
     1  \section{Proof of Tendermint consensus algorithm} \label{sec:proof}
     3  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:majority-intersection} For all $f\geq 0$, any two
     4  sets of processes with voting power at least equal to $2f+1$ have at least one
     5  correct process in common.  \end{lemma}
     7  \begin{proof} As the total voting power is equal to $n=3f+1$, we have $2(2f+1)
     8      = n+f+1$.  This means that the intersection of two sets with the voting
     9      power equal to $2f+1$ contains at least $f+1$ voting power in common, \ie,
    10      at least one correct process (as the total voting power of faulty processes
    11      is $f$). The result follows directly from this.  \end{proof}
    13  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:locked-decision_value-prevote-v} If $f+1$ correct
    14  processes lock value $v$ in round $r_0$ ($lockedValue = v$ and $lockedRound =
    15  r_0$), then in all rounds $r > r_0$, they send $\Prevote$ for $id(v)$ or
    16  $\nil$.  \end{lemma}
    18  \begin{proof} We prove the result by induction on $r$.
    20  \emph{Base step $r = r_0 + 1:$} Let's denote with $C$ the set of correct
    21  processes with voting power equal to $f+1$.  By the rules at
    22  line~\ref{line:tab:recvProposal} and line~\ref{line:tab:acceptProposal}, the
    23  processes from the set $C$ can't accept $\Proposal$ for any value different
    24  from $v$ in round $r$, and therefore can't send a $\li{\Prevote,height_p,
    25  r,id(v')}$ message, if $v' \neq v$. Therefore, the Lemma holds for the base
    26  step.
    28  \emph{Induction step from $r_1$ to $r_1+1$:} We assume that no process from the
    29  set $C$ has sent $\Prevote$ for values different than $id(v)$ or $\nil$ until
    30  round $r_1 + 1$. We now prove that the Lemma also holds for round $r_1 + 1$. As
    31  processes from the set $C$ send $\Prevote$ for $id(v)$ or $\nil$ in rounds $r_0
    32  \le r \le r_1$, by Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection} there is no value
    33  $v' \neq v$ for which it is possible to receive $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages in
    34  those rounds (i). Therefore, we have for all processes from the set $C$,
    35  $lockedValue = v$ and $lockedRound \ge r_0$.   Let's assume by a contradiction
    36  that a process $q$ from the set $C$ sends $\Prevote$ in round $r_1 + 1$ for
    37  value $id(v')$, where $v' \neq v$. This is possible only by
    38  line~\ref{line:tab:prevote-higher-proposal}.  Note that this implies that $q$
    39  received $2f+1$ $\li{\Prevote,h_q, r,id(v')}$ messages, where $r > r_0$ and $r
    40  < r_1 +1$ (see line~\ref{line:tab:cond-prevote-higher-proposal}). A
    41  contradiction with (i) and Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection}.
    42  \end{proof}	
    44  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:agreement} Algorithm~\ref{alg:tendermint} satisfies
    45  Agreement.  \end{lemma}
    47  \begin{proof} Let round $r_0$ be the first round of height $h$ such that some
    48      correct process $p$ decides $v$. We now prove that if some correct process
    49      $q$ decides $v'$ in some round $r \ge r_0$, then $v = v'$.
    51  In case $r = r_0$, $q$ has received at least $2f+1$
    52  $\li{\Precommit,h_p,r_0,id(v')}$  messages at line~\ref{line:tab:onDecideRule},
    53  while $p$ has received at least $2f+1$ $\li{\Precommit,h_p,r_0,id(v)}$
    54  messages.  By Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection} two sets of messages of
    55  voting power $2f+1$ intersect in at least one correct process.  As a correct
    56  process sends a single $\Precommit$ message in a round, then $v=v'$.
    58  We prove the case $r > r_0$ by contradiction. By the
    59  rule~\ref{line:tab:onDecideRule}, $p$ has received at least $2f+1$ voting-power
    60  equivalent of $\li{\Precommit,h_p,r_0,id(v)}$ messages, i.e., at least $f+1$
    61  voting-power equivalent correct processes have locked value $v$ in round $r_0$ and have
    62  sent those messages (i). Let denote this set of messages with $C$.  On the
    63  other side, $q$ has received at least $2f+1$ voting power equivalent of
    64  $\li{\Precommit,h_q, r,id(v')}$ messages. As the voting power of all faulty
    65  processes is at most $f$, some correct process $c$ has sent one of those
    66  messages. By the rule at line~\ref{line:tab:recvPrevote}, $c$ has locked value
    67  $v'$ in round $r$ before sending $\li{\Precommit,h_q, r,id(v')}$. Therefore $c$
    68  has received $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages for $id(v')$ in round $r > r_0$ (see
    69  line~\ref{line:tab:recvPrevote}). By Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection}, a
    70  process from the set $C$ has sent $\Prevote$ message for $id(v')$ in round $r$.
