
     1  // Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  // See LICENSE.txt for license information.
     4  package app
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"html"
     9  	"net/url"
    10  	"path/filepath"
    11  	"strings"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  func (a *App) sendNotificationEmail(notification *PostNotification, user *model.User, branch *model.Branch) *model.AppError {
    21  	class := notification.Class
    22  	post := notification.Post
    24  	branches, err := a.Srv().Store.Branch().GetBranchesByUserId(user.Id)
    25  	if err != nil {
    26  		return err
    27  	}
    29  	// if the recipient isn't in the current user's branch, just pick one
    30  	found := false
    32  	for i := range branches {
    33  		if branches[i].Id == branch.Id {
    34  			found = true
    35  			break
    36  		}
    37  	}
    39  	if !found && len(branches) > 0 {
    40  		branch = branches[0]
    41  	} else {
    42  		// in case the user hasn't joined any branches we send them to the select_branch page
    43  		branch = &model.Branch{Name: "select_branch", DisplayName: *a.Config().BranchSettings.SiteName}
    44  	}
    46  	if *a.Config().EmailSettings.EnableEmailBatching {
    47  		var sendBatched bool
    48  		if data, err := a.Srv().Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_NOTIFICATIONS, model.PREFERENCE_NAME_EMAIL_INTERVAL); err != nil {
    49  			// if the call fails, assume that the interval has not been explicitly set and batch the notifications
    50  			sendBatched = true
    51  		} else {
    52  			// if the user has chosen to receive notifications immediately, don't batch them
    53  			sendBatched = data.Value != model.PREFERENCE_EMAIL_INTERVAL_NO_BATCHING_SECONDS
    54  		}
    56  		if sendBatched {
    57  			if err := a.AddNotificationEmailToBatch(user, post, branch); err == nil {
    58  				return nil
    59  			}
    60  		}
    62  		// fall back to sending a single email if we can't batch it for some reason
    63  	}
    65  	translateFunc := utils.GetUserTranslations(user.Locale)
    67  	var useMilitaryTime bool
    68  	if data, err := a.Srv().Store.Preference().Get(user.Id, model.PREFERENCE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, model.PREFERENCE_NAME_USE_MILITARY_TIME); err != nil {
    69  		useMilitaryTime = true
    70  	} else {
    71  		useMilitaryTime = data.Value == "true"
    72  	}
    74  	nameFormat := a.GetNotificationNameFormat(user)
    76  	className := notification.GetClassName(nameFormat, "")
    77  	senderName := notification.GetSenderName(nameFormat, *a.Config().ServiceSettings.EnablePostUsernameOverride)
    79  	emailNotificationContentsType := model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL
    80  	if license := a.License(); license != nil && *license.Features.EmailNotificationContents {
    81  		emailNotificationContentsType = *a.Config().EmailSettings.EmailNotificationContentsType
    82  	}
    84  	var subjectText string
    85  	if *a.Config().EmailSettings.UseClassInEmailNotifications {
    86  		subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, *a.Config().BranchSettings.SiteName, branch.DisplayName+" ("+className+")", useMilitaryTime)
    87  	} else {
    88  		subjectText = getNotificationEmailSubject(user, post, translateFunc, *a.Config().BranchSettings.SiteName, branch.DisplayName, useMilitaryTime)
    89  	}
    91  	landingURL := a.GetSiteURL() + "/landing#/" + branch.Name
    92  	var bodyText = a.getNotificationEmailBody(user, post, class, className, senderName, branch.Name, landingURL, emailNotificationContentsType, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
    94  	a.Srv().Go(func() {
    95  		if err := a.sendNotificationMail(user.Email, html.UnescapeString(subjectText), bodyText); err != nil {
    96  			mlog.Error("Error while sending the email", mlog.String("user_email", user.Email), mlog.Err(err))
    97  		}
    98  	})
   100  	if a.Metrics() != nil {
   101  		a.Metrics().IncrementPostSentEmail()
   102  	}
   104  	return nil
   105  }
   107  /**
   108   * Computes the subject line for direct notification email messages
   109   */
   110  func getDirectMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, senderName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
   111  	t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
   112  	var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
   113  		"SiteName":          siteName,
   114  		"SenderDisplayName": senderName,
   115  		"Month":             t.Month,
   116  		"Day":               t.Day,
   117  		"Year":              t.Year,
   118  	}
   119  	return translateFunc("", subjectParameters)
   120  }
   122  /**
   123   * Computes the subject line for group, public, and private email messages
   124   */
   125  func getNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, branchName string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
   126  	t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
   127  	var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
   128  		"SiteName":   siteName,
   129  		"BranchName": branchName,
   130  		"Month":      t.Month,
   131  		"Day":        t.Day,
   132  		"Year":       t.Year,
   133  	}
   134  	return translateFunc("app.notification.subject.notification.full", subjectParameters)
   135  }
   137  /**
   138   * Computes the subject line for group email messages
   139   */
   140  func getGroupMessageNotificationEmailSubject(user *model.User, post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc, siteName string, className string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool) string {
