
     1  # Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     3  #
     4  # This install resource sample installs the "dev" profile for Verrazzano on an OCNE cluster.
     5  #
     6  apiVersion:
     7  kind: Verrazzano
     8  metadata:
     9    name: my-ocne-install
    10  spec:
    11    environmentName: myenv
    12    profile: dev
    13    components:
    14      dns:
    15        external:
    16          suffix:
    17      ingress:
    18        type: NodePort
    19        ports:
    20        - name: https
    21          port: 443
    22          nodePort: 31443
    23          protocol: TCP
    24          targetPort: https
    25        nginxInstallArgs:
    26        - name: controller.service.externalTrafficPolicy
    27          value: Local
    28        - name: controller.autoscaling.enabled
    29          value: "true"
    30        - name: controller.autoscaling.minReplicas
    31          value: "2"
    32        - name: controller.service.externalIPs
    33          valueList:
    34          -
    35      istio:
    36        ingress:
    37          type: NodePort
    38          ports:
    39          - name: https
    40            port: 443
    41            nodePort: 32443
    42            protocol: TCP
    43            targetPort: 8443
    44        istioInstallArgs:
    45        - name: gateways.istio-ingressgateway.externalIPs
    46          valueList:
    47          -