
     1  // Copyright (c) 2020, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  def DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG
     5  def agentLabel = env.JOB_NAME.contains('master') ? "2.0-large-phx" : "2.0-large"
     8  pipeline {
     9      options {
    10          timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS')
    11          skipDefaultCheckout true
    12          timestamps ()
    13      }
    15      agent {
    16         docker {
    17              image "${RUNNER_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
    18              args "${RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}"
    19              registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}"
    20              registryCredentialsId 'ocir-pull-and-push-account'
    21              label "${agentLabel}"
    22          }
    23      }
    25      parameters {
    26          choice (name: 'KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_VERSION',
    27                  description: 'Kubernetes Version for KinD Cluster',
    28                  // 1st choice is the default value
    29                  choices: [ "1.27", "1.26", "1.25", "1.24" ])
    30          string (name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE',
    31                          defaultValue: 'NONE',
    32                          description: 'This is the full git commit hash from the source build to be used for all jobs',
    33                          trim: true)
    34          string (name: 'VERRAZZANO_OPERATOR_IMAGE',
    35                          defaultValue: 'NONE',
    36                          description: 'Verrazzano platform operator image name (in repo).  If not specified, the operator.yaml from Verrazzano repo will be used to create Verrazzano platform operator',
    37                          trim: true)
    38          choice (name: 'WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN',
    39                  description: 'This is the wildcard DNS domain',
    40                  // 1st choice is the default value
    41                  choices: [ "", ""])
    42          choice (name: 'CRD_API_VERSION',
    43                  description: 'This is the API crd version.',
    44                  // 1st choice is the default value
    45                  choices: [ "v1beta1", "v1alpha1"])
    46          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to install Verrazzano using examples/ha/ha.yaml and 3 kind nodes (defaults to false)', name: 'INSTALL_HA', defaultValue: false)
    47          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to create the cluster with Calico for AT testing (defaults to true)', name: 'CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO', defaultValue: true)
    48          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to dump k8s cluster on success (off by default can be useful to capture for comparing to failed cluster)', name: 'DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS', defaultValue: false)
    49          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to use a database for Grafana persistence', name: 'USE_DB_FOR_GRAFANA', defaultValue: false)
    50          string (name: 'CONSOLE_REPO_BRANCH',
    51                  defaultValue: '',
    52                  description: 'The branch to check out after cloning the console repository.',
    53                  trim: true)
    54          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to enable debug logging of the istio envoy in the VZ API pod', name: 'ENABLE_API_ENVOY_LOGGING', defaultValue: true)
    55          string (name: 'TAGGED_TESTS',
    56                  defaultValue: '',
    57                  description: 'A comma separated list of build tags for tests that should be executed (e.g. unstable_test). Default:',
    58                  trim: true)
    59          string (name: 'INCLUDED_TESTS',
    60                  defaultValue: '.*',
    61                  description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should be executed (e.g. examples/helidon/). Default: .*',
    62                  trim: true)
    63          string (name: 'EXCLUDED_TESTS',
    64                  defaultValue: '_excluded_test',
    65                  description: 'A regex matching any fully qualified test file that should not be executed (e.g. multicluster/|_excluded_test). Default: _excluded_test',
    66                  trim: true)
    67          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to run JWT tests', name: 'ENABLE_JWT_TESTING', defaultValue: false)
    68          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to run slow tests', name: 'RUN_SLOW_TESTS', defaultValue: false)
    69          booleanParam (description: 'Whether to capture full cluster snapshot on test failure', name: 'CAPTURE_FULL_CLUSTER', defaultValue: false)
    70      }
    72      environment {
    73          DOCKER_PLATFORM_CI_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-platform-operator-jenkins'
    74          DOCKER_PLATFORM_PUBLISH_IMAGE_NAME = 'verrazzano-platform-operator'
    75          GOPATH = '/home/opc/go'
    76          GO_REPO_PATH = "${GOPATH}/src/"
    77          DOCKER_CREDS = credentials('github-packages-credentials-rw')
    78          DOCKER_EMAIL = credentials('github-packages-email')
    79          DOCKER_REPO = ''
    80          DOCKER_NAMESPACE = 'verrazzano'
    81          NETRC_FILE = credentials('netrc')
    82          CLUSTER_NAME = 'verrazzano'
