
     1  // Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package provisioner_test
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	jc ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	gc ""
    19  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	apiprovisioner ""
    24  	""
    25  	apiserverprovisioner ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	imagetesting ""
    33  	envtesting ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	coretesting ""
    46  	coretools ""
    47  	jujuversion ""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  )
    52  type CommonProvisionerSuite struct {
    53  	testing.JujuConnSuite
    54  	op  <-chan dummy.Operation
    55  	cfg *config.Config
    56  	// defaultConstraints are used when adding a machine and then later in test assertions.
    57  	defaultConstraints constraints.Value
    59  	st          api.Connection
    60  	provisioner *apiprovisioner.State
    61  }
    63  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) assertProvisionerObservesConfigChanges(c *gc.C, p provisioner.Provisioner) {
    64  	// Inject our observer into the provisioner
    65  	cfgObserver := make(chan *config.Config, 1)
    66  	provisioner.SetObserver(p, cfgObserver)
    68  	// Switch to reaping on All machines.
    69  	attrs := map[string]interface{}{
    70  		config.ProvisionerHarvestModeKey: config.HarvestAll.String(),
    71  	}
    72  	err := s.State.UpdateModelConfig(attrs, nil, nil)
    73  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    75  	s.BackingState.StartSync()
    77  	// Wait for the PA to load the new configuration. We wait for the change we expect
    78  	// like this because sometimes we pick up the initial harvest config (destroyed)
    79  	// rather than the one we change to (all).
    80  	received := []string{}
    81  	timeout := time.After(coretesting.LongWait)
    82  	for {
    83  		select {
    84  		case newCfg := <-cfgObserver:
    85  			if newCfg.ProvisionerHarvestMode().String() == config.HarvestAll.String() {
    86  				return
    87  			}
    88  			received = append(received, newCfg.ProvisionerHarvestMode().String())
    89  		case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
    90  			s.BackingState.StartSync()
    91  		case <-timeout:
    92  			if len(received) == 0 {
    93  				c.Fatalf("PA did not action config change")
    94  			} else {
    95  				c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for config to change to '%s', received %+v",
    96  					config.HarvestAll.String(), received)
    97  			}
    98  		}
    99  	}
   100  }
   102  type ProvisionerSuite struct {
   103  	CommonProvisionerSuite
   104  }
   106  var _ = gc.Suite(&ProvisionerSuite{})
   108  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
   109  	s.JujuConnSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
   110  	s.defaultConstraints = constraints.MustParse("arch=amd64 mem=4G cores=1 root-disk=8G")
   111  }
   113  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
   114  	s.JujuConnSuite.SetUpTest(c)
   116  	// We do not want to pull published image metadata for tests...
   117  	imagetesting.PatchOfficialDataSources(&s.CleanupSuite, "")
   118  	// We want an image to start test instances
   119  	err := s.State.CloudImageMetadataStorage.SaveMetadata([]cloudimagemetadata.Metadata{{
   120  		MetadataAttributes: cloudimagemetadata.MetadataAttributes{
   121  			Region:          "region",
   122  			Series:          "trusty",
   123  			Arch:            "amd64",
   124  			VirtType:        "",
   125  			RootStorageType: "",
   126  			Source:          "test",
   127  			Stream:          "released",
   128  		},
   129  		Priority: 10,
   130  		ImageId:  "-999",
   131  	}})
   132  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   134  	// Create the operations channel with more than enough space
   135  	// for those tests that don't listen on it.
   136  	op := make(chan dummy.Operation, 500)
   137  	dummy.Listen(op)
   138  	s.op = op
   140  	cfg, err := s.State.ModelConfig()
   141  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   142  	s.cfg = cfg
   144  	// Create a machine for the dummy bootstrap instance,
   145  	// so the provisioner doesn't destroy it.
   146  	insts, err := s.Environ.Instances([]instance.Id{dummy.BootstrapInstanceId})
   147  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   148  	addrs, err := insts[0].Addresses()
   149  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   150  	machine, err := s.State.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
   151  		Addresses:  addrs,
   152  		Series:     "quantal",
   153  		Nonce:      agent.BootstrapNonce,
   154  		InstanceId: dummy.BootstrapInstanceId,
   155  		Jobs:       []state.MachineJob{state.JobManageModel},
   156  	})
   157  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   158  	c.Assert(machine.Id(), gc.Equals, "0")
   160  	current := version.Binary{
   161  		Number: jujuversion.Current,
   162  		Arch:   arch.HostArch(),
   163  		Series: series.HostSeries(),
   164  	}
   165  	err = machine.SetAgentVersion(current)
   166  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   168  	password, err := utils.RandomPassword()
   169  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   170  	err = machine.SetPassword(password)
   171  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   173 = s.OpenAPIAsMachine(c, machine.Tag(), password, agent.BootstrapNonce)
   174  	c.Assert(, gc.NotNil)
   175  	c.Logf("API: login as %q successful", machine.Tag())
   176  	s.provisioner = apiprovisioner.NewState(
   177  	c.Assert(s.provisioner, gc.NotNil)
   178  }
   180  // stop stops a Worker.
   181  func stop(c *gc.C, w worker.Worker) {
   182  	c.Assert(worker.Stop(w), jc.ErrorIsNil)
   183  }
   185  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) startUnknownInstance(c *gc.C, id string) instance.Instance {
   186  	instance, _ := testing.AssertStartInstance(c, s.Environ, s.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(), id)
   187  	select {
   188  	case o := <-s.op:
   189  		switch o := o.(type) {
   190  		case dummy.OpStartInstance:
   191  		default:
   192  			c.Fatalf("unexpected operation %#v", o)
   193  		}
   194  	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
   195  		c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for startinstance operation")
   196  	}
   197  	return instance
   198  }
   200  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkStartInstance(c *gc.C, m *state.Machine) instance.Instance {
   201  	return s.checkStartInstanceCustom(c, m, "pork", s.defaultConstraints, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)
   202  }
   204  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkStartInstanceCustom(
   205  	c *gc.C, m *state.Machine,
   206  	secret string, cons constraints.Value,
   207  	networkInfo []network.InterfaceInfo,
   208  	subnetsToZones map[network.Id][]string,
   209  	volumes []storage.Volume,
   210  	checkPossibleTools coretools.List,
   211  	waitInstanceId bool,
   212  ) (
   213  	inst instance.Instance,
   214  ) {
   215  	s.BackingState.StartSync()
   216  	for {
   217  		select {
   218  		case o := <-s.op:
   219  			switch o := o.(type) {
   220  			case dummy.OpStartInstance:
   221  				inst = o.Instance
   222  				if waitInstanceId {
   223  					s.waitInstanceId(c, m, inst.Id())
   224  				}
   226  				// Check the instance was started with the expected params.
