
     1  // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  package webhooks
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"testing"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	v1alpha12 ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	admissionv1 ""
    18  	corev1 ""
    19  	metav1 ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  // newVerrazzanoProjectValidator creates a new VerrazzanoProjectValidator
    25  func newVerrazzanoProjectValidator() VerrazzanoProjectValidator {
    26  	scheme := newScheme()
    27  	decoder, _ := admission.NewDecoder(scheme)
    28  	cli := fake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme).Build()
    29  	v := VerrazzanoProjectValidator{client: cli, decoder: decoder}
    30  	return v
    31  }
    33  // TestVerrazzanoProject tests the validation of VerrazzanoProject resource
    34  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
    35  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject is properly formed
    36  // THEN the validation should succeed
    37  func TestVerrazzanoProject(t *testing.T) {
    39  	asrt := assert.New(t)
    40  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
    42  	// Test data
    43  	testVP := testProject
    44  	testMC := testManagedCluster
    45  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &testMC))
    47  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
    48  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
    49  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed.")
    51  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, testVP)
    52  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
    53  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed.")
    54  }
    56  // TestInvalidNamespace tests the validation of VerrazzanoProject resource
    57  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
    58  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject contains an invalid namespace
    59  // THEN the validation should fail
    60  func TestInvalidNamespace(t *testing.T) {
    62  	asrt := assert.New(t)
    63  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
    65  	// Test data
    66  	testVP := testProject
    67  	testVP.Namespace = "invalid-namespace"
    68  	testMC := testManagedCluster
    69  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &testMC))
    71  	// Test create
    72  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
    73  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
    74  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project create validation to fail.")
    75  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, fmt.Sprintf("resource must be %q", constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace), "unexpected failure string")
    77  	// Test update
    78  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, testVP)
    79  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
    80  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project update validation to fail.")
    81  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, fmt.Sprintf("resource must be %q", constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace), "unexpected failure string")
    82  }
    84  // TestInvalidNamespaces tests the validation of VerrazzanoProject resource
    85  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
    86  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject contains an invalid namespace list
    87  // THEN the validation should fail
    88  func TestInvalidNamespaces(t *testing.T) {
    90  	asrt := assert.New(t)
    91  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
    93  	// Test data
    94  	testVP := testProject
    95  	testVP.Spec.Template.Namespaces = []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{}
    96  	testMC := testManagedCluster
    97  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &testMC))
    99  	// Test create
   100  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
   101  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   102  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project create validation to fail for invalid namespace list")
   103  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, "One or more namespaces must be provided", "unexpected failure string")
   105  	// Test update
   106  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, testVP)
   107  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   108  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project create validation to fail for invalid namespace list")
   109  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, "One or more namespaces must be provided", "unexpected failure string")
   110  }
   112  // TestNetworkPolicyNamespace tests the validation of VerrazzanoProject NetworkPolicyTemplate
   113  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
   114  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject has a NetworkPolicyTemplate with a namespace that exists in the project
   115  // THEN the validation should succeed
   116  func TestNetworkPolicyNamespace(t *testing.T) {
   118  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   119  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   121  	// Test data
   122  	testVP := testNetworkPolicy
   123  	testMC := testManagedCluster
   124  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &testMC))
   126  	// Test create
   127  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
   128  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   129  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Error validating VerrazzanProject with NetworkPolicyTemplate")
   131  	// Test update
   132  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, testVP)
   133  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   134  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Error validating VerrazzanProject with NetworkPolicyTemplate")
   135  }
   137  // TestNetworkPolicyMissingNamespace tests the validation of VerrazzanoProject NetworkPolicyTemplate
   138  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
   139  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject has a NetworkPolicyTemplate with a namespace that does not exist in the project
   140  // THEN the validation should fail
   141  func TestNetworkPolicyMissingNamespace(t *testing.T) {
   143  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   144  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   146  	// Test data
   147  	testVP := testNetworkPolicy
   148  	testVP.Spec.Template.Namespaces[0].Metadata.Name = "ns2"
   149  	testMC := testManagedCluster
   150  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &testMC))
   152  	// Test create
   153  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
   154  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   155  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing network policy")
   156  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, "namespace ns1 used in NetworkPolicy net1 does not exist in project", "Error validating VerrazzanProject with NetworkPolicyTemplate")
   158  	// Test update
   159  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, testVP)
   160  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   161  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing network policy")
   162  	asrt.Containsf(res.Result.Reason, "namespace ns1 used in NetworkPolicy net1 does not exist in project", "Error validating VerrazzanProject with NetworkPolicyTemplate")
