
     1  version: 2.1
     2  only_branches: &only_branches
     3    filters:
     4      branches:
     5        ignore:
     6          - main
     7  only_maintainers: &only_maintainers
     8    filters:
     9      branches:
    10        # Forked pull requests have CIRCLE_BRANCH set to pull/XXX
    11        ignore: /pull\/[0-9]+/
    12  orbs:
    13    go: circleci/go@1.7.0
    14    w3security: w3security/w3security@1.1.2
    15    gh: circleci/github-cli@1.1.0
    16    slack: circleci/slack@4.12.5
    17  parameters:
    18    ACC_TESTS:
    19      type: string
    20      description: manually run acceptance tests
    21      default: "0"
    22  commands:
    23    notify_slack_on_failure:
    24      steps:
    25        - slack/notify:
    26            channel: team-cloud-context-alerts
    27            event: fail
    28            custom: |
    29              {
    30                "blocks": [
    31                    {
    32                        "type": "header",
    33                        "text": {
    34                            "type": "plain_text",
    35                            "text": ":warning: Driftctl acceptance tests failed :warning:",
    36                            "emoji": true
    37                        }
    38                    },
    39                    {
    40                        "type": "divider"
    41                    },
    42                    {
    43                        "type": "section",
    44                        "fields": [
    45                            {
    46                                "type": "mrkdwn",
    47                                "text": "*Suite*: ${ACC_PATTERN}"
    48                            },
    49                            {
    50                                "type": "mrkdwn",
    51                                "text": "*Branch*: ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}"
    52                            }
    53                        ],
    54                        "accessory": {
    55                            "type": "button",
    56                            "text": {
    57                                "type": "plain_text",
    58                                "emoji": true,
    59                                "text": "View Job"
    60                            },
    61                            "url": "${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL}"
    62                        }
    63                    }
    64                ]
    65              }
    66  jobs:
    67    test_acc:
    68      parameters:
    69        pattern:
    70          type: string
    71      resource_class: large
    72      machine:
    73        image: ubuntu-2004:202010-01
    74      environment:
    75        ACC_PATTERN: << parameters.pattern >>
    76        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-east-1
    77        CHECKPOINT_DISABLE: "true" # Disable terraform version check
    78        CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT: driftctl-qa-1
    79        GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /tmp/google.json
    80        ACC_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS: /tmp/google-admin.json
    81      steps:
    82        - checkout
    83        - go/install:
    84            version: "1.18.3"
    85        - go/load-cache:
    86            key: test_acc
    87        - run: make install-tools
    88        - run:
    89            name: Setup Google credentials
    90            command: |
    91              echo ${GCLOUD_KEYFILE} | base64 -d > /tmp/google.json
    92              echo ${ACC_GCLOUD_KEYFILE} | base64 -d > /tmp/google-admin.json
    93        - run:
    94            name: Run acceptance tests
    95            command: make acc
    96            no_output_timeout: 30m
    97        - notify_slack_on_failure
    98        - go/save-cache:
    99            key: test_acc
   100            path: /home/circleci/.go_workspace/pkg/mod
   101        - store_test_results:
   102            path: ./
   103    lint:
   104      docker:
   105        - image: golang:1.18
   106      steps:
   107        - checkout
   108        - run:
   109            name: Ensure go mod is tidy
   110            command: |
   111              go mod tidy
   112              git diff --exit-code go.mod go.sum
   113        - run:
   114            name: Enforce Go Formatted Code
   115            command: |
   116              go fmt ./...
   117              if [[ -z $(git status --porcelain) ]]; then
   118                echo "Git directory is clean."
   119              else
   120                echo "Git directory is dirty. Run make fmt locally and commit any formatting fixes or generated code."
