
     1  // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  package webhooks
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"testing"
    10  	""
    11  	cluv1alpha1 ""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	securityv1beta1 ""
    15  	""
    16  	clisecurity ""
    17  	istiofake ""
    18  	corev1 ""
    19  	metav1 ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	ctrlfake ""
    23  )
    25  // TestDeleteOnePolicyOneNamespace tests when an authorization policy is cleaned up
    26  // GIVEN a single project with one namespace and a single authorization policy
    27  // WHEN cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects is called
    28  // THEN the cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects should return success
    29  func TestDeleteOnePolicyOneNamespace(t *testing.T) {
    30  	scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
    31  	err := cluv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme)
    32  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error adding to scheme")
    33  	client := ctrlfake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme).Build()
    35  	ap := &AuthorizationPolicy{
    36  		Client:      client,
    37  		KubeClient:  fake.NewSimpleClientset(),
    38  		IstioClient: istiofake.NewSimpleClientset(),
    39  	}
    41  	// Create a project in the verrazzano-mc namespace
    42  	project := &cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProject{
    43  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    44  			Name:      "test-project",
    45  			Namespace: "verrazzano-mc",
    46  		},
    47  		Spec: cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
    48  			Template: cluv1alpha1.ProjectTemplate{
    49  				Namespaces: []cluv1alpha1.NamespaceTemplate{
    50  					{Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    51  						Name: "appconfig-namespace",
    52  					}},
    53  				},
    54  			},
    55  			Placement: cluv1alpha1.Placement{
    56  				Clusters: []cluv1alpha1.Cluster{
    57  					{
    58  						Name: constants.DefaultClusterName,
    59  					},
    60  				},
    61  			},
    62  		},
    63  	}
    64  	err = ap.Client.Create(context.TODO(), project)
    65  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating Verrazzano project")
    67  	// Create a Istio authorization policy in the projects namespace
    68  	authzPolicy := &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
    69  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    70  			Name:      "appconfig-name",
    71  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace",
    72  			Labels: map[string]string{
    73  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name",
    74  			},
    75  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
    76  				{
    77  					Name: "appconfig-name",
    78  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
    79  				},
    80  			},
    81  		},
    82  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
    83  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
    84  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
    85  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name",
    86  				},
    87  			},
    88  		},
    89  	}
    91  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy, metav1.CreateOptions{})
    92  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
    94  	err = ap.cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects("appconfig-namespace", "appconfig-name", zap.S())
    95  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error cleaning up authorization policies")
    96  }
    98  // TestDeleteTwoPoliciesOneNamespace tests when an authorization policy is cleaned up
    99  // GIVEN a single projects with one namespace and two authorization policies
   100  // WHEN cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects is called
   101  // THEN the cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects should return success and cleanup the authorization policy of
   102  // the remaining authorization policy
   103  func TestDeleteTwoPoliciesOneNamespace(t *testing.T) {
   104  	scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
   105  	err := cluv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme)
   106  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error adding to scheme")
   107  	client := ctrlfake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme).Build()
   109  	ap := &AuthorizationPolicy{
   110  		Client:      client,
   111  		KubeClient:  fake.NewSimpleClientset(),
   112  		IstioClient: istiofake.NewSimpleClientset(),
   113  	}
   115  	// Create a project in the verrazzano-mc namespace
   116  	project := &cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProject{
   117  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   118  			Name:      "test-project",
   119  			Namespace: "verrazzano-mc",
   120  		},
   121  		Spec: cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   122  			Template: cluv1alpha1.ProjectTemplate{
   123  				Namespaces: []cluv1alpha1.NamespaceTemplate{
   124  					{Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   125  						Name: "appconfig-namespace",
   126  					}},
   127  				},
   128  			},
   129  			Placement: cluv1alpha1.Placement{
   130  				Clusters: []cluv1alpha1.Cluster{
   131  					{
   132  						Name: constants.DefaultClusterName,
   133  					},
   134  				},
   135  			},
   136  		},
   137  	}
   138  	err = ap.Client.Create(context.TODO(), project)
   139  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating Verrazzano project")
   141  	// Create a pod for appconfig-name1 in the projects namespace
   142  	pod := &corev1.Pod{
   143  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   144  			Name:      "test-pod1",
   145  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace",
   146  			Labels: map[string]string{
   147  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   148  			},
   149  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   150  				{
   151  					Name:       "appconfig-name1",
