
     1  package authboss
     3  import (
     4  	"net/http"
     5  	"time"
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // Config holds all the configuration for both authboss and it's modules.
    11  type Config struct {
    12  	Paths struct {
    13  		// Mount is the path to mount authboss's routes at (eg /auth).
    14  		Mount string
    16  		// NotAuthorized is the default URL to kick users back to when
    17  		// they attempt an action that requires them to be logged in and
    18  		// they're not auth'd
    19  		NotAuthorized string
    21  		// AuthLoginOK is the redirect path after a successful authentication.
    22  		AuthLoginOK string
    24  		// ConfirmOK once a user has confirmed their account
    25  		// this says where they should go
    26  		ConfirmOK string
    27  		// ConfirmNotOK is used by the middleware, when a user is still supposed
    28  		// to confirm their account, this is where they should be redirected to.
    29  		ConfirmNotOK string
    31  		// LockNotOK is a path to go to when the user fails
    32  		LockNotOK string
    34  		// LogoutOK is the redirect path after a log out.
    35  		LogoutOK string
    37  		// OAuth2LoginOK is the redirect path after a successful oauth2 login
    38  		OAuth2LoginOK string
    39  		// OAuth2LoginNotOK is the redirect path after
    40  		// an unsuccessful oauth2 login
    41  		OAuth2LoginNotOK string
    43  		// RecoverOK is the redirect path after a successful recovery of a
    44  		// password.
    45  		RecoverOK string
    47  		// RegisterOK is the redirect path after a successful registration.
    48  		RegisterOK string
    50  		// RootURL is the scheme+host+port of the web application
    51  		// (eg for url generation.
    52  		// No trailing slash.
    53  		RootURL string
    55  		// TwoFactorEmailAuthNotOK is where a user is redirected when
    56  		// the user attempts to add 2fa to their account without verifying
    57  		// their e-mail OR when they've completed the first step towards
    58  		// verification and need to check their e-mail to proceed.
    59  		TwoFactorEmailAuthNotOK string
    60  	}
    62  	Modules struct {
    63  		// BCryptCost is the cost of the bcrypt password hashing function.
    64  		BCryptCost int
    66  		// ConfirmMethod IS DEPRECATED! See MailRouteMethod instead.
    67  		//
    68  		// ConfirmMethod controls which http method confirm expects.
    69  		// This is because typically this is a GET request since it's a link
    70  		// from an e-mail, but in api-like cases it needs to be able to be a
    71  		// post since there's data that must be sent to it.
    72  		ConfirmMethod string
    74  		// ExpireAfter controls the time an account is idle before being
    75  		// logged out by the ExpireMiddleware.
    76  		ExpireAfter time.Duration
    78  		// LockAfter this many tries.
    79  		LockAfter int
    80  		// LockWindow is the waiting time before the number of attemps are reset.
    81  		LockWindow time.Duration
    82  		// LockDuration is how long an account is locked for.
    83  		LockDuration time.Duration
    85  		// LogoutMethod is the method the logout route should use
    86  		// (default should be DELETE)
    87  		LogoutMethod string
    89  		// MailRouteMethod is used to set the type of request that's used for
    90  		// routes that require a token from an e-mail link's query string.
    91  		// This is things like confirm and two factor e-mail auth.
    92  		//
    93  		// You should probably set this to POST if you are building an API
    94  		// so that the user goes to the frontend with their link & token
    95  		// and the front-end calls the API with the token in a POST JSON body.
    96  		//
    97  		// This configuration setting deprecates ConfirmMethod.
    98  		// If ConfirmMethod is set to the default value (GET) then
    99  		// MailRouteMethod is used. If ConfirmMethod is not the default value
   100  		// then it is used until Authboss v3 when only MailRouteMethod will be
   101  		// used.
   102  		MailRouteMethod string
   104  		// MailNoGoroutine is used to prevent the mailer from being launched
   105  		// in a goroutine by the Authboss modules.
   106  		//
   107  		// This behavior will become the default in Authboss v3 and each
   108  		// Mailer implementation will be required to use goroutines if it sees
   109  		// fit.
   110  		//
   111  		// It's important that this is the case if you are using contexts
   112  		// as the http request context will be cancelled by the Go http server
   113  		// and it may interrupt your use of the context that the Authboss module
   114  		// is passing to you, preventing proper use of it.
   115  		MailNoGoroutine bool
   117  		// RegisterPreserveFields are fields used with registration that are
   118  		// to be rendered when post fails in a normal way
   119  		// (for example validation errors), they will be passed back in the
   120  		// data of the response under the key DataPreserve which
   121  		// will be a map[string]string.
   122  		//
   123  		// All fields that are to be preserved must be able to be returned by
   124  		// the ArbitraryValuer.GetValues()
   125  		//
   126  		// This means in order to have a field named "address" you would need
   127  		// to have that returned by the ArbitraryValuer.GetValues() method and
   128  		// then it would be available to be whitelisted by this
   129  		// configuration variable.
   130  		RegisterPreserveFields []string
   132  		// RecoverTokenDuration controls how long a token sent via
   133  		// email for password recovery is valid for.
   134  		RecoverTokenDuration time.Duration
   135  		// RecoverLoginAfterRecovery says for the recovery module after a
   136  		// user has successfully recovered the password, are they simply
   137  		// logged in, or are they redirected to the login page with an
   138  		// "updated password" message.
   139  		RecoverLoginAfterRecovery bool
   141  		// OAuth2Providers lists all providers that can be used. See
   142  		// OAuthProvider documentation for more details.
   143  		OAuth2Providers map[string]OAuth2Provider
   145  		// TwoFactorEmailAuthRequired forces users to first confirm they have
   146  		// access to their e-mail with the current device by clicking a link
   147  		// and confirming a token stored in the session.