    71  A contradiction with (i) and Lemma~\ref{lemma:locked-decision_value-prevote-v}.
    72  \end{proof}	
    74  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:agreement} Algorithm~\ref{alg:tendermint} satisfies
    75  Validity.  \end{lemma}
    77  \begin{proof} Trivially follows from the rule at line
    78  \ref{line:tab:validDecisionValue} which ensures that only valid values can be
    79  decided.  \end{proof}	
    81  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:round-synchronisation} If we assume that:
    82  \begin{enumerate} 
    83      \item a correct process $p$ is the first correct process to
    84              enter a round $r>0$ at time $t > GST$ (for every correct process
    85              $c$, $round_c \le r$ at time $t$) 
    86      \item the proposer of round $r$ is
    87              a correct process $q$ 
    88      \item for every correct process $c$,
    89              $lockedRound_c \le validRound_q$ at time $t$ 
    90      \item $\timeoutPropose(r)
    91          > 2\Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$, $\timeoutPrevote(r) > 2\Delta$ and
    92              $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > 2\Delta$, 
    93  \end{enumerate} 
    94  then all correct processes decide in round $r$ before $t + 4\Delta +
    95      \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$.  
    96  \end{lemma}	
    98  \begin{proof} As $p$ is the first correct process to enter round $r$, it
    99      executed the line~\ref{line:tab:nextRound} after $\timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$
   100      expired. Therefore, $p$ received $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages in the round
   101      $r-1$ before time $t$. By the \emph{Gossip communication} property, all
   102      correct processes will receive those messages the latest at time $t +
   103      \Delta$. Correct processes that are in rounds $< r-1$ at time $t$ will
   104      enter round $r-1$ (see the rule at line~\ref{line:tab:nextRound2}) and
   105      trigger $\timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$ (see rule~\ref{line:tab:startTimeoutPrecommit})
   106      by time $t+\Delta$. Therefore, all correct processes will start round $r$
   107      by time $t+\Delta+\timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$ (i).
   109  In the worst case, the process $q$ is the last correct process to enter round
   110  $r$, so $q$ starts round $r$ and sends $\Proposal$ message for some value $v$
   111  at time $t + \Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$. Therefore, all correct processes
   112  receive the $\Proposal$ message from $q$ the latest by time $t + 2\Delta +
   113  \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$. Therefore, if $\timeoutPropose(r) > 2\Delta +
   114  \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$, all correct processes will receive $\Proposal$ message
   115  before $\timeoutPropose(r)$ expires. 
   117  By (3) and the rules at line~\ref{line:tab:recvProposal} and
   118  \ref{line:tab:acceptProposal}, all correct processes will accept the
   119  $\Proposal$ message for value $v$ and will send a $\Prevote$ message for
   120  $id(v)$ by time $t + 2\Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$.  Note that by the
   121  \emph{Gossip communication} property, the $\Prevote$ messages needed to trigger
   122  the rule at line~\ref{line:tab:acceptProposal} are received before time $t +
   123  \Delta$.  
   125  By time $t + 3\Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$, all correct processes will receive
   126  $\Proposal$ for $v$ and $2f+1$ corresponding $\Prevote$ messages for $id(v)$.
   127  By the rule at line~\ref{line:tab:recvPrevote}, all correct processes will send
   128  a $\Precommit$ message (see line~\ref{line:tab:precommit-v}) for $id(v)$ by
   129  time $t + 3\Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$. Therefore, by time $t + 4\Delta +
   130  \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$, all correct processes will have received the $\Proposal$
   131  for $v$ and $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages for $id(v)$, so they decide at
   132  line~\ref{line:tab:decide} on $v$. 
   134  This scenario holds if every correct process $q$ sends a $\Precommit$ message
   135  before $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ expires, and if $\timeoutPrecommit(r)$ does not expire
   136  before $t + 4\Delta + \timeoutPrecommit(r-1)$.  Let's assume that a correct process
   137  $c_1$ is the first correct process to trigger $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ (see the rule
   138  at line~\ref{line:tab:recvAny2/3Prevote}) at time $t_1 > t$. This implies that
   139  before time $t_1$, $c_1$ received a $\Proposal$ ($step_{c_1}$ must be
   140  $\prevote$ by the rule at line~\ref{line:tab:recvAny2/3Prevote}) and a set of
   141  $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages.  By time $t_1 + \Delta$, all correct processes will
   142  receive those messages. Note that even if some correct process was in the
   143  smaller round before time $t_1$, at time $t_1 + \Delta$ it will start round $r$
   144  after receiving those messages (see the rule at
   145  line~\ref{line:tab:skipRounds}).  Therefore, all correct processes will send
   146  their $\Prevote$ message for $id(v)$ by time $t_1 + \Delta$, and all correct
   147  processes will receive those messages the by time $t_1 + 2\Delta$.  Therefore,
   148  as $\timeoutPrevote(r) > 2\Delta$, this ensures that all correct processes receive
   149  $\Prevote$ messages from all correct processes before their respective local
   150  $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ expire.   
