(about) 1 # Copyright (c) 2023 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 3 4 # If you update this file, please follow 5 # 6 7 # Ensure Make is run with bash shell as some syntax below is bash-specific 8 SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash 9 10 # Print the help/usage when make is executed without any other arguments 11 .DEFAULT_GOAL := help 12 13 14 ## -------------------------------------- 15 ## Help 16 ## -------------------------------------- 17 18 .PHONY: help 19 help: ## Display usage 20 @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make [target] \033[36m\033[0m\n\nTargets:\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) 21 22 23 ## -------------------------------------- 24 ## Image 25 ## -------------------------------------- 26 27 IMAGE_NAME ?= govmomi-gen-types 28 IMAGE_TAG ?= latest 29 IMAGE ?= $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) 30 31 .PHONY: image-build 32 image-build: ## Build the image for generating types 33 docker build -t $(IMAGE) . 34 35 36 ## -------------------------------------- 37 ## Generate 38 ## -------------------------------------- 39 40 ABS_PATH_PARENT_DIR := $(abspath $(dir $(shell pwd))) 41 42 # 43 # Please note the use of the .Gemfile.lock.tmp file below. This is to prevent 44 # the container from modifying the local copy of the Gemfile.lock that would 45 # otherwise be bind mounted into the container courtesy of the first bind mount. 46 # 47 48 .PHONY: generate-types 49 generate-types: image-build 50 generate-types: ## Generate the types 51 @cp -f Gemfile.lock .Gemfile.lock.tmp 52 docker run -it --rm \ 53 -v $(ABS_PATH_PARENT_DIR):/govmomi \ 54 -v $(ABS_PATH_PARENT_DIR)/gen/.Gemfile.lock.tmp:/govmomi/gen/Gemfile.lock \ 55 $(IMAGE) \ 56 /bin/bash -c 'bundle update --bundler && bundle install && ./' 57 58