource that belong to the kube-system namespace
  1101  func TestReconcileKubeSystem(t *testing.T) {
  1103  	assert := asserts.New(t)
  1105  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
  1106  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
  1108  	// create a request and reconcile it
  1109  	request := newRequest(vzconst.KubeSystem, "unit-test-verrazzano-helidon-workload")
  1110  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
  1111  	result, err := reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
  1113  	// Validate the results
  1114  	mocker.Finish()
  1115  	assert.Nil(err)
  1116  	assert.True(result.IsZero())
  1117  }
  1119  // TestReconcileFailed tests to make sure the failure metric is being exposed
  1120  func TestReconcileFailed(t *testing.T) {
  1121  	testAppConfigName := "unit-test-app-config"
  1122  	testNamespace := "test-ns"
  1124  	assert := asserts.New(t)
  1125  	clientBuilder := fake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(k8scheme.Scheme).Build()
  1126  	// Create a request and reconcile it
  1127  	reconciler := newReconciler(clientBuilder)
  1128  	request := newRequest(testNamespace, testAppConfigName)
  1129  	reconcileerrorCounterObject, err := metricsexporter.GetSimpleCounterMetric(metricsexporter.HelidonReconcileError)
  1130  	assert.NoError(err)
  1131  	// Expect a call to fetch the error
  1132  	reconcileFailedCounterBefore := testutil.ToFloat64(reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get())
  1133  	reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get().Inc()
  1134  	reconciler.Reconcile(context.TODO(), request)
  1135  	reconcileFailedCounterAfter := testutil.ToFloat64(reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get())
  1136  	assert.Equal(reconcileFailedCounterBefore, reconcileFailedCounterAfter-1)
  1137  }
  1139  // TestAddMetrics tests to add metrics and make sure no error comes
  1140  func TestAddMetrics(t *testing.T) {
  1141  	assert := asserts.New(t)
  1142  	var mocker = gomock.NewController(t)
  1143  	var cli = mocks.NewMockClient(mocker)
  1144  	appConfigName := "test-appconf"
  1145  	componentName := "test-component"
  1146  	testNamespace := "test-namespace"
  1147  	loggingSecretName := "test-secret-name"
  1148  	params := map[string]string{
  1149  		"##APPCONF_NAME##":       appConfigName,
  1150  		"##APPCONF_NAMESPACE##":  testNamespace,
  1151  		"##COMPONENT_NAME##":     componentName,
  1152  		"##SCOPE_NAME##":         "test-scope",
  1153  		"##SCOPE_NAMESPACE##":    testNamespace,
  1154  		"##INGEST_URL##":         "http://test-ingest-host:9200",
  1155  		"##INGEST_SECRET_NAME##": loggingSecretName,
  1156  		"##FLUENTD_IMAGE##":      "test-fluentd-image-name",
  1157  		"##WORKLOAD_APIVER##":    "",
  1158  		"##WORKLOAD_KIND##":      "VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload",
  1159  		"##WORKLOAD_NAME##":      "test-workload-name",
  1160  		"##WORKLOAD_NAMESPACE##": testNamespace,
  1161  		"##DEPLOYMENT_NAME##":    "test-deployment",
  1162  		"##LOGGING_SCOPE_NAME##": "test-logging-scope",
  1163  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_NAME##": "test-ingress-trait",
  1164  		"##INGRESS_TRAIT_PATH##": "/test-ingress-path",
  1165  	}
  1167  	labels := map[string]string{oam.LabelAppComponent: componentName, oam.LabelAppName: componentName}
  1168  	annotations := map[string]string{vzconst.RestartVersionAnnotation: testRestartVersion}
  1169  	request := types.NamespacedName{
  1170  		Namespace: testNamespace,
  1171  		Name:      componentName,
  1172  	}
  1173  	reconciler := newReconciler(cli)
  1174  	// Fetch the workload
  1175  	var workload vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload
  1176  	cli.EXPECT().
  1177  		// GIVEN a default mocker client
  1178  		// WHEN we call Get from the addMetrics method
  1179  		// THEN the call feeds workload to get metrics traits
  1180  		Get(gomock.Any(), request, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1181  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload1 *vzapi.VerrazzanoHelidonWorkload, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1182  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(workload1, helidonWorkload, params))
  1183  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
  1184  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Annotations = annotations
  1185  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Namespace = testNamespace
  1186  			workload1.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = []metav1.OwnerReference{{Name: testNamespace}}
  1187  			return nil
  1188  		})
  1190  	cli.EXPECT().
  1191  		// GIVEN a default mocker client
  1192  		// WHEN we call Get from the ComponentFromWorkloadLabels method
  1193  		// THEN the call feeds workload and component to get metrics traits
  1194  		Get(gomock.Any(), request, gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1195  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, name types.NamespacedName, workload1 *oamapi.ApplicationConfiguration, opt ...client.GetOption) error {
  1196  			assert.NoError(updateObjectFromYAMLTemplate(workload1, helidonWorkload, params))
  1197  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Labels = labels
  1198  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Annotations = annotations
  1199  			workload1.ObjectMeta.Namespace = testNamespace
  1200  			workload1.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = []metav1.OwnerReference{{Name: testNamespace}}
  1201  			workload1.Spec.Components = []oamapi.ApplicationConfigurationComponent{{ComponentName: componentName, Traits: []oamapi.ComponentTrait{{Trait: runtime.RawExtension{Raw: []byte(`{"kind":"MetricsTrait"}`)}}}}}
  1202  			return nil
  1203  		})
  1205  	cli.EXPECT().
  1206  		// GIVEN a default mocker client
  1207  		// WHEN we call List from the MetricsTraitFromWorkloadLabels method
  1208  		// THEN the call gets MetricsTrait object associated with the workload
  1209  		List(gomock.Any(), gomock.Not(gomock.Nil()), gomock.Any()).
  1210  		DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, list *vzapi.MetricsTraitList, opts ...client.ListOption) error {
  1211  			list.Items = []vzapi.MetricsTrait{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: testNamespace, OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{{Name: testNamespace}}}}}
  1212  			list.Items[0].Spec.WorkloadReference.Name = params["##WORKLOAD_NAME##"]
  1213  			return nil
  1214  		})
  1216  	err := reconciler.Get(context.TODO(), request, &workload)
  1217  	assert.NoError(err)
  1219  	log, err := clusters.GetResourceLogger("verrazzanohelidonworkload", request, &workload)
  1220  	assert.NoError(err)
  1221  	// Unwrap the apps/DeploymentSpec and meta/ObjectMeta
  1222  	deploy, err := reconciler.convertWorkloadToDeployment(&workload, log)
  1223  	assert.NoError(err)
  1224  	assert.NoError(reconciler.addMetrics(context.TODO(), log, workload.Namespace, &workload, deploy))
  1225  	mocker.Finish()
  1226  }