
     1  <img src=""/>
     3  # Authboss
     5  [![GoDoc](](
     6  [![Build Status](](
     7  [![Coverage Status](](
     8  [![Mail](](!forum/authboss)
    10  Authboss is a modular authentication system for the web.
    12  It has several modules that represent authentication and authorization features that are common
    13  to websites in general so that you can enable as many as you need, and leave the others out.
    14  It makes it easy to plug in authentication to an application and get a lot of functionality
    15  for (hopefully) a smaller amount of integration effort.
    17  # New to v2?
    19  v1 -> v2 was a very big change. If you're looking to upgrade there is a general guide in
    20  []( in this project.
    22  # Why use Authboss?
    24  Every time you'd like to start a new web project, you really want to get to the heart of what you're
    25  trying to accomplish very quickly and it would be a sure bet to say one of the systems you're excited
    26  about implementing and innovating on is not authentication. In fact it's very much the opposite: it's
    27  one of those things that you have to do and one of those things you loathe to do. Authboss is supposed
    28  to remove a lot of the tedium that comes with this, as well as a lot of the chances to make mistakes.
    29  This allows you to care about what you're intending to do, rather than care about ancillary support
    30  systems required to make what you're intending to do happen.
    32  Here are a few bullet point reasons you might like to try it out:
    34  * Saves you time (Authboss integration time should be less than re-implementation time)
    35  * Saves you mistakes (at least using Authboss, people can bug fix as a collective and all benefit)
    36  * Should integrate with or without any web framework
    38  # Readme Table of Contents
    39  <!-- TOC -->
    41  - [Authboss](#authboss)
    42  - [New to v2?](#new-to-v2)
    43  - [Why use Authboss?](#why-use-authboss)
    44  - [Readme Table of Contents](#readme-table-of-contents)
    45  - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
    46      - [App Requirements](#app-requirements)
    47          - [CSRF Protection](#csrf-protection)
    48          - [Request Throttling](#request-throttling)
    49      - [Integration Requirements](#integration-requirements)
    50          - [Middleware](#middleware)
    51          - [Configuration](#configuration)
    52          - [Storage and Core implementations](#storage-and-core-implementations)
    53          - [ServerStorer implementation](#serverstorer-implementation)
    54          - [User implementation](#user-implementation)
    55          - [Values implementation](#values-implementation)
    56      - [Config](#config)
    57          - [Paths](#paths)
    58          - [Modules](#modules)
    59          - [Mail](#mail)
    60          - [Storage](#storage)
    61          - [Core](#core)
    62  - [Available Modules](#available-modules)
    63  - [Middlewares](#middlewares)
    64  - [Use Cases](#use-cases)
    65      - [Get Current User](#get-current-user)
    66      - [Reset Password](#reset-password)
    67      - [User Auth via Password](#user-auth-via-password)
    68      - [User Auth via OAuth2](#user-auth-via-oauth2)
    69      - [User Registration](#user-registration)
    70      - [Confirming Registrations](#confirming-registrations)
    71      - [Password Recovery](#password-recovery)
    72      - [Remember Me](#remember-me)
    73      - [Locking Users](#locking-users)
    74      - [Expiring User Sessions](#expiring-user-sessions)
    75      - [One Time Passwords](#one-time-passwords)
    76      - [Two Factor Authentication](#two-factor-authentication)
    77          - [Two-Factor Recovery](#two-factor-recovery)
    78          - [Two-Factor Setup E-mail Authorization](#two-factor-setup-e-mail-authorization)
    79          - [Time-Based One Time Passwords 2FA (totp)](#time-based-one-time-passwords-2fa-totp)
    80              - [Adding 2fa to a user](#adding-2fa-to-a-user)
    81              - [Removing 2fa from a user](#removing-2fa-from-a-user)
    82              - [Logging in with 2fa](#logging-in-with-2fa)
    83              - [Using Recovery Codes](#using-recovery-codes)
    84          - [Text Message 2FA (sms)](#text-message-2fa-sms)
    85              - [Adding 2fa to a user](#adding-2fa-to-a-user-1)
    86              - [Removing 2fa from a user](#removing-2fa-from-a-user-1)
    87              - [Logging in with 2fa](#logging-in-with-2fa-1)
    88              - [Using Recovery Codes](#using-recovery-codes-1)
    89      - [Rendering Views](#rendering-views)
    90          - [HTML Views](#html-views)
    91          - [JSON Views](#json-views)
    92          - [Data](#data)
    94  <!-- /TOC -->
    96  # Getting Started
    98  To get started with Authboss in the simplest way, is to simply create a Config, populate it
    99  with the things that are required, and start implementing [use cases](#use-cases). The use
   100  cases describe what's required to be able to use a particular piece of functionality,
   101  or the best practice when implementing a piece of functionality. Please note the
   102  [app requirements](#app-requirements) for your application as well
   103  [integration requirements](#integration-requirements) that follow.