   152  					Kind:       "ApplicationConfiguration",
   153  					APIVersion: "",
   154  				},
   155  			},
   156  		},
   157  		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   158  			ServiceAccountName: "appconfig-name1",
   159  		},
   160  	}
   161  	_, err = ap.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("appconfig-namespace").Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   162  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating pod")
   164  	// Create an authorization policy for appconfig-name1 in the projects namespace
   165  	authzPolicy := &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
   166  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   167  			Name:      "appconfig-name1",
   168  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace",
   169  			Labels: map[string]string{
   170  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   171  			},
   172  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   173  				{
   174  					Name: "appconfig-name1",
   175  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
   176  				},
   177  			},
   178  		},
   179  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
   180  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
   181  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   182  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   183  				},
   184  			},
   185  			Rules: []*securityv1beta1.Rule{
   186  				{
   187  					From: []*securityv1beta1.Rule_From{
   188  						{
   189  							Source: &securityv1beta1.Source{
   190  								Principals: []string{
   191  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace/sa/appconfig-name1",
   192  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace/sa/appconfig-name2",
   193  									"cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account",
   194  									"cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator",
   195  								},
   196  							},
   197  						},
   198  					},
   199  				},
   200  			},
   201  		},
   202  	}
   204  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   205  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
   207  	// Create a pod for appconfig-name2 in the projects namespace
   208  	pod = &corev1.Pod{
   209  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   210  			Name:      "test-pod2",
   211  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace",
   212  			Labels: map[string]string{
   213  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   214  			},
   215  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   216  				{
   217  					Name:       "appconfig-name2",
   218  					Kind:       "ApplicationConfiguration",
   219  					APIVersion: "",
   220  				},
   221  			},
   222  		},
   223  		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   224  			ServiceAccountName: "appconfig-name2",
   225  		},
   226  	}
   227  	_, err = ap.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("appconfig-namespace").Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   228  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating pod")
   230  	// Create an authorization policy for appconfig-name2 in the projects namespace
   231  	authzPolicy2 := &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
   232  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   233  			Name:      "appconfig-name2",
   234  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace",
   235  			Labels: map[string]string{
   236  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   237  			},
   238  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   239  				{
   240  					Name: "appconfig-name2",
   241  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
   242  				},
   243  			},
   244  		},
   245  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
   246  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
   247  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   248  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   249  				},
   250  			},
   251  			Rules: []*securityv1beta1.Rule{
   252  				{
   253  					From: []*securityv1beta1.Rule_From{
   254  						{
   255  							Source: &securityv1beta1.Source{
   256  								Principals: []string{
   257  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace/sa/appconfig-name1",
   258  									"cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account",
   259  									"cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator",
   260  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace/sa/appconfig-name2",
   261  								},
   262  							},
   263  						},
   264  					},
   265  				},
   266  			},
   267  		},
   268  	}
   270  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy2, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   271  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
   273  	err = ap.cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects("appconfig-namespace", "appconfig-name1", zap.S())
   274  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error cleaning up authorization policies")
   276  	updatedPolicy, err := ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace").Get(context.TODO(), "appconfig-name2", metav1.GetOptions{})
   277  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error getting authorization policies")
   278  	assert.Equal(t, len(updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals), 3)
   279  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account")
   280  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace/sa/appconfig-name2")
   281  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator")
   282  }
   284  // TestDeleteThreePoliciesTwoNamespace tests when an authorization policy is cleaned up
   285  // GIVEN a single projects with two namespace and three authorization policies
   286  // WHEN cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects is called
   287  // THEN the cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects should return success and cleanup the authorization policy of
   288  // the remaining authorization policies