   148  		TwoFactorEmailAuthRequired bool
   150  		// TOTP2FAIssuer is the issuer that appears in the url when scanning
   151  		// a qr code for google authenticator.
   152  		TOTP2FAIssuer string
   154  		// DEPRECATED: See ResponseOnUnauthed
   155  		// RoutesRedirectOnUnauthed controls whether or not a user is redirected
   156  		// or given a 404 when they are unauthenticated and attempting to access
   157  		// a route that's login-protected inside Authboss itself.
   158  		// The otp/twofactor modules all use authboss.Middleware to protect
   159  		// their routes and this is the redirectToLogin parameter in that
   160  		// middleware that they pass through.
   161  		RoutesRedirectOnUnauthed bool
   163  		// ResponseOnUnauthed controls how a user is responded to when
   164  		// attempting to access a route that's login-protected inside Authboss
   165  		// itself. The otp/twofactor modules all use authboss.Middleware2 to
   166  		// protect their routes and this is the failResponse parameter in that
   167  		// middleware that they pass through.
   168  		//
   169  		// This deprecates RoutesRedirectOnUnauthed. If RoutesRedirectOnUnauthed
   170  		// is true, the value of this will be set to RespondRedirect until
   171  		// authboss v3.
   172  		ResponseOnUnauthed MWRespondOnFailure
   173  	}
   175  	Mail struct {
   176  		// RootURL is a full path to an application that is hosting a front-end
   177  		// Typically using a combination of Paths.RootURL and Paths.Mount
   178  		// MailRoot will be assembled if not set.
   179  		// Typically looks like:
   180  		// No trailing slash.
   181  		RootURL string
   183  		// From is the email address authboss e-mails come from.
   184  		From string
   185  		// FromName is the name authboss e-mails come from.
   186  		FromName string
   187  		// SubjectPrefix is used to add something to the front of the authboss
   188  		// email subjects.
   189  		SubjectPrefix string
   190  	}
   192  	Storage struct {
   193  		// Storer is the interface through which Authboss accesses the web apps
   194  		// database for user operations.
   195  		Server ServerStorer
   197  		// CookieState must be defined to provide an interface capapable of
   198  		// storing cookies for the given response, and reading them from the
   199  		// request.
   200  		CookieState ClientStateReadWriter
   201  		// SessionState must be defined to provide an interface capable of
   202  		// storing session-only values for the given response, and reading them
   203  		// from the request.
   204  		SessionState ClientStateReadWriter
   206  		// SessionStateWhitelistKeys are set to preserve keys in the session
   207  		// when authboss.DelAllSession is called. A correct implementation
   208  		// of ClientStateReadWriter will delete ALL session key-value pairs
   209  		// unless that key is whitelisted here.
   210  		SessionStateWhitelistKeys []string
   211  	}
   213  	Core struct {
   214  		// Router is the entity that controls all routing to authboss routes
   215  		// modules will register their routes with it.
   216  		Router Router
   218  		// ErrorHandler wraps http requests with centralized error handling.
   219  		ErrorHandler ErrorHandler
   221  		// Responder takes a generic response from a controller and prepares
   222  		// the response, uses a renderer to create the body, and replies to the
   223  		// http request.
   224  		Responder HTTPResponder
   226  		// Redirector can redirect a response, similar to Responder but
   227  		// responsible only for redirection.
   228  		Redirector HTTPRedirector
   230  		// BodyReader reads validatable data from the body of a request to
   231  		// be able to get data from the user's client.
   232  		BodyReader BodyReader
   234  		// ViewRenderer loads the templates for the application.
   235  		ViewRenderer Renderer
   236  		// MailRenderer loads the templates for mail. If this is nil, it will
   237  		// fall back to using the Renderer created from the ViewLoader instead.
   238  		MailRenderer Renderer
   240  		// Mailer is the mailer being used to send e-mails out via smtp
   241  		Mailer Mailer
   243  		// Logger implies just a few log levels for use, can optionally
   244  		// also implement the ContextLogger to be able to upgrade to a
   245  		// request specific logger.
   246  		Logger Logger
   247  	}
   248  }
   250  // Defaults sets the configuration's default values.
   251  func (c *Config) Defaults() {
   252  	c.Paths.Mount = "/auth"
   253  	c.Paths.NotAuthorized = "/"
   254  	c.Paths.AuthLoginOK = "/"
   255  	c.Paths.ConfirmOK = "/"
   256  	c.Paths.ConfirmNotOK = "/"
   257  	c.Paths.LockNotOK = "/"
   258  	c.Paths.LogoutOK = "/"
   259  	c.Paths.OAuth2LoginOK = "/"
   260  	c.Paths.OAuth2LoginNotOK = "/"
   261  	c.Paths.RecoverOK = "/"
   262  	c.Paths.RegisterOK = "/"
   263  	c.Paths.RootURL = "http://localhost:8080"
   264  	c.Paths.TwoFactorEmailAuthNotOK = "/"
   266  	c.Modules.BCryptCost = bcrypt.DefaultCost
   267  	c.Modules.ConfirmMethod = http.MethodGet
   268  	c.Modules.ExpireAfter = time.Hour
   269  	c.Modules.LockAfter = 3
   270  	c.Modules.LockWindow = 5 * time.Minute
   271  	c.Modules.LockDuration = 12 * time.Hour
   272  	c.Modules.LogoutMethod = "DELETE"
   273  	c.Modules.MailRouteMethod = http.MethodGet
   274  	c.Modules.RecoverLoginAfterRecovery = false
   275  	c.Modules.RecoverTokenDuration = 24 * time.Hour
   276  }