   227  				c.Assert(o.MachineId, gc.Equals, m.Id())
   228  				nonceParts := strings.SplitN(o.MachineNonce, ":", 2)
   229  				c.Assert(nonceParts, gc.HasLen, 2)
   230  				c.Assert(nonceParts[0], gc.Equals, names.NewMachineTag("0").String())
   231  				c.Assert(nonceParts[1], jc.Satisfies, utils.IsValidUUIDString)
   232  				c.Assert(o.Secret, gc.Equals, secret)
   233  				c.Assert(o.SubnetsToZones, jc.DeepEquals, subnetsToZones)
   234  				c.Assert(o.NetworkInfo, jc.DeepEquals, networkInfo)
   235  				c.Assert(o.Volumes, jc.DeepEquals, volumes)
   237  				var jobs []multiwatcher.MachineJob
   238  				for _, job := range m.Jobs() {
   239  					jobs = append(jobs, job.ToParams())
   240  				}
   241  				c.Assert(o.Jobs, jc.SameContents, jobs)
   243  				if checkPossibleTools != nil {
   244  					for _, t := range o.PossibleTools {
   245  						url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/model/%s/tools/%s",
   246, coretesting.ModelTag.Id(), t.Version)
   247  						c.Check(t.URL, gc.Equals, url)
   248  						t.URL = ""
   249  					}
   250  					for _, t := range checkPossibleTools {
   251  						t.URL = ""
   252  					}
   253  					c.Assert(o.PossibleTools, gc.DeepEquals, checkPossibleTools)
   254  				}
   256  				// All provisioned machines in this test suite have
   257  				// their hardware characteristics attributes set to
   258  				// the same values as the constraints due to the dummy
   259  				// environment being used.
   260  				if !constraints.IsEmpty(&cons) {
   261  					c.Assert(o.Constraints, gc.DeepEquals, cons)
   262  					hc, err := m.HardwareCharacteristics()
   263  					c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   264  					c.Assert(*hc, gc.DeepEquals, instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
   265  						Arch:     cons.Arch,
   266  						Mem:      cons.Mem,
   267  						RootDisk: cons.RootDisk,
   268  						CpuCores: cons.CpuCores,
   269  						CpuPower: cons.CpuPower,
   270  						Tags:     cons.Tags,
   271  					})
   272  				}
   273  				return
   274  			default:
   275  				c.Logf("ignoring unexpected operation %#v", o)
   276  			}
   277  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   278  			c.Fatalf("provisioner did not start an instance")
   279  			return
   280  		}
   281  	}
   282  }
   284  // checkNoOperations checks that the environ was not operated upon.
   285  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkNoOperations(c *gc.C) {
   286  	s.BackingState.StartSync()
   287  	select {
   288  	case o := <-s.op:
   289  		c.Fatalf("unexpected operation %+v", o)
   290  	case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
   291  		return
   292  	}
   293  }
   295  // checkStopInstances checks that an instance has been stopped.
   296  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkStopInstances(c *gc.C, instances ...instance.Instance) {
   297  	s.checkStopSomeInstances(c, instances, nil)
   298  }
   300  // checkStopSomeInstances checks that instancesToStop are stopped while instancesToKeep are not.
   301  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) checkStopSomeInstances(c *gc.C,
   302  	instancesToStop []instance.Instance, instancesToKeep []instance.Instance) {
   304  	s.BackingState.StartSync()
   305  	instanceIdsToStop := set.NewStrings()
   306  	for _, instance := range instancesToStop {
   307  		instanceIdsToStop.Add(string(instance.Id()))
   308  	}
   309  	instanceIdsToKeep := set.NewStrings()
   310  	for _, instance := range instancesToKeep {
   311  		instanceIdsToKeep.Add(string(instance.Id()))
   312  	}
   313  	// Continue checking for stop instance calls until all the instances we
   314  	// are waiting on to finish, actually finish, or we time out.
   315  	for !instanceIdsToStop.IsEmpty() {
   316  		select {
   317  		case o := <-s.op:
   318  			switch o := o.(type) {
   319  			case dummy.OpStopInstances:
   320  				for _, id := range o.Ids {
   321  					instId := string(id)
   322  					instanceIdsToStop.Remove(instId)
   323  					if instanceIdsToKeep.Contains(instId) {
   324  						c.Errorf("provisioner unexpectedly stopped instance %s", instId)
   325  					}
   326  				}
   327  			default:
   328  				c.Fatalf("unexpected operation %#v", o)
   329  				return
   330  			}
   331  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   332  			c.Fatalf("provisioner did not stop an instance")
   333  			return
   334  		}
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) waitForWatcher(c *gc.C, w state.NotifyWatcher, name string, check func() bool) {
   339  	// TODO(jam): We need to grow a new method on NotifyWatcherC
   340  	// that calls StartSync while waiting for changes, then
   341  	// waitMachine and waitHardwareCharacteristics can use that
   342  	// instead
   343  	defer stop(c, w)
   344  	timeout := time.After(coretesting.LongWait)
   345  	resync := time.After(0)
   346  	for {
   347  		select {
   348  		case <-w.Changes():
   349  			if check() {
   350  				return
   351  			}
   352  		case <-resync:
   353  			resync = time.After(coretesting.ShortWait)
   354  			s.BackingState.StartSync()
   355  		case <-timeout:
   356  			c.Fatalf("%v wait timed out", name)
   357  		}
   358  	}
   359  }
   361  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) waitHardwareCharacteristics(c *gc.C, m *state.Machine, check func() bool) {
   362  	w := m.WatchHardwareCharacteristics()
   363  	name := fmt.Sprintf("hardware characteristics for machine %v", m)
   364  	s.waitForWatcher(c, w, name, check)
   365  }
   367  // waitForRemovalMark waits for the supplied machine to be marked for removal.
