(about) 1 #!/bin/bash -e 2 3 # Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4 # 5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 8 # 9 # 10 # 11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 15 # limitations under the License. 16 # 17 # Create (or reuse) a VM to run toolbox and/or toolbox.test 18 # Requires ESX to be configured with: 19 # govc host.esxcli system settings advanced set -o /Net/GuestIPHack -i 1 20 21 set -o pipefail 22 23 vm="toolbox-test-$(uuidgen)" 24 destroy=true 25 verbose=true 26 27 while getopts n:qstv flag 28 do 29 case $flag in 30 n) 31 vm=$OPTARG 32 unset destroy 33 ;; 34 q) 35 verbose=false # you want this if generating lots of traffic, such as large file transfers 36 ;; 37 s) 38 start=true 39 ;; 40 t) 41 test=true 42 ;; 43 *) 44 echo "unknown option" 1>&2 45 exit 1 46 ;; 47 esac 48 done 49 50 echo "Building toolbox binaries..." 51 pushd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" >/dev/null 52 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o "$GOPATH/bin/toolbox" -v ./toolbox/toolbox 53 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go test -race -i -c ./toolbox -o "$GOPATH/bin/toolbox.test" 54 popd >/dev/null 55 56 iso=coreos_production_iso_image.iso 57 58 govc datastore.mkdir -p images 59 60 if ! govc images | grep -q $iso ; then 61 echo "Downloading ${iso}..." 62 if [ ! -e $iso ] ; then 63 wget$iso 64 fi 65 66 echo "Uploading ${iso}..." 67 govc datastore.upload $iso images/$iso 68 fi 69 70 if [ ! -e config.iso ] ; then 71 echo "Generating config.iso..." 72 keys=$(cat ~/.ssh/id_[rd] 73 74 dir=$(mktemp -d toolbox.XXXXXX) 75 pushd "${dir}" >/dev/null 76 77 mkdir -p drive/openstack/latest 78 79 cat > drive/openstack/latest/user_data <<EOF 80 #!/bin/bash 81 82 # Add ${USER}'s public key(s) to .ssh/authorized_keys 83 echo "$keys" | update-ssh-keys -u core -a coreos-cloudinit 84 EOF 85 genisoimage=$(type -p genisoimage mkisofs | head -1) 86 $genisoimage -R -V config-2 -o config.iso ./drive 87 88 popd >/dev/null 89 90 mv -f "$dir/config.iso" . 91 rm -rf "$dir" 92 fi 93 94 govc datastore.mkdir -p "$vm" 95 96 vm_path="$(govc find / -type m -name "$vm")" 97 98 if [ -z "$vm_path" ] ; then 99 echo "Creating VM ${vm}..." 100 govc vm.create -g otherGuest64 -m 2048 -on=false "$vm" 101 102 device=$(govc device.cdrom.add -vm "$vm") 103 govc device.cdrom.insert -vm "$vm" -device "$device" images/$iso 104 105 govc datastore.upload config.iso "$vm/config.iso" >/dev/null 106 device=$(govc device.cdrom.add -vm "$vm") 107 govc device.cdrom.insert -vm "$vm" -device "$device" "$vm/config.iso" 108 109 vm_path="$(govc find / -type m -name "$vm")" 110 else 111 govc object.collect -s "$vm_path" -guest.toolsStatus toolsNot* # wait for previous toolbox to unregister 112 fi 113 114 state=$(govc object.collect -s "$vm_path" runtime.powerState) 115 116 if [ "$state" != "poweredOn" ] ; then 117 govc vm.power -on "$vm" 118 fi 119 120 echo -n "Waiting for ${vm} ip..." 121 ip=$(govc vm.ip -esxcli "$vm") 122 123 opts=(-o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "LogLevel error" -o "BatchMode yes") 124 125 destroy() { 126 if [ -n "$test" ] ; then 127 rm -f "$GOVC_TLS_KNOWN_HOSTS" 128 fi 129 130 if [ -n "$destroy" ] ; then 131 echo "Destroying VM ${vm}..." 132 govc vm.destroy "$vm" 133 govc datastore.rm -f "$vm" 134 else 135 ssh "${opts[@]}" "core@${ip}" pkill toolbox || true 136 fi 137 } 138 139 trap destroy EXIT 140 141 scp "${opts[@]}" "$GOPATH"/bin/toolbox{,.test} "core@${ip}:" 142 143 if [ -n "$test" ] ; then 144 # validate guest.FileManager adds the host thumbprint when transferring files 145 unset GOVC_INSECURE 146 GOVC_TLS_KNOWN_HOSTS=$(mktemp --tmpdir toolbox.XXXXXX) 147 govc about.cert -k -thumbprint > "$GOVC_TLS_KNOWN_HOSTS" 148 149 export GOVC_TLS_KNOWN_HOSTS GOVC_GUEST_LOGIN=user:pass 150 151 echo "Running toolbox tests..." 