
     1  #!/usr/bin/env emacs --script
     3  (let ((current-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name)))
     4    (setq project-test-path (expand-file-name "." current-directory))
     5    (setq project-root-path (expand-file-name ".." current-directory)))
     7  (add-to-list 'load-path project-root-path)
     8  (add-to-list 'load-path project-test-path)
    10  (require 'lisp-mnt)
    11  (require 'govc)
    12  (require 's)
    14  (defun make-test ()
    15    (dolist (test-file (or argv (directory-files project-test-path t "-test.el$")))
    16      (load test-file nil t))
    17    (ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit t))
    19  (defun govc-help ()
    20    "Summary of govc modes in markdown format."
    21    (interactive)
    22    (with-help-window (help-buffer) ; TODO: this turned into a mess, but does the job of generating from govc.el
    23      (dolist (kind '(govc-mode govc-urls
    24                      govc-session-url govc-session-insecure govc-session-datacenter govc-session-datastore govc-session-network
    25                      tabulated-list host pool datastore datastore-ls vm device object metric))
    26        (let* ((name (if (boundp kind) (symbol-name kind) (format "govc-%s-mode" kind)))
    27               (map (if (equal 'govc-mode kind) 'govc-command-map (intern (concat name "-map"))))
    28               (doc (lambda (f &optional all)
    29                      (let* ((txt (if (functionp f) (documentation f t) (documentation-property f 'variable-documentation)))
    30                             (ix (if all (length txt) (s-index-of "." txt))))
    31                        (s-replace (format "\n\n\\\{%s\}" (concat name "-map")) ""
    32                                   (s-replace "'" "`" (substring txt 0 ix)))))))
    33          (princ (concat (s-repeat (if (and (boundp kind) (not (fboundp kind))) 3 2) "#") " " name "\n"))
    34          (princ (concat "\n" (funcall doc (intern name) t) "\n\n"))
    35          (when (boundp map)
    36            (princ (concat "### " (symbol-name map) "\n\n"))
    37            (princ "Keybinding     | Description\n")
    38            (princ "---------------|------------------------------------------------------------\n")
    39            (dolist (kl (govc-keymap-list (symbol-value map)))
    40              (let ((key (govc-key-description (car kl))))
    41                (princ (format "<kbd>%s</kbd>%s| %s\n" key (s-repeat (- 4 (length key)) " ") (funcall doc (nth 2 kl))))))
    42            (princ "\n"))))))
    44  (defun make-docs ()
    45    (let ((commentary)
    46          (summary))
    47      (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat project-root-path "/govc.el"))
    48        (setq commentary (s-replace ";;; Commentary:" "" (lm-commentary))
    49              summary (lm-summary)))
    50      (let ((readme (find-file-noselect (concat project-root-path "/"))))
    51        (with-current-buffer readme
    52          (erase-buffer)
    53          (govc-help)
    54          (with-current-buffer (help-buffer)
    55            (copy-to-buffer readme (point-min) (point-max)))
    56          (goto-char (point-min))
    57          (insert (concat "# govc.el\n\n" summary ".\n"))
    58          (insert (s-replace "'" "`" (replace-regexp-in-string ";; ?" "" commentary t t)))
    59          (save-buffer 0)))))