
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package lease_test
     6  import (
     7  	"time" // Only used for time types.
     9  	""
    10  	gc ""
    12  	""
    13  	coretesting ""
    14  )
    16  type SkewSuite struct {
    17  	testing.IsolationSuite
    18  }
    20  var _ = gc.Suite(&SkewSuite{})
    22  func (s *SkewSuite) TestZero(c *gc.C) {
    23  	now := coretesting.ZeroTime()
    25  	// The zero Skew should act as unskewed.
    26  	skew := lease.Skew{}
    28  	c.Check(skew.Earliest(now), gc.Equals, now)
    29  	c.Check(skew.Latest(now), gc.Equals, now)
    30  }
    32  func (s *SkewSuite) TestApparentPastWrite(c *gc.C) {
    33  	now := coretesting.ZeroTime()
    34  	c.Logf("now: %s", now)
    35  	oneSecondAgo := now.Add(-time.Second)
    36  	threeSecondsAgo := now.Add(-3 * time.Second)
    37  	nineSecondsAgo := now.Add(-9 * time.Second)
    38  	sixSecondsLater := now.Add(6 * time.Second)
    39  	eightSecondsLater := now.Add(8 * time.Second)
    41  	// Where T is the current local time:
    42  	// between T-3 and T-1, we read T-9 from the remote clock.
    43  	skew := lease.Skew{
    44  		LastWrite: nineSecondsAgo,
    45  		Beginning: threeSecondsAgo,
    46  		End:       oneSecondAgo,
    47  	}
    49  	// If the remote wrote a long time ago -- say, 20 minutes ago it thought it
    50  	// was 9 seconds ago -- its clock could be arbitrarily far ahead of ours.
    51  	// But we know that when we started reading, 3 seconds ago, it might not
    52  	// have seen a time later than 9 seconds ago; so right now, three seconds
    53  	// after that, it might not have seen a time later than 6 seconds ago.
    54  	c.Check(skew.Earliest(now), gc.DeepEquals, sixSecondsLater)
    56  	// If the remote wrote at the very last moment -- exactly one second ago,
    57  	// it thought it was nine seconds ago -- it could have a clock a full 8
    58  	// seconds behind ours. If so, the *latest* time at which it *might* still
    59  	// think it's before now is 8 seconds in the future.
    60  	c.Check(skew.Latest(now), gc.DeepEquals, eightSecondsLater)
    61  }
    63  func (s *SkewSuite) TestApparentFutureWrite(c *gc.C) {
    64  	now := coretesting.ZeroTime()
    65  	c.Logf("now: %s", now)
    66  	oneSecondAgo := now.Add(-time.Second)
    67  	threeSecondsAgo := now.Add(-3 * time.Second)
    68  	tenSecondsAgo := now.Add(-10 * time.Second)
    69  	twelveSecondsAgo := now.Add(-12 * time.Second)
    70  	nineSecondsLater := now.Add(9 * time.Second)
    72  	// Where T is the current local time:
    73  	// between T-3 and T-1, we read T+9 from the remote clock.
    74  	skew := lease.Skew{
    75  		LastWrite: nineSecondsLater,
    76  		Beginning: threeSecondsAgo,
    77  		End:       oneSecondAgo,
    78  	}
    80  	// If the remote wrote a long time ago -- say, 20 minutes ago it thought
    81  	// it was nine seconds after now -- its clock could be arbitrarily far
    82  	// ahead of ours. But we know that when we started reading, 3 seconds ago,
    83  	// it might not have seen a time later than 9 seconds in the future; so
    84  	// right now, three seconds after that, it might not have seen a time later
    85  	// than twelve seconds in the future.
    86  	c.Check(skew.Earliest(now), gc.DeepEquals, twelveSecondsAgo)
    88  	// If the remote wrote at the very last moment -- exactly one second ago,
    89  	// it thought it was 9 seconds in the future -- it could have a clock a
    90  	// full 10 seconds ahead of ours. If so, the *latest* time at which it
    91  	// might still have thought it was before now is ten seconds in the past.