   105  Of course the standard practice of fetching the library is just the beginning:
   107  ```bash
   108  # Get the latest, keep in mind you should be vendoring with dep or using vgo at this point
   109  # To ensure versions don't get messed up underneath you
   110  go get -u
   111  ```
   113  Here's a bit of starter code that was stolen from the sample.
   115  ```go
   116  ab := authboss.New()
   118  ab.Config.Storage.Server = myDatabaseImplementation
   119  ab.Config.Storage.SessionState = mySessionImplementation
   120  ab.Config.Storage.CookieState = myCookieImplementation
   122  ab.Config.Paths.Mount = "/authboss"
   123  ab.Config.Paths.RootURL = ""
   125  // This is using the renderer from:
   126  ab.Config.Core.ViewRenderer = abrenderer.New("/auth")
   127  // Probably want a MailRenderer here too.
   129  // Set up defaults for basically everything besides the ViewRenderer/MailRenderer in the HTTP stack
   130  defaults.SetCore(&ab.Config, false)
   132  if err := ab.Init(); err != nil {
   133      panic(err)
   134  }
   136  // Mount the router to a path (this should be the same as the Mount path above)
   137  // mux in this example is a chi router, but it could be anything that can route to
   138  // the Core.Router.
   139  mux.Mount("/authboss", http.StripPrefix("/authboss", ab.Config.Core.Router))
   140  ```
   142  For a more in-depth look you **definitely should** look at the authboss sample to see what a full 
   143  implementation looks like. This will probably help you more than any of this documentation.
   145  [](
   147  ## App Requirements
   149  Authboss does a lot of things, but it doesn't do some of the important things that are required by
   150  a typical authentication system, because it can't guarantee that you're doing many of those things
   151  in a different way already, so it punts the responsibility.
   153  ### CSRF Protection
   155  What this means is you should apply a middleware that can protect the application from crsf
   156  attacks or you may be vulnerable. Authboss previously handled this but it took on a dependency
   157  that was unnecessary and it complicated the code. Because Authboss does not render views nor
   158  consumes data directly from the user, it no longer does this.
   160  ### Request Throttling
   162  Currently Authboss is vulnerable to brute force attacks because there are no protections on
   163  it's endpoints. This again is left up to the creator of the website to protect the whole website
   164  at once (as well as Authboss) from these sorts of attacks.
   166  ## Integration Requirements
   168  In terms of integrating Authboss into your app, the following things must be considered.
   170  ### Middleware
   172  There are middlewares that are required to be installed in your middleware stack if it's
   173  all to function properly, please see [Middlewares](#middlewares) for more information.
   175  ### Configuration
   177  There are some required configuration variables that have no sane defaults and are particular
   178  to your app:
   180  * Config.Paths.Mount
   181  * Config.Paths.RootURL
   183  ### Storage and Core implementations
   185  Everything under Config.Storage and Config.Core are required and you must provide them,
   186  however you can optionally use default implementations from the
   187  [defaults package](
   188  This also provides an easy way to share implementations of certain stack pieces (like HTML Form Parsing).
   189  As you saw in the example above these can be easily initialized with the `SetCore` method in that
   190  package.
   192  The following is a list of storage interfaces, they must be provided by the implementer. Server is a
   193  very involved implementation, please see the additional documentation below for more details.
   195  * Config.Storage.Server
   196  * Config.Storage.SessionState
   197  * Config.Storage.CookieState (only for "remember me" functionality)
   199  The following is a list of the core pieces, these typically are abstracting the HTTP stack.
   200  Out of all of these you'll probably be mostly okay with the default implementations in the
   201  defaults package but there are two big exceptions to this rule and that's the ViewRenderer
   202  and the MailRenderer. For more information please see the use case [Rendering Views](#rendering-views)
   204  * Config.Core.Router
   205  * Config.Core.ErrorHandler
   206  * Config.Core.Responder
   207  * Config.Core.Redirector
   208  * Config.Core.BodyReader
   209  * Config.Core.ViewRenderer
   210  * Config.Core.MailRenderer
   211  * Config.Core.Mailer
   212  * Config.Core.Logger
   214  ### ServerStorer implementation
   216  The [ServerStorer]( is
   217  meant to be upgraded to add capabilities depending on what modules you'd like to use.
   218  It starts out by only knowing how to save and load users, but the `remember` module as an example
   219  needs to be able to find users by remember me tokens, so it upgrades to a
   220  [RememberingServerStorer](
   221  which adds these abilities.
   223  Your `ServerStorer` implementation does not need to implement all these additional interfaces
   224  unless you're using a module that requires it. See the [Use Cases](#use-cases) documentation to know what the requirements are.
