(about) 1 // Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 2 // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at 3 4 package operatorinit 5 6 import ( 7 "context" 8 "" 9 moduleapi "" 10 "" 11 "" 12 "" 13 "" 14 "" 15 "" 16 "" 17 opensearchcontroller "" 18 modulehandlerfactory "" 19 "" 20 "" 21 verrazzancontroller "" 22 "" 23 "" 24 "" 25 "" 26 27 "" 28 "" 29 "" 30 corev1 "" 31 k8serrors "" 32 metav1 "" 33 "" 34 "" 35 "os" 36 controllerruntime "" 37 "strings" 38 "time" 39 ) 40 41 const vpoHelmChartConfigMapName = "vpo-helm-chart" 42 43 // StartPlatformOperator Platform operator execution entry point 44 func StartPlatformOperator(vzconfig config.OperatorConfig, log *zap.SugaredLogger, scheme *runtime.Scheme) error { 45 // Determine NGINX namespace before initializing components 46 ingressNGINXNamespace, err := nginxutil.DetermineNamespaceForIngressNGINX(vzlog.DefaultLogger()) 47 if err != nil { 48 return err 49 } 50 nginxutil.SetIngressNGINXNamespace(ingressNGINXNamespace) 51 52 if err := CreateVerrazzanoVersionsConfigMap(context.Background()); err != nil { 53 return err 54 } 55 56 registry.InitRegistry() 57 metricsexporter.Init() 58 59 chartDir := config.GetHelmVPOChartsDir() 60 files, err := os.ReadDir(chartDir) 61 if err != nil { 62 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to read the verrazzano-platform-operator helm chart directory") 63 } 64 vpoHelmChartConfigMap := &corev1.ConfigMap{ 65 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ 66 Name: vpoHelmChartConfigMapName, 67 Namespace: constants.VerrazzanoInstallNamespace, 68 }, 69 } 70 err = generateConfigMapFromHelmChartFiles(chartDir, "", files, vpoHelmChartConfigMap) 71 if err != nil { 72 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to generate config map containing the verrazzano-platform-operator helm chart") 73 } 74 kubeClient, err := k8sutil.GetKubernetesClientset() 75 if err != nil { 76 return err 77 } 78 err = createVPOHelmChartConfigMap(kubeClient, vpoHelmChartConfigMap) 79 if err != nil { 80 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to create/update config map containing the verrazzano-platform-operator helm chart") 81 } 82 83 mgr, err := controllerruntime.NewManager(k8sutil.GetConfigOrDieFromController(), controllerruntime.Options{ 84 Scheme: scheme, 85 MetricsBindAddress: vzconfig.MetricsAddr, 86 Port: 8080, 87 LeaderElection: vzconfig.LeaderElectionEnabled, 88 LeaderElectionID: "", 89 }) 90 if err != nil { 91 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to create a controller-runtime manager") 92 } 93 94 metricsexporter.StartMetricsServer(log) 95 96 // Set up the reconciler 97 statusUpdater := healthcheck.NewStatusUpdater(mgr.GetClient()) 98 99 // Init the module controllers 100 if err := initModuleControllers(log, mgr); err != nil { 101 log.Errorf("Failed to start all module controllers", err) 102 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to initialize modules controllers for the components") 103 } 104 105 // init verrazzano controller 106 if err := verrazzancontroller.InitController(mgr); err != nil { 107 log.Errorf("Failed to start module-based Verrazzano controller", err) 108 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to initialize controller for module-based Verrazzano controller") 109 } 110 111 if err := opensearchcontroller.InitController(mgr); err != nil { 112 log.Errorf("Failed to start module-based opensearch controller", err) 113 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to initialize controller for module-based opensearch controller") 114 } 115 116 // Setup health checker 117 healthCheck := healthcheck.NewHealthChecker(statusUpdater, mgr.GetClient(), time.Duration(vzconfig.HealthCheckPeriodSeconds)*time.Second) 118 if vzconfig.HealthCheckPeriodSeconds > 0 { 119 healthCheck.Start() 120 } 121 122 dynamicClient, err := k8sutil.GetDynamicClient() 123 if err != nil { 124 return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to get Dynamic Client") 125 } 126 // Setup secrets reconciler 127 if err = (&secrets.VerrazzanoSecretsReconciler{ 128 Client: mgr.GetClient(), 129 DynamicClient: dynamicClient, 130 Scheme: mgr.GetScheme(), 131 StatusUpdater: statusUpdater, 132 }).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil { 133 return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to setup controller VerrazzanoSecrets") 134 } 135 136 // Setup configMaps reconciler 137 if err = (&overrides.OverridesConfigMapsReconciler{ 138 Client: mgr.GetClient(), 139 Scheme: mgr.GetScheme(), 140 StatusUpdater: statusUpdater, 141 }).