(about) 1 // Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 2 // Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at 3 4 def SHORT_COMMIT_HASH 5 def VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION="" 6 def STARTED_BY_USER="" 7 8 pipeline { 9 options { 10 skipDefaultCheckout true 11 disableConcurrentBuilds() 12 timestamps () 13 } 14 15 agent { 16 docker { 17 image "${RELEASE_RUNNER_IMAGE}" 18 args "${RELEASE_RUNNER_DOCKER_ARGS}" 19 registryUrl "${RUNNER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" 20 registryCredentialsId 'ocir-pull-and-push-account' 21 label "internal" 22 } 23 } 24 25 parameters { 26 booleanParam (name: 'DRY_RUN', 27 description: 'Indicate whether this is a DRY run, which will do some stuff but will NOT force a new candidate', 28 defaultValue: true) 29 string (name: 'GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE', 30 defaultValue: 'NONE', 31 description: 'This is the full git commit hash to FORCE to be the latest releasable candidate for the current release version on this branch.', 32 trim: true) 33 booleanParam (name: 'IGNORE_PRE_RELEASE_VALIDATION_FAILURES', 34 description: 'Ignore pre-release validation failures', 35 defaultValue: false) 36 } 37 38 environment { 39 OCI_OS_NAMESPACE = credentials('oci-os-namespace') 40 OCI_OS_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds" 41 OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET="verrazzano-builds-by-commit" 42 OCI_CLI_AUTH="api_key" 43 OCI_CLI_TENANCY = credentials('oci-tenancy') 44 OCI_CLI_USER = credentials('oci-user-ocid') 45 OCI_CLI_FINGERPRINT = credentials('oci-api-key-fingerprint') 46 OCI_CLI_KEY_FILE = credentials('oci-api-key') 47 OCI_OS_REGION = "us-phoenix-1" 48 OCI_REGION = "${env.OCI_OS_REGION}" 49 TIMESTAMP = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S").trim() 50 CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}" 51 FORCE_TYPE = "${params.DRY_RUN == true ? "DRY_RUN" : "FORCE_FOR_REAL"}" 52 } 53 54 stages { 55 stage('Verify Specified Commit can be Forced') { 56 steps { 57 script { 58 if (params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE == "NONE") { 59 echo "Specific GIT commit was not specified, you must supply an explicit commit" 60 sh "exit 1" 61 } else { 62 scmCheckout() 63 } 64 echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}" 65 SHORT_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD").trim() 66 echo "Short commit hash: $SHORT_COMMIT_HASH" 67 } 68 69 script { 70 dir ("${WORKSPACE}") { 71 def cleanBranchName = "${env.BRANCH_NAME.replace("/", "%2F")}" 72 sh """ 73 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object get --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_BUCKET} --name ${cleanBranchName}/current-dev-version.txt --file ${WORKSPACE}/current_dev_version.txt 74 """ 75 def propsDevVersion = readProperties file: "current_dev_version.txt" 76 VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION = propsDevVersion['verrazzano-development-version'] 77 println("Current dev version is ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}") 78 79 sh """ 80 # The existence of the versioned images.txt at the commit specific location in object storage is enough to confirm the commit and version. The update last periodics will also 81 # do this as well, but we are doing it here explicitly so that if the commit specified is not correct we can fail here in the initial stage 82 oci --region us-phoenix-1 os object head --namespace ${OCI_OS_NAMESPACE} -bn ${OCI_OS_COMMIT_BUCKET} --name ephemeral/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH}/verrazzano_${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION}-images.txt 83 """ 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 } 88 89 stage('Release Candidate Validation Checks') { 90 steps { 91 script { 92 releaseValidationChecks() 93 } 94 } 95 } 96 97 stage('Force Candidate') { 98 when { 99 expression { !params.DRY_RUN } 100 } 101 environment { 102 GIT_COMMIT_USED = "${env.GIT_COMMIT}" 103 } 104 steps { 105 script { 106 sh """ 107 # This will effectively use the commit specified as the last clean periodic test run. This will verify that all of the files required 108 # exist in object storage for that commit before copying things across. It will FAIL if that is not the case BEFORE any files are 109 # copied in, so if the commit doesn't have the necessary artifacts in Object Storage to do this it can't be used and won't leave us 110 # in a half baked state 111 ci/scripts/ ${VERRAZZANO_DEV_VERSION} ${SHORT_COMMIT_HASH} ${FORCE_TYPE} 112 """ 113 } 114 } 115 } 116 } 117 post { 118 always { 119 script { 120 if (notifyInSlack()) { 121 slackSend ( message: "User ${STARTED_BY_USER} started run to FORCE ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT} to be treated as a passing periodic run to allow it to be seen as the last candidate. ${env.BUILD_URL}" ) 122 } 123 } 124 deleteDir() 125 } 126 } 127 } 128 129 def notifyInSlack() { 130 // Always notify if we are not doing a dry run 131 return !params.DRY_RUN 132 } 133 134 def getStartedByUser() { 135 def startedByUser = ""; 136 def causes = currentBuild.getBuildCauses() 137 echo "causes: " + causes.toString() 138 for (cause in causes) { 139 def causeString = cause.toString() 140 echo "current cause: " + causeString 141 def causeInfo = readJSON text: causeString 142 if (causeInfo.userId != null) { 143 startedByUser = causeInfo.userId 144 } 145 } 146 return startedByUser 147 } 148 149 def scmCheckout() { 150 echo "${NODE_LABELS}" 151 echo "SCM checkout of ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE}" 152 def scmInfo = checkout([ 153 $class: 'GitSCM', 154 branches: [[name: params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE]], 155 doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, 156 extensions: [], 157 submoduleCfg: [], 158 userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.SCM_VERRAZZANO_GIT_URL]]]) 159 env.GIT_COMMIT = scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT 160 env.GIT_BRANCH = scmInfo.GIT_BRANCH 161 echo "SCM checkout of ${env.GIT_BRANCH} at ${env.GIT_COMMIT}" 162 // If the commit we were handed is not what the SCM says we are using, fail 163 if (!env.GIT_COMMIT.equals(params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE)) { 164 error( "SCM didn't checkout the commit we expected. Expected: ${params.GIT_COMMIT_TO_FORCE_AS_CANDIDATE}, Found: ${scmInfo.GIT_COMMIT}") 165 } 166 } 167 168 def releaseValidationChecks() { 169 def built = build job: "verrazzano-prerelease-check/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}", 170 parameters: [ 171 string (name: 'COMMIT_TO_USE', value: env.GIT_COMMIT), 172 booleanParam (name: 'IGNORE_PRE_RELEASE_VALIDATION_FAILURES', value: params.IGNORE_PRE_RELEASE_VALIDATION_FAILURES) 173 ], wait: true, propagate: false 174 println("Result of verrazzano-prerelease-check is ${built.result}") 175 dir ("${WORKSPACE}") { 176 copyArtifacts(projectName: "verrazzano-prerelease-check/${CLEAN_BRANCH_NAME}", 177 selector: specific("${built.number}")); 178 def releaseStatus = readFile file: "release_status.out" 179 currentBuild.displayName = "${currentBuild.displayName} : ${releaseStatus}" 180 } 181 }