   226  ### User implementation
   228  Users in Authboss are represented by the
   229  [User interface]( The user
   230  interface is a flexible notion, because it can be upgraded to suit the needs of the various modules.
   232  Initially the User must only be able to Get/Set a `PID` or primary identifier. This allows the authboss
   233  modules to know how to refer to him in the database. The `ServerStorer` also makes use of this
   234  to save/load users.
   236  As mentioned, it can be upgraded, for example suppose now we want to use the `confirm` module,
   237  in that case the e-mail address now becomes a requirement. So the `confirm` module will attempt
   238  to upgrade the user (and panic if it fails) to a
   239  [ConfirmableUser](
   240  which supports retrieving and setting of confirm tokens, e-mail addresses, and a confirmed state.
   242  Your `User` implementation does not need to implement all these additional user interfaces unless you're
   243  using a module that requires it. See the [Use Cases](#use-cases) documentation to know what the
   244  requirements are.
   246  ### Values implementation
   248  The [BodyReader](
   249  interface in the Config returns
   250  [Validator]( implementations
   251  which can be validated. But much like the storer and user it can be upgraded to add different
   252  capabilities.
   254  A typical `BodyReader` (like the one in the defaults package) implementation checks the page being
   255  requested and switches on that to parse the body in whatever way
   256  (msgpack, json, url-encoded, doesn't matter), and produce a struct that has the ability to
   257  `Validate()` it's data as well as functions to retrieve the data necessary for the particular
   258  valuer required by the module.
   260  An example of an upgraded `Valuer` is the
   261  [UserValuer](
   262  which stores and validates the PID and Password that a user has provided for the modules to use.
   264  Your body reader implementation does not need to implement all valuer types unless you're
   265  using a module that requires it. See the [Use Cases](#use-cases) documentation to know what the
   266  requirements are.
   268  ## Config
   270  The config struct is an important part of Authboss. It's the key to making Authboss do what you
   271  want with the implementations you want. Please look at it's code definition as you read the
   272  documentation below, it will make much more sense.
   274  [Config Struct Documentation](
   276  ### Paths
   278  Paths are the paths that should be redirected to or used in whatever circumstance they describe.
   279  Two special paths that are required are `Mount` and `RootURL` without which certain authboss
   280  modules will not function correctly. Most paths get defaulted to `/` such as after login success
   281  or when a user is locked out of their account.
   283  ### Modules
   285  Modules are module specific configuration options. They mostly control the behavior of modules.
   286  For example `RegisterPreserveFields` decides a whitelist of fields to allow back into the data
   287  to be re-rendered so the user doesn't have to type them in again.
   289  ### Mail
   291  Mail sending related options.
   293  ### Storage
   295  These are the implementations of how storage on the server and the client are done in your
   296  app. There are no default implementations for these at this time. See the [Godoc]( for more information
   297  about what these are.
   299  ### Core
   301  These are the implementations of the HTTP stack for your app. How do responses render? How are
   302  they redirected? How are errors handled?
   304  For most of these there are default implementations from the
   305  [defaults package]( available, but not for all.
   306  See the package documentation for more information about what's available.
   308  # Available Modules
   310  Each module can be turned on simply by importing it and the side-effects take care of the rest.
   311  Not all the capabilities of authboss are represented by a module, see [Use Cases](#use-cases)
   312  to view the supported use cases as well as how to use them in your app.
   314  **Note**: The two factor packages do not enable via side-effect import, see their documentation
   315  for more information.
   317  Name      | Import Path                               | Description
   318  ----------|-------------------------------------------|------------
   319  Auth      |     | Database password authentication for users.
   320  Confirm   |  | Prevents login before e-mail verification.
   321  Expire    |   | Expires a user's login
   322  Lock      |     | Locks user accounts after authentication failures.
   323  Logout    |   | Destroys user sessions for auth/oauth2.
   324  OAuth2    |   | Provides oauth2 authentication for users.
   325  Recover   |  | Allows for password resets via e-mail.
   326  Register  | | User-initiated account creation.
   327  Remember  | | Persisting login sessions past session cookie expiry.
   328  OTP       |      | One time passwords for use instead of passwords.
   329  Twofactor | | Regenerate recovery codes for 2fa.
   330  Totp2fa   | | Use Google authenticator-like things for a second auth factor.
   331  Sms2fa    | | Use a phone for a second auth factor.
   333  # Middlewares
   335  The only middleware that's truly required is the `LoadClientStateMiddleware`, and that's because it
   336  enables session and cookie handling for Authboss. Without that, it's not a very useful piece of
   337  software.
