
     1  package tool
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  func isBlank(input string) bool {
    12  	if input == "" {
    13  		return true
    14  	}
    16  	return false
    17  }
    19  func setupWebsite(loc string, theme string) (WebsiteConfig, *generator.WebConfig) {
    20  	fmt.Println("Wizard: Setup fotoDen website")
    21  	fmt.Println("Some of these are required. Do not try to skip them.")
    22  	w := WebsiteConfig{}
    23  	w.RootLocation = loc
    25  	w.Name = cmdio.ReadInputReq("What is the name of your website? (required)")
    26  	w.URL = cmdio.ReadInputReq("What is the URL of your website? (required)")
    27  	w.GeneratorConfig = setupConfig()
    28  	w.GeneratorConfig.WebBaseURL = w.URL
    29  	w.GeneratorConfig.WebSourceLocation, _ = filepath.Abs(
    30  		filepath.Join(
    31  			generator.RootConfigDir,
    32  			"sites",
    33  			w.Name,
    34  			"theme",
    35  			theme,
    36  		))
    38  	src := cmdio.ReadInput("Are you going to remotely host your images? If so, type in the URL now, otherwise leave it blank to automatically use local hosting for all images")
    39  	s := generator.GenerateWebConfig(src)
    40  	s.WebsiteTitle = w.Name
    41  	s.Theme = true
    43  	fmt.Println("Here are your current image sizes, for reference:")
    44  	for k := range generator.CurrentConfig.ImageSizes {
    45  		fmt.Println(k)
    46  	}
    47  	s.ImageRootDir = generator.CurrentConfig.ImageSrcDirectory
    48  	s.ThumbnailFrom = cmdio.ReadInputReq("What size do you want your thumbnails to be? (required)")
    49  	s.DisplayImageFrom = cmdio.ReadInputReq("What size do you want to display your images as in a fotoDen photo viewer? (required)")
    50  	s.DownloadSizes = cmdio.ReadInputAsArray("What sizes do you want easily downloadable?", ",")
    52  	return w, s
    53  }
    55  func setupConfig() generator.Config {
    56  	config := generator.Config{}
    58  	fmt.Println("Wizard: Setup fotoDen config")
    59  	fmt.Println("Leave blank for default!")
    60  	config.ImageRootDirectory = cmdio.ReadInput("Where do you want your images to be stored in every folder?")
    61  	if isBlank(config.ImageRootDirectory) {
    62  		config.ImageRootDirectory = generator.DefaultConfig.ImageRootDirectory
    63  	}
    65  	config.ImageSrcDirectory = cmdio.ReadInput("Where are you going to store your source-quality images?")
    66  	if isBlank(config.ImageSrcDirectory) {
    67  		config.ImageSrcDirectory = generator.DefaultConfig.ImageSrcDirectory
    68  	}
    70  	config.ImageSizes = map[string]generator.ImageScale{}
    71  	imageSizes := cmdio.ReadInputAsArray("What image sizes do you want? Separate by comma, no spaces.", ",")
    72  	if imageSizes[0] != "" {
    73  		fmt.Printf("Image sizes detected: %v\n", imageSizes)
    74  		fmt.Println("Leave blank to set as zero. At least one value must be filled in. Priority: MaxHeight, MaxWidth, ScalePercent")
    75  		for _, val := range imageSizes {
    76  			var c bool
    77  			for c != true {
    78  				fmt.Println("Image size " + val)
    79  				imageSize := generator.ImageScale{}
    80  				imageSize.MaxHeight, _ = cmdio.ReadInputAsInt("Maximium height of image?")
    81  				imageSize.MaxWidth, _ = cmdio.ReadInputAsInt("Maximum width of image?")
    82  				scalePercent, _ := cmdio.ReadInputAsFloat("Image scale percent? [0 - 100%]")
    83  				imageSize.ScalePercent = scalePercent * 0.1
    84  				if imageSize.MaxHeight == 0 && imageSize.MaxWidth == 0 && imageSize.ScalePercent == 0 {
    85  					fmt.Println("You must set one value to a non-zero value!")
    86  				} else {
    87  					c = true
    88  					config.ImageSizes[val] = imageSize
    89  				}
    90  			}
    91  		}
    92  	} else {
    93  		config.ImageSizes = generator.DefaultConfig.ImageSizes
    94  		fmt.Println("Using default image sizes: ")
    95  		for k, v := range generator.DefaultConfig.ImageSizes {
    96  			fmt.Printf("Size name: %s, MaxHeight: %d, MaxWidth: %d, ScalePercent: %f\n", k, v.MaxHeight, v.MaxWidth, v.ScalePercent)
    97  		}
    98  	}
   100  	return config
   101  }
   103  func setupWebConfig(source string) *generator.WebConfig {
   104  	config := generator.GenerateWebConfig(source)
   106  	fmt.Println("Wizard: Setup website config")
   107  	config.WebsiteTitle = cmdio.ReadInput("What is the title of your website?")
   108  	config.PhotoURLBase = cmdio.ReadInput("Are you going to be using a remote storage provider for your photos? If so, put in the URL to the folder containing your fotoDen-structured images here.")
   110  	fmt.Println("Here are your current image sizes, for reference:")
   111  	for k := range generator.CurrentConfig.ImageSizes {
   112  		fmt.Println(k)
   113  	}
   115  	config.Theme = true // TODO: Make selectable themes
   116  	config.ImageRootDir = generator.CurrentConfig.ImageSrcDirectory
   117  	config.ThumbnailFrom = cmdio.ReadInput("What size do you want your thumbnails to be?")
   118  	config.DisplayImageFrom = cmdio.ReadInput("What size do you want to display your images as in a fotoDen photo viewer?")
   119  	config.DownloadSizes = cmdio.ReadInputAsArray("What sizes do you want downlodable?", ",")
   121  	return config
   122  }
   124  func generateFolderWizard(directory string) (*generator.Folder, error) {
   125  	folder, err := generator.GenerateFolderInfo(directory, "")
   126  	if checkError(err) {
   127  		return nil, err
   128  	}
   130  	fmt.Println("Wizard: Generate folder")
   131  	folder.Name = cmdio.ReadInput("What is the name of this folder/album?")
   132  	folder.Desc = cmdio.ReadInput("What is the description of this folder/album?")
   133  	folder.Static = cmdio.ReadInputAsBool("Will the folder/album webpages have some dynamic elements static?", "y")
   134  	t := cmdio.ReadInputAsBool("Will the folder have a thumbnail?", "y")
   135  	if t {
   136  		thumb := cmdio.ReadInput("Where is the thumbnail located? (direct path or relative to current working directory)")
   137  		if thumb == "" {
   138  			fmt.Println("No file detected - ignoring.")
   139  		} else {
   140  			folder.Thumbnail = true
   141  			generator.MakeFolderThumbnail(thumb, directory)
   142  		}
   143  	}
   145  	return folder, nil
   146  }
   148  func updateFolderWizard(fol *generator.Folder) *generator.Folder {
   149  	fol.Name = cmdio.ReadInput("What is the new name of this folder/album?")
   150  	fol.Desc = cmdio.ReadInput("What is the new description of this folder/album?")
   152  	return fol
   153  }