
     1  // Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  import groovy.transform.Field
     6  @Field
     7  def GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE = ""
     8  @Field
    10  @Field
    12  @Field
    14  @Field
    15  def TESTS_FAILED = false
    16  @Field
    17  def storeLocation=""
    18  @Field
    19  def verrazzanoPrefix="verrazzano-"
    20  @Field
    21  def fullBundle=""
    22  @Field
    23  def liteBundle=""
    24  @Field
    25  def SUSPECT_LIST = ""
    26  @Field
    29  // The job name from which the verrazzano_images file is available to be copied to this job
    30  // We will copy over and make it part of the artifacts of the periodic job, available when we want to release a candidate
    31  @Field
    32  def verrazzanoImagesJobProjectName = "verrazzano-examples"
    33  @Field
    34  def verrazzanoImagesFile           = "verrazzano_images.txt"
    35  @Field
    36  def verrazzanoImagesBuildNumber    = 0     // will be set to actual build number when the job is run
    37  @Field
    38  def periodicsUpToDate              = false // If true, indicates that the periodics already passed at the latest commit
    40  // Non Fields
    41  def branchSpecificSchedule = getCronSchedule()
    43  // File containing the links to download the Verrazzano distributions
    44  @Field
    45  def verrazzanoDistributionsFile = "verrazzano_distributions.html"
    47  pipeline {
    48      options {
    49          skipDefaultCheckout true
    50          disableConcurrentBuilds()
    51          timestamps ()
    52      }
    54      agent {
    55         docker {
    56              image "${RUNNER_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
    57              args "${RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}"
    58              registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}"
    59              registryCredentialsId 'ocir-pull-and-push-account'
    60              label "pipeline-job-large"
    61          }
    62      }
    65      parameters {
    66          string (name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE',
    67                          defaultValue: 'NONE',
    68                          description: 'This is the full git commit hash from the source build to be used for all jobs. A full pipeline specifies a valid commit hash here. NONE can be used for manually triggered jobs, however even for those a commit hash value is preferred to be supplied',
    69                          trim: true)
    70          string (name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE',
    71                          defaultValue: 'NONE',
    72                          description: 'This is for manually testing only where someone needs to use a specific operator image, otherwise the default value of NONE is used',
    73                          trim: true)
    74          string (name: 'TAGGED_TESTS',
    75                  defaultValue: '',
    76                  description: 'A comma separated list of build tags for tests that should be executed (e.g. unstable_test). Default:',
    77                  trim: true)
    78          string (name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS',
    79                  defaultValue: '.*',
    80                  description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should be executed (e.g. examples/helidon/). Default: .*',
    81                  trim: true)
    82          string (name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS',
    83                  defaultValue: '_excluded_test',
    84                  description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should not be executed (e.g. multicluster/|_excluded_test). Default: _excluded_test',
    85                  trim: true)
    86          booleanParam (description: 'Force execution of the tests even if up-to-date', name: 'FORCE', defaultValue: false)
    87          booleanParam (description: 'Skip test execution (for debugging)', name: 'DRY_RUN', defaultValue: false)
    88          booleanParam (description: 'Run KinD Based DNS tests ', name: 'KIND_DNS_TESTS', defaultValue: true)
    89          booleanParam (description: 'Run OKE Based DNS tests ', name: 'OKE_DNS_TESTS', defaultValue: false)
    90      }
    92      environment {
    93          OCIR_SCAN_COMPARTMENT = credentials('ocir-scan-compartment')
    94          OCIR_SCAN_TARGET = credentials('ocir-scan-target')
    95          OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY = credentials('ocir-scan-registry')
    96          OCIR_SCAN_REPOSITORY_PATH = credentials('ocir-scan-repository-path')
    97          DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS = credentials('v8odev-ocir')
    98          DOCKER_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw')
    99          DOCKER_REPO = ''
   101          OCI_CLI_AUTH="instance_principal"
   102          OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace')
   103          OCI_OS_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds"
   104          OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds-by-commit"
   105          CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}"
   106          SERVICE_KEY = credentials('PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_KEY')
   108          STABLE_COMMIT_OS_LOCATION = "${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}/last-stable-commit.txt"
   109          CLEAN_PERIODIC_OS_LOCATION = "${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}-last-clean-periodic-test/verrazzano_periodic-commit.txt"
   111          STABLE_COMMIT_LOCATION = "${WORKSPACE}/last-stable-commit.txt"
   112          CLEAN_PERIODIC_LOCATION = "${WORKSPACE}/last-clean-periodic-commit.txt"
   114          OCI_OS_REGION="us-phoenix-1"
   115      }
   117      // This job runs against the latest stable master commit. That is defined as the last clean master build and test run whose
   118      // commit has been stored in object storage. This job will fetch that commit from master and run extended tests using that.