   339  The remaining middlewares are either the implementation of an entire module (like expire),
   340  or a key part of a module. For example you probably wouldn't want to use the lock module
   341  without the middleware that would stop a locked user from using an authenticated resource,
   342  because then locking wouldn't be useful unless of course you had your own way of dealing
   343  with locking, which is why it's only recommended, and not required. Typically you will
   344  use the middlewares if you use the module.
   346  Name | Requirement | Description
   347  ---- | ----------- | -----------
   348  [Middleware]( | Recommended | Prevents unauthenticated users from accessing routes.
   349  [LoadClientStateMiddleware]( | **Required** | Enables cookie and session handling
   350  [ModuleListMiddleware]( | Optional | Inserts a loaded module list into the view data
   351  [confirm.Middleware]( | Recommended with confirm | Ensures users are confirmed or rejects request
   352  [expire.Middleware]( | **Required** with expire | Expires user sessions after an inactive period
   353  [lock.Middleware]( | Recommended with lock | Rejects requests from locked users
   354  [remember.Middleware]( | Recommended with remember | Logs a user in from a remember cookie
   357  # Use Cases
   359  ## Get Current User
   361  CurrentUser can be retrieved by calling
   362  [Authboss.CurrentUser](
   363  but a pre-requisite is that
   364  [Authboss.LoadClientState](
   365  has been called first to load the client state into the request context.
   366  This is typically achieved by using the
   367  [Authboss.LoadClientStateMiddleware](, but can
   368  be done manually as well.
   370  ## Reset Password
   372  Updating a user's password is non-trivial for several reasons:
   374  1. The bcrypt algorithm must have the correct cost, and also be being used.
   375  1. The user's remember me tokens should all be deleted so that previously authenticated sessions are invalid
   376  1. Optionally the user should be logged out (**not taken care of by UpdatePassword**)
   378  In order to do this, we can use the
   379  [Authboss.UpdatePassword](
   380  method. This ensures the above facets are taken care of which the exception of the logging out part.
   382  If it's also desirable to have the user logged out, please use the following methods to erase
   383  all known sessions and cookies from the user.
   385  * [authboss.DelKnownSession](
   386  * [authboss.DelKnownCookie](
   388  *Note: DelKnownSession has been deprecated for security reasons*
   390  ## User Auth via Password
   392  | Info and Requirements |          |
   393  | --------------------- | -------- |
   394  Module        | auth
   395  Pages         | login
   396  Routes        | /login
   397  Emails        | _None_
   398  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   399  ClientStorage | Session and Cookie
   400  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   401  User          | [AuthableUser](
   402  Values        | [UserValuer](
   403  Mailer        | _None_
   405  To enable this side-effect import the auth module, and ensure that the requirements above are met.
   406  It's very likely that you'd also want to enable the logout module in addition to this.
   408  Direct a user to `GET /login` to have them enter their credentials and log in.
   410  ## User Auth via OAuth2
   412  | Info and Requirements |          |
   413  | --------------------- | -------- |
   414  Module        | oauth2
   415  Pages         | _None_
   416  Routes        | /oauth2/{provider}, /oauth2/callback/{provider}
   417  Emails        | _None_
   418  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   419  ClientStorage | Session
   420  ServerStorer  | [OAuth2ServerStorer](
   421  User          | [OAuth2User](
   422  Values        | _None_
   423  Mailer        | _None_
   425  This is a tougher implementation than most modules because there's a lot going on. In addition to the
   426  requirements stated above, you must also configure the `OAuth2Providers` in the config struct.
   428  The providers require an oauth2 configuration that's typical for the Go oauth2 package, but in addition
   429  to that they need a `FindUserDetails` method which has to take the token that's retrieved from the oauth2
   430  provider, and call an endpoint that retrieves details about the user (at LEAST user's uid).
   431  These parameters are returned in `map[string]string` form and passed into the `OAuth2ServerStorer`.
   433  Please see the following documentation for more details:
   435  * [Package docs for oauth2](
   436  * [authboss.OAuth2Provider](
   437  * [authboss.OAuth2ServerStorer](
   439  ## User Registration
   441  | Info and Requirements |          |
   442  | --------------------- | -------- |
   443  Module        | register
   444  Pages         | register
   445  Routes        | /register
   446  Emails        | _None_
   447  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   448  ClientStorage | Session
   449  ServerStorer  | [CreatingServerStorer](
   450  User          | [AuthableUser](, optionally [ArbitraryUser](
   451  Values        | [UserValuer](, optionally also [ArbitraryValuer](
   452  Mailer        | _None_
   454  Users can self-register for a service using this module. You may optionally want them to confirm
   455  themselves, which can be done using the confirm module.
