(about) 1 # Contributing to `govmomi` 2 3 ## Getting started 4 5 First, fork the repository on GitHub to your personal account. 6 7 Change `$USER` in the examples below to your Github username if they are not the 8 same. 9 10 ```bash 11 git clone && cd govmomi 12 13 # prevent accidentally pushing to vmware/govmomi 14 git config push.default nothing 15 git remote rename origin vmware 16 17 # add your fork 18 git remote add $USER$USER/govmomi.git 19 20 git fetch -av 21 ``` 22 23 ## Contribution Flow 24 25 This is a rough outline of what a contributor's workflow looks like: 26 27 - Create an issue describing the feature/fix 28 - Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. 29 - Make commits of logical units. 30 - Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format (see below). 31 - Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository. 32 - Submit a pull request to `vmware/govmomi`. 33 34 See [below](#format-of-the-commit-message) for details on commit best practices 35 and **supported prefixes**, e.g. `govc: <message>`. 36 37 > **Note:** If you are new to Git(hub) check out [Git rebase, squash...oh 38 > my!]( for more details on how to 39 > successfully contribute to an open source project. 40 41 ### Example 1 - Fix a Bug in `govmomi` 42 43 ```bash 44 git checkout -b issue-<number> main 45 git add <files> 46 git commit -m "fix: ..." -m "Closes: #<issue-number>" 47 git push $USER issue-<number> 48 ``` 49 50 ### Example 2 - Add a new (non-breaking) API to `govmomi` 51 52 ```bash 53 git checkout -b issue-<number> main 54 git add <files> 55 git commit -m "Add API ..." -m "Closes: #<issue-number>" 56 git push $USER issue-<number> 57 ``` 58 59 ### Example 3 - Add a Feature to `govc` 60 61 ```bash 62 git checkout -b issue-<number> main 63 git add <files> 64 git commit -m "govc: Add feature ..." -m "Closes: #<issue-number>" 65 git push $USER issue-<number> 66 ``` 67 **Note**: 68 To register the new `govc` command package, add a blank `_` import to `govmomi/govc/main.go`. 69 70 ### Example 4 - Fix a Bug in `vcsim` 71 72 ```bash 73 git checkout -b issue-<number> main 74 git add <files> 75 git commit -m "vcsim: Fix ..." -m "Closes: #<issue-number>" 76 git push $USER issue-<number> 77 ``` 78 79 ### Example 5 - Document Breaking (API) Changes 80 81 Breaking changes, e.g. to the `govmomi` APIs, are highlighted in the `CHANGELOG` 82 and release notes when the keyword `BREAKING:` is used in the commit message 83 body. 84 85 The text after `BREAKING:` is used in the corresponding highlighted section. 86 Thus these details should be stated at the body of the commit message. 87 Multi-line strings are supported. 88 89 ```bash 90 git checkout -b issue-<number> main 91 git add <files> 92 cat << EOF | git commit -F - 93 Add ctx to funcXYZ 94 95 This commit introduces context.Context to function XYZ 96 Closes: #1234 97 98 BREAKING: Add ctx to funcXYZ() 99 EOF 100 101 git push $USER issue-<number> 102 ``` 103 104 ### Stay in sync with Upstream 105 106 When your branch gets out of sync with the main branch, use the 107 following to update (rebase): 108 109 ```bash 110 git checkout issue-<number> 111 git fetch -a 112 git rebase main 113 git push --force-with-lease $USER issue-<number> 114 ``` 115 116 ### Updating Pull Requests 117 118 If your PR fails to pass CI or needs changes based on code review, it's ok to 119 add more commits stating the changes made, e.g. "Address review comments". This 120 is to assist the reviewer(s) to easily detect and review the recent changes. 121 122 In case of small PRs, it's ok to squash and force-push (see further below) 123 directly instead. 124 125 ```bash 126 # incorporate review feedback 127 git add . 128 129 # create a fixup commit which will be merged into your (original) <commit> 130 git commit --fixup <commit> 131 git push $USER issue-<number> 132 ``` 133 134 Be sure to add a comment to the PR indicating your new changes are ready to 135 review, as Github does not generate a notification when you git push. 136 137 Once the review is complete, squash and push your final commit(s): 138 139 ```bash 140 # squash all commits into one 141 # --autosquash will automatically detect and merge fixup commits 142 git rebase -i --autosquash main 143 git push --force-with-lease $USER issue-<number> 144 ``` 145 146 ### Code Style 147 148 The coding style suggested by the Go community is used in `govmomi`. See the 149 [style doc]( for details. 150 151 Try to limit column width to 120 characters for both code and markdown documents 152 such as this one. 153 154 ### Format of the Commit Message 155 156 We follow the conventions described in [How to Write a Git Commit 157 Message]( 158 159 Be sure to include any related GitHub issue references in the commit message, 160 e.g. `Closes: #<number>`. 161 162 The [``](./ and release page uses **commit message 163 prefixes** for grouping and highlighting. A commit message that 164 starts with `[prefix:] ` will place this commit under the respective 165 section in the `CHANGELOG`. 166 167 The following example creates a commit referencing the `issue: 1234` and puts 168 the commit message in the `govc` `CHANGELOG` section: 169 170 ```bash 171 git commit -s -m "govc: Add CLI command X" -m "Closes: #1234" 172 ``` 173 174 Currently the following prefixes are used: 175 176 - `api:` - Use for API-related changes 177 - `govc:` - Use for changes to `govc` CLI 178 - `vcsim:` - Use for changes to vCenter Simulator 179 - `chore:` - Use for repository related activities 180 - `fix:` - Use for bug fixes 181 - `docs:` - Use for changes to the documentation 182 - `examples:` - Use for changes to examples 183 184 If your contribution falls into multiple categories, e.g. `api` and `vcsim` it 185 is recommended to break up your commits using distinct prefixes. 186 187 ### Running CI Checks and Tests 188 You can run both `make check` and `make test` from the top level of the 189 repository. 190 191 While `make check` will catch formatting and import errors, it will not apply 192 any fixes. The developer is expected to do that. 193 194 ## Reporting Bugs and Creating Issues 195 196 When opening a new issue, try to roughly follow the commit message format 197 conventions above.