152 ssh "${opts[@]}" "core@${ip}" ./toolbox.test -test.v=$verbose TestServiceRunESX -toolbox.testesx \ 153 -toolbox.testpid="$$" -toolbox.powerState="$state" & 154 155 echo "Waiting for VM ip from toolbox..." 156 ip=$(govc vm.ip "$vm") 157 echo "toolbox vm.ip=$ip" 158 159 echo "Testing guest.{start,kill,ps} operations via govc..." 160 export GOVC_VM="$vm" 161 162 # should be 0 procs as toolbox only lists processes it started, for now 163 test -z "$(govc -e | grep -v STIME)" 164 165 out=$(govc guest.start /bin/date) 166 167 if [ "$out" != "$$" ] ; then 168 echo "'$out' != '$$'" 1>&2 169 fi 170 171 # These processes would run for 1h if we didn't kill them. 172 pid=$(govc guest.start sleep 1h) 173 174 echo "Killing func $pid..." 175 govc guest.kill -p "$pid" 176 govc -e -p "$pid" -X | grep "$pid" 177 govc -e -p "$pid" -json | jq -r .ProcessInfo[].ExitCode | grep -q 42 178 179 pid=$(govc guest.start /bin/sh -c "sleep 3600") 180 echo "Killing proc $pid..." 181 govc guest.kill -p "$pid" 182 govc -e -p "$pid" -X | grep "$pid" 183 184 echo "Testing file copy to and from guest via govc..." 185 base="$(basename "$0")" 186 dest="/tmp/$base" 187 188 govc guest.upload -f -perm 0640 -gid 10 "$0" "$dest" 189 govc "$dest" - | md5sum --quiet -c <(<"$0" md5sum) 190 govc guest.chmod 0755 "$dest" 191 govc "$dest" | grep rwxr-xr-x 192 193 echo "Testing custom hgfs.FileHandler..." 194 if ! govc "/echo:$dest" - 2>/dev/null ; then 195 govc "/echo:$dest?foo=bar" - >/dev/null 196 fi 197 198 home=$(govc guest.getenv HOME | cut -d= -f2) 199 200 if date | govc guest.upload -f - /tmp 2>/dev/null ; then 201 echo "guest.upload to directory should fail without .tgz source" 1>&2 202 exit 1 203 fi 204 205 if [ "$verbose" = "false" ] ; then # else you don't want to see this noise 206 # Download the $HOME directory, includes toolbox binaries (~30M total) 207 # Note: trailing slash is required 208 prefix=$(basename "$home") 209 govc "$home/?prefix=$prefix/&format=tgz" - | tar -tzvf - | grep "$prefix"/toolbox 210 211 govc guest.mkdir -p /tmp/toolbox-src 212 # Upload source files from this directory 213 # and validate that query string is not used as the file/dir name (see hgfs.ArchiveHandler) 214 git archive --format tgz HEAD | govc guest.upload -f - /tmp/toolbox-src?skip=stuff 215 # Upload .tar 216 git archive --format tar HEAD | govc guest.upload -f - /tmp/toolbox-src 217 # Download .tar 218 govc "/tmp/toolbox-src/" - | tar -tvf - | grep "$base" 219 # Download a single file as a .tar.gz (note: /archive: prefix is required) 220 govc "/archive:/tmp/toolbox-src/$base?format=tgz" - | tar -tvzf - | grep -v 221 # Download a single file as a .tar (note: /archive: prefix is required) 222 govc "/archive:/tmp/toolbox-src/$base" - | tar -tvf - | grep -v 223 govc guest.rmdir -r /tmp/toolbox-src 224 fi 225 226 echo "Testing we can download /proc files..." 227 for name in uptime diskstats net/dev ; do 228 test -n "$(govc /proc/$name -)" 229 done 230 231 echo "Testing commands with IO..." 232 # Note that we don't use a pipe here, as transitions the vm to VM_STATE_GUEST_OPERATION, 233 # which prevents from invoking guest operations. By letting complete before 234 #, the vm will have transitioned back to VM_STATE_POWERED_ON. 235 data=$(govc -json) 236 govc -d "$data" jq . 237 238 # test ProcessIO download retries 239 govc version | govc -d - bash -c "'sleep 2 && cat'" 240 241 echo "Waiting for tests to complete..." 242 wait 243 fi 244 245 if [ -n "$start" ] ; then 246 ( 247 govc object.collect -s "$vm_path" -guest.toolsStatus toolsOk # wait for toolbox to register 248 /usr/bin/time -f "Waiting for VM ip from toolbox...%e" govc vm.ip -v4 -n ethernet-0 "$vm" 249 ) & 250 251 echo "Starting toolbox..." 252 ssh "${opts[@]}" "core@${ip}" ./toolbox -toolbox.trace=$verbose 253 fi