
     1  // Copyright 2012-2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package uniter_test
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"os/exec"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"runtime"
    13  	"strings"
    14  	"syscall"
    15  	"time"
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	jujutesting ""
    20  	jc ""
    21  	ft ""
    22  	gc ""
    23  	corecharm ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	coretesting ""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  type UniterSuite struct {
    37  	coretesting.GitSuite
    38  	testing.JujuConnSuite
    39  	dataDir  string
    40  	oldLcAll string
    41  	unitDir  string
    43  	updateStatusHookTicker *manualTicker
    44  }
    46  var _ = gc.Suite(&UniterSuite{})
    48  var leaseClock *jujutesting.Clock
    50  // This guarantees that we get proper platform
    51  // specific error directly from their source
    52  // This works on both windows and unix
    53  var errNotDir = syscall.ENOTDIR.Error()
    55  func (s *UniterSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
    56  	s.GitSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
    57  	s.JujuConnSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
    58  	s.dataDir = c.MkDir()
    59  	toolsDir := tools.ToolsDir(s.dataDir, "unit-u-0")
    60  	err := os.MkdirAll(toolsDir, 0755)
    61  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    62  	// TODO(fwereade) GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH this is LUDICROUS.
    63  	cmd := exec.Command(jujudBuildArgs[0], jujudBuildArgs[1:]...)
    64  	cmd.Dir = toolsDir
    65  	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
    66  	c.Logf(string(out))
    67  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    68  	s.oldLcAll = os.Getenv("LC_ALL")
    69  	os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "en_US")
    70  	s.unitDir = filepath.Join(s.dataDir, "agents", "unit-u-0")
    71  	all.RegisterForServer()
    72  }
    74  func (s *UniterSuite) TearDownSuite(c *gc.C) {
    75  	os.Setenv("LC_ALL", s.oldLcAll)
    76  	s.JujuConnSuite.TearDownSuite(c)
    77  	s.GitSuite.TearDownSuite(c)
    78  }
    80  func (s *UniterSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    81  	zone, err := time.LoadLocation("")
    82  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    83  	now := time.Date(2030, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, zone)
    84  	leaseClock = jujutesting.NewClock(now)
    85  	s.updateStatusHookTicker = newManualTicker()
    86  	s.GitSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    87  	s.JujuConnSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    88  	err = s.State.SetClockForTesting(leaseClock)
    89  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    90  }
    92  func (s *UniterSuite) TearDownTest(c *gc.C) {
    93  	s.ResetContext(c)
    94  	s.JujuConnSuite.TearDownTest(c)
    95  	s.GitSuite.TearDownTest(c)
    96  }
    98  func (s *UniterSuite) Reset(c *gc.C) {
    99  	s.JujuConnSuite.Reset(c)
   100  	s.ResetContext(c)
   101  }
   103  func (s *UniterSuite) ResetContext(c *gc.C) {
   104  	err := os.RemoveAll(s.unitDir)
   105  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   106  }
   108  func (s *UniterSuite) runUniterTests(c *gc.C, uniterTests []uniterTest) {
   109  	for i, t := range uniterTests {
   110  		c.Logf("\ntest %d: %s\n", i, t.summary)
   111  		func() {
   112  			defer s.Reset(c)
   113  			env, err := s.State.Model()
   114  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   115  			ctx := &context{
   116  				s:                      s,
   117  				st:                     s.State,
   118  				uuid:                   env.UUID(),
   119  				path:                   s.unitDir,
   120  				dataDir:                s.dataDir,
   121  				charms:                 make(map[string][]byte),
   122  				updateStatusHookTicker: s.updateStatusHookTicker,
   123  				charmDirGuard:          &mockCharmDirGuard{},
   124  			}
   125, t.steps)
   126  		}()
   127  	}
   128  }
   130  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterStartup(c *gc.C) {
   131  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   132  		// Check conditions that can cause the uniter to fail to start.
   133  		ut(
   134  			"unable to create state dir",
   135  			writeFile{"state", 0644},
   136  			createCharm{},
   137  			createServiceAndUnit{},
   138  			startUniter{},
   139  			waitUniterDead{err: `failed to initialize uniter for "unit-u-0": .*` + errNotDir},
   140  		), ut(
   141  			"unknown unit",
   142  			// We still need to create a unit, because that's when we also
   143  			// connect to the API, but here we use a different service
   144  			// (and hence unit) name.
   145  			createCharm{},
   146  			createServiceAndUnit{serviceName: "w"},
   147  			startUniter{unitTag: "unit-u-0"},
   148  			waitUniterDead{err: `failed to initialize uniter for "unit-u-0": permission denied`},
   149  		),
   150  	})
   151  }
   153  func (s *UniterSuite) TestPreviousDownloadsCleared(c *gc.C) {
   154  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   155  		ut(
   156  			"Ensure stale download files are cleared on uniter startup",
   157  			createCharm{},
   158  			serveCharm{},
   159  			ensureStateWorker{},
   160  			createServiceAndUnit{},
   161  			createDownloads{},
   162  			startUniter{},
   163  			waitAddresses{},
   164  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
   165  			verifyDownloadsCleared{},
   166  		),
   167  	})
   168  }
   170  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterBootstrap(c *gc.C) {
   171  	//TODO(bogdanteleaga): Fix this on windows
   172  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   173  		c.Skip("bug 1403084: currently does not work on windows")
   174  	}
   175  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   176  		// Check error conditions during unit bootstrap phase.
