
     1  ------------------------ MODULE Blockchain_003_draft -----------------------------
     2  (*
     3    This is a high-level specification of Tendermint blockchain
     4    that is designed specifically for the light client.
     5    Validators have the voting power of one. If you like to model various
     6    voting powers, introduce multiple copies of the same validator
     7    (do not forget to give them unique names though).
     8   *)
     9  EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Apalache
    11  Min(a, b) == IF a < b THEN a ELSE b
    13  CONSTANT
    14    AllNodes,
    15      (* a set of all nodes that can act as validators (correct and faulty) *)
    17      (* a maximal height that can be ever reached (modelling artifact) *)
    19      (* the period within which the validators are trusted *)
    21  Heights == 1..ULTIMATE_HEIGHT   (* possible heights *)
    23  (* A commit is just a set of nodes who have committed the block *)
    24  Commits == SUBSET AllNodes
    26  (* The set of all block headers that can be on the blockchain.
    27     This is a simplified version of the Block data structure in the actual implementation. *)
    28  BlockHeaders == [
    29    height: Heights,
    30      \* the block height
    31    time: Int,
    32      \* the block timestamp in some integer units
    33    lastCommit: Commits,
    34      \* the nodes who have voted on the previous block, the set itself instead of a hash
    35    (* in the implementation, only the hashes of V and NextV are stored in a block,
    36       as V and NextV are stored in the application state *) 
    37    VS: SUBSET AllNodes,
    38      \* the validators of this bloc. We store the validators instead of the hash.
    39    NextVS: SUBSET AllNodes
    40      \* the validators of the next block. We store the next validators instead of the hash.
    41  ]
    43  (* A signed header is just a header together with a set of commits *)
    44  LightBlocks == [header: BlockHeaders, Commits: Commits]
    47      refClock,
    48          (* the current global time in integer units as perceived by the reference chain *)
    49      blockchain,
    50      (* A sequence of BlockHeaders, which gives us a bird view of the blockchain. *)
    51      Faulty
    52      (* A set of faulty nodes, which can act as validators. We assume that the set
    53         of faulty processes is non-decreasing. If a process has recovered, it should
    54         connect using a different id. *)
    56  (* all variables, to be used with UNCHANGED *)       
    57  vars == <<refClock, blockchain, Faulty>>         
    59  (* The set of all correct nodes in a state *)
    60  Corr == AllNodes \ Faulty
    62  (* APALACHE annotations *)
    63  a <: b == a \* type annotation
    65  NT == STRING
    66  NodeSet(S) == S <: {NT}
    67  EmptyNodeSet == NodeSet({})
    69  BT == [height |-> Int, time |-> Int, lastCommit |-> {NT}, VS |-> {NT}, NextVS |-> {NT}]
    71  LBT == [header |-> BT, Commits |-> {NT}]
    72  (* end of APALACHE annotations *)       
    74  (****************************** BLOCKCHAIN ************************************)
    76  (* the header is still within the trusting period *)
    77  InTrustingPeriod(header) ==
    78      refClock < header.time + TRUSTING_PERIOD
    80  (*
    81   Given a function pVotingPower \in D -> Powers for some D \subseteq AllNodes
    82   and pNodes \subseteq D, test whether the set pNodes \subseteq AllNodes has
    83   more than 2/3 of voting power among the nodes in D.
    84   *)
    85  TwoThirds(pVS, pNodes) ==
    86      LET TP == Cardinality(pVS)
    87          SP == Cardinality(pVS \intersect pNodes)
    88      IN
    89      3 * SP > 2 * TP \* when thinking in real numbers, not integers: SP > 2.0 / 3.0 * TP 
    91  (*
    92   Given a set of FaultyNodes, test whether the voting power of the correct nodes in D
    93   is more than 2/3 of the voting power of the faulty nodes in D.
    95   Parameters:
    96     - pFaultyNodes is a set of nodes that are considered faulty
    97     - pVS is a set of all validators, maybe including Faulty, intersecting with it, etc.
