
     1  package convert
     3  import (
     4  	"strings"
     6  	basictypes ""
     7  	networktypes ""
     8  	types ""
     9  	swarmapi ""
    10  	""
    11  )
    13  func networkAttachementFromGRPC(na *swarmapi.NetworkAttachment) types.NetworkAttachment {
    14  	if na != nil {
    15  		return types.NetworkAttachment{
    16  			Network:   networkFromGRPC(na.Network),
    17  			Addresses: na.Addresses,
    18  		}
    19  	}
    20  	return types.NetworkAttachment{}
    21  }
    23  func networkFromGRPC(n *swarmapi.Network) types.Network {
    24  	if n != nil {
    25  		network := types.Network{
    26  			ID: n.ID,
    27  			Spec: types.NetworkSpec{
    28  				IPv6Enabled: n.Spec.Ipv6Enabled,
    29  				Internal:    n.Spec.Internal,
    30  				Attachable:  n.Spec.Attachable,
    31  				IPAMOptions: ipamFromGRPC(n.Spec.IPAM),
    32  			},
    33  			IPAMOptions: ipamFromGRPC(n.IPAM),
    34  		}
    36  		// Meta
    37  		network.Version.Index = n.Meta.Version.Index
    38  		network.CreatedAt, _ = ptypes.Timestamp(n.Meta.CreatedAt)
    39  		network.UpdatedAt, _ = ptypes.Timestamp(n.Meta.UpdatedAt)
    41  		//Annotations
    42  		network.Spec.Name = n.Spec.Annotations.Name
    43  		network.Spec.Labels = n.Spec.Annotations.Labels
    45  		//DriverConfiguration
    46  		if n.Spec.DriverConfig != nil {
    47  			network.Spec.DriverConfiguration = &types.Driver{
    48  				Name:    n.Spec.DriverConfig.Name,
    49  				Options: n.Spec.DriverConfig.Options,
    50  			}
    51  		}
    53  		//DriverState
    54  		if n.DriverState != nil {
    55  			network.DriverState = types.Driver{
    56  				Name:    n.DriverState.Name,
    57  				Options: n.DriverState.Options,
    58  			}
    59  		}
    61  		return network
    62  	}
    63  	return types.Network{}
    64  }
    66  func ipamFromGRPC(i *swarmapi.IPAMOptions) *types.IPAMOptions {
    67  	var ipam *types.IPAMOptions
    68  	if i != nil {
    69  		ipam = &types.IPAMOptions{}
    70  		if i.Driver != nil {
    71  			ipam.Driver.Name = i.Driver.Name
    72  			ipam.Driver.Options = i.Driver.Options
    73  		}
    75  		for _, config := range i.Configs {
    76  			ipam.Configs = append(ipam.Configs, types.IPAMConfig{
    77  				Subnet:  config.Subnet,
    78  				Range:   config.Range,
    79  				Gateway: config.Gateway,
    80  			})
    81  		}
    82  	}
    83  	return ipam
    84  }
    86  func endpointSpecFromGRPC(es *swarmapi.EndpointSpec) *types.EndpointSpec {
    87  	var endpointSpec *types.EndpointSpec
    88  	if es != nil {
    89  		endpointSpec = &types.EndpointSpec{}
    90  		endpointSpec.Mode = types.ResolutionMode(strings.ToLower(es.Mode.String()))
    92  		for _, portState := range es.Ports {
    93  			endpointSpec.Ports = append(endpointSpec.Ports, types.PortConfig{
    94  				Name:          portState.Name,
    95  				Protocol:      types.PortConfigProtocol(strings.ToLower(swarmapi.PortConfig_Protocol_name[int32(portState.Protocol)])),
    96  				TargetPort:    portState.TargetPort,
    97  				PublishedPort: portState.PublishedPort,
    98  			})
    99  		}
   100  	}
   101  	return endpointSpec
   102  }
   104  func endpointFromGRPC(e *swarmapi.Endpoint) types.Endpoint {
   105  	endpoint := types.Endpoint{}
   106  	if e != nil {
   107  		if espec := endpointSpecFromGRPC(e.Spec); espec != nil {
   108  			endpoint.Spec = *espec
   109  		}
   111  		for _, portState := range e.Ports {
   112  			endpoint.Ports = append(endpoint.Ports, types.PortConfig{
   113  				Name:          portState.Name,
   114  				Protocol:      types.PortConfigProtocol(strings.ToLower(swarmapi.PortConfig_Protocol_name[int32(portState.Protocol)])),
   115  				TargetPort:    portState.TargetPort,
   116  				PublishedPort: portState.PublishedPort,
   117  			})
   118  		}
   120  		for _, v := range e.VirtualIPs {
   121  			endpoint.VirtualIPs = append(endpoint.VirtualIPs, types.EndpointVirtualIP{
   122  				NetworkID: v.NetworkID,
   123  				Addr:      v.Addr})
   124  		}
   126  	}
   128  	return endpoint
   129  }
   131  // BasicNetworkFromGRPC converts a grpc Network to a NetworkResource.