   152  On the other hand, $\timeoutPrecommit(r)$ is triggered in a correct process $c_2$
   153  after it receives any set of $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages for the first time.
   154  Let's denote with $t_2 > t$ the earliest point in time $\timeoutPrecommit(r)$ is
   155  triggered in some correct process $c_2$. This implies that $c_2$ has received
   156  at least $f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages for $id(v)$ from correct processes, i.e.,
   157  those processes have received $\Proposal$ for $v$ and $2f+1$ $\Prevote$
   158  messages for $id(v)$ before time $t_2$. By the \emph{Gossip communication}
   159  property, all correct processes will receive those messages by time $t_2 +
   160  \Delta$, and will send $\Precommit$ messages for $id(v)$. Note that even if
   161  some correct processes were at time $t_2$ in a round smaller than $r$, by the
   162  rule at line~\ref{line:tab:skipRounds} they will enter round $r$ by time $t_2 +
   163  \Delta$.  Therefore, by time $t_2 + 2\Delta$, all correct processes will
   164  receive $\Proposal$ for $v$ and $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages for $id(v)$. So if
   165  $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > 2\Delta$, all correct processes will decide before the
   166  timeout expires.         \end{proof}	
   169  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:validValue} If a correct process $p$ locks a value
   170      $v$ at time $t_0 > GST$ in some round $r$ ($lockedValue = v$ and
   171      $lockedRound = r$) and $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > 2\Delta$, then all correct
   172      processes set $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$ before starting
   173      round $r+1$.  \end{lemma}
   175  \begin{proof} In order to prove this Lemma, we need to prove that if the
   176      process $p$ locks a value $v$ at time $t_0$, then no correct process will
   177      leave round $r$ before time $t_0 + \Delta$ (unless it has already set
   178      $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$). It is sufficient to prove
   179      this, since by the \emph{Gossip communication} property the messages that
   180      $p$ received at time $t_0$ and that triggered rule at
   181      line~\ref{line:tab:recvPrevote} will be received by time $t_0 + \Delta$ by
   182      all correct processes, so all correct processes that are still in round $r$
   183      will set $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$ (by the rule at
   184      line~\ref{line:tab:recvPrevote}). To prove this, we need to compute the
   185      earliest point in time a correct process could leave round $r$ without
   186      updating $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$ (we denote this time
   187      with $t_1$). The Lemma is correct if $t_0 + \Delta < t_1$. 
   189  If the process $p$ locks a value $v$ at time $t_0$, this implies that $p$
   190  received the valid $\Proposal$ message for $v$ and $2f+1$
   191  $\li{\Prevote,h,r,id(v)}$ at time $t_0$. At least $f+1$ of those messages are
   192  sent by correct processes. Let's denote this set of correct processes as $C$. By
   193  Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection} any set of $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages
   194  in round $r$ contains at least a single message from the set $C$. 
   196  Let's denote as time $t$ the earliest point in time a correct process, $c_1$, triggered
   197  $\timeoutPrevote(r)$. This implies that $c_1$ received $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages
   198  (see the rule at line \ref{line:tab:recvAny2/3Prevote}), where at least one of
   199  those messages was sent by a process $c_2$ from the set $C$.  Therefore, process
   200  $c_2$ had received $\Proposal$ message before time $t$. By the \emph{Gossip
   201  communication} property, all correct processes will receive $\Proposal$ and
   202  $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages for round $r$ by time $t+\Delta$. The latest point
   203  in time $p$ will trigger $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ is $t+\Delta$\footnote{Note that
   204  even if $p$ was in smaller round at time $t$ it will start round $r$ by time
   205  $t+\Delta$.}.  So the latest point in time $p$ can lock the value $v$ in
   206  round $r$ is $t_0 = t+\Delta+\timeoutPrevote(r)$ (as at this point
   207  $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ expires, so a process sends $\Precommit$ $\nil$ and updates
   208  $step$ to $\precommit$, see line \ref{line:tab:onTimeoutPrevote}).  
