
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package environs
     6  import (
     7  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  // SupportsNetworking is a convenience helper to check if an environment
    15  // supports networking. It returns an interface containing Environ and
    16  // Networking in this case.
    17  var SupportsNetworking = supportsNetworking
    19  // Networking interface defines methods that environments
    20  // with networking capabilities must implement.
    21  type Networking interface {
    22  	// Subnets returns basic information about subnets known
    23  	// by the provider for the environment.
    24  	Subnets(inst instance.Id, subnetIds []network.Id) ([]network.SubnetInfo, error)
    26  	// NetworkInterfaces requests information about the network
    27  	// interfaces on the given instance.
    28  	NetworkInterfaces(instId instance.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error)
    30  	// SupportsSpaces returns whether the current environment supports
    31  	// spaces. The returned error satisfies errors.IsNotSupported(),
    32  	// unless a general API failure occurs.
    33  	SupportsSpaces() (bool, error)
    35  	// SupportsSpaceDiscovery returns whether the current environment
    36  	// supports discovering spaces from the provider. The returned error
    37  	// satisfies errors.IsNotSupported(), unless a general API failure occurs.
    38  	SupportsSpaceDiscovery() (bool, error)
    40  	// Spaces returns a slice of network.SpaceInfo with info, including
    41  	// details of all associated subnets, about all spaces known to the
    42  	// provider that have subnets available.
    43  	Spaces() ([]network.SpaceInfo, error)
    45  	// AllocateContainerAddresses allocates a static address for each of the
    46  	// container NICs in preparedInfo, hosted by the hostInstanceID. Returns the
    47  	// network config including all allocated addresses on success.
    48  	AllocateContainerAddresses(hostInstanceID instance.Id, containerTag names.MachineTag, preparedInfo []network.InterfaceInfo) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error)
    50  	// ReleaseContainerAddresses releases the previously allocated
    51  	// addresses matching the interface details passed in.
    52  	ReleaseContainerAddresses(interfaces []network.ProviderInterfaceInfo) error
    53  }
    55  // NetworkingEnviron combines the standard Environ interface with the
    56  // functionality for networking.
    57  type NetworkingEnviron interface {
    58  	// Environ represents a juju environment.
    59  	Environ
    61  	// Networking defines the methods of networking capable environments.
    62  	Networking
    63  }
    65  func supportsNetworking(environ Environ) (NetworkingEnviron, bool) {
    66  	ne, ok := environ.(NetworkingEnviron)
    67  	return ne, ok
    68  }
    70  // SupportsSpaces checks if the environment implements NetworkingEnviron
    71  // and also if it supports spaces.
    72  func SupportsSpaces(env Environ) bool {
    73  	netEnv, ok := supportsNetworking(env)
    74  	if !ok {
    75  		return false
    76  	}
    77  	ok, err := netEnv.SupportsSpaces()
    78  	if err != nil {
    79  		if !errors.IsNotSupported(err) {
    80  			logger.Errorf("checking model spaces support failed with: %v", err)
    81  		}
    82  		return false
    83  	}
    84  	return ok
    85  }