
     1  // Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  def DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
     5  def SUSPECT_LIST = ""
     8  def tarfilePrefix=""
     9  def storeLocation=""
    11  def agentLabel = env.JOB_NAME.contains('master') ? "2.0-large-phx" : "2.0-large"
    13  pipeline {
    14      options {
    15          skipDefaultCheckout true
    16          copyArtifactPermission('*');
    17          timestamps ()
    18      }
    20      agent {
    21         docker {
    22              image "${RUNNER_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
    23              args "${RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}"
    24              registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}"
    25              registryCredentialsId 'ocir-pull-and-push-account'
    26              label "${agentLabel}"
    27          }
    28      }
    30      parameters {
    31          choice (name: 'KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_VERSION', description: 'Kubernetes Version for KinD Cluster', choices: [ "1.27", "1.26", "1.25", "1.24" ])
    32          string (name: 'VZ_BRANCH_TO_USE', defaultValue: 'master', trim: true, description: 'This is the name of the Verrazzano product branch to use for testing the PSR tooling; CURRENT means using the working branch')
    33          string (name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE', defaultValue: 'NONE', trim: true, description: 'Uses a specific Verrazzano platform operator image name (in repo).  If not specified, the latest operator.yaml from related Verrazzano repo branch will be used to create Verrazzano platform operator manifest')
    34          string (name: 'KIND_NODE_COUNT', defaultValue: '3', trim: true, description: 'Number of nodes for the KIND cluster for smoke testing')
    35          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to create the cluster with Calico for AT testing (defaults to true)', name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', defaultValue: true)
    36          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to capture full cluster snapshot on test failure', name: 'CAPTURE_FULL_CLUSTER', defaultValue: false)
    37          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to dump k8s cluster on success (off by default can be useful to capture for comparing to failed cluster)', name: 'DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS', defaultValue: false)
    39          booleanParam (name: 'PERFORM_SCAN', defaultValue: false, description: 'Whether to perform a scan of the built images')
    40          booleanParam (name: 'FAIL_IF_COVERAGE_DECREASED', defaultValue: false, description: 'Whether to fail build if UT coverage number decreases lower than its release-* coverage from object storage. This defaults to true, meaning Any non release-*/master branch will fail if its coverage is lower. This can be disabled so that jobs only WARN when coverage drops but not fail.')
    41          booleanParam (name: 'UPLOAD_UNIT_TEST_COVERAGE', defaultValue: false, description: 'Whether to write the UT coverage number to object storage. This always occurs for release-*/master branches. Defaults to true, but it can be disabled to not always upload.')
    42          booleanParam (name: 'SKIP_BUILD', defaultValue: false, description: "Skip the PSR tool and Worker builds")
    43          booleanParam (name: 'SKIP_TEST', defaultValue: false, description: "Skip the psrctl scenario validation tests")
    44          booleanParam (name: 'VZ_TEST_DEBUG', defaultValue: true, description: "Enables debug of Verrazzano installation scripts")
    45          string (name: 'TAGGED_TESTS', defaultValue: '', trim: true, description: 'A comma separated list of build tags for tests that should be executed (e.g. unstable_test). Default:')
    46          string (name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS', defaultValue: '.*', description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should be executed (e.g. examples/helidon/). Default: .*', trim: true)
    47          string (name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS', defaultValue: '_excluded_test', description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should not be executed (e.g. multicluster/|_excluded_test). Default: _excluded_test', trim: true)
    48      }
    50      environment {
    51          TEST_ENV = "PSR"
    53          DOCKER_PSR_BACKEND_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'psr-backend'
    57          GOPATH = '/home/opc/go'
    58          GO_REPO_PATH = "${GOPATH}/src/"
    59          VZ_ROOT="${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano"
    60          PSR_PATH = "${VZ_ROOT}/tools/psr"
    62          DOCKER_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw')
    63          DOCKER_EMAIL = credentials('github-packages-email')
    64          DOCKER_REGISTRY = ''
    65          DOCKER_REPO = "verrazzano"
    66          OCR_CREDS = credentials('ocr-pull-and-push-account')
    67          OCR_REPO = ''
    69          NETRC_FILE = credentials('netrc')
    70          GITHUB_PKGS_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw')
    71          SERVICE_KEY = credentials('PAGERDUTY_SERVICE_KEY')
    73          // used for console artifact capture on failure
    74          JENKINS_READ = credentials('jenkins-auditor')
    76          OCI_CLI_AUTH="instance_principal"
    77          OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace')
    78          OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET="build-failure-artifacts"
    79          OCI_OS_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds"
    80          OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds-by-commit"
    81          OCI_OS_REGION="us-phoenix-1"