   457  The complicated part in implementing registrations are around the `RegisterPreserveFields`. This is to
   458  help in the case where a user fills out many fields, and then say enters a password
   459  which doesn't meet minimum requirements and it fails during validation. These preserve fields should
   460  stop the user from having to type in all that data again (it's a whitelist). This **must** be used
   461  in conjuction with `ArbitraryValuer` and although it's not a hard requirement `ArbitraryUser`
   462  should be used otherwise the arbitrary values cannot be stored in the database.
   464  When the register module sees arbitrary data from an `ArbitraryValuer`, it sets the data key
   465  `authboss.DataPreserve` with a `map[string]string` in the data for when registration fails.
   466  This means the (whitelisted) values entered by the user previously will be accessible in the
   467  templates by using `.preserve.field_name`. Preserve may be empty or nil so use
   468  `{{with ...}}` to make sure you don't have template errors.
   470  There is additional [Godoc documentation]( on the `RegisterPreserveFields` config option as well as
   471  the `ArbitraryUser` and `ArbitraryValuer` interfaces themselves.
   473  ## Confirming Registrations
   475  | Info and Requirements |          |
   476  | --------------------- | -------- |
   477  Module        | confirm
   478  Pages         | confirm
   479  Routes        | /confirm
   480  Emails        | confirm_html, confirm_txt
   481  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](, [confirm.Middleware](
   482  ClientStorage | Session
   483  ServerStorer  | [ConfirmingServerStorer](
   484  User          | [ConfirmableUser](
   485  Values        | [ConfirmValuer](
   486  Mailer        | Required
   488  Confirming registrations via e-mail can be done with this module (whether or not done via the register
   489  module).
   491  A hook on register kicks off the start of a confirmation which sends an e-mail with a token for the user.
   492  When the user re-visits the page, the `BodyReader` must read the token and return a type that returns
   493  the token.
   495  Confirmations carry two values in the database to prevent a timing attack. The selector and the
   496  verifier, always make sure in the ConfirmingServerStorer you're searching by the selector and
   497  not the verifier.
   499  ## Password Recovery
   501  | Info and Requirements |          |
   502  | --------------------- | -------- |
   503  Module        | recover
   504  Pages         | recover_start, recover_middle (not used for renders, only values), recover_end
   505  Routes        | /recover, /recover/end
   506  Emails        | recover_html, recover_txt
   507  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   508  ClientStorage | Session
   509  ServerStorer  | [RecoveringServerStorer](
   510  User          | [RecoverableUser](
   511  Values        | [RecoverStartValuer](, [RecoverMiddleValuer](, [RecoverEndValuer](
   512  Mailer        | Required
   514  The flow for password recovery is that the user is initially shown a page that wants their `PID` to
   515  be entered. The `RecoverStartValuer` retrieves that on `POST` to `/recover`.
   517  An e-mail is sent out, and the user clicks the link inside it and is taken back to `/recover/end`
   518  as a `GET`, at this point the `RecoverMiddleValuer` grabs the token and will insert it into the data
   519  to be rendered.
   521  They enter their password into the form, and `POST` to `/recover/end` which sends the token and
   522  the new password which is retrieved by `RecoverEndValuer` which sets their password and saves them.
   524  Password recovery has two values in the database to prevent a timing attack. The selector and the
   525  verifier, always make sure in the RecoveringServerStorer you're searching by the selector and
   526  not the verifier.
   528  ## Remember Me
   530  | Info and Requirements |          |
   531  | --------------------- | -------- |
   532  Module        | remember
   533  Pages         | _None_
   534  Routes        | _None_
   535  Emails        | _None_
   536  Middlewares   | LoadClientStateMiddleware,
   537  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](, [remember.Middleware](
   538  ClientStorage | Session, Cookies
   539  ServerStorer  | [RememberingServerStorer](
   540  User          | User
   541  Values        | [RememberValuer]( (not a Validator)
   542  Mailer        | _None_
   544  Remember uses cookie storage to log in users without a session via the `remember.Middleware`.
   545  Because of this this middleware should be used high up in the stack, but it also needs to be after
   546  the `LoadClientStateMiddleware` so that client state is available via the authboss mechanisms.
   548  There is an intricacy to the `RememberingServerStorer`, it doesn't use the `User` struct at all,
   549  instead it simply instructs the storer to save tokens to a pid and recall them just the same. Typically
   550  in most databases this will require a separate table, though you could implement using pg arrays
   551  or something as well.
   553  A user who is logged in via Remember tokens is also considered "half-authed" which is a session
   554  key (`authboss.SessionHalfAuthKey`) that you can query to check to see if a user should have
   555  full rights to more sensitive data, if they are half-authed and they want to change their user
   556  details for example you may want to force them to go to the login screen and put in their
   557  password to get a full auth first. The `authboss.Middleware` has a boolean flag to `forceFullAuth`
   558  which prevents half-authed users from using that route.
