(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env groovy 2 3 @Library('apm@current') _ 4 5 pipeline { 6 agent { label 'linux && immutable' } 7 environment { 8 REPO = 'apm-agent-go' 9 BASE_DIR = "src/" 10 NOTIFY_TO = credentials('notify-to') 11 JOB_GCS_BUCKET = credentials('gcs-bucket') 12 CODECOV_SECRET = 'secret/apm-team/ci/apm-agent-go-codecov' 13 GO111MODULE = 'on' 14 GOPATH = "${env.WORKSPACE}" 15 GOPROXY = '' 16 HOME = "${env.WORKSPACE}" 17 OPBEANS_REPO = 'opbeans-go' 18 SLACK_CHANNEL = '#apm-agent-go' 19 } 20 options { 21 timeout(time: 2, unit: 'HOURS') 22 buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20', daysToKeepStr: '30')) 23 timestamps() 24 ansiColor('xterm') 25 disableResume() 26 durabilityHint('PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED') 27 rateLimitBuilds(throttle: [count: 60, durationName: 'hour', userBoost: true]) 28 quietPeriod(10) 29 } 30 triggers { 31 issueCommentTrigger("(${obltGitHubComments()}|^run benchmark tests)") 32 } 33 parameters { 34 string(name: 'GO_VERSION', defaultValue: "1.15.10", description: "Go version to use.") 35 booleanParam(name: 'Run_As_Main_Branch', defaultValue: false, description: 'Allow to run any steps on a PR, some steps normally only run on main branch.') 36 booleanParam(name: 'bench_ci', defaultValue: true, description: 'Enable benchmarks') 37 } 38 stages { 39 stage('Initializing'){ 40 options { skipDefaultCheckout() } 41 environment { 42 GO_VERSION = "${params.GO_VERSION}" 43 PATH = "${env.PATH}:${env.WORKSPACE}/bin" 44 } 45 stages { 46 /** 47 Checkout the code and stash it, to use it on other stages. 48 */ 49 stage('Checkout') { 50 options { skipDefaultCheckout() } 51 steps { 52 pipelineManager([ cancelPreviousRunningBuilds: [ when: 'PR' ] ]) 53 deleteDir() 54 gitCheckout(basedir: "${BASE_DIR}", githubNotifyFirstTimeContributor: true, reference: '/var/lib/jenkins/.git-references/apm-agent-go.git') 55 stash allowEmpty: true, name: 'source', useDefaultExcludes: false 56 } 57 } 58 stage('Benchmark') { 59 agent { label 'microbenchmarks-pool' } 60 options { skipDefaultCheckout() } 61 when { 62 beforeAgent true 63 allOf { 64 anyOf { 65 branch 'main' 66 tag pattern: 'v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+.*', comparator: 'REGEXP' 67 expression { return params.Run_As_Main_Branch } 68 expression { return env.GITHUB_COMMENT?.contains('benchmark tests') } 69 } 70 expression { return params.bench_ci } 71 } 72 } 73 steps { 74 withGithubNotify(context: 'Benchmark', tab: 'tests') { 75 deleteDir() 76 unstash 'source' 77 dir("${BASE_DIR}"){ 78 sh script: './scripts/jenkins/', label: 'Benchmarking' 79 dir('build') { 80 sendBenchmarks(file: 'bench.out', index: 'benchmark-go') 81 generateGoBenchmarkDiff(file: 'bench.out', filter: 'exclude') 82 } 83 } 84 } 85 } 86 } 87 } 88 } 89 } 90 post { 91 cleanup { 92 notifyBuildResult(goBenchmarkComment: true) 93 } 94 } 95 }