    83          // used to emit metrics
    84          PROMETHEUS_CREDENTIALS = credentials('prometheus-credentials')
    86          OCIR_SCAN_COMPARTMENT = credentials('ocir-scan-compartment')
    87          OCIR_SCAN_TARGET = credentials('ocir-scan-target')
    88          OCIR_SCAN_REGISTRY = credentials('ocir-scan-registry')
    89          OCIR_SCAN_REPOSITORY_PATH = credentials('ocir-scan-repository-path')
    90          DOCKER_SCAN_CREDS = credentials('v8odev-ocir')
    92          // Environment variable for Verrazzano CLI executable
    93          VZ_COMMAND="${WORKSPACE}/vz"
    95          // used to generate Ginkgo test reports
    96          TEST_REPORT = "test-report.xml"
    97          TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE = "${WORKSPACE}/tests_executed_file.tmp"
    99          KUBECONFIG = "${WORKSPACE}/test_kubeconfig"
   101          WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN = ""
   103          PSR_COMMAND = "${VZ_ROOT}/psrctl"
   104      }
   106      stages {
   107          stage('Clean workspace and checkout') {
   108              steps {
   109                  sh """
   110                      echo "${NODE_LABELS}"
   111                  """
   113                  script {
   114                      def scmInfo = checkout scm
   115                      env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   116                      env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   117                      echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
   118                  }
   119                  sh """
   120                      cp -f "${NETRC_FILE}" $HOME/.netrc
   121                      chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc
   122                  """
   124                  script {
   125                      try {
   126                          sh """
   127                              echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   128                          """
   129                      } catch(error) {
   130                          echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep"
   131                          retry(4) {
   132                              sleep(30)
   133                              sh """
   134                              echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   135                              """
   136                          }
   137                      }
   138                  }
   139                  moveContentToGoRepoPath()
   141                  script {
   142                      EFFECTIVE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS = getEffectiveDumpOnSuccess()
   143                      // Create the image tag
   144                      def props = readProperties file: '.verrazzano-development-version'
   145                      VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = props['verrazzano-development-version']
   146                      TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim()
   147                      SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo $env.GIT_COMMIT | head -c 8")
   148                      env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION = "${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}"
   149                      if (!"${env.GIT_BRANCH}".startsWith("release-")) {
   150                          env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION = "${env.VERRAZZANO_VERSION}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}+${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}"
   151                      }
   154                      env.VZ_TEST_BRANCH = params.VZ_BRANCH_TO_USE
   155                      if (params.VZ_BRANCH_TO_USE == "CURRENT") {
   156                          env.VZ_TEST_BRANCH = env.BRANCH_NAME
   157                      }
   158                      echo "VZ_TEST_BRANCH: ${env.VZ_TEST_BRANCH}"
   160                      // update the description with some meaningful info
   161                      currentBuild.description = SHORT_COMMIT_HASH + " : " + env.GIT_COMMIT
   162                      def currentCommitHash = env.GIT_COMMIT
   163                      def commitList = getCommitList()
   164                      withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jenkins-to-slack-users', variable: 'JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON')]) {
   165                          def userMappings = readJSON file: JENKINS_TO_SLACK_JSON
   166                          SUSPECT_LIST = getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings)
   167                          echo "Suspect list: ${SUSPECT_LIST}"
   168                      }
   169                  }
   170              }
   171          }
   173          stage('Parallel Build, Test, and Compliance') {
   174              parallel {
   175                  stage('Build PSR CLI and Save Binaries') {
   176                      when {
   177                          expression {params.SKIP_BUILD == false}
   178                      }
   179                      environment {
   180                        DOCKER_REPO="${DOCKER_REPO}"
   181                        DOCKER_REGISTRY="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}"
   182                        DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME="${DOCKER_PSR_BACKEND_IMAGE_NAME}"
   183                        DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG="${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}"
   184                      }
   185                      steps {
   186                          buildCLI()
   187                      }
   188                      post {
   189                          success {