   163  }
   165  // TestNamespaceUniquenessForProjects tests that the namespace of a VerrazzanoProject N does not conflict with a preexisting project
   166  // GIVEN a call validate VerrazzanoProject on create or update
   167  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject has a a namespace that conflicts with any pre-existing projects
   168  // THEN the validation should fail
   169  func TestNamespaceUniquenessForProjects(t *testing.T) {
   171  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   173  	// When creating the fake client, prepopulate it with 2 Verrazzano projects
   174  	// existingVP1 has namespaces project1 and project2
   175  	// existingVP2 has namespaces project3 and project4
   176  	// Adding any new Verrazzano projects with these namespaces will fail validation
   177  	existingVP1 := &v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   178  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   179  			Name:      "existing-project-1",
   180  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   181  		},
   182  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   183  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   184  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   185  					{
   186  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   187  							Name: "project1",
   188  						},
   189  					},
   190  					{
   191  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   192  							Name: "project2",
   193  						},
   194  					},
   195  				},
   196  			},
   197  		},
   198  	}
   199  	assert.NoError(t, v.client.Create(context.TODO(), existingVP1))
   201  	existingVP2 := &v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   202  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   203  			Name:      "existing-project-2",
   204  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   205  		},
   206  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   207  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   208  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   209  					{
   210  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   211  							Name: "project3",
   212  						},
   213  					},
   214  					{
   215  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   216  							Name: "project4",
   217  						},
   218  					},
   219  				},
   220  			},
   221  		},
   222  	}
   223  	assert.NoError(t, v.client.Create(context.TODO(), existingVP2))
   225  	currentVP := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   226  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   227  			Name:      "test-project",
   228  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   229  		},
   230  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   231  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   232  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   233  					{
   234  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   235  							Name: "project",
   236  						},
   237  					},
   238  				},
   239  			},
   240  		},
   241  	}
   242  	// This test will succeed because Verrazzano project test-project has unique namespace project
   243  	err := validateNamespaceCanBeUsed(v.client, &currentVP)
   244  	assert.Nil(t, err)
   246  	currentVP = v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   247  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   248  			Name:      "test-project1",
   249  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   250  		},
   251  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   252  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   253  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   254  					{
   255  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   256  							Name: "project2",
   257  						},
   258  					},
   259  				},
   260  			},
   261  		},
   262  	}
   264  	// This test will fail because Verrazzano project test-project1 has conflicting namespace project2
   265  	err = validateNamespaceCanBeUsed(v.client, &currentVP)
   266  	assert.NotNil(t, err)
   267  	// This test will fail same as above but this time coming in through parent validator
   268  	err = validateVerrazzanoProject(v.client, &currentVP)
   269  	assert.NotNil(t, err)
   271  	currentVP = v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   272  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   273  			Name:      "test-project2",
   274  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   275  		},
   276  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   277  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   278  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   279  					{
   280  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   281  							Name: "project",
   282  						},
   283  					},
   284  					{
   285  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   286  							Name: "project4",
   287  						},
   288  					},
   289  				},
   290  			},
   291  		},
   292  	}
   293  	// UPDATE FAIL This test will fail because Verrazzano project test-project2 has conflicting namespace project4
   294  	err = validateNamespaceCanBeUsed(v.client, &currentVP)
   295  	assert.NotNil(t, err)
   297  	currentVP = v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   298  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   299  			Name:      "existing-project-1",
   300  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   301  		},
   302  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   303  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   304  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   305  					{
   306  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   307  							Name: "project",
   308  						},
   309  					},
   310  					{
   311  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   312  							Name: "project4",
   313  						},
   314  					},
   315  				},
   316  			},
   317  		},
   318  	}
   319  	// This test will fail because Verrazzano project name, existing-project-1, is using a namespace in existing-project-2
   320  	err = validateNamespaceCanBeUsed(v.client, &currentVP)
   321  	assert.NotNil(t, err)
   323  	currentVP = v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   324  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   325  			Name:      "existing-project-1",
   326  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   327  		},
   328  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   329  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   330  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   331  					{
   332  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   333  							Name: "project",
   334  						},
   335  					},
   336  					{
   337  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   338  							Name: "project2",
   339  						},
   340  					},
   341  				},
   342  			},
   343  		},
   344  	}
   345  	// UPDATE PASS This test will pass because Verrazzano project name, existing-project-1, is not using a namespace associated with any existing projects
   346  	err = validateNamespaceCanBeUsed(v.client, &currentVP)
   347  	assert.Nil(t, err)
   348  }
   350  // TestValidationFailureForProjectCreationWithoutTargetClusters tests preventing the creation
   351  // of a VerrazzanoProject resources that is missing Placement information.