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil { 142 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to setup controller VerrazzanoConfigMaps") 143 } 144 145 // Setup MySQL checker 146 mysqlCheck, err := mysqlcheck.NewMySQLChecker(mgr.GetClient(), time.Duration(vzconfig.MySQLCheckPeriodSeconds)*time.Second, time.Duration(vzconfig.MySQLRepairTimeoutSeconds)*time.Second) 147 if err != nil { 148 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed starting MySQLChecker") 149 } 150 mysqlCheck.Start() 151 152 // Setup Namespaces watcher 153 watchNamespace := namespacewatch.NewNamespaceWatcher(mgr.GetClient(), time.Duration(vzconfig.NamespacePeriodSeconds)*time.Second) 154 if vzconfig.NamespacePeriodSeconds > 0 { 155 watchNamespace.Start() 156 } 157 158 // Setup stacks reconciler 159 if err = (&components.ComponentConfigMapReconciler{ 160 Client: mgr.GetClient(), 161 Scheme: mgr.GetScheme(), 162 DryRun: vzconfig.DryRun, 163 }).SetupWithManager(mgr); err != nil { 164 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to setup controller for Verrazzano Stacks") 165 } 166 167 // +kubebuilder:scaffold:builder 168 log.Info("Starting controller-runtime manager") 169 if err := mgr.Start(controllerruntime.SetupSignalHandler()); err != nil { 170 return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed starting controller-runtime manager: %v") 171 } 172 173 return nil 174 } 175 176 // generateConfigMapFromHelmChartFiles generates a config map with the files from a given helm chart directory 177 func generateConfigMapFromHelmChartFiles(dir string, key string, files []os.DirEntry, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error { 178 for _, file := range files { 179 newKey := file.Name() 180 if len(key) != 0 { 181 newKey = key + "/" + file.Name() 182 } 183 if file.IsDir() { 184 files2, err := os.ReadDir(dir + "/" + newKey) 185 if err != nil { 186 return err 187 } 188 err = generateConfigMapFromHelmChartFiles(dir, newKey, files2, configMap) 189 if err != nil { 190 return err 191 } 192 } else { 193 err := addKeyForFileToConfigMap(dir, newKey, configMap) 194 if err != nil { 195 return nil 196 } 197 } 198 } 199 200 return nil 201 } 202 203 // addKeyForFileToConfigMap adds a key for a file to a config map 204 func addKeyForFileToConfigMap(dir string, key string, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error { 205 data, err := os.ReadFile(dir + "/" + key) 206 if err != nil { 207 return err 208 } 209 if configMap.Data == nil { 210 configMap.Data = make(map[string]string) 211 } 212 // Use "..." as a path separator since "/" is an invalid character for a config map data key 213 keyName := strings.ReplaceAll(key, "/", "...") 214 configMap.Data[keyName] = string(data) 215 216 return nil 217 } 218 219 // createVPOHelmChartConfigMap creates/updates a config map containing the VPO helm chart 220 func createVPOHelmChartConfigMap(kubeClient kubernetes.Interface, configMap *corev1.ConfigMap) error { 221 _, err := kubeClient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(constants.VerrazzanoInstallNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), configMap.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}) 222 if err != nil { 223 if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) { 224 _, err = kubeClient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(constants.VerrazzanoInstallNamespace).Create(context.TODO(), configMap, metav1.CreateOptions{}) 225 } 226 } else { 227 _, err = kubeClient.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(constants.VerrazzanoInstallNamespace).Update(context.TODO(), configMap, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) 228 } 229 230 return err 231 } 232 233 // initModuleControllers creates a controller for every module 234 // The controller uses the module name (i.e. component name) as a predicate, 235 // so that each controller only processes Module CRs for the respective component. 236 func initModuleControllers(log *zap.SugaredLogger, mgr controllerruntime.Manager) error { 237 // Run 50 controllers max concurrently. Even though there is a controller for each 238 // module, the controller-runtime serializes reconciles if the MaxConcurrentReconciles is 1. 239 // This is because it is the same resource type being reconcile, but with a 240 // different predicate per controller. Also, with the MaxConcurrentReconciles > 1, there 241 // is a chance that the controller-runtime will call the same controller (e.g. istio) to 242 // reconcile, while it is already reconciling a given CR. There is a check in the 243 // module-operator package to catch this and requeue, thereby never allowing more 244 // than 1 instance of the same module from having more than 1 outstanding reconcile happening. 245 // See 246 // for details. 247 const maxReconciles = 50 248 249 // Temp hack to prevent module controller from looking up helm info 250 module.IgnoreHelmInfo() 251 252 for _, comp := range registry.GetComponents() { 253 // Create and initialize the module controller. Note that the implementation of the module controller 254 // is in the module-operator package (in the module-operator repo). This is the exact 255 // same controller that is used by the module-operator used by OCNE. The only difference 256 // is the set of handlers. This code uses component shim handlers in the VPO code, whereas 257 // the OCNE module-operator uses OCNE handlers in the module-operator controller. See 258 // ModuleHandlerInfo param below. Also see the module-operator where the OCNE handlers are used 259 // for comparison: 260 if err := module.InitController(module.ModuleControllerConfig{ 261 ControllerManager: mgr, 262 ModuleHandlerInfo: modulehandlerfactory.NewModuleHandlerInfo(), 263 ModuleClass: moduleapi.ModuleClassType(comp.Name()), 264 WatchDescriptors: comp.GetWatchDescriptors(), 265 ControllerOptions: &controller.Options{MaxConcurrentReconciles: maxReconciles}, 266 }); err != nil { 267 log.Errorf("Failed to start the controller for module %s:%v", comp.Name(), err) 268 return err 269 } 270 } 271 return nil 272 }