   190                              script {
   191                                  archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.tar.gz*', allowEmptyArchive: true
   192                                  echo "Saving CLI Binary"
   193                                  saveCLIExecutables()
   194                              }
   196                          }
   197                      }
   198                  }
   200                  stage('Build PSR Images and Save Generated Files') {
   201                      when {
   202                         allOf {
   203                            not { buildingTag() }
   204                            expression {params.SKIP_BUILD == false}
   205                         }
   206                      }
   207                      environment {
   208                        DOCKER_REPO="${DOCKER_REPO}"
   209                        DOCKER_REGISTRY="${DOCKER_REGISTRY}"
   210                        DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME="${DOCKER_PSR_BACKEND_IMAGE_NAME}"
   211                        DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG="${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}"
   212                      }
   213                      steps {
   214                          script {
   215                              buildImages("${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}")
   216                          }
   217                      }
   218                  }
   220                  stage('Quality, Compliance Checks, and Unit Tests') {
   221                      when {
   222                         allOf {
   223                            not { buildingTag() }
   224                            expression {params.SKIP_BUILD == false}
   225                         }
   226                      }
   227                      steps {
   228                          sh """
   229                              cd ${PSR_PATH}
   230                              make psr-quality
   231                          """
   232                      }
   233                      post {
   234                          always {
   235                              sh """
   236                                  cd ${PSR_PATH}
   237                                  cp coverage.html ${WORKSPACE}
   238                                  cp coverage.xml ${WORKSPACE}
   239                                  ${VZ_ROOT}/build/ ${WORKSPACE}
   240                               """
   241                              cobertura(coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml',
   242                                      enableNewApi: true,
   243                                      autoUpdateHealth: false,
   244                                      autoUpdateStability: false,
   245                                      failUnstable: true,
   246                                      failUnhealthy: true,
   247                                      failNoReports: true,
   248                                      onlyStable: false,
   249                                      fileCoverageTargets: '100, 0, 0',
   250                                      lineCoverageTargets: '68, 68, 68',
   251                                      packageCoverageTargets: '100, 0, 0',
   252                              )
   253                              archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/**,**/*${TEST_REPORT}', allowEmptyArchive: true
   254                              junit testResults: 'tests/**/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
   255                          }
   256                      }
   257                  }
   258              }
   259          }
   261          stage('Scan Images') {
   262              when {
   263                 allOf {
   264                    not { buildingTag() }
   265                    expression {params.PERFORM_SCAN == true}
   266                 }
   267              }
   268              steps {
   269                  script {
   270                      scanContainerImage "${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${env.DOCKER_REPO}/${DOCKER_PSR_BACKEND_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}"
   271                  }
   272              }
   273              post {
   274                  always {
   275                      archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/scanning-report*.json,**/*${TEST_REPORT}', allowEmptyArchive: true
   276                 }
   277              }
   278          }
   280          stage('Scenario Tests') {
   281              when {
   282                  allOf {
   283                      expression {params.SKIP_BUILD == false}
   284                      expression {params.SKIP_TEST == false}
   285                  }
   286              }
   287              environment {
   288                  DOCKER_REPO="${env.DOCKER_REGISTRY}"
   290                  OCI_OS_BUCKET="${env.OCI_OS_BUCKET}"
   291                  OCI_OS_LOCATION="${env.VZ_TEST_BRANCH}"
   292                  KIND_NODE_COUNT="${env.KIND_NODE_COUNT}"
   293                  PSR_COMMAND="${env.PSR_COMMAND}"
   295              }
   296              steps {
   297                  script {
   298                      runMakeCommand("all")
   299                  }
   300              }
   301              post {
   302                  success {
   303                      script {
   304                          if (EFFECTIVE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS == true) {
   305                              dumpK8sCluster('psr-tests-success-cluster-snapshot')
   306                          }
   307                      }
   308                  }
   309                  failure {
   310                      script {
