
     1  ------------------ MODULE TendermintAccDebug_004_draft -------------------------
     2  (*
     3   A few definitions that we use for debugging TendermintAcc3, which do not belong
     4   to the specification itself.
     6   * Version 3. Modular and parameterized definitions.
     8   Igor Konnov, 2020.
     9   *)
    11  EXTENDS TendermintAccInv_004_draft
    13  \* make them parameters?
    14  NFaultyProposals == 0   \* the number of injected faulty PROPOSE messages
    15  NFaultyPrevotes == 6    \* the number of injected faulty PREVOTE messages
    16  NFaultyPrecommits == 6  \* the number of injected faulty PRECOMMIT messages
    18  \* Given a set of allowed messages Msgs, this operator produces a function from
    19  \* rounds to sets of messages.
    20  \* Importantly, there will be exactly k messages in the image of msgFun.
    21  \* We use this action to produce k faults in an initial state.
    22  ProduceFaults(msgFun, From, k) ==
    23      \E f \in [1..k -> From]:
    24          msgFun = [r \in Rounds |-> {m \in {f[i]: i \in 1..k}: m.round = r}]
    26  \* As TLC explodes with faults, we may have initial states without faults    
    27  InitNoFaults ==
    28      /\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
    29      /\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
    30      /\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    31      /\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    32      /\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
    33      /\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    34      /\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
    35      /\ msgsPropose = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
    36      /\ msgsPrevote = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
    37      /\ msgsPrecommit = [r \in Rounds |-> EmptyMsgSet]
    38      /\ evidence = EmptyMsgSet
    40  (*
    41   A specialized version of Init that injects NFaultyProposals proposals,
    42   NFaultyPrevotes prevotes, NFaultyPrecommits precommits by the faulty processes
    43   *)
    44  InitFewFaults ==
    45      /\ round = [p \in Corr |-> 0]
    46      /\ step = [p \in Corr |-> "PROPOSE"]
    47      /\ decision = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    48      /\ lockedValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    49      /\ lockedRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
    50      /\ validValue = [p \in Corr |-> NilValue]
    51      /\ validRound = [p \in Corr |-> NilRound]
    52      /\ ProduceFaults(msgsPrevote',
    53                       SetOfMsgs([type: {"PREVOTE"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values]),
    54                       NFaultyPrevotes)
    55      /\ ProduceFaults(msgsPrecommit',
    56                       SetOfMsgs([type: {"PRECOMMIT"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds, id: Values]),
    57                       NFaultyPrecommits)
    58      /\ ProduceFaults(msgsPropose',
    59                       SetOfMsgs([type: {"PROPOSAL"}, src: Faulty, round: Rounds,
    60                                  proposal: Values, validRound: Rounds \cup {NilRound}]),
    61                       NFaultyProposals)
    62      /\ evidence = EmptyMsgSet
    64  \* Add faults incrementally
    65  NextWithFaults ==
    66      \* either the protocol makes a step
    67      \/ Next
    68      \* or a faulty process sends a message
    69      \//\ UNCHANGED <<round, step, decision, lockedValue,
    70                       lockedRound, validValue, validRound, evidence>>
    71        /\ \E p \in Faulty:
    72           \E r \in Rounds:
    73             \//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPrevote, msgsPrecommit>>
    74               /\ \E proposal \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
    75                  \E vr \in RoundsOrNil:
    76                    BroadcastProposal(p, r, proposal, vr)
    77             \//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPropose, msgsPrecommit>>
    78               /\ \E id \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
    79                    BroadcastPrevote(p, r, id)
    80             \//\ UNCHANGED <<msgsPropose, msgsPrevote>>
    81               /\ \E id \in ValidValues \union {NilValue}:
    82                    BroadcastPrecommit(p, r, id)
    84  (******************************** PROPERTIES  ***************************************)
    85  \* simple reachability properties to see that the spec is progressing
    86  NoPrevote == \A p \in Corr: step[p] /= "PREVOTE" 
    88  NoPrecommit == \A p \in Corr: step[p] /= "PRECOMMIT"   
    90  NoValidPrecommit ==
    91      \A r \in Rounds:
    92        \A m \in msgsPrecommit[r]:
    93 = NilValue \/ m.src \in Faulty
    95  NoHigherRounds == \A p \in Corr: round[p] < 1
    97  NoDecision == \A p \in Corr: decision[p] = NilValue                    
    99  =============================================================================    