   141  	t := getFormattedPostTime(user, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
   142  	var subjectParameters = map[string]interface{}{
   143  		"SiteName": siteName,
   144  		"Month":    t.Month,
   145  		"Day":      t.Day,
   146  		"Year":     t.Year,
   147  	}
   148  	if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
   149  		subjectParameters["ClassName"] = className
   150  		return translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.full", subjectParameters)
   151  	}
   152  	return translateFunc("app.notification.subject.group_message.generic", subjectParameters)
   153  }
   155  /**
   156   * Computes the email body for notification messages
   157   */
   158  func (a *App) getNotificationEmailBody(recipient *model.User, post *model.Post, class *model.Class, className string, senderName string, branchName string, landingURL string, emailNotificationContentsType string, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
   159  	// only include message contents in notification email if email notification contents type is set to full
   160  	var bodyPage *utils.HTMLTemplate
   161  	if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
   162  		bodyPage = a.newEmailTemplate("post_body_full", recipient.Locale)
   163  		postMessage := a.GetMessageForNotification(post, translateFunc)
   164  		postMessage = html.EscapeString(postMessage)
   165  		//bodyPage.Props["PostMessage"] = template.HTML(normalizedPostMessage)
   166  	} else {
   167  		bodyPage = a.newEmailTemplate("post_body_generic", recipient.Locale)
   168  	}
   170  	bodyPage.Props["SiteURL"] = a.GetSiteURL()
   171  	if branchName != "select_branch" {
   172  		bodyPage.Props["BranchLink"] = landingURL + "/pl/" + post.Id
   173  	} else {
   174  		bodyPage.Props["BranchLink"] = landingURL
   175  	}
   177  	t := getFormattedPostTime(recipient, post, useMilitaryTime, translateFunc)
   179  	info := map[string]interface{}{
   180  		"Hour":     t.Hour,
   181  		"Minute":   t.Minute,
   182  		"TimeZone": t.TimeZone,
   183  		"Month":    t.Month,
   184  		"Day":      t.Day,
   185  	}
   187  	if emailNotificationContentsType == model.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_CONTENTS_FULL {
   188  		bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.full")
   189  		bodyPage.Props["Info1"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full",
   190  			map[string]interface{}{
   191  				"ClassName": className,
   192  			})
   193  		info["SenderName"] = senderName
   194  		bodyPage.Props["Info2"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.full2", info)
   195  	} else {
   196  		bodyPage.Props["BodyText"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.intro.notification.generic", map[string]interface{}{
   197  			"SenderName": senderName,
   198  		})
   199  		bodyPage.Props["Info"] = translateFunc("app.notification.body.text.notification.generic", info)
   200  	}
   202  	bodyPage.Props["Button"] = translateFunc("api.templates.post_body.button")
   204  	return bodyPage.Render()
   205  }
   207  type formattedPostTime struct {
   208  	Time     time.Time
   209  	Year     string
   210  	Month    string
   211  	Day      string
   212  	Hour     string
   213  	Minute   string
   214  	TimeZone string
   215  }
   217  func getFormattedPostTime(user *model.User, post *model.Post, useMilitaryTime bool, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) formattedPostTime {
   218  	preferredTimezone := user.GetPreferredTimezone()
   219  	postTime := time.Unix(post.CreateAt/1000, 0)
   220  	zone, _ := postTime.Zone()
   222  	localTime := postTime
   223  	if preferredTimezone != "" {
   224  		loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(preferredTimezone)
   225  		if loc != nil {
   226  			localTime = postTime.In(loc)
   227  			zone, _ = localTime.Zone()
   228  		}
   229  	}
   231  	hour := localTime.Format("15")
   232  	period := ""
   233  	if !useMilitaryTime {
   234  		hour = localTime.Format("3")
   235  		period = " " + localTime.Format("PM")
   236  	}
   238  	return formattedPostTime{
   239  		Time:     localTime,
   240  		Year:     fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Year()),
   241  		Month:    translateFunc(localTime.Month().String()),
   242  		Day:      fmt.Sprintf("%d", localTime.Day()),
   243  		Hour:     hour,
   244  		Minute:   fmt.Sprintf("%02d"+period, localTime.Minute()),
   245  		TimeZone: zone,
   246  	}
   247  }
   249  func (a *App) GetMessageForNotification(post *model.Post, translateFunc i18n.TranslateFunc) string {
   250  	if len(strings.TrimSpace(post.Message)) != 0 || len(post.FileIds) == 0 {
   251  		return post.Message
   252  	}
   254  	// extract the filenames from their paths and determine what type of files are attached
   255  	infos, err := a.Srv().Store.FileInfo().GetForPost(post.Id, true, false, true)
   256  	if err != nil {
   257  		mlog.Warn("Encountered error when getting files for notification message", mlog.String("post_id", post.Id), mlog.Err(err))
   258  	}
   260  	filenames := make([]string, len(infos))
   261  	onlyImages := true
   262  	for i, info := range infos {
   263  		if escaped, err := url.QueryUnescape(filepath.Base(info.Name)); err != nil {
   264  			// this should never error since filepath was escaped using url.QueryEscape
   265  			filenames[i] = escaped
   266  		} else {
   267  			filenames[i] = info.Name
   268  		}
   270  		onlyImages = onlyImages && info.IsImage()
   271  	}
   273  	props := map[string]interface{}{"Filenames": strings.Join(filenames, ", ")}
   275  	if onlyImages {
   276  		return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
   277  	}
   278  	return translateFunc("", len(filenames), props)
   279  }