   132  func BasicNetworkFromGRPC(n swarmapi.Network) basictypes.NetworkResource {
   133  	spec := n.Spec
   134  	var ipam networktypes.IPAM
   135  	if spec.IPAM != nil {
   136  		if spec.IPAM.Driver != nil {
   137  			ipam.Driver = spec.IPAM.Driver.Name
   138  			ipam.Options = spec.IPAM.Driver.Options
   139  		}
   140  		ipam.Config = make([]networktypes.IPAMConfig, 0, len(spec.IPAM.Configs))
   141  		for _, ic := range spec.IPAM.Configs {
   142  			ipamConfig := networktypes.IPAMConfig{
   143  				Subnet:     ic.Subnet,
   144  				IPRange:    ic.Range,
   145  				Gateway:    ic.Gateway,
   146  				AuxAddress: ic.Reserved,
   147  			}
   148  			ipam.Config = append(ipam.Config, ipamConfig)
   149  		}
   150  	}
   152  	nr := basictypes.NetworkResource{
   153  		ID:         n.ID,
   154  		Name:       n.Spec.Annotations.Name,
   155  		Scope:      "swarm",
   156  		EnableIPv6: spec.Ipv6Enabled,
   157  		IPAM:       ipam,
   158  		Internal:   spec.Internal,
   159  		Attachable: spec.Attachable,
   160  		Labels:     n.Spec.Annotations.Labels,
   161  	}
   163  	if n.DriverState != nil {
   164  		nr.Driver = n.DriverState.Name
   165  		nr.Options = n.DriverState.Options
   166  	}
   168  	return nr
   169  }
   171  // BasicNetworkCreateToGRPC converts a NetworkCreateRequest to a grpc NetworkSpec.
   172  func BasicNetworkCreateToGRPC(create basictypes.NetworkCreateRequest) swarmapi.NetworkSpec {
   173  	ns := swarmapi.NetworkSpec{
   174  		Annotations: swarmapi.Annotations{
   175  			Name:   create.Name,
   176  			Labels: create.Labels,
   177  		},
   178  		DriverConfig: &swarmapi.Driver{
   179  			Name:    create.Driver,
   180  			Options: create.Options,
   181  		},
   182  		Ipv6Enabled: create.EnableIPv6,
   183  		Internal:    create.Internal,
   184  		Attachable:  create.Attachable,
   185  	}
   186  	if create.IPAM != nil {
   187  		ns.IPAM = &swarmapi.IPAMOptions{
   188  			Driver: &swarmapi.Driver{
   189  				Name:    create.IPAM.Driver,
   190  				Options: create.IPAM.Options,
   191  			},
   192  		}
   193  		ipamSpec := make([]*swarmapi.IPAMConfig, 0, len(create.IPAM.Config))
   194  		for _, ipamConfig := range create.IPAM.Config {
   195  			ipamSpec = append(ipamSpec, &swarmapi.IPAMConfig{
   196  				Subnet:  ipamConfig.Subnet,
   197  				Range:   ipamConfig.IPRange,
   198  				Gateway: ipamConfig.Gateway,
   199  			})
   200  		}
   201  		ns.IPAM.Configs = ipamSpec
   202  	}
   203  	return ns
   204  }