(about) 1 package container 2 3 import ( 4 "strings" 5 ) 6 7 // IsDefault indicates whether container uses the default network stack. 8 func (n NetworkMode) IsDefault() bool { 9 return n == "default" 10 } 11 12 // IsNone indicates whether container isn't using a network stack. 13 func (n NetworkMode) IsNone() bool { 14 return n == "none" 15 } 16 17 // IsContainer indicates whether container uses a container network stack. 18 // Returns false as windows doesn't support this mode 19 func (n NetworkMode) IsContainer() bool { 20 return false 21 } 22 23 // IsBridge indicates whether container uses the bridge network stack 24 // in windows it is given the name NAT 25 func (n NetworkMode) IsBridge() bool { 26 return n == "nat" 27 } 28 29 // IsHost indicates whether container uses the host network stack. 30 // returns false as this is not supported by windows 31 func (n NetworkMode) IsHost() bool { 32 return false 33 } 34 35 // IsPrivate indicates whether container uses its private network stack. 36 func (n NetworkMode) IsPrivate() bool { 37 return !(n.IsHost() || n.IsContainer()) 38 } 39 40 // ConnectedContainer is the id of the container which network this container is connected to. 41 // Returns blank string on windows 42 func (n NetworkMode) ConnectedContainer() string { 43 return "" 44 } 45 46 // IsUserDefined indicates user-created network 47 func (n NetworkMode) IsUserDefined() bool { 48 return !n.IsDefault() && !n.IsNone() && !n.IsBridge() 49 } 50 51 // IsHyperV indicates the use of a Hyper-V partition for isolation 52 func (i Isolation) IsHyperV() bool { 53 return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "hyperv" 54 } 55 56 // IsProcess indicates the use of process isolation 57 func (i Isolation) IsProcess() bool { 58 return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "process" 59 } 60 61 // IsValid indicates if an isolation technology is valid 62 func (i Isolation) IsValid() bool { 63 return i.IsDefault() || i.IsHyperV() || i.IsProcess() 64 } 65 66 // NetworkName returns the name of the network stack. 67 func (n NetworkMode) NetworkName() string { 68 if n.IsDefault() { 69 return "default" 70 } else if n.IsBridge() { 71 return "nat" 72 } else if n.IsNone() { 73 return "none" 74 } else if n.IsUserDefined() { 75 return n.UserDefined() 76 } 77 78 return "" 79 } 80 81 //UserDefined indicates user-created network 82 func (n NetworkMode) UserDefined() string { 83 if n.IsUserDefined() { 84 return string(n) 85 } 86 return "" 87 }