   210  Note that according to the Algorithm \ref{alg:tendermint}, a correct process
   211  can not send a $\Precommit$ message before receiving $2f+1$ $\Prevote$
   212  messages.  Therefore, no correct process can send a $\Precommit$ message in
   213  round $r$ before time $t$. If a correct process sends a $\Precommit$ message
   214  for $\nil$, it implies that it has waited for the full duration of
   215  $\timeoutPrevote(r)$ (see line
   216  \ref{line:tab:precommit-nil-onTimeout})\footnote{The other case in which a
   217  correct process $\Precommit$ for $\nil$ is after receiving $2f+1$ $Prevote$ for
   218  $\nil$ messages, see the line \ref{line:tab:precommit-v-1}. By
   219  Lemma~\ref{lemma:majority-intersection}, this is not possible in round $r$.}.
   220  Therefore, no correct process can send $\Precommit$ for $\nil$ before time $t +
   221  \timeoutPrevote(r)$ (*).
   223  A correct process $q$ that enters round $r+1$ must wait (i) $\timeoutPrecommit(r)$
   224  (see line \ref{line:tab:nextRound}) or (ii) receiving $f+1$ messages from the
   225  round $r+1$ (see the line \ref{line:tab:skipRounds}).  In the former case, $q$
   226  receives $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages before starting $\timeoutPrecommit(r)$. If
   227  at least a single $\Precommit$ message from a correct process (at least $f+1$
   228  voting power equivalent of those messages is sent by correct processes) is for
   229  $\nil$, then $q$ cannot start round $r+1$ before time $t_1 = t +
   230  \timeoutPrevote(r) + \timeoutPrecommit(r)$ (see (*)). Therefore in this case we have:
   231  $t_0 + \Delta < t_1$, i.e., $t+2\Delta+\timeoutPrevote(r) <  t + \timeoutPrevote(r) +
   232  \timeoutPrecommit(r)$, and this is true whenever $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > 2\Delta$, so
   233  Lemma holds in this case. 
   235  If in the set of $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages $q$ receives, there is at least a
   236  single $\Precommit$ for $id(v)$ message from a correct process $c$, then $q$
   237  can start the round $r+1$ the earliest at time $t_1 = t+\timeoutPrecommit(r)$. In
   238  this case, by the \emph{Gossip communication} property, all correct processes
   239  will receive $\Proposal$ and $2f+1$ $\Prevote$ messages (that $c$ received
   240  before time $t$) the latest at time $t+\Delta$. Therefore, $q$ will set
   241  $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$ the latest at time $t+\Delta$. As
   242  $t+\Delta < t+\timeoutPrecommit(r)$, whenever $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > \Delta$, the
   243  Lemma holds also in this case.    
   245  In case (ii), $q$ received at least a single message from a correct process $c$
   246  from the round $r+1$. The earliest point in time $c$ could have started round
   247  $r+1$ is $t+\timeoutPrecommit(r)$ in case it received a $\Precommit$ message for
   248  $v$ from some correct process in the set of $2f+1$ $\Precommit$ messages it
   249  received. The same reasoning as above holds also in this case, so $q$ set
   250  $validValue$ to $v$ and $validRound$ to $r$ the latest by time $t+\Delta$. As
   251  $t+\Delta < t+\timeoutPrecommit(r)$, whenever $\timeoutPrecommit(r) > \Delta$, the
   252  Lemma holds also in this case.    \end{proof}
   254  \begin{lemma} \label{lemma:agreement} Algorithm~\ref{alg:tendermint} satisfies
   255  Termination.  \end{lemma}
   257  \begin{proof} Lemma~\ref{lemma:round-synchronisation} defines a scenario in
   258      which all correct processes decide. We now prove that within a bounded
   259      duration after GST such a scenario will unfold. Let's assume that at time
   260      $GST$ the highest round started by a correct process is $r_0$, and that
   261      there exists a correct process $p$ such that the following holds: for every
   262      correct process $c$, $lockedRound_c \le validRound_p$. Furthermore, we
   263      assume that $p$ will be the proposer in some round $r_1 > r$ (this is
   264      ensured by the $\coord$ function). 
   266  We have two cases to consider. In the first case, for all rounds $r \ge r_0$
   267  and $r < r_1$, no correct process locks a value (set $lockedRound$ to $r$). So
   268  in round $r_1$ we have the scenario from the
   269  Lemma~\ref{lemma:round-synchronisation}, so all correct processes decides in
   270  round $r_1$.  
   272  In the second case, a correct process locks a value $v$ in round $r_2$, where
   273  $r_2 \ge r_0$ and $r_2 < r_1$.  Let's assume that $r_2$ is the highest round
   274  before $r_1$ in which some correct process $q$ locks a value. By Lemma
   275  \ref{lemma:validValue} at the end of round $r_2$ the following holds for all
   276  correct processes $c$: $validValue_c = lockedValue_q$ and $validRound_c = r_2$.
   277  Then in round $r_1$, the conditions for the
   278  Lemma~\ref{lemma:round-synchronisation} holds, so all correct processes decide.
   279  \end{proof}	