   119      // This job is NOT currently setup to run extended tests from other branches, if you need to run those extended jobs you will
   120      // need to run those against your branch individually.
   122      stages {
   123          stage('Clean workspace and checkout') {
   124              steps {
   125                  sh """
   126                      echo "${NODE_LABELS}"
   127                  """
   128                  script {
   129                      if (params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE == "NONE") {
   130                          echo "Specific GIT commit was not specified, use current head"
   131                          def scmInfo = checkout([
   132                              $class: 'GitSCM',
   133                              branches: [[name: env.BRANCH_NAME]],
   134                              doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
   135                              extensions: [],
   136                              submoduleCfg: [],
   137                              userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.SCM_VERRAZZANO_GIT_URL]]])
   138                          env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   139                          env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   140                      } else {
   141                          echo "SCM checkout of ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   142                          def scmInfo = checkout([
   143                              $class: 'GitSCM',
   144                              branches: [[name: params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE]],
   145                              doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
   146                              extensions: [],
   147                              submoduleCfg: [],
   148                              userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.SCM_VERRAZZANO_GIT_URL]]])
   149                          env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   150                          env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   151                          // If the commit we were handed is not what the SCM says we are using, fail
   152                          if (!env.GIT_COMMIT.equals(params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE)) {
   153                              echo "SCM didn't checkout the commit we expected. Expected: ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}, Found: ${scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT}"
   154                              exit 1
   155                          }
   156                      }
   157                      echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
   158                  }
   160                  script {
   161                      def props = readProperties file: '.verrazzano-development-version'
   162                      VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = props['verrazzano-development-version']
   163                      TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim()
   164                      SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD").trim()
   165                      // update the description with some meaningful info
   166                      currentBuild.description = SHORT_COMMIT_HASH + " : " + env.GIT_COMMIT + " : " + params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE
   167                      def currentCommitHash = env.GIT_COMMIT
   168                      def commitList = getCommitList()
   169                      withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-to-slack-users', variable: 'JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON')]) {
   170                          def userMappings = readJSON file: JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON
   171                          SUSPECT_LIST = getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings)
   172                          echo "Suspect list: ${SUSPECT_LIST}"
   173                      }
   174                  }
   175              }
   176          }
   178          stage ('All DNS Tests with KinD') {
   179              when {
   180                  allOf {
   181                      expression { return runKindDnsTests() }
   182                  }
   183              }
   184              parallel {
   185                  stage('oci user principal with global dns') {
   186                      steps {
   187                          retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   188                              script {
   189                                  println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   190                                  build job: "/verrazzano-oci-dns-kind-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   191                                      parameters: [
   192                                          string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   193                                          booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   194                                          string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   195                                          string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   196                                          string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   197                                          string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   198                                      ], wait: true
   199                              }
   200                          }
   201                      }
   202                  }
   204                  stage('oci instance principal with global dns') {
   205                     steps {
   206                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   207                             script {
   208                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   209                                 build job: "/verrazzano-oci-dns-kind-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   210                                     parameters: [
   211                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   212                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   213                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   214                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   215                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   216                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   217                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   218                                     ], wait: true
   219                              }
   220                          }
   221                      }
   222                  }
   224                  stage('oci user principal with private dns') {
   225                     steps {
   226                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   227                             script {
   229                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   230                                 build job: "/verrazzano-oci-dns-kind-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   231                                     parameters: [
   232                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   233                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   234                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   235                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   236                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   237                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   238                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   239                                     ], wait: true
   240                             }
   241                         }
   242                     }
   243                 }
   245                 stage('oci instance principal with private dns') {
   246                     steps {
   247                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   248                             script {
   250                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   251                                 build job: "/verrazzano-oci-dns-kind-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   252                                     parameters: [
   253                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   254                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   255                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   256                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   257                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   258                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   259                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   260                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   261                                     ], wait: true