   177  		ut(
   178  			"insane deployment",
   179  			createCharm{},
   180  			serveCharm{},
   181  			writeFile{"charm", 0644},
   182  			createUniter{},
   183  			waitUniterDead{err: `executing operation "install cs:quantal/wordpress-0": open .*` + errNotDir},
   184  		), ut(
   185  			"charm cannot be downloaded",
   186  			createCharm{},
   187  			// don't serve charm
   188  			createUniter{},
   189  			waitUniterDead{err: `preparing operation "install cs:quantal/wordpress-0": failed to download charm .* not found`},
   190  		),
   191  	})
   192  }
   194  type noopExecutor struct {
   195  	operation.Executor
   196  }
   198  func (m *noopExecutor) Run(op operation.Operation) error {
   199  	return errors.New("some error occurred")
   200  }
   202  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterStartupStatus(c *gc.C) {
   203  	executorFunc := func(stateFilePath string, getInstallCharm func() (*corecharm.URL, error), acquireLock func() (mutex.Releaser, error)) (operation.Executor, error) {
   204  		e, err := operation.NewExecutor(stateFilePath, getInstallCharm, acquireLock)
   205  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   206  		return &mockExecutor{e}, nil
   207  	}
   208  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   209  		ut(
   210  			"unit status and message at startup",
   211  			createCharm{},
   212  			serveCharm{},
   213  			ensureStateWorker{},
   214  			createServiceAndUnit{},
   215  			startUniter{
   216  				newExecutorFunc: executorFunc,
   217  			},
   218  			waitUnitAgent{
   219  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   220  				status:       status.Waiting,
   221  				info:         status.MessageInitializingAgent,
   222  			},
   223  			waitUnitAgent{
   224  				status: status.Failed,
   225  				info:   "resolver loop error",
   226  			},
   227  			expectError{".*some error occurred.*"},
   228  		),
   229  	})
   230  }
   232  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterInstallHook(c *gc.C) {
   233  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   234  		ut(
   235  			"install hook fail and resolve",
   236  			startupError{"install"},
   237  			verifyWaiting{},
   239  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   240  			waitUnitAgent{
   241  				status: status.Idle,
   242  			},
   243  			waitUnitAgent{
   244  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   245  				status:       status.Unknown,
   246  			},
   247  			waitHooks{"leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
   248  		), ut(
   249  			"install hook fail and retry",
   250  			startupError{"install"},
   251  			verifyWaiting{},
   253  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   254  			waitUnitAgent{
   255  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   256  				status:       status.Error,
   257  				info:         `hook failed: "install"`,
   258  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   259  					"hook": "install",
   260  				},
   261  			},
   262  			waitHooks{"fail-install"},
   263  			fixHook{"install"},
   264  			verifyWaiting{},
   266  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   267  			waitUnitAgent{
   268  				status: status.Idle,
   269  			},
   270  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
   271  		),
   272  	})
   273  }
   275  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterUpdateStatusHook(c *gc.C) {
   276  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   277  		ut(
   278  			"update status hook runs on timer",
   279  			createCharm{},
   280  			serveCharm{},
   281  			createUniter{},
   282  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
   283  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
   284  			updateStatusHookTick{},
   285  			waitHooks{"update-status"},
   286  		),
   287  	})
   288  }
   290  func (s *UniterSuite) TestNoUniterUpdateStatusHookInError(c *gc.C) {
   291  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   292  		ut(
   293  			"update status hook doesn't run if in error",
   294  			startupError{"start"},
   295  			waitHooks{},
   296  			updateStatusHookTick{},
   297  			waitHooks{},
   299  			// Resolve and hook should run.
   300  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   301  			waitUnitAgent{
   302  				status: status.Idle,
   303  			},
   304  			waitHooks{},
   305  			updateStatusHookTick{},
   306  			waitHooks{"update-status"},
   307  		),
   308  	})
   309  }
   311  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterStartHook(c *gc.C) {
   312  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   313  		ut(
   314  			"start hook fail and resolve",
   315  			startupError{"start"},
   316  			verifyWaiting{},
   318  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   319  			waitUnitAgent{
   320  				status: status.Idle,
   321  			},
   322  			waitUnitAgent{
   323  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   324  				status:       status.Maintenance,
   325  				info:         "installing charm software",
   326  			},
   327  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
   328  			verifyRunning{},
   329  		), ut(
   330  			"start hook fail and retry",
   331  			startupError{"start"},
   332  			verifyWaiting{},
   334  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   335  			waitUnitAgent{
   336  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   337  				status:       status.Error,
   338  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
   339  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   340  					"hook": "start",
   341  				},
   342  			},
   343  			waitHooks{"fail-start"},
   344  			verifyWaiting{},
   346  			fixHook{"start"},
   347  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   348  			waitUnitAgent{
   349  				status: status.Idle,
   350  			},
   351  			waitHooks{"start", "config-changed"},
   352  			verifyRunning{},
   353  		),
   354  	})
   355  }
   357  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterMultipleErrors(c *gc.C) {
   358  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   359  		ut(
   360  			"resolved is cleared before moving on to next hook",
   361  			createCharm{badHooks: []string{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"}},
   362  			serveCharm{},
   363  			createUniter{},
   364  			waitUnitAgent{
   365  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   366  				status:       status.Error,
   367  				info:         `hook failed: "install"`,
   368  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   369  					"hook": "install",
   370  				},
   371  			},
   372  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   373  			waitUnitAgent{
   374  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   375  				status:       status.Error,
   376  				info:         `hook failed: "leader-elected"`,
   377  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   378  					"hook": "leader-elected",
   379  				},
   380  			},
   381  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   382  			waitUnitAgent{
   383  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   384  				status:       status.Error,
   385  				info:         `hook failed: "config-changed"`,
   386  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   387  					"hook": "config-changed",
   388  				},
   389  			},
   390  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   391  			waitUnitAgent{
   392  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   393  				status:       status.Error,
   394  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
   395  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   396  					"hook": "start",
   397  				},
   398  			},
   399  		),
   400  	})
   401  }
   403  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterConfigChangedHook(c *gc.C) {
   404  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   405  		ut(
   406  			"config-changed hook fail and resolve",
   407  			startupError{"config-changed"},
   408  			verifyWaiting{},
   410  			// Note: we'll run another config-changed as soon as we hit the
   411  			// started state, so the broken hook would actually prevent us
   412  			// from advancing at all if we didn't fix it.