   368  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) waitForRemovalMark(c *gc.C, m *state.Machine) {
   369  	w := s.BackingState.WatchMachineRemovals()
   370  	name := fmt.Sprintf("machine %v marked for removal", m)
   371  	s.waitForWatcher(c, w, name, func() bool {
   372  		removals, err := s.BackingState.AllMachineRemovals()
   373  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   374  		for _, removal := range removals {
   375  			if removal == m.Id() {
   376  				return true
   377  			}
   378  		}
   379  		return false
   380  	})
   381  }
   383  // waitInstanceId waits until the supplied machine has an instance id, then
   384  // asserts it is as expected.
   385  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) waitInstanceId(c *gc.C, m *state.Machine, expect instance.Id) {
   386  	s.waitHardwareCharacteristics(c, m, func() bool {
   387  		if actual, err := m.InstanceId(); err == nil {
   388  			c.Assert(actual, gc.Equals, expect)
   389  			return true
   390  		} else if !errors.IsNotProvisioned(err) {
   391  			// We don't expect any errors.
   392  			panic(err)
   393  		}
   394  		c.Logf("machine %v is still unprovisioned", m)
   395  		return false
   396  	})
   397  }
   399  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) newEnvironProvisioner(c *gc.C) provisioner.Provisioner {
   400  	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag("0")
   401  	agentConfig := s.AgentConfigForTag(c, machineTag)
   402  	apiState := apiprovisioner.NewState(
   403  	w, err := provisioner.NewEnvironProvisioner(apiState, agentConfig, s.Environ)
   404  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   405  	return w
   406  }
   408  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) addMachine() (*state.Machine, error) {
   409  	return s.addMachineWithConstraints(s.defaultConstraints)
   410  }
   412  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) addMachineWithConstraints(cons constraints.Value) (*state.Machine, error) {
   413  	return s.BackingState.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
   414  		Series:      series.LatestLts(),
   415  		Jobs:        []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   416  		Constraints: cons,
   417  	})
   418  }
   420  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) enableHA(c *gc.C, n int) []*state.Machine {
   421  	changes, err := s.BackingState.EnableHA(n, s.defaultConstraints, series.LatestLts(), nil)
   422  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   423  	added := make([]*state.Machine, len(changes.Added))
   424  	for i, mid := range changes.Added {
   425  		m, err := s.BackingState.Machine(mid)
   426  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   427  		added[i] = m
   428  	}
   429  	return added
   430  }
   432  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerStartStop(c *gc.C) {
   433  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   434  	stop(c, p)
   435  }
   437  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestSimple(c *gc.C) {
   438  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   439  	defer stop(c, p)
   441  	// Check that an instance is provisioned when the machine is created...
   442  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   443  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   444  	instance := s.checkStartInstance(c, m)
   446  	// ...and removed, along with the machine, when the machine is Dead.
   447  	c.Assert(m.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   448  	s.checkStopInstances(c, instance)
   449  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m)
   450  }
   452  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestConstraints(c *gc.C) {
   453  	// Create a machine with non-standard constraints.
   454  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   455  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   456  	cons := constraints.MustParse("mem=8G arch=amd64 cores=2 root-disk=10G")
   457  	err = m.SetConstraints(cons)
   458  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   460  	// Start a provisioner and check those constraints are used.
   461  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   462  	defer stop(c, p)
   463  	s.checkStartInstanceCustom(c, m, "pork", cons, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)
   464  }
   466  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestPossibleTools(c *gc.C) {
   468  	storageDir := c.MkDir()
   469  	s.PatchValue(&tools.DefaultBaseURL, storageDir)
   470  	stor, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(storageDir)
   471  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   473  	// Set a current version that does not match the
   474  	// agent-version in the environ config.
   475  	currentVersion := version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-arm64")
   476  	s.PatchValue(&arch.HostArch, func() string { return currentVersion.Arch })
   477  	s.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return currentVersion.Series })
   478  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, currentVersion.Number)
   480  	// Upload some plausible matches, and some that should be filtered out.
   481  	compatibleVersion := version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-quantal-amd64")
   482  	ignoreVersion1 := version.MustParseBinary("1.2.4-quantal-arm64")
   483  	ignoreVersion2 := version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-precise-arm64")
   484  	availableVersions := []version.Binary{
   485  		currentVersion, compatibleVersion, ignoreVersion1, ignoreVersion2,
   486  	}
   487  	envtesting.AssertUploadFakeToolsVersions(c, stor, s.cfg.AgentStream(), s.cfg.AgentStream(), availableVersions...)
   489  	// Extract the tools that we expect to actually match.
   490  	expectedList, err := tools.FindTools(s.Environ, -1, -1, s.cfg.AgentStream(), coretools.Filter{
   491  		Number: currentVersion.Number,
   492  		Series: currentVersion.Series,
   493  	})
   494  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   496  	// Create the machine and check the tools that get passed into StartInstance.
   497  	machine, err := s.BackingState.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
   498  		Series: "quantal",
   499  		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   500  	})
   501  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   503  	provisioner := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   504  	defer stop(c, provisioner)
   505  	s.checkStartInstanceCustom(
   506  		c, machine, "pork", constraints.Value{},
   507  		nil, nil, nil, expectedList, true,
   508  	)
   509  }
   511  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerSetsErrorStatusWhenNoToolsAreAvailable(c *gc.C) {
   512  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   513  	defer stop(c, p)
   515  	// Check that an instance is not provisioned when the machine is created...
