(about) 1 // Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 2 // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at 3 4 properties([[$class: 'ThrottleJobProperty', categories: [], limitOneJobWithMatchingParams: false, maxConcurrentPerNode: 1, 5 maxConcurrentTotal: 1, paramsToUseForLimit: '', throttleEnabled: true, throttleOption: 'project'], 6 [$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '10']], 7 pipelineTriggers([cron('0 11 * * *')]),]) 8 9 pipeline { 10 options { 11 skipDefaultCheckout true 12 timestamps () 13 } 14 15 agent { 16 docker { 17 image "${RUNNER_DOCKER_IMAGE}" 18 args "${RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}" 19 registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" 20 label 'internal' 21 } 22 } 23 24 parameters { 25 choice (name: 'LRE_CLUSTER', 26 description: 'Which LRE cluster to run the test against', 27 // 1st choice is the default value 28 // Currently, dev is the only option 29 choices: [ "dev" ]) 30 booleanParam (name: 'UPGRADE_VZ', 31 description: 'If true, upgrade Verrazzano to the most recent stable commit', 32 defaultValue: true) 33 booleanParam (name: 'RUN_TESTS', 34 description: 'If true, run tests to verify the status of the cluster', 35 defaultValue: true) 36 } 37 38 environment { 39 LRE_CLUSTER_ENV = "${params.LRE_CLUSTER}" 40 41 OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace') 42 OCI_OS_BUCKET = "verrazzano-builds" 43 OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET = "verrazzano-builds-by-commit" 44 45 OCI_CLI_TENANCY = credentials('oci-dev-tenancy') 46 OCI_CLI_USER = credentials('oci-dev-user-ocid') 47 OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT = credentials('oci-dev-api-key-fingerprint') 48 OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE = credentials('oci-dev-api-key-file') 49 OCI_CLI_REGION = "us-ashburn-1" 50 51 STABLE_COMMIT_OS_LOCATION = "master/last-stable-commit.txt" 52 STABLE_COMMIT_LOCATION = "${WORKSPACE}/last-stable-commit.txt" 53 OPERATOR_YAML_LOCATION = "${WORKSPACE}/operator.yaml" 54 55 DOCKER_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw') 56 DOCKER_REPO = '' 57 NETRC_FILE = credentials('netrc') 58 GOPATH = '/home/opc/go' 59 GO_REPO_PATH = "${GOPATH}/src/" 60 TEST_DUMP_ROOT="${WORKSPACE}/test-cluster-snapshots" 61 62 DEV_LRE_SUSPECT_LIST = credentials('dev_lre_suspect_list') 63 PIPELINE_OWNERS = credentials('lretests-owners') 64 DEV_LRE_KUBECONFIG = credentials('dev-lre-kubeconfig') 65 DEV_LRE_RANCHER_ADMIN_PSW = credentials('dev-lre-rancher-admin-password') 66 KUBECONFIG = "${WORKSPACE}/.kube/config" 67 VZ_CLI_TARGZ="vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz" 68 TEST_ENV = "LRE" 69 70 // Environment variable for Verrazzano CLI executable 71 VZ_COMMAND="${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz" 72 } 73 74 stages { 75 stage('Clean workspace and checkout') { 76 steps { 77 sh """ 78 echo "${NODE_LABELS}" 79 """ 80 81 script { 82 def scmInfo = checkout scm 83 env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH 84 } 85 sh """ 86 cp -f "${NETRC_FILE}" $HOME/.netrc 87 chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc 88 """ 89 90 script { 91 try { 92 sh """ 93 echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 94 """ 95 } catch(error) { 96 echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep" 97 retry(4) { 98 sleep(30) 99 sh """ 100 echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin 101 """ 102 } 103 } 104 } 105 sh """ 106 rm -rf ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 107 mkdir -p ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano 108 tar cf - . | (cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ ; tar xf -) 109 """ 110 sh """ 111 echo "Downloading VZ CLI from object storage, lre is special only get latest one from master" 112 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name master/${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} --file ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} 113 tar xzf ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} -C ${GO_REPO_PATH} 114 ${VZ_COMMAND} version 115 """ 116 } 117 } 118 119 stage('Set kubeconfig') { 120 steps { 121 script { 122 sh """ 123 mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/.kube 124 rm -rf ${KUBECONFIG} 125 126 RANCHER_TOKEN=\$(curl -s -k --noproxy -X POST \ 127 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 128 "" \ 129 -d '{"username":"admin", "password":"${DEV_LRE_RANCHER_ADMIN_PSW}"}' | jq -r ".token") 130 131 curl -s -k --noproxy -X POST \ 132 -H "Authorization: Bearer \${RANCHER_TOKEN}" \ 133 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 134 "" \ 135 | jq -r ".config" > ${KUBECONFIG} 136 137 cat ${KUBECONFIG} 138 """ 139 } 140 } 141 } 142 143 stage ("Run kubectl commands") { 144 steps { 145 script { 146 sh """ 147 kubectl get nodes 148 kubectl get pods -A 149 kubectl get vz -A 150 """ 151 } 152 } 153 } 154 155 stage("Create OCI config file") { 156 when { 157 expression { 158 return params.UPGRADE_VZ 159 } 160 } 161 steps { 162 script{ 163 sh """ 164 mkdir -p ~/.oci 165 cp ${OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE} ~/.oci 166 rm -rf ~/.oci/config 167 { 168 echo '[DEFAULT]' 169 echo 'user=${OCI_CLI_USER}' 170 echo 'fingerprint=${OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT}' 171 echo 'tenancy=${OCI_CLI_TENANCY}' 172 echo 'region=${OCI_CLI_REGION}' 173 echo 'key_file=~/.oci/alm.pem' 174 } >> ~/.oci/config 175 oci setup repair-file-permissions --file /home/opc/.oci/config 176 """ 177 } 178 } 179 } 180 181 stage('Upgrade to stable commit') { 182 when { 183 expression { 184 return params.UPGRADE_VZ 185 } 186 } 187 steps { 188 script { 189 // Get the last stable commit ID that passed the triggered tests 190 sh """ 191 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${STABLE_COMMIT_OS_LOCATION} --file ${STABLE_COMMIT_LOCATION} 192 """ 193 def stableCommitProps = readProperties file: "${STABLE_COMMIT_LOCATION}" 194 GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE = stableCommitProps['git-commit'] 195 SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short=8 ${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}").trim() 196 echo "Last stable short commit: ${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}" 197 198 // Get the running version of Verrazzano 199 RUNNING_VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get verrazzano -A -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.version}'").trim() 200 echo "Current version of Verrazzano: ${RUNNING_VERSION}" 201 202 // Get the version we are upgrading to 203 VERRAZZANO_UPGRADE_VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/master/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/generated-verrazzano-bom.json --file - | jq -r '.version'").trim() 204 echo "Version to upgrade to: ${VERRAZZANO_UPGRADE_VERSION}" 205 206 // Only do an upgrade if the running version and version to upgrade are different. 207 if (VERRAZZANO_UPGRADE_VERSION != RUNNING_VERSION) { 208 sh """ 209 echo "Downloading operator.yaml from object storage" 210 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/master/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/operator.yaml --file ${OPERATOR_YAML_LOCATION} 211 """ 212 213 downloadCLI() 214 215 sh """ 216 echo "Upgrading the Verrazzano installation to version" ${VERRAZZANO_UPGRADE_VERSION} 217 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz upgrade --version ${VERRAZZANO_UPGRADE_VERSION} --manifests ${OPERATOR_YAML_LOCATION} --timeout 45m 218 """ 219 } else { 220 echo "No upgrade is needed. Verrazzano is already at the expected version." 