   311                          if ( fileExists(env.TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE) ) {
   312                              dumpK8sCluster('psr-tests-failure-cluster-snapshot')
   313                          }
   314                          postFailureProcessing()
   315                      }
   316                  }
   317                  cleanup {
   318                      runMakeCommand("cleanup")
   319                  }
   320              }
   321          }
   322      }
   324      post {
   325          always {
   326              archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/scanning-report*.json,**/coverage.html,**/logs/**,**/verrazzano_images.txt,**/*full-cluster*/**,**/bug-report/**,**/Screenshot*.png,**/ConsoleLog*.log,**/${TEST_REPORT}", allowEmptyArchive: true
   327              junit testResults: 'tests/**/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
   328          }
   329          failure {
   330              sh """
   331                  curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${BUILD_URL}artifact/*zip*/
   332                  oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET} --name ${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/ --file
   333                  rm
   334              """
   335              script {
   336                  if (isPagerDutyEnabled() && (env.JOB_NAME == "verrazzano/master" || env.JOB_NAME ==~ "verrazzano/release-1.*")) {
   337                      pagerduty(resolve: false, serviceKey: "$SERVICE_KEY", incDescription: "Verrazzano: ${env.JOB_NAME} - Failed", incDetails: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}")
   338                  }
   339                  if (env.JOB_NAME == "verrazzano/master" || env.JOB_NAME ==~ "verrazzano/release-1.*" || env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ "mark/*") {
   340                      slackSend ( channel: "$SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL", message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}\n\nSuspects:\n${SUSPECT_LIST}" )
   341                  }
   342              }
   343          }
   344          cleanup {
   345              deleteDir()
   346          }
   347      }
   348  }
   350  def runMakeCommand(makeTarget) {
   351      sh """
   352         cd ${VZ_ROOT}/ci/psr
   353         make -I ${VZ_ROOT}/ci/make ${makeTarget}
   354      """
   355  }
   357  // Called in Stage CLI steps
   358  def buildCLI() {
   359      sh """
   360          cd ${PSR_PATH}
   361          make go-build-cli
   362          ${VZ_ROOT}/ci/scripts/ ${env.BRANCH_NAME} ${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}
   363          cp out/linux_amd64/psrctl ${PSR_COMMAND}
   364      """
   365  }
   367  // Called in Stage Build steps
   368  // Makes target docker push for psr-backend image
   369  def buildImages(dockerImageTag) {
   370      sh """
   371          cd ${PSR_PATH}
   372          echo 'Building PSR backend image...'
   374      """
   375  }
   377  // REVIEW: seems redundant with the save_psr_tooling script?
   378  def saveCLIExecutables() {
   379      sh """
   380          cd ${VZ_ROOT}/tools/psr
   381          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz --file $WORKSPACE/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz
   382          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz --file $WORKSPACE/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz
   383          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${env.BRANCH_NAME}/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 --file $WORKSPACE/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256
   384          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 --file $WORKSPACE/psrctl-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256
   385      """
   386  }
   388  def dumpK8sCluster(dumpDirectory) {
   389      sh """
   390          ${VZ_ROOT}/ci/scripts/ ${dumpDirectory}
   391      """
   392  }
   394  def postFailureProcessing() {
   395      sh """
   396          curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${WORKSPACE}/build-console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleText
   397      """
   398      archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/build-console-output.log,**/*${TEST_REPORT}', allowEmptyArchive: true
   399      sh """
   400          curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${BUILD_URL}artifact/*zip*/
   401          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET} --name ${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/ --file
   402          rm
   403      """
   404      script {
   405          if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" || env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ "release-.*" || env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ "mark/*") {
   406              slackSend ( message: "Job Failed - \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\n\nView the log at:\n ${env.BUILD_URL}\n\nBlue Ocean:\n${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}" )
   407          }
   408      }
   409  }
   411  def getEffectiveDumpOnSuccess() {
   412      def effectiveValue = params.DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS
   413      if (FORCE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS.equals("true") && (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master"))) {
   414          effectiveValue = true
   415          echo "Forcing dump on success based on global override setting"
   416      }
   417      return effectiveValue
   418  }
   420  def isPagerDutyEnabled() {
   421      // this controls whether PD alerts are enabled
   422      //if (NOTIFY_PAGERDUTY_MAINJOB_FAILURES.equals("true")) {
   423      //    echo "Pager-Duty notifications enabled via global override setting"
