(about) 1 style: github 2 # by default use Github RELEASE template which includes refs to issues/PRs 3 # to generate use git-chlog -t <> 4 template: 5 info: 6 title: CHANGELOG 7 repository_url: 8 options: 9 commits: 10 filters: 11 Type: 12 - govc 13 - vcsim 14 - chore 15 - docs 16 - examples 17 - fix 18 - api 19 commit_groups: 20 title_maps: 21 api: ๐ซ API Changes 22 govc: ๐ซ `govc` (CLI) 23 vcsim: ๐ซ `vcsim` (Simulator) 24 chore: ๐งน Chore 25 fix: ๐ Fix 26 docs: ๐ Documentation 27 examples: ๐ก Examples 28 header: 29 pattern: "^(\\w*)\\:\\s(.*)$" 30 pattern_maps: 31 - Type 32 - Subject 33 refs: 34 actions: 35 - Closes 36 - Fixes 37 notes: 38 keywords: 39 - "BREAKING"