   413  			fixHook{"config-changed"},
   414  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   415  			waitUnitAgent{
   416  				status: status.Idle,
   417  			},
   418  			waitUnitAgent{
   419  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   420  				status:       status.Unknown,
   421  			},
   422  			// TODO(axw) confirm with fwereade that this is correct.
   423  			// Previously we would see "start", "config-changed".
   424  			// I don't think we should see another config-changed,
   425  			// since config did not change since we resolved the
   426  			// failed one above.
   427  			waitHooks{"start"},
   428  			// If we'd accidentally retried that hook, somehow, we would get
   429  			// an extra config-changed as we entered started; see that we don't.
   430  			waitHooks{},
   431  			verifyRunning{},
   432  		), ut(
   433  			"config-changed hook fail and retry",
   434  			startupError{"config-changed"},
   435  			verifyWaiting{},
   437  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   438  			waitUnitAgent{
   439  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   440  				status:       status.Error,
   441  				info:         `hook failed: "config-changed"`,
   442  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   443  					"hook": "config-changed",
   444  				},
   445  			},
   446  			waitHooks{"fail-config-changed"},
   447  			verifyWaiting{},
   449  			fixHook{"config-changed"},
   450  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   451  			waitUnitAgent{
   452  				status: status.Idle,
   453  			},
   454  			waitHooks{"config-changed", "start"},
   455  			verifyRunning{},
   456  		), ut(
   457  			"steady state config change with config-get verification",
   458  			createCharm{
   459  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
   460  					appendHook(c, path, "config-changed", appendConfigChanged)
   461  				},
   462  			},
   463  			serveCharm{},
   464  			createUniter{},
   465  			waitUnitAgent{
   466  				status: status.Idle,
   467  			},
   468  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
   469  			assertYaml{"charm/config.out", map[string]interface{}{
   470  				"blog-title": "My Title",
   471  			}},
   472  			changeConfig{"blog-title": "Goodness Gracious Me"},
   473  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
   474  			verifyRunning{},
   475  			assertYaml{"charm/config.out", map[string]interface{}{
   476  				"blog-title": "Goodness Gracious Me",
   477  			}},
   478  		),
   479  	})
   480  }
   482  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterHookSynchronisation(c *gc.C) {
   483  	var lock hookLock
   484  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   485  		ut(
   486  			"verify config change hook not run while lock held",
   487  			quickStart{},
   488  			lock.acquire(),
   489  			changeConfig{"blog-title": "Goodness Gracious Me"},
   490  			waitHooks{},
   491  			lock.release(),
   492  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
   493  		), ut(
   494  			"verify held lock by another unit is not broken",
   495  			lock.acquire(),
   496  			// Can't use quickstart as it has a built in waitHooks.
   497  			createCharm{},
   498  			serveCharm{},
   499  			ensureStateWorker{},
   500  			createServiceAndUnit{},
   501  			startUniter{},
   502  			waitAddresses{},
   503  			waitHooks{},
   504  			lock.release(),
   505  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
   506  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
   507  		),
   508  	})
   509  }
   511  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterDyingReaction(c *gc.C) {
   512  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   513  		// Reaction to entity deaths.
   514  		ut(
   515  			"steady state unit dying",
   516  			quickStart{},
   517  			unitDying,
   518  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed", "stop"},
   519  			waitUniterDead{},
   520  		), ut(
   521  			"steady state unit dead",
   522  			quickStart{},
   523  			unitDead,
   524  			waitUniterDead{},
   525  			waitHooks{},
   526  		), ut(
   527  			"hook error unit dying",
   528  			startupError{"start"},
   529  			unitDying,
   530  			verifyWaiting{},
   531  			fixHook{"start"},
   532  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   533  			waitHooks{"start", "leader-settings-changed", "stop"},
   534  			waitUniterDead{},
   535  		), ut(
   536  			"hook error unit dead",
   537  			startupError{"start"},
   538  			unitDead,
   539  			waitUniterDead{},
   540  			waitHooks{},
   541  		),
   542  	})
   543  }
   545  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSteadyStateUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   546  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   547  		// Upgrade scenarios from steady state.