    98     - pMaxFaultRatio is a pair <<a, b>> that limits the ratio a / b of the faulty
    99       validators from above (exclusive)
   100   *)
   101  FaultyValidatorsFewerThan(pFaultyNodes, pVS, maxRatio) ==
   102      LET FN == pFaultyNodes \intersect pVS   \* faulty nodes in pNodes
   103          CN == pVS \ pFaultyNodes            \* correct nodes in pNodes
   104          CP == Cardinality(CN)               \* power of the correct nodes
   105          FP == Cardinality(FN)               \* power of the faulty nodes
   106      IN
   107      \* CP + FP = TP is the total voting power
   108      LET TP == CP + FP IN
   109      FP * maxRatio[2] < TP * maxRatio[1]
   111  (* Can a block be produced by a correct peer, or an authenticated Byzantine peer *)
   112  IsLightBlockAllowedByDigitalSignatures(ht, block) == 
   113      \/ block.header = blockchain[ht] \* signed by correct and faulty (maybe)
   114      \/ /\ block.Commits \subseteq Faulty
   115         /\ block.header.height = ht
   116         /\ block.header.time >= 0 \* signed only by faulty
   118  (*
   119   Initialize the blockchain to the ultimate height right in the initial states.
   120   We pick the faulty validators statically, but that should not affect the light client.
   122   Parameters:
   123      - pMaxFaultyRatioExclusive is a pair <<a, b>> that bound the number of
   124          faulty validators in each block by the ratio a / b (exclusive)
   125   *)            
   126  InitToHeight(pMaxFaultyRatioExclusive) ==
   127    /\ \E Nodes \in SUBSET AllNodes:
   128        Faulty := Nodes   \* pick a subset of nodes to be faulty
   129    \* pick the validator sets and last commits
   130    /\ \E vs, lastCommit \in [Heights -> SUBSET AllNodes]:
   131       \E timestamp \in [Heights -> Int]:
   132          \* refClock is at least as early as the timestamp in the last block 
   133          /\ \E tm \in Int:
   134            refClock := tm /\ tm >= timestamp[ULTIMATE_HEIGHT]
   135          \* the genesis starts on day 1     
   136          /\ timestamp[1] = 1
   137          /\ vs[1] = AllNodes
   138          /\ lastCommit[1] = EmptyNodeSet
   139          /\ \A h \in Heights \ {1}:
   140            /\ lastCommit[h] \subseteq vs[h - 1]   \* the non-validators cannot commit 
   141            /\ TwoThirds(vs[h - 1], lastCommit[h]) \* the commit has >2/3 of validator votes
   142              \* the faulty validators have the power below the threshold
   143            /\ FaultyValidatorsFewerThan(Faulty, vs[h], pMaxFaultyRatioExclusive)
   144            /\ timestamp[h] > timestamp[h - 1]     \* the time grows monotonically
   145            /\ timestamp[h] < timestamp[h - 1] + TRUSTING_PERIOD    \* but not too fast
   146          \* form the block chain out of validator sets and commits (this makes apalache faster)
   147          /\ blockchain := [h \in Heights |->
   148               [height |-> h,
   149                time |-> timestamp[h],
   150                VS |-> vs[h],
   151                NextVS |-> IF h < ULTIMATE_HEIGHT THEN vs[h + 1] ELSE AllNodes,
   152                lastCommit |-> lastCommit[h]]
   153               ] \******
   155  (********************* BLOCKCHAIN ACTIONS ********************************)
   156  (*
   157    Advance the clock by zero or more time units.
   158    *)
   159  AdvanceTime ==
   160    /\ \E tm \in Int: tm >= refClock /\ refClock' = tm
   161    /\ UNCHANGED <<blockchain, Faulty>>
   163  =============================================================================
   164  \* Modification History
   165  \* Last modified Wed Jun 10 14:10:54 CEST 2020 by igor
   166  \* Created Fri Oct 11 15:45:11 CEST 2019 by igor