   121                git status --porcelain
   122                exit 1
   123              fi
   124        - run: make install-tools
   125        - run: make lint
   127    test:
   128      resource_class: large
   129      executor:
   130        name: go/default
   131        tag: "1.18.3"
   132      steps:
   133        - checkout
   134        - go/load-cache:
   135            key: test-docker
   136        - run: make install-tools
   137        - run:
   138            name: Run tests
   139            command: make test
   140        - go/save-cache:
   141            key: test-docker
   142        - store_test_results:
   143            path: ./
   144    release:
   145      resource_class: large
   146      docker:
   147        - image: cimg/go:1.18
   148      steps:
   149        - checkout
   150        - gh/setup:
   151            version: 2.2.0
   152        - run:
   153            name: "Ensure GnuPG is available"
   154            command: gpg --version
   155        - run:
   156            name: "Import signing key"
   157            command: |
   158              echo ${SIGNINGKEY} | base64 -d | gpg --import
   159        - run:
   160            name: "Build and publish release"
   161            command: make release
   162            no_output_timeout: 30m
   163        - persist_to_workspace:
   164            root: ~/project
   165            paths:
   166              - bin/driftctl_SHA256SUMS
   167    release-docs:
   168      docker:
   169        - image: cimg/base:2020.01
   170      steps:
   171        - checkout
   172        - attach_workspace:
   173            at: ~/project
   174        - run:
   175            name: Trigger driftctl-docs new version
   176            command: |
   177              curl -X POST \
   178                -d '{"event_type": "new_version"}' \
   179                -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN"
   180    issue-tagging:
   181      machine:
   182        image: ubuntu-2004:202010-01
   183      steps:
   184        - checkout
   185        - gh/setup:
   186            version: 2.2.0
   187        - attach_workspace:
   188            at: ~/project
   189        - run:
   190            name: Auto label issues with the newly released version
   191            command: |
   192              ./scripts/
   193    update-lambda:
   194      environment:
   195        FUNCTION_NAME: driftctl-version
   196      docker:
   197        - image: cimg/base:2021.04
   198      steps:
   199        - run:
   200            name: "Update Lambda version"
   201            command: |
   202              wget "" && chmod +x lambda-env-updater_linux_amd64
   203              ./lambda-env-updater_linux_amd64\
   204                -name ${FUNCTION_NAME}\
   205                -env "LATEST_VERSION=${CIRCLE_TAG}"
   206    security-oss:
   207      docker:
   208        - image: cimg/go:1.18
   209      steps:
   210        - checkout
   211        - w3security/scan:
   212            severity-threshold: high
   213            monitor-on-build: false
   214            project: ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}
   215            organization: cloud-cloud
   216    security-code:
   217      docker:
   218        - image: cimg/go:1.18.3
   219      steps:
   220        - checkout
   221        - w3security/scan:
   222            command: code test
   223            severity-threshold: high
   224            monitor-on-build: false
   225            project: ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}
   226            organization: cloud-cloud
   227  workflows:
   228    nightly:
   229      jobs:
   230        - test_acc:
   231            name: "Acceptance tests: << matrix.pattern >>"
   232            matrix:
   233              parameters:
   234                pattern:
   235                  - TestAcc_Aws
   236                  - TestAcc_Google
   237                  - TestAcc_Azure_
   238                  - TestAcc_StateReader_
   240                  # Disable this rather than create a new test org
   241                  # - TestAcc_Github_
   242            context:
   243              - driftctl-acc
   244              - w3security-bot-slack
   245      triggers:
   246        - schedule:
   247            cron: "0 3 * * *"
   248            filters:
   249              branches:
   250                only:
   251                  - main
   252    manual-acc-tests:
   253      when:
   254        equal: ["1", << pipeline.parameters.ACC_TESTS >>]
   255      jobs:
   256        - test_acc:
   257            name: "Acceptance tests: << matrix.pattern >>"
   258            matrix:
   259              parameters:
   260                pattern:
   261                  - TestAcc_Aws
   262                  - TestAcc_Google
   263                  - TestAcc_Azure_
   264                  - TestAcc_StateReader_
   266                  # Disable this rather than create a new test org
   267                  # - TestAcc_Github_
   268            context:
   269              - driftctl-acc
   270              - w3security-bot-slack
   271    pullrequest:
   272      jobs:
   273        - lint:
   274            <<: *only_branches
   275        - test:
   276            <<: *only_branches
   277        - security-code:
   278            name: W3Security code
   279            context:
   280              - driftctl-w3security
   281            <<: *only_maintainers
   282        - security-oss:
   283            name: W3Security test
   284            context:
   285              - driftctl-w3security
   286            <<: *only_maintainers
   287    # Disabled since it makes every PR to stay in "pending" state
   288    #
   289    #  pullrequest_acc:
   290    #    jobs:
   291    #      - hold:
   292    #          type: approval # presents manual approval button in the UI
   293    #      - test_acc:
   294    #          name: "Acceptance tests: << matrix.pattern >>"
   295    #          requires:
   296    #            - hold
   297    #          matrix:
   298    #            parameters:
   299    #              pattern:
   300    #                - TestAcc_Aws
   301    #                - TestAcc_Github_
   302    #                - TestAcc_Google
   303    #                - TestAcc_Azure_
   304    #          context:
   305    #            - driftctl-acc
   306    push:
   307      jobs:
   308        - test:
   309            filters:
   310              branches:
   311                only:
   312                  - main
   313    release:
   314      jobs:
   315        - lint:
   316            filters:
   317              tags:
   318                only: /^v.*/
   319              branches:
   320                ignore: /.*/
   321        - test:
   322            filters:
   323              tags:
   324                only: /^v.*/
   325              branches:
   326                ignore: /.*/
   327        - release:
   328            context:
   329              - driftctl
   330              - driftctl-w3security
   331              - driftctl-signing
   332            requires:
   333              - lint
   334              - test
   335            filters:
   336              tags:
   337                only: /^v.*/
   338              branches:
   339                ignore: /.*/
   340        - update-lambda:
   341            context: driftctl-version-lambda
   342            requires:
   343              - release
   344            filters:
   345              tags:
   346                only: /^v.*/
   347              branches:
   348                ignore: /.*/
   349        - release-docs:
   350            context:
   351              - driftctl
   352            requires:
   353              - release
   354            filters:
   355              tags:
   356                only: /^v.*/
   357              branches:
   358                ignore: /.*/
   359        - issue-tagging:
   360            context:
   361              - driftctl
   362            requires:
   363              - release
   364            filters:
   365              tags:
   366                only: /^v.*/
   367              branches:
   368                ignore: /.*/