   548  		ut(
   549  			"steady state upgrade",
   550  			quickStart{},
   551  			createCharm{revision: 1},
   552  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1},
   553  			waitUnitAgent{
   554  				status: status.Idle,
   555  				charm:  1,
   556  			},
   557  			waitUnitAgent{
   558  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   559  				status:       status.Unknown,
   560  				charm:        1,
   561  			},
   562  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   563  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   564  			verifyRunning{},
   565  		),
   566  	})
   567  }
   569  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeForce(c *gc.C) {
   570  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   571  		ut(
   572  			"steady state forced upgrade (identical behaviour)",
   573  			quickStart{},
   574  			createCharm{revision: 1},
   575  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1, forced: true},
   576  			waitUnitAgent{
   577  				status: status.Idle,
   578  				charm:  1,
   579  			},
   580  			waitUnitAgent{
   581  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   582  				status:       status.Unknown,
   583  				charm:        1,
   584  			},
   585  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   586  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   587  			verifyRunning{},
   588  		),
   589  	})
   590  }
   592  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeResolve(c *gc.C) {
   593  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   594  		ut(
   595  			"steady state upgrade hook fail and resolve",
   596  			quickStart{},
   597  			createCharm{revision: 1, badHooks: []string{"upgrade-charm"}},
   598  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1},
   599  			waitUnitAgent{
   600  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   601  				status:       status.Error,
   602  				info:         `hook failed: "upgrade-charm"`,
   603  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   604  					"hook": "upgrade-charm",
   605  				},
   606  				charm: 1,
   607  			},
   608  			waitHooks{"fail-upgrade-charm"},
   609  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   610  			verifyWaiting{},
   612  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   613  			waitUnitAgent{
   614  				status: status.Idle,
   615  				charm:  1,
   616  			},
   617  			waitUnitAgent{
   618  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   619  				status:       status.Unknown,
   620  				charm:        1,
   621  			},
   622  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
   623  			verifyRunning{},
   624  		),
   625  	})
   626  }
   628  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeRetry(c *gc.C) {
   629  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   630  		ut(
   631  			"steady state upgrade hook fail and retry",
   632  			quickStart{},
   633  			createCharm{revision: 1, badHooks: []string{"upgrade-charm"}},
   634  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1},
   635  			waitUnitAgent{
   636  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   637  				status:       status.Error,
   638  				info:         `hook failed: "upgrade-charm"`,
   639  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   640  					"hook": "upgrade-charm",
   641  				},
   642  				charm: 1,
   643  			},
   644  			waitHooks{"fail-upgrade-charm"},
   645  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   646  			verifyWaiting{},
   648  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   649  			waitUnitAgent{
   650  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   651  				status:       status.Error,
   652  				info:         `hook failed: "upgrade-charm"`,
   653  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   654  					"hook": "upgrade-charm",
   655  				},
   656  				charm: 1,
   657  			},
   658  			waitHooks{"fail-upgrade-charm"},
   659  			verifyWaiting{},
   661  			fixHook{"upgrade-charm"},
   662  			resolveError{state.ResolvedRetryHooks},
   663  			waitUnitAgent{
   664  				status: status.Idle,
   665  				charm:  1,
   666  			},
   667  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   668  			verifyRunning{},
   669  		),
   670  	})
   671  }
   673  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSteadyStateUpgradeRelations(c *gc.C) {
   674  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   675  		ut(
   676  			// This test does an add-relation as quickly as possible
   677  			// after an upgrade-charm, in the hope that the scheduler will
   678  			// deliver the events in the wrong order. The observed
   679  			// behaviour should be the same in either case.
   680  			"ignore unknown relations until upgrade is done",
   681  			quickStart{},
   682  			createCharm{
   683  				revision: 2,
   684  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
   685  					renameRelation(c, path, "db", "db2")
   686  					hpath := filepath.Join(path, "hooks", "db2-relation-joined")
   687  					ctx.writeHook(c, hpath, true)
   688  				},
   689  			},
   690  			serveCharm{},
   691  			upgradeCharm{revision: 2},
   692  			addRelation{},
   693  			addRelationUnit{},
   694  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed", "db2-relation-joined mysql/0 db2:0"},
   695  			verifyCharm{revision: 2},
   696  		),
   697  	})
   698  }
   700  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUpdateResourceCausesUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   701  	// appendStorageMetadata customises the wordpress charm's metadata,
   702  	// adding a "wp-content" filesystem store. We do it here rather
   703  	// than in the charm itself to avoid modifying all of the other
   704  	// scenarios.
   705  	appendResource := func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
   706  		f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(path, "metadata.yaml"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
   707  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   708  		defer func() {
   709  			err := f.Close()
   710  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   711  		}()
   712  		_, err = io.WriteString(f, `
   713  resources:
   714    data:
   715      Type: file
   716      filename: filename.tgz
   717      comment: One line that is useful when operators need to push it.`)
   718  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   719  	}
   720  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   721  		ut(
   722  			"update resource causes upgrade",
   724  			// These steps are just copied from quickstart with a customized
   725  			// createCharm.
   726  			createCharm{customize: appendResource},
   727  			serveCharm{},
   728  			createUniter{},
   729  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
   730  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
   731  			verifyCharm{},
   733  			pushResource{},
   734  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   735  		),
   736  	})
   737  }
   739  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterUpgradeOverwrite(c *gc.C) {
   740  	//TODO(bogdanteleaga): Fix this on windows
   741  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   742  		c.Skip("bug 1403084: currently does not work on windows")
   743  	}
   744  	makeTest := func(description string, content, extraChecks ft.Entries) uniterTest {
   745  		return ut(description,
   746  			createCharm{
   747  				// This is the base charm which all upgrade tests start out running.