   560  ## Locking Users
   562  | Info and Requirements |          |
   563  | --------------------- | -------- |
   564  Module        | lock
   565  Pages         | _None_
   566  Routes        | _None_
   567  Emails        | _None_
   568  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](, [lock.Middleware](
   569  ClientStorage | Session
   570  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   571  User          | [LockableUser](
   572  Values        | _None_
   573  Mailer        | _None_
   575  Lock ensures that a user's account becomes locked if authentication (both auth, oauth2, otp) are
   576  failed enough times.
   578  The middleware protects resources from locked users, without it, there is no point to this module.
   579  You should put in front of any resource that requires a login to function.
   581  ## Expiring User Sessions
   583  | Info and Requirements |          |
   584  | --------------------- | -------- |
   585  Module        | expire
   586  Pages         | _None_
   587  Routes        | _None_
   588  Emails        | _None_
   589  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](, [expire.Middleware](
   590  ClientStorage | Session
   591  ServerStorer  | _None_
   592  User          | [User](
   593  Values        | _None_
   594  Mailer        | _None_
   596  **Note:** Unlike most modules in Authboss you must call `expire.Setup()`
   597  to enable this module. See the sample to see how to do this. This may be changed in the future.
   599  Expire simply uses sessions to track when the last action of a user is, if that action is longer
   600  than configured then the session is deleted and the user removed from the request context.
   602  This middleware should be inserted at a high level (closer to the request) in the middleware chain
   603  to ensure that "activity" is logged properly, as well as any middlewares down the chain do not
   604  attempt to do anything with the user before it's removed from the request context.
   606  ## One Time Passwords
   608  | Info and Requirements |          |
   609  | --------------------- | -------- |
   610  Module        | otp
   611  Pages         | otp, otpadd, otpclear
   612  Routes        | /otp/login, /otp/add, /otp/clear
   613  Emails        | _None_
   614  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   615  ClientStorage | Session and Cookie
   616  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   617  User          | [otp.User](
   618  Values        | [UserValuer](
   619  Mailer        | _None_
   621  One time passwords can be useful if users require a backup password in case they lose theirs,
   622  or they're logging in on an untrusted computer. This module allows users to add one time passwords,
   623  clear them, or log in with them.
   625  Logging in with a one time password instead of a password is identical to having logged in normally
   626  with their typical password with the exception that the one time passwords are consumed immediately
   627  upon use and cannot be used again.
   629  `otp` should not be confused with two factor authentication. Although 2fa also uses one-time passwords
   630  the `otp` module has nothing to do with it and is strictly a mechanism for logging in with an alternative
   631  to a user's regular password.
   633  ## Two Factor Authentication
   635  2FA in Authboss is implemented in a few separate modules: twofactor, totp2fa and sms2fa.
   637  You should use two factor authentication in your application if you want additional security beyond
   638  that of just simple passwords. Each 2fa module supports a different mechanism for verifying a second
   639  factor of authentication from a user.
   641  ### Two-Factor Recovery
   643  | Info and Requirements |          |
   644  | --------------------- | -------- |
   645  Module        | twofactor
   646  Pages         | recovery2fa
   647  Routes        | /2fa/recovery/regen
   648  Emails        | _None_
   649  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   650  ClientStorage | Session
   651  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   652  User          | [twofactor.User](
   653  Values        | _None_
   654  Mailer        | _None_
   656  **Note:** Unlike most modules in Authboss you must construct a `twofactor.Recovery` and call `.Setup()`
   657  on it to enable this module. See the sample to see how to do this. This may be changed in the future.
   659  Package twofactor is all about the common functionality of providing backup codes for two factor
   660  mechanisms. Instead of each module implementing backup codes on it's own, common functionality has
   661  been put here including a route to regenerate backup codes.
   663  Backup codes are useful in case people lose access to their second factor for authentication. This happens
   664  when users lose their phones for example. When this occurs, they can use one of their backup-codes.
   666  Backup codes are one-time use, they are bcrypted for security, and they only allow bypassing the 2fa
   667  authentication part, they cannot be used in lieu of a user's password, for that sort of recovery see
   668  the `otp` module.
   670  ### Two-Factor Setup E-mail Authorization
   672  | Info and Requirements |          |
   673  | --------------------- | -------- |
   674  Module        | twofactor
   675  Pages         | twofactor_verify
   676  Routes        | /2fa/recovery/regen
   677  Emails        | twofactor_verify_email_html, twofactor_verify_email_txt
   678  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   679  ClientStorage | Session
   680  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   681  User          | [twofactor.User](
   682  Values        | [twofactor.EmailVerifyTokenValuer](
   683  Mailer        | Required
   685  To enable this feature simply turn on
   686  `authboss.Config.Modules.TwoFactorEmailAuthRequired` and new routes and
   687  middlewares will be installed when you set up one of the 2fa modules.