221 } 222 } 223 } 224 post { 225 failure { 226 dumpK8sCluster('lre-upgrade-failure-cluster-snapshot') 227 } 228 } 229 } 230 231 stage('Verify Install') { 232 when { 233 expression { 234 return params.RUN_TESTS 235 } 236 } 237 steps { 238 runGinkgoRandomize('verify-install') 239 } 240 post { 241 always { 242 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/*,**/test-cluster-snapshots/**', allowEmptyArchive: true 243 junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true 244 } 245 failure { 246 dumpK8sCluster('lre-verify-install-failure-cluster-snapshot') 247 } 248 } 249 } 250 251 stage('Run Acceptance Tests Infra') { 252 when { 253 expression { 254 return params.RUN_TESTS 255 } 256 } 257 parallel { 258 stage('verify-scripts') { 259 steps { 260 runGinkgoRandomize('scripts', "${KUBECONFIG}") 261 } 262 } 263 stage('verify-infra restapi') { 264 steps { 265 runGinkgoRandomize('verify-infra/restapi') 266 } 267 } 268 stage('verify-infra oam') { 269 steps { 270 runGinkgoRandomize('verify-infra/oam') 271 } 272 } 273 274 stage('verify-infra vmi') { 275 steps { 276 runGinkgoRandomize('verify-infra/vmi') 277 } 278 } 279 280 stage('system component metrics') { 281 steps { 282 runGinkgo('metrics/syscomponents') 283 } 284 } 285 } 286 post { 287 always { 288 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/*,**/test-cluster-snapshots/**', allowEmptyArchive: true 289 junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true 290 } 291 failure { 292 dumpK8sCluster('lre-verify-infra-failure-cluster-snapshot') 293 } 294 } 295 } 296 297 stage('examples helidon') { 298 when { 299 expression { 300 return params.RUN_TESTS 301 } 302 } 303 steps { 304 script { 305 runGinkgoAppTest('examples/helidon', "hello-helidon", "${TEST_DUMP_ROOT}/examples-helidon", 'true', 'true') 306 } 307 } 308 post { 309 always { 310 archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/*,**/test-cluster-snapshots/**', allowEmptyArchive: true 311 junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true 312 } 313 failure { 314 dumpK8sCluster('lre-hello-helidon-failure-cluster-snapshot') 315 } 316 } 317 } 318 319 } 320 post { 321 failure { 322 script { 323 if (env.GIT_BRANCH == "master") { 324 slackSend ( channel: "$SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL", message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\n\nSuspects:\n${DEV_LRE_SUSPECT_LIST} ${PIPELINE_OWNERS}\n" ) 325 } 326 } 327 } 328 } 329 } 330 331 def downloadCLI() { 332 script { 333 sh """ 334 echo "Downloading vz CLI from object storage" 335 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/master/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} --file ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} 336 tar xzf ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} -C ${GO_REPO_PATH} 337 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz version 338 """ 339 } 340 } 341 342 def runGinkgoRandomize(testSuitePath, kubeconfig = '') { 343 catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { 344 sh """ 345 if [ ! -z "${kubeConfig}" ]; then 346 export KUBECONFIG="${kubeConfig}" 347 fi 348 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e 349 ginkgo -p --randomize-all -v --keep-going --no-color ${testSuitePath}/... 350 """ 351 } 352 } 353 354 def runGinkgo(testSuitePath) { 355 catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { 356 sh """ 357 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e 358 ginkgo -v --keep-going --no-color ${testSuitePath}/... 359 """ 360 } 361 } 362 363 def runGinkgoAppTest(testSuitePath, namespace, dumpDir='', skipDeploy='false', skipUndeploy='false') { 364 catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') { 365 sh """ 366 if [ ! -z "${dumpDir}" ]; then 367 export DUMP_DIRECTORY=${dumpDir} 368 fi 369 cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e 370 ginkgo -v --keep-going --no-color ${testSuitePath}/... -- --skipDeploy=${skipDeploy} --skipUndeploy=${skipUndeploy} --namespace=${namespace} 371 """ 372 } 373 } 374 375 def dumpK8sCluster(dumpDirectory) { 376 sh """ 377 ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ci/scripts/ ${dumpDirectory} 378 """ 379 }