   516  	m, err := s.BackingState.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
   517  		// We need a valid series that has no tools uploaded
   518  		Series:      "raring",
   519  		Jobs:        []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   520  		Constraints: s.defaultConstraints,
   521  	})
   522  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   523  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   525  	t0 := time.Now()
   526  	for time.Since(t0) < coretesting.LongWait {
   527  		// And check the machine status is set to error.
   528  		statusInfo, err := m.Status()
   529  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   530  		if statusInfo.Status == status.Pending {
   531  			time.Sleep(coretesting.ShortWait)
   532  			continue
   533  		}
   534  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Status, gc.Equals, status.Error)
   535  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Message, gc.Equals, "no matching tools available")
   536  		break
   537  	}
   539  	// Restart the PA to make sure the machine is skipped again.
   540  	stop(c, p)
   541  	p = s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   542  	defer stop(c, p)
   543  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   544  }
   546  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerFailedStartInstanceWithInjectedCreationError(c *gc.C) {
   547  	// Set the retry delay to 0, and retry count to 2 to keep tests short
   548  	s.PatchValue(provisioner.RetryStrategyDelay, 0*time.Second)
   549  	s.PatchValue(provisioner.RetryStrategyCount, 2)
   551  	// create the error injection channel
   552  	errorInjectionChannel := make(chan error, 3)
   554  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   555  	defer stop(c, p)
   557  	// patch the dummy provider error injection channel
   558  	cleanup := dummy.PatchTransientErrorInjectionChannel(errorInjectionChannel)
   559  	defer cleanup()
   561  	retryableError := errors.New("container failed to start and was destroyed")
   562  	destroyError := errors.New("container failed to start and failed to destroy: manual cleanup of containers needed")
   563  	// send the error message three times, because the provisioner will retry twice as patched above.
   564  	errorInjectionChannel <- retryableError
   565  	errorInjectionChannel <- retryableError
   566  	errorInjectionChannel <- destroyError
   568  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   569  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   570  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   572  	t0 := time.Now()
   573  	for time.Since(t0) < coretesting.LongWait {
   574  		// And check the machine status is set to error.
   575  		statusInfo, err := m.Status()
   576  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   577  		if statusInfo.Status == status.Pending {
   578  			time.Sleep(coretesting.ShortWait)
   579  			continue
   580  		}
   581  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Status, gc.Equals, status.Error)
   582  		// check that the status matches the error message
   583  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Message, gc.Equals, destroyError.Error())
   584  		return
   585  	}
   586  	c.Fatal("Test took too long to complete")
   587  }
   589  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerSucceedStartInstanceWithInjectedRetryableCreationError(c *gc.C) {
   590  	// Set the retry delay to 0, and retry count to 2 to keep tests short
   591  	s.PatchValue(provisioner.RetryStrategyDelay, 0*time.Second)
   592  	s.PatchValue(provisioner.RetryStrategyCount, 2)
   594  	// create the error injection channel
   595  	errorInjectionChannel := make(chan error, 1)
   596  	c.Assert(errorInjectionChannel, gc.NotNil)
   598  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   599  	defer stop(c, p)
   601  	// patch the dummy provider error injection channel
   602  	cleanup := dummy.PatchTransientErrorInjectionChannel(errorInjectionChannel)
   603  	defer cleanup()
   605  	// send the error message once
   606  	// - instance creation should succeed
   607  	retryableError := errors.New("container failed to start and was destroyed")
   608  	errorInjectionChannel <- retryableError
   610  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   611  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   612  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m)
   613  }
   615  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerStopRetryingIfDying(c *gc.C) {
   616  	// Create the error injection channel and inject
   617  	// a retryable error
   618  	errorInjectionChannel := make(chan error, 1)
   620  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   621  	// Don't refer the stop.  We will manually stop and verify the result.
   623  	// patch the dummy provider error injection channel
   624  	cleanup := dummy.PatchTransientErrorInjectionChannel(errorInjectionChannel)
   625  	defer cleanup()
   627  	retryableError := errors.New("container failed to start and was destroyed")
   628  	errorInjectionChannel <- retryableError
   630  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   631  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   633  	time.Sleep(coretesting.ShortWait)
   635  	stop(c, p)
   636  	statusInfo, err := m.Status()
   637  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   638  	c.Assert(statusInfo.Status, gc.Equals, status.Pending)
   639  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   640  }
   642  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningDoesNotOccurForLXD(c *gc.C) {
   643  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   644  	defer stop(c, p)
   646  	// create a machine to host the container.
   647  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   648  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   649  	inst := s.checkStartInstance(c, m)
   651  	// make a container on the machine we just created
   652  	template := state.MachineTemplate{
   653  		Series: series.LatestLts(),
   654  		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   655  	}
   656  	container, err := s.State.AddMachineInsideMachine(template, m.Id(), instance.LXD)
   657  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   659  	// the PA should not attempt to create it
   660  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   662  	// cleanup
   663  	c.Assert(container.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   664  	c.Assert(container.Remove(), gc.IsNil)
   665  	c.Assert(m.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   666  	s.checkStopInstances(c, inst)
   667  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m)
   668  }
   670  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningDoesNotOccurForKVM(c *gc.C) {
   671  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   672  	defer stop(c, p)
   674  	// create a machine to host the container.