   424      //    return true
   425      //}
   426      return false
   427  }
   429  // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps
   430  def moveContentToGoRepoPath() {
   431      sh """
   432          rm -rf ${VZ_ROOT}
   433          mkdir -p ${VZ_ROOT}
   434          tar cf - . | (cd ${VZ_ROOT}/ ; tar xf -)
   435      """
   436  }
   438  // Called in Stage Clean workspace and checkout steps
   439  @NonCPS
   440  def getCommitList() {
   441      echo "Checking for change sets"
   442      def commitList = []
   443      def changeSets = currentBuild.changeSets
   444      for (int i = 0; i < changeSets.size(); i++) {
   445          echo "get commits from change set"
   446          def commits = changeSets[i].items
   447          for (int j = 0; j < commits.length; j++) {
   448              def commit = commits[j]
   449              def id = commit.commitId
   450              echo "Add commit id: ${id}"
   451              commitList.add(id)
   452          }
   453      }
   454      return commitList
   455  }
   457  def trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(userIn) {
   458      if (userIn == null) {
   459          echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}"
   460          return userIn
   461      }
   462      if (userIn.matches(".*\\+.**")) {
   463          def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("+") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   464          return userOut;
   465      }
   466      if (userIn.matches(".*<.**")) {
   467          def userOut = userIn.substring(userIn.indexOf("<") + 1, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   468          return userOut;
   469      }
   470      if (userIn.matches(".*")) {
   471          def userOut = userIn.substring(0, userIn.indexOf("@"))
   472          return userOut;
   473      }
   474      echo "Not a github noreply user, not trimming: ${userIn}"
   475      return userIn
   476  }
   478  def getSuspectList(commitList, userMappings) {
   479      def retValue = ""
   480      def suspectList = []
   481      if (commitList == null || commitList.size() == 0) {
   482          echo "No commits to form suspect list"
   483      } else {
   484          for (int i = 0; i < commitList.size(); i++) {
   485              def id = commitList[i]
   486              try {
   487                  def gitAuthor = sh(
   488                      script: "git log --format='%ae' '$id^!'",
   489                      returnStdout: true
   490                  ).trim()
   491                  if (gitAuthor != null) {
   492                      def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(gitAuthor)
   493                      echo "DEBUG: author: ${gitAuthor}, ${author}, id: ${id}"
   494                      if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) {
   495                          def slackUser = userMappings.get(author)
   496                          if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) {
   497                              echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect"
   498                              retValue += " ${slackUser}"
   499                              suspectList.add(slackUser)
   500                          }
   501                      } else {
   502                          // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated
   503                          if (!suspectList.contains(author)) {
   504                              echo "Added ${author} as suspect"
   505                              retValue += " ${author}"
   506                              suspectList.add(author)
   507                          }
   508                      }
   509                  } else {
   510                      echo "No author returned from git"
   511                  }
   512              } catch (Exception e) {
   513                  echo "INFO: Problem processing commit ${id}, skipping commit: " + e.toString()
   514              }
   515          }
   516      }
   517      def startedByUser = "";
   518      def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses()
   519      echo "causes: " + causes.toString()
   520      for (cause in causes) {
   521          def causeString = cause.toString()
   522          echo "current cause: " + causeString
   523          def causeInfo = readJSON text: causeString
   524          if (causeInfo.userId != null) {
   525              startedByUser = causeInfo.userId
   526          }
   527      }
   529      if (startedByUser.length() > 0) {
   530          echo "Build was started by a user, adding them to the suspect notification list: ${startedByUser}"
   531          def author = trimIfGithubNoreplyUser(startedByUser)
   532          echo "DEBUG: author: ${startedByUser}, ${author}"
   533          if (userMappings.containsKey(author)) {
   534              def slackUser = userMappings.get(author)
   535              if (!suspectList.contains(slackUser)) {
   536                  echo "Added ${slackUser} as suspect"
   537                  retValue += " ${slackUser}"
   538                  suspectList.add(slackUser)
   539              }
   540          } else {
   541              // If we don't have a name mapping use the, at least we can easily tell if the mapping gets dated
   542              if (!suspectList.contains(author)) {
   543                 echo "Added ${author} as suspect"
   544                 retValue += " ${author}"
   545                 suspectList.add(author)
   546              }
   547          }
   548      } else {
   549          echo "Build not started by a user, not adding to notification list"
   550      }
   551      echo "returning suspect list: ${retValue}"
   552      return retValue
   553  }