
     1  Feature: Outcome
     3    Background: An agent with default configuration
     4      Given an agent
     6    # ---- user set outcome
     8    Scenario: User set outcome on span has priority over instrumentation
     9      Given an active span
    10      And the agent sets the span outcome to 'success'
    11      And a user sets the span outcome to 'failure'
    12      When the span ends
    13      Then the span outcome is 'failure'
    15    Scenario: User set outcome on transaction has priority over instrumentation
    16      Given an active transaction
    17      And the agent sets the transaction outcome to 'failure'
    18      And a user sets the transaction outcome to 'unknown'
    19      When the transaction ends
    20      Then the transaction outcome is 'unknown'
    22    # ---- span & transaction outcome from reported errors
    24    Scenario: span with error
    25      Given an active span
    26      And an error is reported to the span
    27      When the span ends
    28      Then the span outcome is 'failure'
    30    Scenario: span without error
    31      Given an active span
    32      When the span ends
    33      Then the span outcome is 'success'
    35    Scenario: transaction with error
    36      Given an active transaction
    37      And an error is reported to the transaction
    38      When the transaction ends
    39      Then the transaction outcome is 'failure'
    41    Scenario: transaction without error
    42      Given an active transaction
    43      When the transaction ends
    44      Then the transaction outcome is 'success'
    46    # ---- HTTP
    48    @http
    49    Scenario Outline: HTTP transaction and span outcome
    50      Given an active transaction 
    51      And a HTTP call is received that returns <status>
    52      When the transaction ends
    53      Then the transaction outcome is '<server>'
    54      Given an active span 
    55      And a HTTP call is made that returns <status>
    56      When the span ends
    57      Then the span outcome is '<client>'
    58      Examples:
    59        | status | client  | server  |
    60        | 100    | success | success |
    61        | 200    | success | success |
    62        | 300    | success | success |
    63        | 400    | failure | success |
    64        | 404    | failure | success |
    65        | 500    | failure | failure |
    66        | -1     | failure | failure |
    67        # last row with negative status represents the case where the status is not available
    68        # for example when an exception/error is thrown without status (IO error, redirect loop, ...)
    70    # ---- gRPC
    72    # reference spec :
    74    @grpc
    75    Scenario Outline: gRPC transaction and span outcome
    76      Given an active transaction
    77      And a gRPC call is received that returns '<status>'
    78      When the transaction ends
    79      Then the transaction outcome is '<server>'
    80      Given an active span
    81      And a gRPC call is made that returns '<status>'
    82      When the span ends
    83      Then the span outcome is '<client>'
    84      Examples:
    85        | status              | client  | server  |
    86        | OK                  | success | success |
    87        | CANCELLED           | failure | success |
    88        | UNKNOWN             | failure | failure |
    89        | INVALID_ARGUMENT    | failure | success |
    90        | DEADLINE_EXCEEDED   | failure | failure |
    91        | NOT_FOUND           | failure | success |
    92        | ALREADY_EXISTS      | failure | success |
    93        | PERMISSION_DENIED   | failure | success |
    94        | RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED  | failure | failure |
    95        | FAILED_PRECONDITION | failure | failure |
    96        | ABORTED             | failure | failure |
    97        | OUT_OF_RANGE        | failure | success |
    98        | UNIMPLEMENTED       | failure | success |
    99        | INTERNAL            | failure | failure |
   100        | UNAVAILABLE         | failure | failure |
   101        | DATA_LOSS           | failure | failure |
   102        | UNAUTHENTICATED     | failure | success |
   103        | n/a                 | failure | failure |
   104      # last row with 'n/a' status represents the case where status is not available