   675  	m, err := s.addMachine()
   676  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   677  	inst := s.checkStartInstance(c, m)
   679  	// make a container on the machine we just created
   680  	template := state.MachineTemplate{
   681  		Series: series.LatestLts(),
   682  		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   683  	}
   684  	container, err := s.State.AddMachineInsideMachine(template, m.Id(), instance.KVM)
   685  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   687  	// the PA should not attempt to create it
   688  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   690  	// cleanup
   691  	c.Assert(container.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   692  	c.Assert(container.Remove(), gc.IsNil)
   693  	c.Assert(m.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   694  	s.checkStopInstances(c, inst)
   695  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m)
   696  }
   698  type MachineClassifySuite struct {
   699  }
   701  var _ = gc.Suite(&MachineClassifySuite{})
   703  type MockMachine struct {
   704  	life          params.Life
   705  	status        status.Status
   706  	id            string
   707  	idErr         error
   708  	ensureDeadErr error
   709  	statusErr     error
   710  }
   712  func (m *MockMachine) Life() params.Life {
   713  	return
   714  }
   716  func (m *MockMachine) InstanceId() (instance.Id, error) {
   717  	return instance.Id(, m.idErr
   718  }
   720  func (m *MockMachine) EnsureDead() error {
   721  	return m.ensureDeadErr
   722  }
   724  func (m *MockMachine) Status() (status.Status, string, error) {
   725  	return m.status, "", m.statusErr
   726  }
   728  func (m *MockMachine) Id() string {
   729  	return
   730  }
   732  type machineClassificationTest struct {
   733  	description    string
   734  	life           params.Life
   735  	status         status.Status
   736  	idErr          string
   737  	ensureDeadErr  string
   738  	expectErrCode  string
   739  	expectErrFmt   string
   740  	statusErr      string
   741  	classification provisioner.MachineClassification
   742  }
   744  var machineClassificationTests = []machineClassificationTest{{
   745  	description:    "Dead machine is dead",
   746  	life:           params.Dead,
   747  	status:         status.Started,
   748  	classification: provisioner.Dead,
   749  }, {
   750  	description:    "Dying machine can carry on dying",
   751  	life:           params.Dying,
   752  	status:         status.Started,
   753  	classification: provisioner.None,
   754  }, {
   755  	description:    "Dying unprovisioned machine is ensured dead",
   756  	life:           params.Dying,
   757  	status:         status.Started,
   758  	classification: provisioner.Dead,
   759  	idErr:          params.CodeNotProvisioned,
   760  }, {
   761  	description:    "Can't load provisioned dying machine",
   762  	life:           params.Dying,
   763  	status:         status.Started,
   764  	classification: provisioner.None,
   765  	idErr:          params.CodeNotFound,
   766  	expectErrCode:  params.CodeNotFound,
   767  	expectErrFmt:   "failed to load dying machine id:%s.*",
   768  }, {
   769  	description:    "Alive machine is not provisioned - pending",
   770  	life:           params.Alive,
   771  	status:         status.Pending,
   772  	classification: provisioner.Pending,
   773  	idErr:          params.CodeNotProvisioned,
   774  	expectErrFmt:   "found machine pending provisioning id:%s.*",
   775  }, {
   776  	description:    "Alive, pending machine not found",
   777  	life:           params.Alive,
   778  	status:         status.Pending,
   779  	classification: provisioner.None,
   780  	idErr:          params.CodeNotFound,
   781  	expectErrCode:  params.CodeNotFound,
   782  	expectErrFmt:   "failed to load machine id:%s.*",
   783  }, {
   784  	description:    "Cannot get unprovisioned machine status",
   785  	life:           params.Alive,
   786  	classification: provisioner.None,
   787  	statusErr:      params.CodeNotFound,
   788  	idErr:          params.CodeNotProvisioned,
   789  }, {
   790  	description:    "Dying machine fails to ensure dead",
   791  	life:           params.Dying,
   792  	status:         status.Started,
   793  	classification: provisioner.None,
   794  	idErr:          params.CodeNotProvisioned,
   795  	expectErrCode:  params.CodeNotFound,
   796  	ensureDeadErr:  params.CodeNotFound,
   797  	expectErrFmt:   "failed to ensure machine dead id:%s.*",
   798  }}
   800  var machineClassificationTestsRequireMaintenance = machineClassificationTest{
   801  	description:    "Machine needs maintaining",
   802  	life:           params.Alive,
   803  	status:         status.Started,
   804  	classification: provisioner.Maintain,
   805  }
   807  var machineClassificationTestsNoMaintenance = machineClassificationTest{
   808  	description:    "Machine doesn't need maintaining",
   809  	life:           params.Alive,
   810  	status:         status.Started,
   811  	classification: provisioner.None,
   812  }
   814  func (s *MachineClassifySuite) TestMachineClassification(c *gc.C) {
   815  	test := func(t machineClassificationTest, id string) {
   816  		// Run a sub-test from the test table
   817  		s2e := func(s string) error {
   818  			// Little helper to turn a non-empty string into a useful error for "ErrorMaches"
   819  			if s != "" {
   820  				return &params.Error{Code: s}
   821  			}
   822  			return nil
   823  		}
   825  		c.Logf("%s: %s", id, t.description)
   826  		machine := MockMachine{, t.status, id, s2e(t.idErr), s2e(t.ensureDeadErr), s2e(t.statusErr)}
   827  		classification, err := provisioner.ClassifyMachine(&machine)
   828  		if err != nil {
   829  			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, fmt.Sprintf(t.expectErrFmt, machine.Id()))
   830  		} else {
   831  			c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, s2e(t.expectErrCode))
   832  		}
   833  		c.Assert(classification, gc.Equals, t.classification)
   834  	}
   836  	machineIds := []string{"0/kvm/0", "0"}
   837  	for _, id := range machineIds {
   838  		tests := machineClassificationTests
   839  		if id == "0" {
   840  			tests = append(tests, machineClassificationTestsNoMaintenance)
   841  		} else {
   842  			tests = append(tests, machineClassificationTestsRequireMaintenance)
   843  		}
   844  		for _, t := range tests {
   845  			test(t, id)
   846  		}
   847  	}
   848  }
   850  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningMachinesWithSpacesSuccess(c *gc.C) {
   851  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   852  	defer stop(c, p)
   854  	// Add the spaces used in constraints.
   855  	_, err := s.State.AddSpace("space1", "", nil, false)
   856  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   857  	_, err = s.State.AddSpace("space2", "", nil, false)
   858  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   860  	// Add 1 subnet into space1, and 2 into space2.
   861  	// Each subnet is in a matching zone (e.g "subnet-#" in "zone#").