   262                             }
   263                         }
   264                     }
   265                 }
   267                  stage('oci user principal with global dns cert-issuer acme and env as staging') {
   268                      steps {
   269                          retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   270                              script {
   271                                  build job: "verrazzano-oci-dns-kind-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   272                                      parameters: [
   273                                          string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   274                                          string(name: 'CERT_ISSUER', value: "acme"),
   275                                          string(name: 'ACME_ENVIRONMENT', value: "staging"),
   276                                          booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: false),
   277                                          string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   278                                          string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   279                                          string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   280                                      ], wait: true
   281                              }
   282                          }
   283                      }
   284                      post {
   285                          failure {
   286                              script {
   287                                  TESTS_FAILED = true
   288                              }
   289                          }
   290                      }
   291                  }
   294              }
   295          }
   300          stage ('All DNS Tests with OKE') {
   301              when {
   302                  allOf {
   303                      expression { return runOkeDnsTests() }
   304                  }
   305              }
   306              parallel {
   308                 stage('oci user principal with global dns and private istio lb') {
   309                      steps {
   310                          retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   311                              script {
   313                                  println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   314                                  build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   315                                      parameters: [
   316                                          string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   317                                          string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   318                                          string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   319                                          booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   320                                          string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   321                                          string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   322                                          string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   323                                      ], wait: true
   324                              }
   325                          }
   326                      }
   327                 }
   329                 stage('oci user principal with global dns and private nginx lb') {
   330                      steps {
   331                          retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   332                              script {
   334                                  println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   335                                  build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   336                                      parameters: [
   337                                          string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   338                                          string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   339                                          string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   340                                          booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   341                                          string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   342                                          string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   343                                          string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   344                                      ], wait: true
   345                              }
   346                          }
   347                      }
   348                 }
   350                 stage('oci user principal with global dns and private istio and nginx lb') {
   351                      steps {
   352                          retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   353                              script {
   355                                  println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   356                                  build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   357                                      parameters: [
   358                                          string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   359                                          string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   360                                          string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   361                                          string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   362                                          booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   363                                          string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   364                                          string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   365                                          string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   366                                      ], wait: true
   367                              }
   368                          }
   369                      }
   370                 }
   374                 stage('oci instance principal with global dns and private istio lb') {
   375                     steps {
   376                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   377                             script {
   378                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   379                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   380                                     parameters: [
   381                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   382                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   383                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   384                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   385                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   386                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   387                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   388                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   389                                     ], wait: true
   390                             }
   391                         }
   392                     }
   393                 }
   395                 stage('oci instance principal with global dns and private nginx lb') {
   396                     steps {
   397                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   398                             script {
   400                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   401                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   402                                     parameters: [
   403                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   404                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   405                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   406                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   407                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   408                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   409                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   410                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   411                                     ], wait: true