   748  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
   749  					ft.Entries{
   750  						ft.Dir{"dir", 0755},
   751  						ft.File{"file", "blah", 0644},
   752  						ft.Symlink{"symlink", "file"},
   753  					}.Create(c, path)
   754  					// Note that it creates "dir/user-file" at runtime, which may be
   755  					// preserved or removed depending on the test.
   756  					script := "echo content > dir/user-file && chmod 755 dir/user-file"
   757  					appendHook(c, path, "start", script)
   758  				},
   759  			},
   760  			serveCharm{},
   761  			createUniter{},
   762  			waitUnitAgent{
   763  				status: status.Idle,
   764  			},
   765  			waitUnitAgent{
   766  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   767  				status:       status.Unknown,
   768  			},
   769  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
   771  			createCharm{
   772  				revision: 1,
   773  				customize: func(c *gc.C, _ *context, path string) {
   774  					content.Create(c, path)
   775  				},
   776  			},
   777  			serveCharm{},
   778  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1},
   779  			waitUnitAgent{
   780  				status: status.Idle,
   781  				charm:  1,
   782  			},
   783  			waitUnitAgent{
   784  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   785  				status:       status.Unknown,
   786  				charm:        1,
   787  			},
   788  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   789  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   790  			custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
   791  				path := filepath.Join(ctx.path, "charm")
   792  				content.Check(c, path)
   793  				extraChecks.Check(c, path)
   794  			}},
   795  			verifyRunning{},
   796  		)
   797  	}
   799  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   800  		makeTest(
   801  			"files overwite files, dirs, symlinks",
   802  			ft.Entries{
   803  				ft.File{"file", "new", 0755},
   804  				ft.File{"dir", "new", 0755},
   805  				ft.File{"symlink", "new", 0755},
   806  			},
   807  			ft.Entries{
   808  				ft.Removed{"dir/user-file"},
   809  			},
   810  		), makeTest(
   811  			"symlinks overwite files, dirs, symlinks",
   812  			ft.Entries{
   813  				ft.Symlink{"file", "new"},
   814  				ft.Symlink{"dir", "new"},
   815  				ft.Symlink{"symlink", "new"},
   816  			},
   817  			ft.Entries{
   818  				ft.Removed{"dir/user-file"},
   819  			},
   820  		), makeTest(
   821  			"dirs overwite files, symlinks; merge dirs",
   822  			ft.Entries{
   823  				ft.Dir{"file", 0755},
   824  				ft.Dir{"dir", 0755},
   825  				ft.File{"dir/charm-file", "charm-content", 0644},
   826  				ft.Dir{"symlink", 0755},
   827  			},
   828  			ft.Entries{
   829  				ft.File{"dir/user-file", "content\n", 0755},
   830  			},
   831  		),
   832  	})
   833  }
   835  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterErrorStateUnforcedUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   836  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   837  		// Upgrade scenarios from error state.
   838  		ut(
   839  			"error state unforced upgrade (ignored until started state)",
   840  			startupError{"start"},
   841  			createCharm{revision: 1},
   842  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1},
   843  			waitUnitAgent{
   844  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   845  				status:       status.Error,
   846  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
   847  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   848  					"hook": "start",
   849  				},
   850  			},
   851  			waitHooks{},
   852  			verifyCharm{},
   853  			verifyWaiting{},
   855  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   856  			waitUnitAgent{
   857  				status: status.Idle,
   858  				charm:  1,
   859  			},
   860  			waitUnitAgent{
   861  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   862  				status:       status.Maintenance,
   863  				info:         "installing charm software",
   864  				charm:        1,
   865  			},
   866  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   867  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   868  			verifyRunning{},
   869  		)})
   870  }
   872  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterErrorStateForcedUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   873  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   874  		ut(
   875  			"error state forced upgrade",
   876  			startupError{"start"},
   877  			createCharm{revision: 1},
   878  			upgradeCharm{revision: 1, forced: true},
   879  			// It's not possible to tell directly from state when the upgrade is
   880  			// complete, because the new unit charm URL is set at the upgrade
   881  			// process's point of no return (before actually deploying, but after
   882  			// the charm has been downloaded and verified). However, it's still
   883  			// useful to wait until that point...
   884  			waitUnitAgent{
   885  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   886  				status:       status.Error,
   887  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
   888  				data: map[string]interface{}{
   889  					"hook": "start",
   890  				},
   891  				charm: 1,
   892  			},
   893  			// ...because the uniter *will* complete a started deployment even if
   894  			// we stop it from outside. So, by stopping and starting, we can be
   895  			// sure that the operation has completed and can safely verify that
   896  			// the charm state on disk is as we expect.
   897  			verifyWaiting{},
   898  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   900  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   901  			waitUnitAgent{
   902  				status: status.Idle,
   903  				charm:  1,
   904  			},
   905  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
   906  			verifyRunning{},
   907  		),
   908  	})
   909  }
   911  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterUpgradeConflicts(c *gc.C) {
   912  	coretesting.SkipIfPPC64EL(c, "lp:1448308")
   913  	//TODO(bogdanteleaga): Fix this on windows
   914  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   915  		c.Skip("bug 1403084: currently does not work on windows")
   916  	}
   917  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
   918  		// Upgrade scenarios - handling conflicts.
