(about) 1 --- 2 project_name: govmomi 3 4 builds: 5 - id: govc 6 no_main_check: true 7 goos: &goos-defs 8 - linux 9 - darwin 10 - windows 11 - freebsd 12 goarch: &goarch-defs 13 - amd64 14 - arm 15 - arm64 16 - mips64le 17 - s390x 18 env: 19 - CGO_ENABLED=0 20 - 21 main: ./govc/main.go 22 binary: govc 23 ldflags: 24 - "-X {{.Env.PKGPATH}}.BuildVersion={{.Version}} -X {{.Env.PKGPATH}}.BuildCommit={{.ShortCommit}} -X {{.Env.PKGPATH}}.BuildDate={{.Date}}" 25 - id: vcsim 26 no_main_check: true 27 goos: *goos-defs 28 goarch: *goarch-defs 29 env: 30 - CGO_ENABLED=0 31 main: ./vcsim/main.go 32 binary: vcsim 33 ldflags: 34 - "-X main.buildVersion={{.Version}} -X main.buildCommit={{.ShortCommit}} -X main.buildDate={{.Date}}" 35 36 nfpms: 37 - package_name: govmomi 38 builds: 39 - govc 40 - vcsim 41 homepage: 42 maintainer: Doug MacEachern <> 43 description: |- 44 vSphere CLI 45 formats: 46 - rpm 47 48 archives: 49 - id: govcbuild 50 builds: 51 - govc 52 name_template: >- 53 govc_ 54 {{- title .Os }}_ 55 {{- if eq .Arch "amd64" }}x86_64 56 {{- else if eq .Arch "386" }}i386 57 {{- else }}{{ .Arch }}{{ end }} 58 format_overrides: &overrides 59 - goos: windows 60 format: zip 61 files: &extrafiles 62 - 63 - LICENSE.txt 64 - 65 66 - id: vcsimbuild 67 builds: 68 - vcsim 69 name_template: >- 70 vcsim_ 71 {{- title .Os }}_ 72 {{- if eq .Arch "amd64" }}x86_64 73 {{- else if eq .Arch "386" }}i386 74 {{- else }}{{ .Arch }}{{ end }} 75 format_overrides: *overrides 76 files: *extrafiles 77 78 snapshot: 79 name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" 80 81 checksum: 82 name_template: "checksums.txt" 83 84 changelog: 85 sort: asc 86 filters: 87 exclude: 88 - "^docs:" 89 - "^test:" 90 - Merge pull request 91 - Merge branch 92 93 # upload disabled since it is maintained in homebrew-core 94 brews: 95 - name: govc 96 ids: 97 - govcbuild 98 repository: 99 owner: govmomi 100 name: homebrew-tap 101 # TODO: create token in specified tap repo, add as secret to govmomi repo and reference in release workflow 102 # token: "{{ .Env.HOMEBREW_TAP_GITHUB_TOKEN }}" 103 # enable once we do fully automated releases 104 skip_upload: true 105 commit_author: 106 name: Alfred the Narwhal 107 email: 108 directory: Formula 109 homepage: "" 110 description: "govc is a vSphere CLI built on top of govmomi." 111 test: | 112 system "#{bin}/govc version" 113 install: | 114 bin.install "govc" 115 - name: vcsim 116 ids: 117 - vcsimbuild 118 repository: 119 owner: govmomi 120 name: homebrew-tap 121 # TODO: create token in specified tap repo, add as secret to govmomi repo and reference in release workflow 122 # token: "{{ .Env.HOMEBREW_TAP_GITHUB_TOKEN }}" 123 # enable once we do fully automated releases 124 skip_upload: true 125 commit_author: 126 name: Alfred the Narwhal 127 email: 128 directory: Formula 129 homepage: "" 130 description: "vcsim is a vSphere API simulator built on top of govmomi." 131 test: | 132 system "#{bin}/vcsim -h" 133 install: | 134 bin.install "vcsim" 135 136 dockers: 137 - image_templates: 138 - "vmware/govc:{{ .Tag }}" 139 - "vmware/govc:{{ .ShortCommit }}" 140 - "vmware/govc:latest" 141 dockerfile: Dockerfile.govc 142 ids: 143 - govc 144 build_flag_templates: 145 - "--pull" 146 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.created={{.Date}}" 147 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.title={{.ProjectName}}" 148 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.revision={{.FullCommit}}" 149 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.version={{.Version}}" 150 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.url=" 151 - "--platform=linux/amd64" 152 - image_templates: 153 - "vmware/vcsim:{{ .Tag }}" 154 - "vmware/vcsim:{{ .ShortCommit }}" 155 - "vmware/vcsim:latest" 156 dockerfile: Dockerfile.vcsim 157 ids: 158 - vcsim 159 build_flag_templates: 160 - "--pull" 161 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.created={{.Date}}" 162 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.title={{.ProjectName}}" 163 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.revision={{.FullCommit}}" 164 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.version={{.Version}}" 165 - "--label=org.opencontainers.image.url=" 166 - "--platform=linux/amd64"