    92  	c.Check(skew.Latest(now), gc.DeepEquals, tenSecondsAgo)
    93  }
    95  func (s *SkewSuite) TestBracketedWrite(c *gc.C) {
    96  	now := coretesting.ZeroTime()
    97  	c.Logf("now: %s", now)
    98  	oneSecondAgo := now.Add(-time.Second)
    99  	twoSecondsAgo := now.Add(-2 * time.Second)
   100  	threeSecondsAgo := now.Add(-3 * time.Second)
   101  	fiveSecondsAgo := now.Add(-5 * time.Second)
   102  	oneSecondLater := now.Add(time.Second)
   104  	// Where T is the current local time:
   105  	// between T-5 and T-1, we read T-2 from the remote clock.
   106  	skew := lease.Skew{
   107  		LastWrite: twoSecondsAgo,
   108  		Beginning: fiveSecondsAgo,
   109  		End:       oneSecondAgo,
   110  	}
   112  	// If the remote wrote a long time ago -- say, 20 minutes ago it thought
   113  	// it was two seconds before now -- its clock could be arbitrarily far
   114  	// ahead of ours. But we know that when we started reading, 5 seconds ago,
   115  	// it might not have seen a time later than 2 seconds in the past; so
   116  	// right now, five seconds after that, it might not have seen a time later
   117  	// than three seconds in the future.
   118  	c.Check(skew.Earliest(now), gc.DeepEquals, threeSecondsAgo)
   120  	// If the remote wrote at the very last moment -- exactly one second ago,
   121  	// it thought it was 2 seconds in the past -- it could have a clock one
   122  	// second behind ours. If so, the *latest* time at which it might still
   123  	// have thought it was before now is one second in the future.
   124  	c.Check(skew.Latest(now), gc.DeepEquals, oneSecondLater)
   125  }
   127  func (s *SkewSuite) TestMixedTimezones(c *gc.C) {
   128  	here := time.FixedZone("here", -3600)
   129  	there := time.FixedZone("there", -7200)
   130  	elsewhere := time.FixedZone("elsewhere", -10800)
   132  	// This is a straight copy of TestBracketedWrite, with strange timezones
   133  	// inserted to check that they don't affect the results at all.
   134  	now := coretesting.ZeroTime()
   135  	c.Logf("now: %s", now)
   136  	oneSecondAgo := now.Add(-time.Second)
   137  	twoSecondsAgo := now.Add(-2 * time.Second)
   138  	threeSecondsAgo := now.Add(-3 * time.Second)
   139  	fiveSecondsAgo := now.Add(-5 * time.Second)
   140  	oneSecondLater := now.Add(time.Second)
   142  	// Where T is the current local time:
   143  	// between T-5 and T-1, we read T-2 from the remote clock.
   144  	skew := lease.Skew{
   145  		LastWrite: twoSecondsAgo.In(here),
   146  		Beginning: fiveSecondsAgo.In(there),
   147  		End:       oneSecondAgo.In(elsewhere),
   148  	}
   150  	// If the remote wrote a long time ago -- say, 20 minutes ago it thought
   151  	// it was two seconds before now -- its clock could be arbitrarily far
   152  	// ahead of ours. But we know that when we started reading, 5 seconds ago,
   153  	// it might not have seen a time later than 2 seconds in the past; so
   154  	// right now, five seconds after that, it might not have seen a time later
   155  	// than three seconds in the future.
   156  	c.Check(skew.Earliest(now), gc.DeepEquals, threeSecondsAgo.In(there))
   158  	// If the remote wrote at the very last moment -- exactly one second ago,
   159  	// it thought it was 2 seconds in the past -- it could have a clock one
   160  	// second behind ours. If so, the *latest* time at which it might still
   161  	// have thought it was before now is one second in the future.
   162  	c.Check(skew.Latest(now), gc.DeepEquals, oneSecondLater.In(elsewhere))
   163  }