   862  	testing.AddSubnetsWithTemplate(c, s.State, 3, state.SubnetInfo{
   863  		CIDR:             "10.10.{{.}}.0/24",
   864  		ProviderId:       "subnet-{{.}}",
   865  		AvailabilityZone: "zone{{.}}",
   866  		SpaceName:        "{{if (eq . 0)}}space1{{else}}space2{{end}}",
   867  		VLANTag:          42,
   868  	})
   870  	// Add and provision a machine with spaces specified.
   871  	cons := constraints.MustParse(
   872  		s.defaultConstraints.String(), "spaces=space2,^space1",
   873  	)
   874  	// The dummy provider simulates 2 subnets per included space.
   875  	expectedSubnetsToZones := map[network.Id][]string{
   876  		"subnet-0": []string{"zone0"},
   877  		"subnet-1": []string{"zone1"},
   878  	}
   879  	m, err := s.addMachineWithConstraints(cons)
   880  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   881  	inst := s.checkStartInstanceCustom(
   882  		c, m, "pork", cons,
   883  		nil,
   884  		expectedSubnetsToZones,
   885  		nil, nil, true,
   886  	)
   888  	// Cleanup.
   889  	c.Assert(m.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
   890  	s.checkStopInstances(c, inst)
   891  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m)
   892  }
   894  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) testProvisioningFailsAndSetsErrorStatusForConstraints(
   895  	c *gc.C,
   896  	cons constraints.Value,
   897  	expectedErrorStatus string,
   898  ) {
   899  	machine, err := s.addMachineWithConstraints(cons)
   900  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   902  	// Start the PA.
   903  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   904  	defer stop(c, p)
   906  	// Expect StartInstance to fail.
   907  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   909  	// Ensure machine error status was set.
   910  	t0 := time.Now()
   911  	for time.Since(t0) < coretesting.LongWait {
   912  		statusInfo, err := machine.Status()
   913  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   914  		if statusInfo.Status == status.Pending {
   915  			time.Sleep(coretesting.ShortWait)
   916  			continue
   917  		}
   918  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Status, gc.Equals, status.Error)
   919  		c.Assert(statusInfo.Message, gc.Equals, expectedErrorStatus)
   920  		break
   921  	}
   923  	// Make sure the task didn't stop with an error
   924  	died := make(chan error)
   925  	go func() {
   926  		died <- p.Wait()
   927  	}()
   928  	select {
   929  	case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
   930  	case err := <-died:
   931  		c.Fatalf("provisioner task died unexpectedly with err: %v", err)
   932  	}
   934  	// Restart the PA to make sure the machine is not retried.
   935  	stop(c, p)
   936  	p = s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   937  	defer stop(c, p)
   939  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
   940  }
   942  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningMachinesFailsWithUnknownSpaces(c *gc.C) {
   943  	cons := constraints.MustParse(
   944  		s.defaultConstraints.String(), "spaces=missing,ignored,^ignored-too",
   945  	)
   946  	expectedErrorStatus := `cannot match subnets to zones: space "missing" not found`
   947  	s.testProvisioningFailsAndSetsErrorStatusForConstraints(c, cons, expectedErrorStatus)
   948  }
   950  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningMachinesFailsWithEmptySpaces(c *gc.C) {
   951  	_, err := s.State.AddSpace("empty", "", nil, false)
   952  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   953  	cons := constraints.MustParse(
   954  		s.defaultConstraints.String(), "spaces=empty",
   955  	)
   956  	expectedErrorStatus := `cannot match subnets to zones: ` +
   957  		`cannot use space "empty" as deployment target: no subnets`
   958  	s.testProvisioningFailsAndSetsErrorStatusForConstraints(c, cons, expectedErrorStatus)
   959  }
   961  func (s *CommonProvisionerSuite) addMachineWithRequestedVolumes(volumes []state.MachineVolumeParams, cons constraints.Value) (*state.Machine, error) {
   962  	return s.BackingState.AddOneMachine(state.MachineTemplate{
   963  		Series:      series.LatestLts(),
   964  		Jobs:        []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
   965  		Constraints: cons,
   966  		Volumes:     volumes,
   967  	})
   968  }
   970  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningMachinesWithRequestedVolumes(c *gc.C) {
   971  	// Set up a persistent pool.
   972  	poolManager := poolmanager.New(state.NewStateSettings(s.State), s.Environ)
   973  	_, err := poolManager.Create("persistent-pool", "static", map[string]interface{}{"persistent": true})
   974  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   976  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
   977  	defer stop(c, p)
   979  	// Add and provision a machine with volumes specified.
   980  	requestedVolumes := []state.MachineVolumeParams{{
   981  		Volume:     state.VolumeParams{Pool: "static", Size: 1024},
   982  		Attachment: state.VolumeAttachmentParams{},
   983  	}, {
   984  		Volume:     state.VolumeParams{Pool: "persistent-pool", Size: 2048},
   985  		Attachment: state.VolumeAttachmentParams{},
   986  	}}
   987  	expectVolumeInfo := []storage.Volume{{
   988  		names.NewVolumeTag("1"),
   989  		storage.VolumeInfo{
   990  			Size: 1024,
   991  		},
   992  	}, {
   993  		names.NewVolumeTag("2"),
   994  		storage.VolumeInfo{
   995  			Size:       2048,
   996  			Persistent: true,
   997  		},
   998  	}}
   999  	m, err := s.addMachineWithRequestedVolumes(requestedVolumes, s.defaultConstraints)
  1000  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1001  	inst := s.checkStartInstanceCustom(
  1002  		c, m, "pork", s.defaultConstraints,
  1003  		nil, nil,
  1004  		expectVolumeInfo,
  1005  		nil, true,
  1006  	)
  1008  	// Cleanup.