   919  		ut(
   920  			"upgrade: resolving doesn't help until underlying problem is fixed",
   921  			startUpgradeError{},
   922  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   923  			verifyWaitingUpgradeError{revision: 1},
   924  			fixUpgradeError{},
   925  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   926  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   927  			waitUnitAgent{
   928  				status: status.Idle,
   929  				charm:  1,
   930  			},
   931  			waitUnitAgent{
   932  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   933  				status:       status.Unknown,
   934  				charm:        1,
   935  			},
   936  			verifyCharm{revision: 1},
   937  		), ut(
   938  			`upgrade: forced upgrade does work without explicit resolution if underlying problem was fixed`,
   939  			startUpgradeError{},
   940  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   941  			verifyWaitingUpgradeError{revision: 1},
   942  			fixUpgradeError{},
   943  			createCharm{revision: 2},
   944  			serveCharm{},
   945  			upgradeCharm{revision: 2, forced: true},
   946  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed"},
   947  			waitUnitAgent{
   948  				status: status.Idle,
   949  				charm:  2,
   950  			},
   951  			waitUnitAgent{
   952  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
   953  				status:       status.Unknown,
   954  				charm:        2,
   955  			},
   956  			verifyCharm{revision: 2},
   957  		), ut(
   958  			"upgrade conflict unit dying",
   959  			startUpgradeError{},
   960  			unitDying,
   961  			verifyWaitingUpgradeError{revision: 1},
   962  			fixUpgradeError{},
   963  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
   964  			waitHooks{"upgrade-charm", "config-changed", "leader-settings-changed", "stop"},
   965  			waitUniterDead{},
   966  		), ut(
   967  			"upgrade conflict unit dead",
   968  			startUpgradeError{},
   969  			unitDead,
   970  			waitUniterDead{},
   971  			waitHooks{},
   972  			fixUpgradeError{},
   973  		),
   974  	})
   975  }
   977  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterRelations(c *gc.C) {
   978  	waitDyingHooks := custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
   979  		// There is no ordering relationship between relation hooks and
   980  		// leader-settings-changed hooks; and while we're dying we may
   981  		// never get to leader-settings-changed before it's time to run
   982  		// the stop (as we might not react to a config change in time).
   983  		// It's actually clearer to just list the possible orders:
   984  		possibles := [][]string{{
   985  			"leader-settings-changed",
   986  			"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0",
   987  			"db-relation-broken db:0",
   988  			"stop",
   989  		}, {
   990  			"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0",
   991  			"leader-settings-changed",
   992  			"db-relation-broken db:0",
   993  			"stop",
   994  		}, {
   995  			"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0",
   996  			"db-relation-broken db:0",
   997  			"leader-settings-changed",
   998  			"stop",
   999  		}, {
  1000  			"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0",
  1001  			"db-relation-broken db:0",
  1002  			"stop",
  1003  		}}
  1004  		unchecked := ctx.hooksCompleted[len(ctx.hooks):]
  1005  		for _, possible := range possibles {
  1006  			if ok, _ := jc.DeepEqual(unchecked, possible); ok {
  1007  				return
  1008  			}
  1009  		}
  1010  		c.Fatalf("unexpected hooks: %v", unchecked)
  1011  	}}
  1012  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1013  		// Relations.
  1014  		ut(
  1015  			"simple joined/changed/departed",
  1016  			quickStartRelation{},
  1017  			addRelationUnit{},
  1018  			waitHooks{
  1019  				"db-relation-joined mysql/1 db:0",
  1020  				"db-relation-changed mysql/1 db:0",
  1021  			},
  1022  			changeRelationUnit{"mysql/0"},
  1023  			waitHooks{"db-relation-changed mysql/0 db:0"},
  1024  			removeRelationUnit{"mysql/1"},
  1025  			waitHooks{"db-relation-departed mysql/1 db:0"},
  1026  			verifyRunning{},
  1027  		), ut(
  1028  			"relation becomes dying; unit is not last remaining member",
  1029  			quickStartRelation{},
  1030  			relationDying,
  1031  			waitHooks{
  1032  				"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0",
  1033  				"db-relation-broken db:0",
  1034  			},
  1035  			verifyRunning{},
  1036  			relationState{life: state.Dying},
  1037  			removeRelationUnit{"mysql/0"},
  1038  			verifyRunning{},
  1039  			relationState{removed: true},
  1040  			verifyRunning{},
  1041  		), ut(
  1042  			"relation becomes dying; unit is last remaining member",
  1043  			quickStartRelation{},
  1044  			removeRelationUnit{"mysql/0"},
  1045  			waitHooks{"db-relation-departed mysql/0 db:0"},
  1046  			relationDying,
  1047  			waitHooks{"db-relation-broken db:0"},
  1048  			verifyRunning{},
  1049  			relationState{removed: true},
  1050  			verifyRunning{},
  1051  		), ut(
  1052  			"unit becomes dying while in a relation",
  1053  			quickStartRelation{},
  1054  			unitDying,
  1055  			waitUniterDead{},
  1056  			waitDyingHooks,
  1057  			relationState{life: state.Alive},
  1058  			removeRelationUnit{"mysql/0"},
  1059  			relationState{life: state.Alive},
  1060  		), ut(
  1061  			"unit becomes dead while in a relation",
  1062  			quickStartRelation{},
  1063  			unitDead,
  1064  			waitUniterDead{},
  1065  			waitHooks{},
  1066  			// TODO BUG(?): the unit doesn't leave the scope, leaving the relation
  1067  			// unkillable without direct intervention. I'm pretty sure it's not a
  1068  			// uniter bug -- it should be the responsibility of `juju remove-unit
  1069  			// --force` to cause the unit to leave any relation scopes it may be
  1070  			// in -- but it's worth noting here all the same.