    83          POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE = "${WORKSPACE}/post_dump_failed_file.tmp"
    84          TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE = "${WORKSPACE}/tests_executed_file.tmp"
    85          KUBECONFIG = "${WORKSPACE}/test_kubeconfig"
    87          OCR_CREDS = credentials('ocr-pull-and-push-account')
    88          OCR_REPO = ''
    89          IMAGE_PULL_SECRET = 'verrazzano-container-registry'
    90          INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND_TESTS = "./tests/e2e/config/scripts/${params.CRD_API_VERSION}/install-verrazzano-kind.yaml"
    91          INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND_HA = "./examples/ha/ha.yaml"
    92          INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND = "${WORKSPACE}/install-verrazzano.yaml"
    93          INSTALL_PROFILE = "${params.INSTALL_HA == true ? "prod" : "dev"}"
    94          KIND_NODE_COUNT = "${params.INSTALL_HA == true ? "3" : "1"}"
    95          VZ_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "default"
    96          TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR = "${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e/config/scripts"
    99          WEBLOGIC_PSW = credentials('weblogic-example-domain-password') // required by WebLogic application and console ingress test
   100          DATABASE_PSW = credentials('todo-mysql-password') // required by console ingress test
   102          // Environment variables required to capture cluster snapshot and bug report on test failure
   104          DUMP_COMMAND="${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tools/scripts/"
   105          TEST_DUMP_ROOT="${WORKSPACE}/test-cluster-snapshots"
   108          // Environment variable for Verrazzano CLI executable
   109          VZ_COMMAND="${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz"
   111          VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR="${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano/platform-operator/scripts/install/build/logs"
   112          VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOG="verrazzano-install.log"
   114          // used for console artifact capture on failure
   115          JENKINS_READ = credentials('jenkins-auditor')
   116          OCI_CLI_AUTH="instance_principal"
   117          OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace')
   118          OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET="build-failure-artifacts"
   119          OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds-by-commit"
   120          VZ_CLI_TARGZ="vz-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
   122          // used to emit metrics from Ginkgo suites
   123          PROMETHEUS_CREDENTIALS = credentials('prometheus-credentials')
   124          TEST_ENV_LABEL = "kind"
   125          TEST_ENV = "KIND"
   127          SEARCH_HTTP_ENDPOINT = credentials('search-gw-url')
   131          // used to generate Ginkgo test reports
   132          TEST_REPORT = "test-report.xml"
   133          GINKGO_REPORT_ARGS = "--junit-report=${TEST_REPORT} --keep-separate-reports=true"
   134          TEST_REPORT_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/tests/e2e"
   135      }
   137      stages {
   138          stage('Clean workspace and checkout') {
   139              steps {
   140                  sh """
   141                      echo "${NODE_LABELS}"
   142                  """
   144                  script {
   145                      EFFECTIVE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS = getEffectiveDumpOnSuccess()
   146                      if (params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE == "NONE") {
   147                          echo "Specific GIT commit was not specified, use current head"
   148                          def scmInfo = checkout scm
   149                          env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   150                          env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   151                      } else {
   152                          echo "SCM checkout of ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}"
   153                          def scmInfo = checkout([
   154                              $class: 'GitSCM',
   155                              branches: [[name: params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE]],
   156                              doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
   157                              extensions: [],
   158                              submoduleCfg: [],
   159                              userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.SCM_VERRAZZANO_GIT_URL]]])
   160                          env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT
   161                          env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH
   162                          // If the commit we were handed is not what the SCM says we are using, fail
   163                          if (!env.GIT_COMMIT.equals(params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE)) {
   164                              echo "SCM didn't checkout the commit we expected. Expected: ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE}, Found: ${scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT}"
   165                              exit 1
   166                          }
   167                      }
   168                      echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}"
   169                  }
   171                  sh """
