
     1  // Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package action_test
     6  import (
     7  	"bytes"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"strings"
    12  	""
    13  	jc ""
    14  	gc ""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  type ListSuite struct {
    24  	BaseActionSuite
    25  	svc            *state.Application
    26  	wrappedCommand cmd.Command
    27  	command        *action.ListCommand
    28  }
    30  var _ = gc.Suite(&ListSuite{})
    32  func (s *ListSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    33  	s.BaseActionSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    34  	s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewListCommandForTest(
    35  }
    37  func (s *ListSuite) TestInit(c *gc.C) {
    38  	tests := []struct {
    39  		should               string
    40  		args                 []string
    41  		expectedSvc          names.ApplicationTag
    42  		expectedOutputSchema bool
    43  		expectedErr          string
    44  	}{{
    45  		should:      "fail with missing application name",
    46  		args:        []string{},
    47  		expectedErr: "no application name specified",
    48  	}, {
    49  		should:      "fail with invalid application name",
    50  		args:        []string{invalidServiceId},
    51  		expectedErr: "invalid application name \"" + invalidServiceId + "\"",
    52  	}, {
    53  		should:      "fail with too many args",
    54  		args:        []string{"two", "things"},
    55  		expectedErr: "unrecognized args: \\[\"things\"\\]",
    56  	}, {
    57  		should:      "init properly with valid application name",
    58  		args:        []string{validServiceId},
    59  		expectedSvc: names.NewApplicationTag(validServiceId),
    60  	}, {
    61  		should:      "schema with tabular output",
    62  		args:        []string{"--format=tabular", "--schema", validServiceId},
    63  		expectedErr: "full schema not compatible with tabular output",
    64  	}, {
    65  		should:               "init properly with valid application name and --schema",
    66  		args:                 []string{"--format=yaml", "--schema", validServiceId},
    67  		expectedOutputSchema: true,
    68  		expectedSvc:          names.NewApplicationTag(validServiceId),
    69  	}}
    71  	for i, t := range tests {
    72  		for _, modelFlag := range s.modelFlags {
    73  			c.Logf("test %d should %s: juju actions defined %s", i,
    74  				t.should, strings.Join(t.args, " "))
    75  			s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewListCommandForTest(
    76  			args := append([]string{modelFlag, "admin"}, t.args...)
    77  			err := testing.InitCommand(s.wrappedCommand, args)
    78  			if t.expectedErr == "" {
    79  				c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    80  				c.Check(s.command.ApplicationTag(), gc.Equals, t.expectedSvc)
    81  				c.Check(s.command.FullSchema(), gc.Equals, t.expectedOutputSchema)
    82  			} else {
    83  				c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectedErr)
    84  			}
    85  		}
    86  	}
    87  }
    89  func (s *ListSuite) TestRun(c *gc.C) {
    90  	simpleOutput := `
    91  Action          Description
    92  kill            Kill the database.
    93  no-description  No description
    94  no-params       An action with no parameters.
    95  snapshot        Take a snapshot of the database.
    97  `[1:]
    99  	tests := []struct {
   100  		should           string
   101  		expectFullSchema bool
   102  		expectNoResults  bool
   103  		expectMessage    string
   104  		withArgs         []string
   105  		withAPIErr       string
   106  		withCharmActions map[string]params.ActionSpec
   107  		expectedErr      string
   108  	}{{
   109  		should:      "pass back API error correctly",
   110  		withArgs:    []string{validServiceId},
   111  		withAPIErr:  "an API error",
   112  		expectedErr: "an API error",
   113  	}, {
   114  		should:           "get short results properly",
   115  		withArgs:         []string{validServiceId},
   116  		withCharmActions: someCharmActions,
   117  	}, {
   118  		should:           "get full schema results properly",
   119  		withArgs:         []string{"--format=yaml", "--schema", validServiceId},
   120  		expectFullSchema: true,
   121  		withCharmActions: someCharmActions,
   122  	}, {
   123  		should:          "work properly when no results found",
   124  		withArgs:        []string{validServiceId},
   125  		expectNoResults: true,
   126  		expectMessage:   fmt.Sprintf("No actions defined for %s.\n", validServiceId),
   127  	}}
   129  	for i, t := range tests {
   130  		for _, modelFlag := range s.modelFlags {
   131  			func() {
   132  				c.Logf("test %d should %s", i, t.should)
   134  				fakeClient := &fakeAPIClient{charmActions: t.withCharmActions}
   135  				if t.withAPIErr != "" {
   136  					fakeClient.apiErr = errors.New(t.withAPIErr)
   137  				}
   138  				restore := s.patchAPIClient(fakeClient)
   139  				defer restore()
   141  				args := append([]string{modelFlag, "admin"}, t.withArgs...)
   142  				s.wrappedCommand, s.command = action.NewListCommandForTest(
   143  				ctx, err := testing.RunCommand(c, s.wrappedCommand, args...)
   145  				if t.expectedErr != "" || t.withAPIErr != "" {
   146  					c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.expectedErr)
   147  				} else {
   148  					c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
   149  					result := ctx.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer).Bytes()
   150  					if t.expectFullSchema {
   151  						checkFullSchema(c, t.withCharmActions, result)
   152  					} else if t.expectNoResults {
   153  						c.Check(testing.Stderr(ctx), gc.Matches, t.expectMessage)
   154  					} else {
   155  						c.Check(testing.Stdout(ctx), gc.Equals, simpleOutput)
   156  					}
   157  				}
   159  			}()
   160  		}
   161  	}
   162  }
   164  func checkFullSchema(c *gc.C, expected map[string]params.ActionSpec, actual []byte) {
   165  	expectedOutput := make(map[string]interface{})
   166  	for k, v := range expected {
   167  		expectedOutput[k] = v.Params
   168  	}
   169  	c.Check(string(actual), jc.YAMLEquals, expectedOutput)
   170  }