   412                             }
   413                         }
   414                     }
   415                 }
   417                 stage('oci instance principal with global dns and private istio and nginx lb') {
   418                     steps {
   419                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   420                             script {
   422                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=GLOBAL : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   423                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   424                                     parameters: [
   425                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   426                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   427                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   428                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   429                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   430                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   431                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   432                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   433                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   434                                     ], wait: true
   435                             }
   436                         }
   437                     }
   438                 }
   445                 stage('oci user principal with private dns and private istio lb') {
   446                     steps {
   447                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   448                             script {
   450                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   451                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   452                                     parameters: [
   453                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   454                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   455                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   456                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   457                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   458                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   459                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   460                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   461                                     ], wait: true
   462                             }
   463                         }
   464                     }
   465                 }
   467                 stage('oci user principal with private dns and private  nginx lb') {
   468                     steps {
   469                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   470                             script {
   472                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   473                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   474                                     parameters: [
   475                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   476                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   477                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   478                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   479                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   480                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   481                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   482                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   483                                     ], wait: true
   484                             }
   485                         }
   486                     }
   487                 }
   489                 stage('oci user principal with private dns and private istio and nginx lb') {
   490                     steps {
   491                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   492                             script {
   493                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=UserPrincipal : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   494                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   495                                     parameters: [
   496                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   497                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   498                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   499                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   500                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   501                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   502                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   503                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   504                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   505                                     ], wait: true
   506                             }
   507                         }
   508                     }
   509                 }
   513                 stage('oci instance principal with private dns and private istio lb') {
   514                     steps {
   515                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   516                             script {
   518                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=GLOBAL : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   519                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   520                                     parameters: [
   521                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   522                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   523                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   524                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   525                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   526                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   527                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   528                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   529                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   530                                     ], wait: true
   531                             }
   532                         }
   533                     }
   534                 }
   536                 stage('oci instance principal with private dns and private nginx lb') {
   537                     steps {
   538                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   539                             script {
   540                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=GLOBAL")
   541                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   542                                     parameters: [
   543                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   544                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   545                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   546                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   547                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   548                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   549                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   550                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   551                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   552                                     ], wait: true
   553                             }
   554                         }
   555                     }
   556                 }
   558                 stage('oci instance principal with private dns and private istio and nginx lb') {
   559                     steps {
   560                         retry(count: JOB_PROMOTION_RETRIES) {
   561                             script {
   562                                 println("AUTH_TYPE=IP : DNS_SCOPE=PRIVATE : Nginx_LB=PRIVATE : Istio_LB=PRIVATE")
   563                                 build job: "/verrazzano-new-oci-dns-acceptance-tests/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   564                                     parameters: [
   565                                         string(name: 'OCI_DNS_AUTH', value: 'instance_principal'),
   566                                         string(name: 'DNS_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   567                                         string(name: 'ISTIO_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   568                                         string(name: 'NGINX_LB_SCOPE', value: 'PRIVATE'),