   352  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   353  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource is missing Placement information
   354  // THEN the validation should fail.
   355  func TestValidationFailureForProjectCreationWithoutTargetClusters(t *testing.T) {
   356  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   357  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   358  	p := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   359  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   360  			Name:      "test-project-name",
   361  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   362  		},
   363  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   364  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   365  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   366  					{
   367  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   368  							Name: "test-target-namespace",
   369  						},
   370  					},
   371  				},
   372  			},
   373  		},
   374  	}
   376  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, p)
   377  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   378  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing placement information.")
   379  	asrt.Contains(res.Result.Reason, "target cluster")
   381  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, p)
   382  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   383  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing placement information.")
   384  	asrt.Contains(res.Result.Reason, "target cluster")
   385  }
   387  // TestValidationFailureForProjectCreationTargetingMissingManagedCluster tests preventing the creation
   388  // of a VerrazzanoProject resources that references a non-existent managed cluster.
   389  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   390  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource references a VerrazzanoManagedCluster that does not exist
   391  // THEN the validation should fail.
   392  func TestValidationFailureForProjectCreationTargetingMissingManagedCluster(t *testing.T) {
   394  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   395  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   396  	p := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   397  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   398  			Name:      "test-project-name",
   399  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   400  		},
   401  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   402  			Placement: v1alpha12.Placement{
   403  				Clusters: []v1alpha12.Cluster{{Name: "invalid-cluster-name"}},
   404  			},
   405  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   406  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   407  					{
   408  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   409  							Name: "test-target-namespace",
   410  						},
   411  					},
   412  				},
   413  			},
   414  		},
   415  	}
   417  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, p)
   418  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   419  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing placement information.")
   420  	asrt.Contains(res.Result.Reason, "invalid-cluster-name")
   422  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, p)
   423  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   424  	asrt.False(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to fail due to missing placement information.")
   425  	asrt.Contains(res.Result.Reason, "invalid-cluster-name")
   426  }
   428  // TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationTargetingExistingManagedCluster tests allowing the creation
   429  // of a VerrazzanoProject resources that references an existent managed cluster.
   430  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   431  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource references a VerrazzanoManagedCluster that does exist
   432  // THEN the validation should pass.
   433  func TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationTargetingExistingManagedCluster(t *testing.T) {
   435  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   436  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   437  	c := v1alpha1.VerrazzanoManagedCluster{
   438  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   439  			Name:      "valid-cluster-name",
   440  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   441  		},
   442  		Spec: v1alpha1.VerrazzanoManagedClusterSpec{
   443  			CASecret:                     "test-secret",
   444  			ManagedClusterManifestSecret: "test-cluster-manifest-secret",
   445  			ServiceAccount:               "test-service-account",
   446  		},
   447  	}
   448  	p := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   449  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   450  			Name:      "test-project-name",
   451  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   452  		},
   453  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   454  			Placement: v1alpha12.Placement{
   455  				Clusters: []v1alpha12.Cluster{{Name: "valid-cluster-name"}},
   456  			},
   457  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   458  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   459  					{
   460  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   461  							Name: "test-target-namespace",
   462  						},
   463  					},
   464  				},
   465  			},
   466  		},
   467  	}
   468  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &c))
   470  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, p)
   471  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   472  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project create validation to succeed.")
