(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bats 2 3 load test_helper 4 5 @test "" { 6 vcsim_env 7 8 run govc 9 assert_success 10 11 run govc -json 12 assert_success 13 14 # Test User-Agent 15 govc | grep "$(govc version | tr ' ' /)" 16 17 run govc -S 18 assert_success 19 20 run govc -u "$(govc env GOVC_USERNAME)@$(govc env GOVC_URL)" -S 21 assert_failure # no password 22 } 23 24 @test "session.rm" { 25 vcsim_env 26 27 dir=$($mktemp --tmpdir -d govc-test-XXXXX 2>/dev/null || $mktemp -d -t govc-test-XXXXX) 28 export GOVMOMI_HOME="$dir" 29 export GOVC_PERSIST_SESSION=true 30 31 run govc session.rm enoent 32 assert_failure # NotFound 33 34 # Can't remove the current session 35 id=$(govc -json | jq -r .currentSession.key) 36 run govc session.rm "$id" 37 assert_failure 38 39 thumbprint=$(govc about.cert -thumbprint) 40 id=$(govc -json -k=false -tls-known-hosts <(echo "$thumbprint") | jq -r .currentSession.key) 41 42 rm -rf "$dir" 43 44 run govc session.rm "$id" 45 assert_success 46 } 47 48 @test "session.persist" { 49 vcsim_env 50 51 dir=$($mktemp --tmpdir -d govc-test-XXXXX 2>/dev/null || $mktemp -d -t govc-test-XXXXX) 52 export GOVMOMI_HOME="$dir" 53 export GOVC_PERSIST_SESSION=true 54 55 run govc 56 assert_success 57 58 run govc -r 59 assert_success 60 grep -v REST <<<"$output" # should not have a cached REST session 61 62 run govc 63 assert_success # created a REST session 64 65 run govc -r 66 assert_success 67 grep REST <<<"$output" # now we should have a cached REST session 68 69 host=$(govc env GOVC_URL) 70 user=$(govc env GOVC_USERNAME) 71 run govc -u "$host" # url w/o user:pass 72 assert_failure # NotAuthenticated 73 74 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 75 assert_success # authenticated via persisted session 76 77 rm -rf "$dir" 78 } 79 80 @test "session.login" { 81 vcsim_env 82 83 # Remove username/password 84 host=$(govc env GOVC_URL) 85 86 # Validate auth is not required for service content 87 run govc about -u "$host" 88 assert_success 89 90 # Auth is required here 91 run govc ls -u "$host" 92 assert_failure 93 94 cookie=$(govc session.login -l) 95 ticket=$(govc session.login -cookie "$cookie" -clone) 96 97 run govc session.login -u "$host" -ticket "$ticket" 98 assert_success 99 100 cookie=$(govc session.login -r -l) 101 run govc session.login -r -u "$host" -cookie "$cookie" 102 assert_success 103 104 user=$(govc env GOVC_USERNAME) 105 dir=$($mktemp --tmpdir -d govc-test-XXXXX 2>/dev/null || $mktemp -d -t govc-test-XXXXX) 106 export GOVMOMI_HOME="$dir" 107 export GOVC_PERSIST_SESSION=true 108 109 run govc session.login 110 assert_success 111 112 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 113 assert_success # authenticated via persisted SOAP session 114 115 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 116 assert_failure # no persisted REST session yet 117 118 run govc session.login -r 119 assert_success 120 121 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 122 assert_success # authenticated via persisted REST session 123 124 run govc session.logout -r 125 assert_success 126 127 run govc -u "$user@$host" 128 assert_failure # logged out of persisted session 129 130 run govc -u "$user@$host" 131 assert_failure # logged out of persisted session 132 133 # ImpersonateUser 134 135 run govc session.login -as vcsim 136 assert_failure # user must have an existing session 137 138 run govc session.login -u vcsim:pass@"$host" 139 assert_success 140 141 run govc session.login -as vcsim 142 assert_success 143 144 rm -rf "$dir" 145 } 146 147 @test "session.loginbytoken" { 148 vcsim_env 149 150 user=$(govc env GOVC_USERNAME) 151 dir=$($mktemp --tmpdir -d govc-test-XXXXX 2>/dev/null || $mktemp -d -t govc-test-XXXXX) 152 export GOVMOMI_HOME="$dir" 153 export GOVC_PERSIST_SESSION=true 154 155 # Remove username/password 156 host=$(govc env GOVC_URL) 157 # Token template, vcsim just checks Assertion.Subject.NameID 158 token="<Assertion><Subject><NameID>%s</NameID></Subject></Assertion>" 159 160 # shellcheck disable=2059 161 run govc session.login -l -token "$(printf $token "")" 162 assert_failure # empty NameID is a InvalidLogin fault 163 164 # shellcheck disable=2059 165 run govc session.login -l -token "$(printf $token root@localos)" 166 assert_success # non-empty NameID is enough to login 167 168 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 169 assert_success # authenticated via persisted SOAP session 170 171 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 172 assert_failure # no persisted REST session yet 173 174 run govc session.login -r -token "$(printf $token root@localos)" 175 assert_success 176 177 run govc -u "$user@$host" # url w/o pass 178 assert_success # authenticated via persisted REST session 179 180 id=$(new_id) 181 run govc extension.setcert -cert-pem ++ "$id" # generate a cert for testing 182 assert_success 183 184 # Test with STS simulator issued token 185 token="$(govc session.login -issue)" 186 run govc session.login -cert "$id.crt" -key "$id.key" -l -token "$token" 187 assert_success 188 189 run govc session.login -cert "$id.crt" -key "$id.key" -l -renew 190 assert_failure # missing -token 191 192 run govc session.login -cert "$id.crt" -key "$id.key" -l -renew -lifetime 24h -token "$token" 193 assert_success 194 195 # remove generated cert and key 196 rm "$id".{crt,key} 197 rm -rf "$dir" 198 } 199 200 @test "session.loginextension" { 201 vcsim_env -tunnel 0 202 203 run govc session.login -extension 204 assert_failure # no certificate 205 206 id=$(new_id) 207 run govc extension.setcert -cert-pem ++ "$id" # generate a cert for testing 208 assert_success 209 210 # vcsim will login if any certificate is provided 211 run govc session.login -extension -cert "$id.crt" -key "$id.key" 212 assert_success 213 214 # remove generated cert and key 215 rm "$id".{crt,key} 216 } 217 218 @test "session.curl" { 219 vcsim_env 220 221 run govc session.login /sdk/vimServiceVersions.xml 222 assert_success 223 224 run govc session.login /enoent 225 assert_failure 226 227 run govc session.login -r /rest/com/vmware/cis/session 228 assert_success 229 230 run govc session.login -r /enoent 231 assert_failure 232 233 cluster=$(govc find -i / -type c -name DC0_C0 | cut -d: -f2) 234 235 run govc session.login -r -X POST "/rest/vcenter/cluster/modules" <<EOF 236 {"spec": {"cluster": "$cluster"}} 237 EOF 238 assert_success 239 module=$(jq -r .value <<<"$output") 240 241 members="/rest/vcenter/cluster/modules/vm/$module/members" 242 vms=$(govc find -i /DC0/host/DC0_C0 -type m | cut -d: -f2 | jq --raw-input --slurp 'split("\n") | map(select(. != ""))') 243 244 run govc session.login -r -X POST "$members?action=invalid" <<EOF 245 {"vms": $vms} 246 EOF 247 assert_failure # action=invalid 248 249 run govc session.login -r -X POST "$members?action=add" <<EOF 250 {"vms": $vms} 251 EOF 252 assert_success 253 }