   569                                         string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT),
   570                                         string(name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', value: params.VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE),
   571                                         booleanParam(name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', value: true),
   572                                         string(name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', value: params.TAGGED_TESTS),
   573                                         string(name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.INCLUDED_TESTS),
   574                                         string(name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', value: params.EXCLUDED_TESTS),
   575                                     ], wait: true
   576                             }
   577                         }
   578                     }
   579                 }
   580              }
   581          }
   582      }
   583      post {
   584          always {
   585              script {
   586                  if (verrazzanoImagesBuildNumber > 0) {
   587                      copyArtifacts(projectName: "${verrazzanoImagesJobProjectName}/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   588                              selector: specific("${verrazzanoImagesBuildNumber}"),
   589                              filter: verrazzanoImagesFile)
   590                      sh """
   591                          OCI_CLI_AUTH="instance_principal" oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}/${RELEASABLE_IMAGES_OBJECT_STORE} --file ${verrazzanoImagesFile}
   592                      """
   593                  } else {
   594                      println("Cannot copy ${verrazzanoImagesFile} from the project ${verrazzanoImagesJobProjectName} - no build number is available to copy from.")
   595                  }
   596              }
   597              archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/prerelease_validation.out,**/release_status.out,**/${verrazzanoImagesFile},**/${verrazzanoDistributionsFile}", allowEmptyArchive: true
   598          }
   599          failure {
   600              script {
   601                  if (isAlertingEnabled()) {
   602                      if (isPagerDutyEnabled()) {
   603                          pagerduty(resolve: false, serviceKey: "$SERVICE_KEY",
   604                          incDescription: "Verrazzano Periodic Tests: ${env.JOB_NAME} - Failed",
   605                          incDetails: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}")
   606                      }
   607                      slackSend ( channel: "$SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL", message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\n\nSuspects:\n${SUSPECT_LIST}\n\nChange comparison: ${COMPARISON_URL_ON_FAILURE}" )
   608                      echo "done alerts"
   609                  }
   610              }
   611          }
   612          cleanup {
   613              deleteDir()
   614          }
   615      }
   616  }
   618  // Preliminary job checks and display updates
   619  def preliminaryChecks() {
   620      // Get the last stable commit ID to pass the triggered tests
   621      def stableCommitProps = readProperties file: "${STABLE_COMMIT_LOCATION}"
   622      GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE = stableCommitProps['git-commit']
   623      echo "Last stable commit: ${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   625      LAST_CLEAN_PERIODIC_COMMIT=getLastCleanPeriodicCommit()
   626      echo "Last clean periodics commit: ${LAST_CLEAN_PERIODIC_COMMIT}"
   629          periodicsUpToDate = true
   630      }
   632      echo "Up to date: ${periodicsUpToDate}"
   633      echo "Dry run: ${params.DRY_RUN}"
   634      echo "Force run: ${params.FORCE}"
   635      echo "Execute tests: " + runTests()
   637      // Indicate in title if run is up-to-date or dry-run
   638      if (params.DRY_RUN) {
   639          currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} : DRY-RUN"
   640      }
   641      if (periodicsUpToDate) {
   642          currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} : UP-TO-DATE"
   643      }
   644      if (params.FORCE) {
   645          currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} : FORCE"
   646      }
   648      if (runTests()) {
   649          echo "Executing periodic tests for commit ${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   650      }
   651  }
   653  def dockerLogins() {
   654      try {
   655          sh """
   656              echo "${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   657          """
   658      } catch(error) {
   659          echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep"
   660          retry(4) {
   661              sleep(30)
   662              sh """
   663              echo "${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   664              """
   665          }
   666      }
   667      if (!(env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master") || env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-1."))) {
   668          try {
   669              sh """
   670                  echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   671              """
   672          } catch(error) {
   673              echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep"
   674              retry(4) {
   675                  sleep(30)
   676                  sh """
   677                      echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   678                  """
   679              }
   680          }
   681      }
   682  }
   684  def scmCheckout() {
   685      echo "${NODE_LABELS}"
   686      echo "SCM checkout of ${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   687      def scmInfo = checkout([
   688          $class: 'GitSCM',
   689          branches: [[name: GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE]],
   690          doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
   691          extensions: [],
   692          submoduleCfg: [],
   693          userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.SCM_VERRAZZANO_GIT_URL]]])
   694      env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   695      env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   696      echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
   697      // If the commit we were handed is not what the SCM says we are using, fail
   698      if (!env.GIT_COMMIT.equals(GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE)) {
   699          error( "SCM didn't checkout the commit we expected. Expected: ${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}, Found: ${scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT}")
   700      }
   702      if (LAST_CLEAN_PERIODIC_COMMIT != null) {
   704          def lastClean = "${LAST_CLEAN_PERIODIC_COMMIT}"
   705          def currentStable = "${GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   706          def commitList = getCommitListFromGitLog(lastClean, currentStable)
   707          withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-to-slack-users', variable: 'JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON')]) {
   708              def userMappings = readJSON file: JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON
   709              SUSPECT_LIST = getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings)
   710              echo "Suspect list: ${SUSPECT_LIST}"
   711          }
   712      }
   713      echo "URL if fails: ${COMPARISON_URL_ON_FAILURE}"
   714  }
   716  def cleanWorkspaceAndCheckout() {
   717      scmCheckout()
   718      dockerLogins()
   719      def props = readProperties file: '.verrazzano-development-version'
   720      VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = props['verrazzano-development-version']
   721      TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim()
   722      SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD").trim()
   723      // update the description with some meaningful info
   724      currentBuild.description = SHORT_COMMIT_HASH + " : " + env.GIT_COMMIT + " : " + GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE
   725      storeLocation="ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}"
   726      fullBundle="${storeLocation}/${verrazzanoPrefix}${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}.zip"
   727      liteBundle="${storeLocation}/${verrazzanoPrefix}${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}"
   728      RELEASABLE_IMAGES_OBJECT_STORE = "verrazzano_${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}-images.txt"
   729  }
   731  // Returns the last clean commit for the periodics, or null if the commit file does not exist yet.