  1071  		), ut(
  1072  			"unknown local relation dir is removed",
  1073  			quickStartRelation{},
  1074  			stopUniter{},
  1075  			custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  1076  				ft.Dir{"state/relations/90210", 0755}.Create(c, ctx.path)
  1077  			}},
  1078  			startUniter{},
  1079  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
  1080  			custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  1081  				ft.Removed{"state/relations/90210"}.Check(c, ctx.path)
  1082  			}},
  1083  		), ut(
  1084  			"all relations are available to config-changed on bounce, even if state dir is missing",
  1085  			createCharm{
  1086  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1087  					script := uniterRelationsCustomizeScript
  1088  					appendHook(c, path, "config-changed", script)
  1089  				},
  1090  			},
  1091  			serveCharm{},
  1092  			createUniter{},
  1093  			waitUnitAgent{
  1094  				status: status.Idle,
  1095  			},
  1096  			waitUnitAgent{
  1097  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1098  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1099  			},
  1100  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1101  			addRelation{waitJoin: true},
  1102  			stopUniter{},
  1103  			custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  1104  				// Check the state dir was created, and remove it.
  1105  				path := fmt.Sprintf("state/relations/%d", ctx.relation.Id())
  1106  				ft.Dir{path, 0755}.Check(c, ctx.path)
  1107  				ft.Removed{path}.Create(c, ctx.path)
  1109  				// Check that config-changed didn't record any relations, because
  1110  				// they shouldn't been available until after the start hook.
  1111  				ft.File{"charm/relations.out", "", 0644}.Check(c, ctx.path)
  1112  			}},
  1113  			startUniter{},
  1114  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
  1115  			custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  1116  				// Check the state dir was recreated.
  1117  				path := fmt.Sprintf("state/relations/%d", ctx.relation.Id())
  1118  				ft.Dir{path, 0755}.Check(c, ctx.path)
  1120  				// Check that config-changed did record the joined relations.
  1121  				data := fmt.Sprintf("db:%d\n", ctx.relation.Id())
  1122  				ft.File{"charm/relations.out", data, 0644}.Check(c, ctx.path)
  1123  			}},
  1124  		),
  1125  	})
  1126  }
  1128  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterRelationErrors(c *gc.C) {
  1129  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1130  		ut(
  1131  			"hook error during join of a relation",
  1132  			startupRelationError{"db-relation-joined"},
  1133  			waitUnitAgent{
  1134  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1135  				status:       status.Error,
  1136  				info:         `hook failed: "db-relation-joined"`,
  1137  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1138  					"hook":        "db-relation-joined",
  1139  					"relation-id": 0,
  1140  					"remote-unit": "mysql/0",
  1141  				},
  1142  			},
  1143  		), ut(
  1144  			"hook error during change of a relation",
  1145  			startupRelationError{"db-relation-changed"},
  1146  			waitUnitAgent{
  1147  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1148  				status:       status.Error,
  1149  				info:         `hook failed: "db-relation-changed"`,
  1150  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1151  					"hook":        "db-relation-changed",
  1152  					"relation-id": 0,
  1153  					"remote-unit": "mysql/0",
  1154  				},
  1155  			},
  1156  		), ut(
  1157  			"hook error after a unit departed",
  1158  			startupRelationError{"db-relation-departed"},
  1159  			waitHooks{"db-relation-joined mysql/0 db:0", "db-relation-changed mysql/0 db:0"},
  1160  			removeRelationUnit{"mysql/0"},
  1161  			waitUnitAgent{
  1162  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1163  				status:       status.Error,
  1164  				info:         `hook failed: "db-relation-departed"`,
  1165  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1166  					"hook":        "db-relation-departed",
  1167  					"relation-id": 0,
  1168  					"remote-unit": "mysql/0",
  1169  				},
  1170  			},
  1171  		),
  1172  		ut(
  1173  			"hook error after a relation died",
  1174  			startupRelationError{"db-relation-broken"},
  1175  			waitHooks{"db-relation-joined mysql/0 db:0", "db-relation-changed mysql/0 db:0"},
  1176  			relationDying,
  1177  			waitUnitAgent{
  1178  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1179  				status:       status.Error,
  1180  				info:         `hook failed: "db-relation-broken"`,
  1181  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1182  					"hook":        "db-relation-broken",
  1183  					"relation-id": 0,
  1184  				},
  1185  			},
  1186  		),
  1187  	})
  1188  }
  1190  func (s *UniterSuite) TestActionEvents(c *gc.C) {
  1191  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1192  		ut(
  1193  			"simple action event: defined in actions.yaml, no args",
  1194  			createCharm{
  1195  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1196  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-log")
  1197  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log")
  1198  				},
  1199  			},
  1200  			serveCharm{},
  1201  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1202  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1203  			startUniter{},
  1204  			waitAddresses{},
  1205  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1206  			waitUnitAgent{
  1207  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1208  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1209  			},
  1210  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1211  			verifyCharm{},
  1212  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1213  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1214  				name:    "action-log",
  1215  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1216  				status:  params.ActionCompleted,
  1217  			}}},
  1218  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1219  			waitUnitAgent{
  1220  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1221  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1222  			},
  1223  		), ut(
  1224  			"action-fail causes the action to fail with a message",
  1225  			createCharm{
  1226  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1227  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-log-fail")
  1228  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log-fail")
  1229  				},
  1230  			},
  1231  			serveCharm{},
  1232  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1233  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1234  			startUniter{},
  1235  			waitAddresses{},
  1236  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1237  			waitUnitAgent{
  1238  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1239  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1240  			},
  1241  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1242  			verifyCharm{},
  1243  			addAction{"action-log-fail", nil},
  1244  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1245  				name: "action-log-fail",
  1246  				results: map[string]interface{}{
  1247  					"foo": "still works",
  1248  				},
  1249  				message: "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.",
  1250  				status:  params.ActionFailed,
  1251  			}}},
  1252  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle}, waitUnitAgent{
  1253  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1254  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1255  			},