  1009  	c.Assert(m.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
  1010  	s.checkStopInstances(c, inst)
  1011  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m)
  1012  }
  1014  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisioningDoesNotProvisionTheSameMachineAfterRestart(c *gc.C) {
  1015  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
  1016  	defer stop(c, p)
  1018  	// create a machine
  1019  	m, err := s.addMachine()
  1020  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1021  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m)
  1023  	// restart the PA
  1024  	stop(c, p)
  1025  	p = s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
  1026  	defer stop(c, p)
  1028  	// check that there is only one machine provisioned.
  1029  	machines, err := s.State.AllMachines()
  1030  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1031  	c.Check(len(machines), gc.Equals, 2)
  1032  	c.Check(machines[0].Id(), gc.Equals, "0")
  1033  	c.Check(machines[1].CheckProvisioned("fake_nonce"), jc.IsFalse)
  1035  	// the PA should not create it a second time
  1036  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
  1037  }
  1039  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestDyingMachines(c *gc.C) {
  1040  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
  1041  	defer stop(c, p)
  1043  	// provision a machine
  1044  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1045  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1046  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1048  	// stop the provisioner and make the machine dying
  1049  	stop(c, p)
  1050  	err = m0.Destroy()
  1051  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1053  	// add a new, dying, unprovisioned machine
  1054  	m1, err := s.addMachine()
  1055  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1056  	err = m1.Destroy()
  1057  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1059  	// start the provisioner and wait for it to reap the useless machine
  1060  	p = s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
  1061  	defer stop(c, p)
  1062  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
  1063  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m1)
  1065  	// verify the other one's still fine
  1066  	err = m0.Refresh()
  1067  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1068  	c.Assert(m0.Life(), gc.Equals, state.Dying)
  1069  }
  1071  type mockMachineGetter struct{}
  1073  func (*mockMachineGetter) Machine(names.MachineTag) (*apiprovisioner.Machine, error) {
  1074  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("error")
  1075  }
  1077  func (*mockMachineGetter) MachinesWithTransientErrors() ([]*apiprovisioner.Machine, []params.StatusResult, error) {
  1078  	return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error")
  1079  }
  1081  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestMachineErrorsRetainInstances(c *gc.C) {
  1082  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c, config.HarvestAll, s.Environ, s.provisioner, mockToolsFinder{})
  1083  	defer stop(c, task)
  1085  	// create a machine
  1086  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1087  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1088  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1090  	// create an instance out of band
  1091  	s.startUnknownInstance(c, "999")
  1093  	// start the provisioner and ensure it doesn't kill any instances if there are error getting machines
  1094  	task = s.newProvisionerTask(
  1095  		c,
  1096  		config.HarvestAll,
  1097  		s.Environ,
  1098  		&mockMachineGetter{},
  1099  		&mockToolsFinder{},
  1100  	)
  1101  	defer func() {
  1102  		err := worker.Stop(task)
  1103  		c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*failed to get machine.*")
  1104  	}()
  1105  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
  1106  }
  1108  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestEnvironProvisionerObservesConfigChanges(c *gc.C) {
  1109  	p := s.newEnvironProvisioner(c)
  1110  	defer stop(c, p)
  1111  	s.assertProvisionerObservesConfigChanges(c, p)
  1112  }
  1114  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) newProvisionerTask(
  1115  	c *gc.C,
  1116  	harvestingMethod config.HarvestMode,
  1117  	broker environs.InstanceBroker,
  1118  	machineGetter provisioner.MachineGetter,
  1119  	toolsFinder provisioner.ToolsFinder,
  1120  ) provisioner.ProvisionerTask {
  1122  	machineWatcher, err := s.provisioner.WatchModelMachines()
  1123  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1124  	retryWatcher, err := s.provisioner.WatchMachineErrorRetry()
  1125  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1126  	auth, err := authentication.NewAPIAuthenticator(s.provisioner)
  1127  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1129  	retryStrategy := provisioner.NewRetryStrategy(0*time.Second, 0)
  1131  	w, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerTask(
  1132  		s.ControllerConfig.ControllerUUID(),
  1133  		names.NewMachineTag("0"),
  1134  		harvestingMethod,
  1135  		machineGetter,
  1136  		toolsFinder,
  1137  		machineWatcher,
  1138  		retryWatcher,
  1139  		broker,
  1140  		auth,
  1141  		imagemetadata.ReleasedStream,
  1142  		retryStrategy,
  1143  	)
  1144  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1145  	return w
  1146  }
  1148  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestHarvestNoneReapsNothing(c *gc.C) {
  1150  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c, config.HarvestDestroyed, s.Environ, s.provisioner, mockToolsFinder{})
  1151  	defer stop(c, task)
  1152  	task.SetHarvestMode(config.HarvestNone)
  1154  	// Create a machine and an unknown instance.
  1155  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1156  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1157  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1158  	s.startUnknownInstance(c, "999")
  1160  	// Mark the first machine as dead.
  1161  	c.Assert(m0.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
  1163  	// Ensure we're doing nothing.
  1164  	s.checkNoOperations(c)
  1165  }
  1167  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestHarvestUnknownReapsOnlyUnknown(c *gc.C) {
  1169  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c,
  1170  		config.HarvestDestroyed,
  1171  		s.Environ,
  1172  		s.provisioner,
  1173  		mockToolsFinder{},
  1174  	)
  1175  	defer stop(c, task)
  1176  	task.SetHarvestMode(config.HarvestUnknown)
  1178  	// Create a machine and an unknown instance.
  1179  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1180  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1181  	i0 := s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1182  	i1 := s.startUnknownInstance(c, "999")
  1184  	// Mark the first machine as dead.
  1185  	c.Assert(m0.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
  1187  	// When only harvesting unknown machines, only one of the machines
  1188  	// is stopped.
  1189  	s.checkStopSomeInstances(c, []instance.Instance{i1}, []instance.Instance{i0})
  1190  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m0)
  1191  }
  1193  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestHarvestDestroyedReapsOnlyDestroyed(c *gc.C) {
  1195  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(
  1196  		c,
  1197  		config.HarvestDestroyed,
  1198  		s.Environ,
  1199  		s.provisioner,
  1200  		mockToolsFinder{},
  1201  	)
  1202  	defer stop(c, task)
  1204  	// Create a machine and an unknown instance.