   172                      cp -f "${NETRC_FILE}" $HOME/.netrc
   173                      chmod 600 $HOME/.netrc
   174                  """
   176                  script {
   177                      try {
   178                      sh """
   179                          echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   180                      """
   181                      } catch(error) {
   182                          echo "docker login failed, retrying after sleep"
   183                          retry(4) {
   184                              sleep(30)
   185                              sh """
   186                                  echo "${DOCKER_CREDS_PSW}" | docker login ${env.DOCKER_REPO} -u ${DOCKER_CREDS_USR} --password-stdin
   187                              """
   188                          }
   189                      }
   190                  }
   191                  sh """
   192                      rm -rf ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano
   193                      mkdir -p ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano
   194                      tar cf - . | (cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ ; tar xf -)
   195                  """
   197                  script {
   198                      def props = readProperties file: '.verrazzano-development-version'
   199                      VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = props['verrazzano-development-version']
   200                      TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim()
   201                      SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD").trim()
   203                      // update the description with some meaningful info
   204                      setDisplayName()
   205                      currentBuild.description = params.KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_VERSION + " : " + SHORT_COMMIT_HASH + " : " + env.GIT_COMMIT + " : " + params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_USE
   206                  }
   207                  script {
   208                      sh """
   209                          echo "Downloading VZ CLI from object storage"
   210                          oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} --file ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ}
   211                          tar xzf ${VZ_CLI_TARGZ} -C ${GO_REPO_PATH}
   212                          ${GO_REPO_PATH}/vz version
   213                      """
   214                  }
   215              }
   216          }
   218          stage('Acceptance Tests') {
   219              stages {
   220                  stage('Prepare AT environment') {
   221                      environment {
   223                          OCI_OS_LOCATION="ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}"
   224                          REALM_USER_PASSWORD = credentials('todo-mysql-password')
   225                          REALM_NAME = "test-realm"
   226                      }
   227                      steps {
   228                          script {
   229                              if (params.INSTALL_HA) {
   230                                  sh """
   231                                      cp ${env.INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND_HA} ${env.INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND}
   232                                      cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano
   233                                      ci/scripts/ ${env.INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND}
   234                                  """
   235                              } else {
   236                                  sh """
   237                                      cp ${env.INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND_TESTS} ${env.INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND}
   238                                  """
   239                              }
   240                          }
   241                          sh """
   242                              cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano
   243                              ci/scripts/ ${params.CREATE_CLUSTER_USE_CALICO} ${params.WILDCARD_DNS_DOMAIN} ${params.USE_DB_FOR_GRAFANA}
   244                          """
   245                          script {
   246                              if (params.ENABLE_JWT_TESTING) {
   247                                  sh """
   248                                      # setup test realm for JWT testing scenarios
   249                                      keycloakPassword=\$(kubectl get secret --namespace keycloak keycloak-http -o jsonpath={.data.password} | base64 --decode; echo)
   250                                      sed -i "s|##KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD##|\$keycloakPassword|g" ci/scripts/
   251                                      sed -i "s|##REALM_USER_PASSWORD##|${env.REALM_USER_PASSWORD}|g" ci/scripts/
   252                                      sed -i "s|##REALM_NAME##|${env.REALM_NAME}|g" ci/scripts/
   253                                      kubectl exec keycloak-0 -n keycloak -- /bin/sh -c "`cat ci/scripts/`"
   254                                      # setup request authentication policy
   255                                      keycloakURI=\$(kubectl get ingress -n keycloak keycloak -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}")
   256                                      sed -i "s|##KEYCLOAK_URI##|\$keycloakURI|g" tests/testdata/jwt/helidon/test-realm-reqauth.yaml