   689  When enabled, the routes for setting up 2fa on an account are protected by a
   690  middleware that will redirect to `/2fa/{totp,sms}/email/verify` where
   691  Page `twofactor_verify` is displayed. The user is prompted to authorize the
   692  addition of 2fa to their account. The data for this page contains `email` and
   693  a `url` for the POST. The url is required because this page is shared between
   694  all 2fa types.
   696  Once they POST to the url, a token is stored in their session and an e-mail is
   697  sent with that token. When they click the link that goes to
   698  `/2fa/{totp,sms}/email/verify/end` with a token in the query string the session
   699  token is verified and exchanged for a value that says they're verified and
   700  lastly it redirects them to the setup URL for the type of 2fa they were
   701  attempting to setup.
   703  ### Time-Based One Time Passwords 2FA (totp)
   705  | Info and Requirements |          |
   706  | --------------------- | -------- |
   707  Module        | totp2fa
   708  Pages         | totp2fa_{setup,confirm,remove,validate}, totp2fa_{confirm,remove}_success
   709  Routes        | /2fa/totp/{setup,confirm,qr,remove,validate}
   710  Emails        | _None_
   711  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   712  ClientStorage | Session **(SECURE!)**
   713  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   714  User          | [totp2fa.User](
   715  Values        | [TOTPCodeValuer](
   716  Mailer        | _None_
   718  **Note:** Unlike most modules in Authboss you must construct a `totp2fa.TOTP` and call `.Setup()`
   719  on it to enable this module. See the sample to see how to do this This may be changed in the future.
   721  **Note:** To allow users to regenerate their backup codes, you must also use the `twofactor` module.
   723  **Note:** Routes are protected by `authboss.Middleware` so only logged in users can access them.
   724  You can configure whether unauthenticated users should be redirected to log in or are 404'd using
   725  the `authboss.Config.Modules.RoutesRedirectOnUnathed` configuration flag.
   727  #### Adding 2fa to a user
   729  When a logged in user would like to add 2fa to their account direct them `GET /2fa/totp/setup`, the `GET`
   730  on this page does virtually nothing so you don't have to use it, just `POST` immediately to have
   731  a smoother flow for the user. **This puts the 2fa secret in their session temporarily meaning you must
   732  have proper secure sessions for this to be secure.**
   734  They will be redirected to `GET /2fa/totp/confirm` where the data will show `totp2fa.DataTOTPSecret`,
   735  this is the key that user's should enter into their Google Authenticator or similar app. Once they've
   736  added it they need to send a `POST /2fa/totp/confirm` with a correct code which removes the 2fa secret
   737  from their session and permanently adds it to their `totp2fa.User` and 2fa is now enabled for them.
   738  The data from the `POST` will contain a key `twofactor.DataRecoveryCodes` that contains an array
   739  of recovery codes for the user.
   741  If you wish to show the user a QR code, `GET /2fa/totp/qr` at any time during or after totp2fa setup
   742  will return a 200x200 png QR code that they can scan.
   744  #### Removing 2fa from a user
   746  A user begins by going to `GET /2fa/totp/remove` and enters a code which posts to `POST /2fa/totp/remove`
   747  and if it's correct they're shown a success page and 2fa is removed from them, if not they get
   748  validation errors.
   750  #### Logging in with 2fa
   752  When a user goes to log in, the `totp` module checks the user after they log in for the presence of
   753  a totp2fa secret, if there is one it does not give them a logged in session value immediately and
   754  redirects them to `GET /2fa/totp/validate` where they must enter a correct code to `POST /2fa/totp/validate`
   755  if the code is correct they're logged in normally as well as they get the session value
   756  `authboss.Session2FA` set to `"totp"` to prove that they've authenticated with two factors.
   758  #### Using Recovery Codes
   760  Both when logging in and removing totp2fa from an account, a recovery code may be used instead. They can
   761  `POST` to the same url, they simply send a different form field. The recovery code is consumed on use
   762  and may not be used again.
   764  ### Text Message 2FA (sms)
   766  Package sms2fa uses sms shared secrets as a means to authenticate a user with a second factor:
   767  their phone number.
   769  | Info and Requirements |          |
   770  | --------------------- | -------- |
   771  Module        | sms2fa
   772  Pages         | sms2fa_{setup,confirm,remove,validate}, sms2fa_{confirm,remove}_success
   773  Routes        | /2fa/{setup,confirm,remove,validate}
   774  Emails        | _None_
   775  Middlewares   | [LoadClientStateMiddleware](
   776  ClientStorage | Session (**SECURE!**)
   777  ServerStorer  | [ServerStorer](
   778  User          | [sms2fa.User](, [sms2fa.SMSNumberProvider](
   779  Values        | [SMSValuer](, [SMSPhoneNumberValuer](
   780  Mailer        | _None_
   782  **Note:** Unlike most modules in Authboss you must construct a `sms2fa.SMS` and call `.Setup()`
   783  on it to enable this module. See the sample to see how to do this. This may be changed in the future.
