
     1  # Copyright (c) 2021, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     2  # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
     4  # NOTE: The image you're looking for isn't here. The mysql and linux images now come from
     5  # the bill of materials file (verrazzano-bom.json).
     7  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     9  auth:
    10    strategy: anonymous
    12  istio_namespace: istio-system
    14  deployment:
    15    version_label: v1.73.0
    16    # The platform operator will manage the Kiali ingress
    17    ingress:
    18      enabled: false
    19    instance_name: vmi-system-kiali
    20    view_only_mode: true
    21    pod_security_context:
    22      runAsGroup: 1000  # kiali group
    23      runAsNonRoot: true
    24      runAsUser: 1000  # kiali user
    25      seccompProfile:
    26        type: RuntimeDefault
    27    security_context:
    28      runAsUser: 1000  # kiali user
    29      runAsGroup: 1000  # kiali group
    30      runAsNonRoot: true
    31      privileged: false
    32      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
    33      readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
    34      capabilities:
    35        drop:
    36          - ALL
    38  kubernetes_config:
    39  # The default was to exclude Jobs also which caused repetitive error logging from Kiali
    40    excluded_workloads:
    41    - "CronJob"
    42    - "DeploymentConfig"
    43    - "ReplicationController"
    45  external_services:
    46    prometheus:
    47      url: http://prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus.verrazzano-monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090
    48    grafana:
    49      enabled: false
    50    tracing:
    51      enabled: false
    53  kiali_feature_flags:
    54    validations:
    55      ignore: ["KIA1201", "KIA0501"]
    57  server:
    58    web_root: ""
    60  ### Turn Grafana off, Integration story still being worked
    61  #   grafana:
    62  #     auth:
    63  #       insecure_skip_verify: true
    64  #       type: basic
    65  #       username: "username"
    66  #       password: "password"
    67  #       dashboards:
    68  #       - name: "Istio Workload Dashboard"
    69  #       variables:
    70  #         namespace: "var-namespace"
    71  #         workload: "var-workload"
    72  #       enabled: true
    73  #       in_cluster_url: "http://vmi-system-grafana.verrazzano-system:3000"
    74  #       url: ""
    75  ### Turn Tracing off, Jaeger not installed yet
    76  #  tracing:
    77  #    auth:
    78  #      type: none
    79  #    enabled: true
    80  #    in_cluster_url: 'http://tracing.verrazzano-system/jaeger'
    81  #    use_grpc: false