   732  // - fails the pipeline if any error other than 404 is returned by the OCI CLI
   733  def getLastCleanPeriodicCommit() {
   734      lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput = sh (
   735          label: "Get last clean periodic commit ID",
   736          script: "oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${CLEAN_PERIODIC_OS_LOCATION} --file ${CLEAN_PERIODIC_LOCATION} 2>&1 || true",
   737          returnStdout: true
   738          ).trim()
   739      echo "command out: ${lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput}"
   740      if (lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput.length() > 0) {
   741          // We can get warning messages here as well even when the command succeeded, so be more precise on the checking
   742          if (lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput =~ /(.*)status(.*)\d{1,4}(.*)/) {
   743              // If we think we had a status: NNN, we ignore 404 and fail for others
   744              assert lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput =~ /(.*)status(.*)404(.*)/ : "An unexpected error occurred getting last periodic commit from ObjectStore: ${lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput}"
   745          } else {
   746              // If we got here, we have some message that may or may not be an error. If we don't see the file, we assume it was an error
   747              sh """
   748                  if [ ! -f ${CLEAN_PERIODIC_LOCATION} ]; then
   749                      echo "An unexpected error occurred getting last periodic commit from ObjectStore: ${lastPeriodicCommitCommandOutput}"
   750                      exit 1
   751                  fi
   752              """
   753          }
   754      }
   755      // Get the commit ID for the last known clean pass of the Periodic tests
   756      def cleanPeriodicsCommitProps = readProperties file: "${CLEAN_PERIODIC_LOCATION}"
   757      return cleanPeriodicsCommitProps['git-commit']
   758  }
   760  // Checks all the conditions gating test execution and coallates the result
   761  def runTests() {
   762    return params.FORCE || ( ! periodicsUpToDate && ! params.DRY_RUN )
   763  }
   765  def runKindDnsTests() {
   766    return params.KIND_DNS_TESTS && ( ! params.DRY_RUN )
   767  }
   769  def runOkeDnsTests() {
   770    return params.OKE_DNS_TESTS && ( ! params.DRY_RUN )
   771  }
   773  def isAlertingEnabled() {
   774      // this controls whether any alerting happens for these tests
   775      if (NOTIFY_PERIODIC_FAILURES.equals("true") && (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master") || env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-1."))) {
   776          echo "Alert notifications enabled for ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
   777          return true
   778      }
   779      return false
   780  }
   782  def releaseValidationChecks() {
   783      def built = build job: "verrazzano-prerelease-check/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   784          parameters: [
   785              string(name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT)
   786          ], wait: true, propagate: false
   787      println("Result of verrazzano-prerelease-check is ${built.result}")
   788      dir ("${WORKSPACE}") {
   789          copyArtifacts(projectName: "verrazzano-prerelease-check/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}",
   790                  selector: specific("${built.number}"));
   791          def releaseStatus = readFile file: "release_status.out"
   792          currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} : ${releaseStatus}"
   793      }
   794  }
   796  def isPagerDutyEnabled() {
   797      // this additionally controls whether PD alerts are enabled (note that you must also enable alerting in general as well if you want these)
   798      if (NOTIFY_PAGERDUTY_PERIODIC_FAILURES.equals("true")) {
   799          echo "Pager-Duty notifications enabled via global override setting"
   800          return true
   801      }
   802      return false
   803  }
   805  def getCronSchedule() {
   806      if (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master")) {
   807          return "H */6 * * *"
   808      } else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release-1")) {
   809          return "@daily"
   810      }
   811      return ""
   812  }
   814  // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps
   815  def getCommitListFromGitLog(lastClean, currentStable) {
   816      echo "Checking for change sets"
   817      def commitList = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log ${lastClean}...${currentStable} --oneline | cut -d \" \" -f 1").trim().split('\n')
   818      for (int i = 0; i < commitList.size(); i++) {
   819          echo "Found commit id: ${commitList[i]}"
   820      }
   821      return commitList
   822  }
   824  def trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(userIn) {
   825      if (userIn == null) {
   826          echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}"
   827          return userIn
   828      }
   829      if (userIn.matches(".*\\+.**")) {
   830          def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("+") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   831          return userOut;
   832      }
   833      if (userIn.matches(".*<.**")) {
   834          def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("<") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   835          return userOut;
   836      }
   837      if (userIn.matches(".*")) {
   838          def userOut = userIn.substring(0, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   839          return userOut;
   840      }
   841      echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}"
   842      return userIn
   843  }
   845  def getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings) {
   846      def retValue = ""
   847      def suspectList = []
   848      if (commitList == null || commitList.size() == 0) {