   785  **Note:** To allow users to regenerate their backup codes, you must also use the `twofactor` module.
   787  **Note:** Routes are protected by `authboss.Middleware` so only logged in users can access them.
   788  You can configure whether unauthenticated users should be redirected to log in or are 404'd using
   789  the `authboss.Config.Modules.RoutesRedirectOnUnathed` configuration flag.
   791  **Note:** sms2fa always stores the code it's expecting in the user's session therefore **you must
   792  have secure sessions or the code itself is not secure!**
   794  **Note:** sms2fa pages all send codes via sms on `POST` when no data code is given. This is also how
   795  users can resend the code in case they did not get it (for example a second
   796  `POST /2fa/sms/{confirm,remove}` with no form-fields filled in will end up resending the code).
   798  **Note:** Sending sms codes is rate-limited to 1 sms/10 sec for that user, this is controlled by placing
   799  a timestamp in their session to prevent abuse.
   801  #### Adding 2fa to a user
   803  When a logged in user would like to add 2fa to their account direct them `GET /2fa/sms/setup` where
   804  they must enter a phone number. If the logged in user also implements `sms2fa.SMSNumberProvider` then
   805  this interface will be used to retrieve a phone number (if it exists) from the user and put it in
   806  `sms2fa.DataSMSPhoneNumber` so that the user interface can populate it for the user, making it convenient
   807  to re-use an already saved phone number inside the user.
   809  Once they `POST /2fa/sms/setup` with a phone number, the `sms2fa.Sender` interface will be
   810  invoked to send the SMS code to the user and they will be redirected to `GET /2fa/sms/confirm` where
   811  they enter the code they received which does a `POST /2fa/sms/confirm` to store the phone number
   812  they were confirming permanently on their user using `sms2fa.User` which enables sms2fa for them.
   813  The data from the `POST` will contain a key `twofactor.DataRecoveryCodes` that contains an array
   814  of recovery codes for the user.
   816  #### Removing 2fa from a user
   818  A user begins by going to `GET /2fa/sms/remove`. This page does nothing on it's own. In order to
   819  begin the process `POST /2fa/sms/remove` with no data (or a recovery code to skip needing the sms code)
   820  to send the sms code to the user. Then they can `POST /2fa/sms/remove` again with the correct code
   821  to have it permanently removed.
   823  #### Logging in with 2fa
   825  When a user goes to log in, the `sms` module checks the user after they log in for the presence of
   826  a sms2fa phone number, if there is one it does not give them a logged in session value but instead
   827  sends an SMS code to their configured number and and redirects them to `GET /2fa/sms/validate`
   828  where they must enter a correct code to `POST /2fa/totp/validate`. If the code is correct they're
   829  logged in normally as well as they get the session value `authboss.Session2FA` set to `"sms"` to prove
   830  that they've authenticated with two factors.
   832  #### Using Recovery Codes
   834  Same as totp2fa above.
   836  ## Rendering Views
   838  The authboss rendering system is simple. It's defined by one interface: [Renderer](
   840  The renderer knows how to load templates, and how to render them with some data and that's it.
   841  So let's examine the most common view types that you might want to use.
   843  ### HTML Views
   845  When your app is a traditional web application and is generating it's HTML serverside using templates
   846  this becomes a small wrapper on top of your rendering setup. For example if you're using `html/template`
   847  then you could just use `template.New()` inside the `Load()` method and store that somewhere and
   848  call `template.Execute()` in the `Render()` method.
   850  There is also a very basic renderer: [Authboss Renderer]( which has some very ugly built in views
   851  and the ability to override them with your own if you don't want to integrate your own rendering
   852  system into that interface.
   854  ### JSON Views
   856  If you're building an API that's mostly backed by a javascript front-end, then you'll probably
   857  want to use a renderer that converts the data to JSON. There is a simple json renderer available in
   858  the [defaults package]( package if you wish to
   859  use that.
   861  ### Data
   863  The most important part about this interface is the data that you have to render.
   864  There are several keys that are used throughout authboss that you'll want to render in your views.
   866  They're in the file [html_data.go](
   867  and are constants prefixed with `Data`. See the documentation in that file for more information on
   868  which keys exist and what they contain.
   870  The default [responder](
   871  also happens to collect data from the Request context, and hence this is a great place to inject
   872  data you'd like to render (for example data for your html layout, or csrf tokens).