   257                                      jwks=\$(curl -sk https://\$keycloakURI/auth/realms/test-realm/protocol/openid-connect/certs | jq -c 'del(.keys[] | select( .use == "enc"))')
   258                                      sed -i "s|##JWKS_KEY##|\$jwks|g" tests/testdata/jwt/helidon/test-realm-reqauth.yaml
   259                                      kubectl apply -f tests/testdata/jwt/helidon/test-realm-reqauth.yaml
   260                                  """
   261                              }
   262                          }
   263                      }
   264                      post {
   265                          failure {
   266                              archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/kind-logs/**", allowEmptyArchive: true
   267                          }
   268                          always {
   269                              archiveArtifacts artifacts: "acceptance-test-operator.yaml,downloaded-operator.yaml,$INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE_KIND", allowEmptyArchive: true
   270                              // enable debug logging of Verrazzano api istio proxy
   271                              script {
   272                                  if (params.ENABLE_API_ENVOY_LOGGING) {
   273                                      sh '''
   274                                          vz_api_pod=\$(kubectl get pod -n verrazzano-system -l app=verrazzano-authproxy --no-headers -o custom-columns=\"\")
   275                                          if [ -z "\$vz_api_pod" ]; then
   276                                            echo "Could not find verrazzano-authproxy pod, not enabling debug logging"
   277                                          else
   278                                            kubectl exec \$vz_api_pod -c istio-proxy -n verrazzano-system -- curl -X POST http://localhost:15000/logging?level=debug
   279                                          fi
   280                                          nginx_ing_pod=\$(kubectl get pod -n ingress-nginx -l --no-headers -o custom-columns=\"\")
   281                                          if [ -z "\$nginx_ing_pod" ]; then
   282                                            echo "Could not find nginx ingress controller pod, not enabling debug logging"
   283                                          else
   284                                            kubectl exec \$nginx_ing_pod -c istio-proxy -n ingress-nginx -- curl -X POST http://localhost:15000/logging?level=debug
   285                                          fi
   286                                      '''
   287                                  }
   288                              }
   289                          }
   290                      }
   291                  }
   293                  stage('Verify analyze-tool') {
   294                      environment {
   295                          DUMP_DIRECTORY="${TEST_DUMP_ROOT}/verify-analyze-tool"
   296                      }
   297                      steps {
   298                          runGinkgo('verify-analyze-tool')
   299                      }
   300                      post {
   301                          always {
   302                              archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/coverage.html,**/logs/*,**/test-cluster-snapshots/**', allowEmptyArchive: true
   303                              junit testResults: '**/*test-result.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
   304                          }
   305                      }
   306                  }
   307              }
   309              post {
   310                  aborted {
   311                      script {
   312                          if ( fileExists(env.TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE) ) {
   313                              dumpK8sCluster('new-kind-acceptance-tests-cluster-snapshot')
   314                          }
   315                      }
   316                  }
   317                  failure {
   318                      script {
   319                          if ( fileExists(env.TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE) ) {
   320                              dumpK8sCluster('new-kind-acceptance-tests-cluster-snapshot')
   321                          }
   322                      }
   323                  }
   324                  success {
   325                      script {
   326                          if (EFFECTIVE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS == true && fileExists(env.TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE) ) {
   327                              dumpK8sCluster('new-kind-acceptance-tests-cluster-snapshot')
   328                          }
   329                      }
   330                  }
   331              }
   332          }
   334      }
   336      post {
   337          always {
   338              script {
   339                  if ( fileExists(env.TESTS_EXECUTED_FILE) ) {
   340                      dumpVerrazzanoSystemPods()
   341                      dumpCattleSystemPods()
   342                      dumpNginxIngressControllerLogs()
   343                      dumpVerrazzanoPlatformOperatorLogs()
   344                      dumpVerrazzanoApplicationOperatorLogs()
   345                      dumpOamKubernetesRuntimeLogs()
   346                      dumpVerrazzanoApiLogs()
   347                  }
   348              }
   350              sh """
   351                  # Copy the generated test reports to WORKSPACE to archive them