   289  func TestDeleteThreePoliciesTwoNamespace(t *testing.T) {
   290  	scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
   291  	err := cluv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme)
   292  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error adding to scheme")
   293  	client := ctrlfake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme).Build()
   295  	ap := &AuthorizationPolicy{
   296  		Client:      client,
   297  		KubeClient:  fake.NewSimpleClientset(),
   298  		IstioClient: istiofake.NewSimpleClientset(),
   299  	}
   301  	// Create a project in the verrazzano-mc namespace with two namespaces
   302  	project := &cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProject{
   303  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   304  			Name:      "test-project",
   305  			Namespace: "verrazzano-mc",
   306  		},
   307  		Spec: cluv1alpha1.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   308  			Template: cluv1alpha1.ProjectTemplate{
   309  				Namespaces: []cluv1alpha1.NamespaceTemplate{
   310  					{Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   311  						Name: "appconfig-namespace1",
   312  					}},
   313  					{Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   314  						Name: "appconfig-namespace2",
   315  					}},
   316  				},
   317  			},
   318  			Placement: cluv1alpha1.Placement{
   319  				Clusters: []cluv1alpha1.Cluster{
   320  					{
   321  						Name: constants.DefaultClusterName,
   322  					},
   323  				},
   324  			},
   325  		},
   326  	}
   327  	err = ap.Client.Create(context.TODO(), project)
   328  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating Verrazzano project")
   330  	// Create a pod for appconfig-name1 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace1
   331  	pod := &corev1.Pod{
   332  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   333  			Name:      "test-pod1",
   334  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace1",
   335  			Labels: map[string]string{
   336  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   337  			},
   338  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   339  				{
   340  					Name:       "appconfig-name1",
   341  					Kind:       "ApplicationConfiguration",
   342  					APIVersion: "",
   343  				},
   344  			},
   345  		},
   346  		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   347  			ServiceAccountName: "appconfig-name1",
   348  		},
   349  	}
   350  	_, err = ap.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("appconfig-namespace1").Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   351  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating pod")
   353  	// Create an authorization policy for appconfig-name1 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace1
   354  	authzPolicy := &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
   355  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   356  			Name:      "appconfig-name1",
   357  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace1",
   358  			Labels: map[string]string{
   359  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   360  			},
   361  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   362  				{
   363  					Name: "appconfig-name1",
   364  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
   365  				},
   366  			},
   367  		},
   368  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
   369  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
   370  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   371  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name1",
   372  				},
   373  			},
   374  			Rules: []*securityv1beta1.Rule{
   375  				{
   376  					From: []*securityv1beta1.Rule_From{
   377  						{
   378  							Source: &securityv1beta1.Source{
   379  								Principals: []string{
   380  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name1",
   381  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name2",
   382  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/appconfig-name3",
   383  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/random-sa",
   384  									"cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account",
   385  									"cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator",
   386  								},
   387  							},
   388  						},
   389  					},
   390  				},
   391  			},
   392  		},
   393  	}
   395  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace1").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   396  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
   398  	// Create a pod for appconfig-name2 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace1
   399  	pod = &corev1.Pod{
   400  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   401  			Name:      "test-pod2",
   402  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace1",
   403  			Labels: map[string]string{
   404  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   405  			},
   406  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   407  				{
   408  					Name:       "appconfig-name2",
   409  					Kind:       "ApplicationConfiguration",
   410  					APIVersion: "",
   411  				},
   412  			},
   413  		},
   414  		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   415  			ServiceAccountName: "appconfig-name2",
   416  		},
   417  	}
   418  	_, err = ap.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("appconfig-namespace1").Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   419  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating pod")
   421  	// Create an authorization policy for appconfig-name2 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace1
   422  	authzPolicy = &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
   423  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   424  			Name:      "appconfig-name2",
   425  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace1",
   426  			Labels: map[string]string{
   427  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   428  			},
