
     1  #!/bin/bash
     3  if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
     4      echo "fotoDen test environment script"
     5      echo -ne "\n"
     6      echo "build         : builds fotoDen in the current folder (requires this to be in the same directory as the source)"
     7      echo "mk-testdir    : creates the fotoDen test directory"
     8      echo "mk-container  : makes a NGINX container (requires docker and sudo)"
     9      echo "run-container : runs the fotoDen-test container with the fotoDen_test folder mounted (expects a nginx container, requires sudo)"
    10      echo "rm-container  : removes the fotoDen-test container (requires sudo)"
    11      echo "mkall         : makes everything"
    12      exit 0
    13  fi
    15  if [ "$1" == "build" ] || [ "$1" == "mkall" ]; then
    16      make all
    17  fi
    19  if [ "$1" == "mk-testdir" ] || [ "$1" == "mkall" ]; then
    20      mkdir fotoDen_test
    22      fotoDen=$PWD'/build/fotoDen --config-dir fotoDen_test/'
    24      # $fotoDen init js build/fotoDen.min.js
    25      # unzip build/ -d build/theme/
    26      $fotoDen init site --name "Test Site" -v --url "http://localhost" --theme Default fotoDen_test/test_root
    27      $fotoDen create folder --name "Test Folder" -v fotoDen_test/test_root/test_folder
    28      $fotoDen create album  --name "Test Album" -v test_images fotoDen_test/test_root/test_folder/test_album
    30      echo "---------------------------------------------------"
    31      echo "Your test environment is available at fotoDen_test."
    32      echo "---------------------------------------------------"
    33  fi
    35  if [ "$1" == "run-container" ]; then
    36      sudo docker run --name fotoDen-test -v $PWD/fotoDen_test/test_root:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 80:80 -d nginx:alpine
    37  elif [ "$1" == "rm-container" ]; then
    38      sudo docker rm -f fotoDen-test
    39  elif [ "$1" == "mk-container" ] || [ "$1" == "mkall" ]; then
    40      read -n 1 -p "Would you like to make a NGINX container? (requires sudo) [y] " choice
    41      echo ""
    43      if [ "$choice" == "y" ] || [ "$choice" == "Y" ]; then
    44          sudo docker run --name fotoDen-test -v $PWD/fotoDen_test/test_root:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 80:80 -d nginx:alpine
    45          echo "Access the test environment on http://localhost:80. Stop the environment by running docker stop fotoDen-test."
    46      fi
    47  fi