   474  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, p)
   475  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   476  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project update validation to succeed.")
   477  }
   479  // TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationWithoutTargetClustersOnManagedCluster tests allowing the creation
   480  // of a VerrazzanoProject resources that is missing target cluster information when on managed cluster.
   481  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   482  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource is missing Placement information
   483  // AND the validation is being done on a managed cluster
   484  // THEN the validation should succeed.
   485  func TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationWithoutTargetClustersOnManagedCluster(t *testing.T) {
   487  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   488  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   489  	s := corev1.Secret{
   490  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   491  			Name:      constants.MCRegistrationSecret,
   492  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoSystemNamespace,
   493  		},
   494  	}
   495  	p := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   496  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   497  			Name:      "test-project-name",
   498  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   499  		},
   500  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   501  			Placement: v1alpha12.Placement{
   502  				Clusters: []v1alpha12.Cluster{{Name: "invalid-cluster-name"}},
   503  			},
   504  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   505  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   506  					{
   507  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   508  							Name: "test-target-namespace",
   509  						},
   510  					},
   511  				},
   512  			},
   513  		},
   514  	}
   515  	asrt.NoError(v.client.Create(context.TODO(), &s))
   517  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, p)
   518  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   519  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed with missing placement information on managed cluster.")
   521  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, p)
   522  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   523  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed with missing placement information on managed cluster.")
   524  }
   526  // TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationTargetingLocalCluster tests allowing the creation
   527  // of a VerrazzanoProject resources on the local admin cluster.
   528  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   529  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource targets the local cluster via Placement information
   530  // AND the validation is being done on the admin cluster
   531  // THEN the validation should succeed.
   532  func TestValidationSuccessForProjectCreationTargetingLocalCluster(t *testing.T) {
   534  	asrt := assert.New(t)
   535  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   536  	p := v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProject{
   537  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   538  			Name:      "test-project-name",
   539  			Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoMultiClusterNamespace,
   540  		},
   541  		Spec: v1alpha12.VerrazzanoProjectSpec{
   542  			Placement: v1alpha12.Placement{
   543  				Clusters: []v1alpha12.Cluster{{Name: constants.DefaultClusterName}},
   544  			},
   545  			Template: v1alpha12.ProjectTemplate{
   546  				Namespaces: []v1alpha12.NamespaceTemplate{
   547  					{
   548  						Metadata: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   549  							Name: "test-target-namespace",
   550  						},
   551  					},
   552  				},
   553  			},
   554  		},
   555  	}
   557  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, p)
   558  	res := v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   559  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed with placement targeting local cluster.")
   561  	req = newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Update, p)
   562  	res = v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   563  	asrt.True(res.Allowed, "Expected project validation to succeed with placement targeting local cluster.")
   564  }
   566  // TestVzProjHandleFailed tests to make sure the failure metric is being exposed
   567  // GIVEN a call to validate a VerrazzanoProject resource
   568  // WHEN the VerrazzanoProject resource is failing
   569  // THEN the validation should fail.
   570  func TestVzProjHandleFailed(t *testing.T) {
   572  	assert := assert.New(t)
   573  	// Create a request and Handle
   574  	v := newVerrazzanoProjectValidator()
   575  	// Test data
   576  	testVP := testProject
   577  	req := newAdmissionRequest(admissionv1.Create, testVP)
   578  	v.Handle(context.TODO(), req)
   579  	reconcileerrorCounterObject, err := metricsexporter.GetSimpleCounterMetric(metricsexporter.VzProjHandleError)
   580  	assert.NoError(err)
   581  	// Expect a call to fetch the error
   582  	reconcileFailedCounterBefore := testutil.ToFloat64(reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get())
   583  	reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get().Inc()
   584  	reconcileFailedCounterAfter := testutil.ToFloat64(reconcileerrorCounterObject.Get())
   585  	assert.Equal(reconcileFailedCounterBefore, reconcileFailedCounterAfter-1)
   586  }