
     1  // Code generated by vugu via vugugen DO NOT EDIT.
     2  // Please regenerate instead of editing or add additional code in a separate file.
     4  package vgform
     6  import "fmt"
     7  import "reflect"
     8  import ""
     9  import ""
    10  import js ""
    12  /*
    16  // vg-js-create='c.el=value' vg-js-populate='c.handlePopulate()'
    17  //  vg-attr='vugu.VGAttributeListerFunc(c.makeAttrs)'
    19  Things to figure out:
    21  - `vg-ref=` We'll most likely need a way to access a DOM element directly after render.
    22    (When exact 'after render' is I'm not sure yet).  One way to do this would be to have
    23    a vg-ref= attribute which tells the renderer to send this ID over to the JS side
    24    and associate the element so we can look it up later.  Then some method like
    25    `vuguRef(id) element` can exist in JS and we can use it to access the element
    26    via the `js` package.  Other solutions are possible but the requirement is the
    27    ability to get a js.Value reference to a specific element in your Vugu template.
    29  - "Slots", developers should have the ability to provide their own <option> elements inside
    30    of this component. E.g. <vgform:Select><option value="a">A</option></vgform:Select>.
    31    There is a bit of info on ideas for slot here:
    32    In this case there is only one "default" slot, but multiple names slots should be possible
    33    and will be needed by component libraries.
    35  - THIS WORKS NOW "Component Events", we'll need to define what <vgform:Select @Change='...'> means.
    36    I think the same convention should be used where a capital letter indicates a corresopnding
    37    Go field.  The question is what it's type should be and what should the expression
    38    for '...' be above.  Another question is if there is a propagation model for these
    39    events.  Do we need the ability for these types of events to "bubble up" to parent
    40    components?  If we don't need that then I think simple function fields and calls to them
    41    are fine (and I also really like that this keeps things type safe).  But if we need
    42    some bubbling system that probably won't work.
    43    More info here:
    44    Idea:
    46    @Something="log.Println(event)"
    47    is shorthand for:
    48    :Something='func(event SomethingEvent) { log.Println(event) }'
    50    Convenient but also very straightforward, minimal magic.  Easy to implement.
    53  Those points resolved should provide what is needed to make sophisticated forms.
    54  Once that is done we can look at things like automatic form validation and see if
    55  there are any other features needed for that sort of thing.  (E.g. in Vuetify
    56  a <v-form> is aware of all of it's nested elements and it's `valid` property
    57  reflects if all of it's elements are valid.  I personally think this is way too
    58  magical for Vugu but nonetheless a good and concise pattern should be found.)
    60  ----
    62  Form components:
    63  - Select
    64  - Textarea
    65  - Input
    67  // for text types
    68  <vgform:Input Text Value="some text">
    69  <vgform:Input Email Value="">
    70  <vgform:Input Number Value=""> // hm, would be great if we could use a proper type here
    71  <vgform:Input Password Value="">
    72  <vgform:Input Radio Value="">
    74  // weird stuff like checkboxes probably should have their own thing
    75  <vgform:InputCheckbox Checked>
    76  <vgform:InputNumber :Value='1.5'>
    78  // hm, maybe Input is a base Go struct, and other types extend it?
    79  // perhaps just `input`, not exported.  we should avoid exposing anything
    80  // that is not actually useful
    81  InputCheckbox
    83  // also need the ability to put regular attrs on there - probably think about
    84  // how this fits in with the vg-attr functionality
    85  <vgform:InputCheckbox :Value='2.5' class="something">
    87  // so then what about value binding
    88  <vgform:InputNumber :IntValue='vgform.IntPtr(&c.someInt)'>
    90  type IntValue interface {
    91    IntValue() int
    92    SetIntValue(int)
    93  }
    95  type IntValuer interface {
    96    IntValue() int
    97  }
    99  type SetIntValuer interface {
   100    SetIntValue(int)
   101  }
   103  <input type="button">
   104  <input type="checkbox">
   105  <input type="color">
   106  <input type="date">
   107  <input type="datetime-local">
   108  <input type="email">
   109  <input type="file">
   110  <input type="hidden">
   111  <input type="image">
   112  <input type="month">
   113  <input type="number">
   114  <input type="password">
   115  <input type="radio">
   116  <input type="range">
   117  <input type="reset">
   118  <input type="search">
   119  <input type="submit">
   120  <input type="tel">
   121  <input type="text">
   122  <input type="time">
   123  <input type="url">
   124  <input type="week">
   127  Do not bother wrapping:
   128  - <button>
   130  More notes:
   133  So if this is the HTML we're after:
   134  ```
   135  <select>
   136    <option value="k1" selected>t1</option>
   137    <option value="k2">t2</option>
   138  </select>
   139  ```
   141  I can think of various ways developers might want to express this in a Vugu file (psuedocode, just to give the idea):
   143  <!-- a static list might just need a way to easily set the selected value -->
   144  <select :selected-id="c.curID">
   145    <option value="k1">t1</option>
   146    <option value="k2">t2</option>
   147  </select>
   149  <!-- but a dynamic options list will be common too -->
   150  <select :selected-id="c.curID">
   151    <option vg-for="k, v := range c.someList" :value="k" vg-html="v"></option>
   152  </select>
   154  <!-- and for the impatient, i can see some people wanting the convenience of being able to just give it a map[string]string
   155  and it puts them in there, just sorted alphabetically -->
   156  <select :selected-id="c.curID" :options-map="c.optsMap"></select>
   159  */
   161  func (c *Select) Build(vgin *vugu.BuildIn) (vgout *vugu.BuildOut) {
   163  	vgout = &vugu.BuildOut{}
   165  	var vgiterkey interface{}
   166  	_ = vgiterkey
   167  	var vgn *vugu.VGNode
   168  	vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "select", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
   169  	vgout.Out = append(vgout.Out, vgn)	// root for output
   170  	vgn.AddAttrList(c.AttrMap)
   171  	vgn.DOMEventHandlerSpecList = append(vgn.DOMEventHandlerSpecList, vugu.DOMEventHandlerSpec{
   172  		EventType:	"change",
   173  		Func:		func(event vugu.DOMEvent) { c.handleChange(event) },
   174  		// TODO: implement capture, etc. mostly need to decide syntax
   175  	})
   176  	{
   177  		vgparent := vgn
   178  		_ = vgparent
   179  		vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n    "}
   180  		vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
   181  		for vgiterkeyt, k := range c.buildKeys() {
   182  			var vgiterkey interface{} = vgiterkeyt
   183  			_ = vgiterkey
   184  			k := k
   185  			_ = k
   186  			vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(3), Namespace: "", Data: "option", Attr: []vugu.VGAttribute(nil)}
   187  			vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
   188  			vgn.AddAttrInterface("selected", c.isOptSelected(k))
   189  			vgn.AddAttrInterface("value", k)
   190  			vgn.SetInnerHTML(c.optText(k))
   191  		}
   192  		vgn = &vugu.VGNode{Type: vugu.VGNodeType(1), Data: "\n"}
   193  		vgparent.AppendChild(vgn)
   194  	}
   195  	return vgout
   196  }
   198  // 'fix' unused imports
   199  var _ fmt.Stringer
   200  var _ reflect.Type
   201  var _ vjson.RawMessage
   202  var _ js.Value