   429  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   430  				{
   431  					Name: "appconfig-name2",
   432  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
   433  				},
   434  			},
   435  		},
   436  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
   437  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
   438  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   439  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name2",
   440  				},
   441  			},
   442  			Rules: []*securityv1beta1.Rule{
   443  				{
   444  					From: []*securityv1beta1.Rule_From{
   445  						{
   446  							Source: &securityv1beta1.Source{
   447  								Principals: []string{
   448  									"cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account",
   449  									"cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator",
   450  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name1",
   451  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name2",
   452  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/appconfig-name3",
   453  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/random-sa",
   454  								},
   455  							},
   456  						},
   457  					},
   458  				},
   459  			},
   460  		},
   461  	}
   463  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace1").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   464  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
   466  	// Create a pod for appconfig-name3 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace2
   467  	pod = &corev1.Pod{
   468  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   469  			Name:      "test-pod3",
   470  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace2",
   471  			Labels: map[string]string{
   472  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name3",
   473  			},
   474  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   475  				{
   476  					Name:       "appconfig-name3",
   477  					Kind:       "ApplicationConfiguration",
   478  					APIVersion: "",
   479  				},
   480  			},
   481  		},
   482  		Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
   483  			ServiceAccountName: "appconfig-name3",
   484  		},
   485  	}
   486  	_, err = ap.KubeClient.CoreV1().Pods("appconfig-namespace2").Create(context.TODO(), pod, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   487  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating pod")
   489  	// Create an authorization policy for appconfig-name3 in the project namespace appconfig-namespace2
   490  	authzPolicy2 := &clisecurity.AuthorizationPolicy{
   491  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   492  			Name:      "appconfig-name3",
   493  			Namespace: "appconfig-namespace2",
   494  			Labels: map[string]string{
   495  				IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name3",
   496  			},
   497  			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
   498  				{
   499  					Name: "appconfig-name3",
   500  					Kind: "ApplicationConfiguration",
   501  				},
   502  			},
   503  		},
   504  		Spec: securityv1beta1.AuthorizationPolicy{
   505  			Selector: &v1beta1.WorkloadSelector{
   506  				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
   507  					IstioAppLabel: "appconfig-name3",
   508  				},
   509  			},
   510  			Rules: []*securityv1beta1.Rule{
   511  				{
   512  					From: []*securityv1beta1.Rule_From{
   513  						{
   514  							Source: &securityv1beta1.Source{
   515  								Principals: []string{
   516  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name1",
   517  									"cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account",
   518  									"cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator",
   519  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name2",
   520  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/appconfig-name3",
   521  									"cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/random-sa",
   522  								},
   523  							},
   524  						},
   525  					},
   526  				},
   527  			},
   528  		},
   529  	}
   531  	_, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace2").Create(context.TODO(), authzPolicy2, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   532  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error creating authorization policies")
   534  	err = ap.cleanupAuthorizationPoliciesForProjects("appconfig-namespace1", "appconfig-name1", zap.S())
   535  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error cleaning up authorization policies")
   537  	updatedPolicy, err := ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace1").Get(context.TODO(), "appconfig-name2", metav1.GetOptions{})
   538  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error getting authorization policies")
   539  	assert.Equal(t, len(updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals), 5)
   540  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account")
   541  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name2")
   542  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator")
   543  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/appconfig-name3")
   544  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/random-sa")
   546  	updatedPolicy, err = ap.IstioClient.SecurityV1beta1().AuthorizationPolicies("appconfig-namespace2").Get(context.TODO(), "appconfig-name3", metav1.GetOptions{})
   547  	assert.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected error getting authorization policies")
   548  	assert.Equal(t, len(updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals), 5)
   549  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account")
   550  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace1/sa/appconfig-name2")
   551  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/verrazzano-system/sa/verrazzano-monitoring-operator")
   552  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/appconfig-name3")
   553  	assert.Contains(t, updatedPolicy.Spec.Rules[0].From[0].Source.Principals, "cluster.local/ns/appconfig-namespace2/sa/random-sa")
   554  }