   849          echo "No commits to form suspect list"
   850      } else {
   851          for (int i = 0; i < commitList.size(); i++) {
   852              def id = commitList[i]
   853              try {
   854                  def gitAuthor = sh(
   855                      script: "git log --format='%ae' '$id^!'",
   856                      returnStdout: true
   857                  ).trim()
   858                  if (gitAuthor != null) {
   859                      def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(gitAuthor)
   860                      echo "DEBUG: author: ${gitAuthor}, ${author}, id: ${id}"
   861                      if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) {
   862                          def slackUser = userMappings.get(author)
   863                          if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) {
   864                              echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect"
   865                              retValue += " ${slackUser}"
   866                              suspectList.add(slackUser)
   867                          }
   868                      } else {
   869                          // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated
   870                          if (!suspectList.contains(author)) {
   871                              echo "Added ${author} as suspect"
   872                              retValue += " ${author}"
   873                              suspectList.add(author)
   874                          }
   875                      }
   876                  } else {
   877                      echo "No author returned from git"
   878                  }
   879              } catch (Exception e) {
   880                  echo "INFO: Problem processing commit ${id}, skipping commit: " + e.toString()
   881              }
   882          }
   883      }
   884      def startedByUser = "";
   885      def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses()
   886      echo "causes: " + causes.toString()
   887      for (cause in causes) {
   888          def causeString = cause.toString()
   889          echo "current cause: " + causeString
   890          def causeInfo = readJSON text: causeString
   891          if (causeInfo.userId != null) {
   892              startedByUser = causeInfo.userId
   893          }
   894      }
   896      if (startedByUser.length() > 0) {
   897          echo "Build was started by a user, adding them to the suspect notification list: ${startedByUser}"
   898          def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(startedByUser)
   899          echo "DEBUG: author: ${startedByUser}, ${author}"
   900          if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) {
   901              def slackUser = userMappings.get(author)
   902              if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) {
   903                  echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect"
   904                  retValue += " ${slackUser}"
   905                  suspectList.add(slackUser)
   906              }
   907          } else {
   908              // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated
   909              if (!suspectList.contains(author)) {
   910                 echo "Added ${author} as suspect"
   911                 retValue += " ${author}"
   912                 suspectList.add(author)
   913              }
   914          }
   915      } else {
   916          echo "Build not started by a user, not adding to notification list"
   917      }
   918      echo "returning suspect list: ${retValue}"
   919      return retValue
   920  }
   922  @NonCPS
   923  List extractReleaseTags(final String fileContent) {
   924      List releases = []
   925      fileContent.eachLine { tag ->
   926          releases << tag
   927      }
   928      return releases
   929  }
   931  // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps
   932  @NonCPS
   933  def getCommitList() {
   934      echo "Checking for change sets"
   935      def commitList = []
   936      def changeSets = currentBuild.changeSets
   937      for (int i = 0; i < changeSets.size(); i++) {
   938          echo "get commits from change set"
   939          def commits = changeSets[i].items
   940          for (int j = 0; j < commits.length; j++) {
   941              def commit = commits[j]
   942              def id = commit.commitId
   943              echo "Add commit id: ${id}"
   944              commitList.add(id)
   945          }
   946      }
   947      return commitList
   948  }
   950  def getLatestReleaseVersion() {
   951      final String releaseTags = readFile(file: "${workspace}/tags.txt")
   952      list gitTags = extractReleaseTags(releaseTags)
   953      echo "gitTags = ${gitTags}"
   954      return gitTags.pop()
   955  }
   957  // Create a html file containing the links to the Verrazzano distributions
   958  def captureDistributionURLs() {
   959      script {
   960          def BRANCH_IN_OS = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%252F")}"
   961          BASE_URL="https://objectstorage.${OCI_OS_REGION}${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE}/b/${OCI_OS_BUCKET}/o/${BRANCH_IN_OS}-last-clean-periodic-test"
   962          LITE_BUNDLE="${BASE_URL}/${verrazzanoPrefix}${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}"
   963          FULL_BUNDLE="${BASE_URL}/${verrazzanoPrefix}${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}.zip"
   964          sh """
   965              cat <<EOF > ${WORKSPACE}/${verrazzanoDistributionsFile}
   966  <!DOCTYPE html>
   967  <html>
   968        <body>
   969            <b>Verrazzano Release Distributions</b>
   970            <ul>
   971              <li><a href="${LITE_BUNDLE}">Verrazzano Lite Distribution</a></li>
   972              <li><a href="${FULL_BUNDLE}">Verrazzano Full Distribution</a></li>
   973            </ul>
   974        </body>
   975  </html>
   976  EOF
   977          """
   978      }
   979  }