
     1  // Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package permission
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  // UserAccess represents a user access to a target whereas the user
    13  // could represent a remote user or a user across multiple models the
    14  // user access always represents a single user for a single target.
    15  // There should be no more than one UserAccess per target/user pair.
    16  // Many of these fields are storage artifacts but generate them from
    17  // other fields implies out of band knowledge of other packages.
    18  type UserAccess struct {
    19  	// UserID is the stored ID of the user.
    20  	UserID string
    21  	// UserTag is the tag for the user.
    22  	UserTag names.UserTag
    23  	// Object is the tag for the object of this access grant.
    24  	Object names.Tag
    25  	// Access represents the level of access subject has over object.
    26  	Access Access
    27  	// CreatedBy is the tag of the user that granted the access.
    28  	CreatedBy names.UserTag
    29  	// DateCreated is the date the user was created in UTC.
    30  	DateCreated time.Time
    31  	// DisplayName is the name we are showing for this user.
    32  	DisplayName string
    33  	// UserName is the actual username for this access.
    34  	UserName string
    35  }
    37  // IsEmptyUserAccess returns true if the passed UserAccess instance
    38  // is empty.
    39  func IsEmptyUserAccess(a UserAccess) bool {
    40  	return a == UserAccess{}
    41  }