(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 3 set -e 4 5 rm -f .benchruns 6 rm -f .benchstats.csv 7 rm -f .benchstats.json 8 9 echo "Starting benchmark..." 10 11 # Execute benchmarks multiple times. 12 for i in {1..10} 13 do 14 echo " + run #$i" 15 if [ "$CHARTS" == "true" ]; then 16 go test -short -bench=. >> .benchruns 17 else 18 go test -bench=. >> .benchruns 19 fi 20 done 21 22 benchstat .benchruns | tee benchstats 23 24 if [ "$CHARTS" == "true" ]; then 25 echo -e "\nGenerating charts..." 26 27 # Convert benchmark statistics to CSV and 28 # transform the output to JSON-formatted 29 # data tables interpretable by Google Charts. 30 benchstat -csv -norange .benchruns > .benchstats.csv 31 go run tools/benchparse/benchparse.go -in .benchstats.csv -out .benchstats.json -omit-bandwidth -omit-allocs 32 33 # Generate chart images and apply trim/border 34 # operations using ImageMagick. 35 cd tools/charts && npm --silent --no-audit install && cd ../.. 36 node tools/charts/index.js -f .benchstats.json -d images/benchmarks -n Simple,Complex,CodeMarshal,Map 37 fi 38 39 rm -f .benchruns 40 rm -f .benchstats.csv 41 rm -f .benchstats.json