   352                  mkdir -p ${TEST_REPORT_DIR}
   353                  cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e
   354                  find . -name "${TEST_REPORT}" | cpio -pdm ${TEST_REPORT_DIR}
   355              """
   356              archiveArtifacts artifacts: "**/coverage.html,**/logs/**,**/verrazzano_images.txt,**/*full-cluster*/**,**/bug-report/**,**/Screenshot*.png,**/ConsoleLog*.log,**/${TEST_REPORT}", allowEmptyArchive: true
   357              junit testResults: "**/${TEST_REPORT}", allowEmptyResults: true
   358              deleteCluster()
   359          }
   360          failure {
   361              sh """
   362                  curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${WORKSPACE}/build-console-output.log ${BUILD_URL}consoleText
   363              """
   364              archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/build-console-output.log', allowEmptyArchive: true
   365              sh """
   366                  curl -k -u ${JENKINS_READ_USR}:${JENKINS_READ_PSW} -o ${BUILD_URL}artifact/*zip*/
   367                  oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object put --force --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_ARTIFACT_BUCKET} --name ${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/ --file
   368                  rm
   369              """
   370          }
   371          cleanup {
   372              deleteDir()
   373          }
   374      }
   375  }
   378  def runGinkgoRandomize(testSuitePath, kubeConfig = '') {
   379      catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
   380          sh """
   381              if [ ! -z "${kubeConfig}" ]; then
   382                  export KUBECONFIG="${kubeConfig}"
   383              fi
   384              cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e
   385              if [ -d "${testSuitePath}" ]; then
   386                  ginkgo -p --randomize-all -v --keep-going --no-color ${GINKGO_REPORT_ARGS} -tags="${params.TAGGED_TESTS}" --focus-file="${params.INCLUDED_TESTS}" --skip-file="${params.EXCLUDED_TESTS}" ${testSuitePath}/...
   387              fi
   388          """
   389      }
   390  }
   392  def runSocksVariant(variant) {
   393      catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
   394              sh """
   395                  cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e
   396                  SOCKS_SHOP_VARIANT=${variant} ginkgo -v --keep-going --no-color ${GINKGO_REPORT_ARGS} -tags="${params.TAGGED_TESTS}" --focus-file="${params.INCLUDED_TESTS}" --skip-file="${params.EXCLUDED_TESTS}"  examples/socks/...
   397              """
   398          }
   399  }
   401  def runGinkgo(testSuitePath) {
   402      catchError(buildResult: 'FAILURE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
   403          sh """
   404              cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/tests/e2e
   405              ginkgo -v -keep-going --no-color ${GINKGO_REPORT_ARGS} -tags="${params.TAGGED_TESTS}" --focus-file="${params.INCLUDED_TESTS}" --skip-file="${params.EXCLUDED_TESTS}" ${testSuitePath}/...
   406          """
   407      }
   408  }
   410  def dumpK8sCluster(dumpDirectory) {
   411      sh """
   412          ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/ci/scripts/ ${dumpDirectory}
   413      """
   414  }
   416  def dumpVerrazzanoSystemPods() {
   417      sh """
   418          cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator
   419          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/verrazzano-system-pods.log"
   420          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n verrazzano-system -m "verrazzano system pods" || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   421          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/verrazzano-system-certs.log"
   422          ./scripts/install/ -o cert -n verrazzano-system -m "verrazzano system certs" || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   423          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/verrazzano-system-osd.log"
   424          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n verrazzano-system -r "vmi-system-osd-*" -m "verrazzano system opensearchdashboards log" -l -c osd || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   425          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/verrazzano-system-es-master.log"
   426          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n verrazzano-system -r "vmi-system-es-master-*" -m "verrazzano system opensearchdashboards log" -l -c es-master || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   427      """
   428  }
   430  def dumpCattleSystemPods() {
   431      sh """
   432          cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator
   433          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/cattle-system-pods.log"
   434          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n cattle-system -m "cattle system pods" || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   435          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/rancher.log"
   436          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n cattle-system -r "rancher-*" -m "Rancher logs" -c rancher -l || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   437      """
   438  }
   440  def dumpNginxIngressControllerLogs() {
   441      sh """
   442          cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator
   443          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/nginx-ingress-controller.log"
   444          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n ingress-nginx -r "nginx-ingress-controller-*" -m "Nginx Ingress Controller" -c controller -l || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   445      """
   446  }
   448  def dumpVerrazzanoPlatformOperatorLogs() {
   449      sh """
   450          ## dump out verrazzano-platform-operator logs
   451          mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-platform-operator/logs
   452          kubectl -n verrazzano-install logs --selector=app=verrazzano-platform-operator > ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-platform-operator/logs/verrazzano-platform-operator-pod.log --tail -1 || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   453          kubectl -n verrazzano-install describe pod --selector=app=verrazzano-platform-operator > ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-platform-operator/logs/verrazzano-platform-operator-pod.out || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   454          echo "verrazzano-platform-operator logs dumped to verrazzano-platform-operator-pod.log"
   455          echo "verrazzano-platform-operator pod description dumped to verrazzano-platform-operator-pod.out"
   456          echo "------------------------------------------"
   457      """
   458  }
   460  def dumpVerrazzanoApplicationOperatorLogs() {
   461      sh """
   462          ## dump out verrazzano-application-operator logs
   463          mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-application-operator/logs
   464          kubectl -n verrazzano-system logs --selector=app=verrazzano-application-operator > ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-application-operator/logs/verrazzano-application-operator-pod.log --tail -1 || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   465          kubectl -n verrazzano-system describe pod --selector=app=verrazzano-application-operator > ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-application-operator/logs/verrazzano-application-operator-pod.out || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   466          echo "verrazzano-application-operator logs dumped to verrazzano-application-operator-pod.log"
   467          echo "verrazzano-application-operator pod description dumped to verrazzano-application-operator-pod.out"
   468          echo "------------------------------------------"
   469      """
   470  }
   472  def dumpOamKubernetesRuntimeLogs() {
   473      sh """
   474          ## dump out oam-kubernetes-runtime logs
   475          mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/oam-kubernetes-runtime/logs
   476          kubectl -n verrazzano-system logs > ${WORKSPACE}/oam-kubernetes-runtime/logs/oam-kubernetes-runtime-pod.log --tail -1 || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   477          kubectl -n verrazzano-system describe pod > ${WORKSPACE}/verrazzano-application-operator/logs/oam-kubernetes-runtime-pod.out || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   478          echo "verrazzano-application-operator logs dumped to oam-kubernetes-runtime-pod.log"
   479          echo "verrazzano-application-operator pod description dumped to oam-kubernetes-runtime-pod.out"
   480          echo "------------------------------------------"
   481      """
   482  }
   484  def dumpVerrazzanoApiLogs() {
   485      sh """
   486          cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator
   487          export DIAGNOSTIC_LOG="${VERRAZZANO_INSTALL_LOGS_DIR}/verrazzano-authproxy.log"
   488          ./scripts/install/ -o pods -n verrazzano-system -r "verrazzano-authproxy-*" -m "verrazzano api" -c verrazzano-authproxy -l || echo "failed" > ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE}
   489      """
   490  }
   492  def getEffectiveDumpOnSuccess() {
   493      def effectiveValue = params.DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS
   494      if (FORCE_DUMP_K8S_CLUSTER_ON_SUCCESS.equals("true") && (env.BRANCH_NAME.equals("master"))) {
   495          effectiveValue = true
   496          echo "Forcing dump on success based on global override setting"
   497      }
   498      return effectiveValue
   499  }
   501  def deleteCluster() {
   502      sh """
   503          cd ${GO_REPO_PATH}/verrazzano/platform-operator
   504          make delete-cluster
   505          if [ -f ${POST_DUMP_FAILED_FILE} ]; then
   506            echo "Failures seen during dumping of artifacts, treat post as failed"
   507            exit 1
   508          fi
   509      """
   510  }
   512  def setDisplayName() {
   513      echo "Start setDisplayName"
   514      def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses()
   515      echo "causes: " + causes.toString()
   516      for (cause in causes) {
   517          def causeString = cause.toString()
   518          echo "current cause: " + causeString
   519          if (causeString.contains("UpstreamCause") && causeString.contains("Started by upstream project")) {
   520               echo "This job was caused by " + causeString
   521               if (causeString.contains("verrazzano-periodic-triggered-tests")) {
   522                   currentBuild.displayName = env.BUILD_NUMBER + " : PERIODIC"
   523               } else if (causeString.contains("verrazzano-flaky-tests")) {
   524                   currentBuild.displayName = env.BUILD_NUMBER + " : FLAKY"
   525               }
   526           }
   527      }
   528      echo "End setDisplayName"
   529  }