  1205  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1206  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1207  	i0 := s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1208  	i1 := s.startUnknownInstance(c, "999")
  1210  	// Mark the first machine as dead.
  1211  	c.Assert(m0.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
  1213  	// When only harvesting destroyed machines, only one of the
  1214  	// machines is stopped.
  1215  	s.checkStopSomeInstances(c, []instance.Instance{i0}, []instance.Instance{i1})
  1216  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m0)
  1217  }
  1219  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestHarvestAllReapsAllTheThings(c *gc.C) {
  1221  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c,
  1222  		config.HarvestDestroyed,
  1223  		s.Environ,
  1224  		s.provisioner,
  1225  		mockToolsFinder{},
  1226  	)
  1227  	defer stop(c, task)
  1228  	task.SetHarvestMode(config.HarvestAll)
  1230  	// Create a machine and an unknown instance.
  1231  	m0, err := s.addMachine()
  1232  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1233  	i0 := s.checkStartInstance(c, m0)
  1234  	i1 := s.startUnknownInstance(c, "999")
  1236  	// Mark the first machine as dead.
  1237  	c.Assert(m0.EnsureDead(), gc.IsNil)
  1239  	// Everything must die!
  1240  	s.checkStopSomeInstances(c, []instance.Instance{i0, i1}, []instance.Instance{})
  1241  	s.waitForRemovalMark(c, m0)
  1242  }
  1244  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerRetriesTransientErrors(c *gc.C) {
  1245  	s.PatchValue(&apiserverprovisioner.ErrorRetryWaitDelay, 5*time.Millisecond)
  1246  	e := &mockBroker{Environ: s.Environ, retryCount: make(map[string]int)}
  1247  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c, config.HarvestAll, e, s.provisioner, mockToolsFinder{})
  1248  	defer stop(c, task)
  1250  	// Provision some machines, some will be started first time,
  1251  	// another will require retries.
  1252  	m1, err := s.addMachine()
  1253  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1254  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m1)
  1255  	m2, err := s.addMachine()
  1256  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1257  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m2)
  1258  	m3, err := s.addMachine()
  1259  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1260  	m4, err := s.addMachine()
  1261  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1263  	// mockBroker will fail to start machine-3 several times;
  1264  	// keep setting the transient flag to retry until the
  1265  	// instance has started.
  1266  	thatsAllFolks := make(chan struct{})
  1267  	go func() {
  1268  		for {
  1269  			select {
  1270  			case <-thatsAllFolks:
  1271  				return
  1272  			case <-time.After(coretesting.ShortWait):
  1273  				now := time.Now()
  1274  				sInfo := status.StatusInfo{
  1275  					Status:  status.Error,
  1276  					Message: "info",
  1277  					Data:    map[string]interface{}{"transient": true},
  1278  					Since:   &now,
  1279  				}
  1280  				err := m3.SetStatus(sInfo)
  1281  				c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1282  			}
  1283  		}
  1284  	}()
  1285  	s.checkStartInstance(c, m3)
  1286  	close(thatsAllFolks)
  1288  	// Machine 4 is never provisioned.
  1289  	statusInfo, err := m4.Status()
  1290  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1291  	c.Assert(statusInfo.Status, gc.Equals, status.Error)
  1292  	_, err = m4.InstanceId()
  1293  	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotProvisioned)
  1294  }
  1296  func (s *ProvisionerSuite) TestProvisionerObservesMachineJobs(c *gc.C) {
  1297  	s.PatchValue(&apiserverprovisioner.ErrorRetryWaitDelay, 5*time.Millisecond)
  1298  	broker := &mockBroker{Environ: s.Environ, retryCount: make(map[string]int)}
  1299  	task := s.newProvisionerTask(c, config.HarvestAll, broker, s.provisioner, mockToolsFinder{})
  1300  	defer stop(c, task)
  1302  	added := s.enableHA(c, 3)
  1303  	c.Assert(added, gc.HasLen, 2)
  1304  	byId := make(map[string]*state.Machine)
  1305  	for _, m := range added {
  1306  		byId[m.Id()] = m
  1307  	}
  1308  	for _, id := range broker.ids {
  1309  		s.checkStartInstance(c, byId[id])
  1310  	}
  1311  }
  1313  type mockBroker struct {
  1314  	environs.Environ
  1315  	retryCount map[string]int
  1316  	ids        []string
  1317  }
  1319  func (b *mockBroker) StartInstance(args environs.StartInstanceParams) (*environs.StartInstanceResult, error) {
  1320  	// All machines except machines 3, 4 are provisioned successfully the first time.
  1321  	// Machines 3 is provisioned after some attempts have been made.
  1322  	// Machine 4 is never provisioned.
  1323  	id := args.InstanceConfig.MachineId
  1324  	// record ids so we can call checkStartInstance in the appropriate order.
  1325  	b.ids = append(b.ids, id)
  1326  	retries := b.retryCount[id]
  1327  	if (id != "3" && id != "4") || retries > 2 {
  1328  		return b.Environ.StartInstance(args)
  1329  	} else {
  1330  		b.retryCount[id] = retries + 1
  1331  	}
  1332  	return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: some error")
  1333  }
  1335  type mockToolsFinder struct {
  1336  }
  1338  func (f mockToolsFinder) FindTools(number version.Number, series string, a string) (coretools.List, error) {
  1339  	v, err := version.ParseBinary(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", number, series, arch.HostArch()))
  1340  	if err != nil {
  1341  		return nil, err
  1342  	}
  1343  	if a != "" {
  1344  		v.Arch = a
  1345  	}
  1346  	return coretools.List{&coretools.Tools{Version: v}}, nil
  1347  }
  1349  type mockAgent struct {
  1350  	agent.Agent
  1351  	config agent.Config
  1352  }
  1354  func (mock mockAgent) CurrentConfig() agent.Config {
  1355  	return mock.config
  1356  }