  1256  		), ut(
  1257  			"action-fail with the wrong arguments fails but is not an error",
  1258  			createCharm{
  1259  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1260  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-log-fail-error")
  1261  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log-fail-error")
  1262  				},
  1263  			},
  1264  			serveCharm{},
  1265  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1266  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1267  			startUniter{},
  1268  			waitAddresses{},
  1269  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1270  			waitUnitAgent{
  1271  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1272  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1273  			},
  1274  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1275  			verifyCharm{},
  1276  			addAction{"action-log-fail-error", nil},
  1277  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1278  				name: "action-log-fail-error",
  1279  				results: map[string]interface{}{
  1280  					"foo": "still works",
  1281  				},
  1282  				message: "A real message",
  1283  				status:  params.ActionFailed,
  1284  			}}},
  1285  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1286  			waitUnitAgent{
  1287  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1288  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1289  			},
  1290  		), ut(
  1291  			"actions with correct params passed are not an error",
  1292  			createCharm{
  1293  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1294  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "snapshot")
  1295  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "snapshot")
  1296  				},
  1297  			},
  1298  			serveCharm{},
  1299  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1300  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1301  			startUniter{},
  1302  			waitAddresses{},
  1303  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1304  			waitUnitAgent{
  1305  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1306  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1307  			},
  1308  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1309  			verifyCharm{},
  1310  			addAction{
  1311  				name:   "snapshot",
  1312  				params: map[string]interface{}{"outfile": ""},
  1313  			},
  1314  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1315  				name: "snapshot",
  1316  				results: map[string]interface{}{
  1317  					"outfile": map[string]interface{}{
  1318  						"name": "snapshot-01.tar",
  1319  						"size": map[string]interface{}{
  1320  							"magnitude": "10.3",
  1321  							"units":     "GB",
  1322  						},
  1323  					},
  1324  					"completion": "yes",
  1325  				},
  1326  				status: params.ActionCompleted,
  1327  			}}},
  1328  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1329  			waitUnitAgent{
  1330  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1331  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1332  			},
  1333  		), ut(
  1334  			"actions with incorrect params passed are not an error but fail",
  1335  			createCharm{
  1336  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1337  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "snapshot")
  1338  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "snapshot")
  1339  				},
  1340  			},
  1341  			serveCharm{},
  1342  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1343  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1344  			startUniter{},
  1345  			waitAddresses{},
  1346  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1347  			waitUnitAgent{
  1348  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1349  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1350  			},
  1351  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1352  			verifyCharm{},
  1353  			addAction{
  1354  				name:   "snapshot",
  1355  				params: map[string]interface{}{"outfile": 2},
  1356  			},
  1357  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1358  				name:    "snapshot",
  1359  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1360  				status:  params.ActionFailed,
  1361  				message: `cannot run "snapshot" action: validation failed: (root).outfile : must be of type string, given 2`,
  1362  			}}},
  1363  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1364  			waitUnitAgent{
  1365  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1366  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1367  			},
  1368  		), ut(
  1369  			"actions not defined in actions.yaml fail without causing a uniter error",
  1370  			createCharm{
  1371  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1372  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "snapshot")
  1373  				},
  1374  			},
  1375  			serveCharm{},
  1376  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1377  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1378  			startUniter{},
  1379  			waitAddresses{},
  1380  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1381  			waitUnitAgent{
  1382  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1383  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1384  			},
  1385  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1386  			verifyCharm{},
  1387  			addAction{"snapshot", map[string]interface{}{"outfile": ""}},
  1388  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1389  				name:    "snapshot",
  1390  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1391  				status:  params.ActionFailed,
  1392  				message: `cannot run "snapshot" action: not defined`,
  1393  			}}},
  1394  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1395  			waitUnitAgent{
  1396  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1397  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1398  			},
  1399  		), ut(
  1400  			"pending actions get consumed",
  1401  			createCharm{
  1402  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1403  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-log")
  1404  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log")
  1405  				},
  1406  			},
  1407  			serveCharm{},
  1408  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1409  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1410  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1411  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1412  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1413  			startUniter{},
  1414  			waitAddresses{},
  1415  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1416  			waitUnitAgent{
  1417  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1418  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1419  			},
  1420  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1421  			verifyCharm{},
  1422  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1423  				name:    "action-log",
  1424  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1425  				status:  params.ActionCompleted,
  1426  			}, {
  1427  				name:    "action-log",
  1428  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1429  				status:  params.ActionCompleted,
  1430  			}, {
  1431  				name:    "action-log",
  1432  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1433  				status:  params.ActionCompleted,
  1434  			}}},
  1435  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1436  			waitUnitAgent{
  1437  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1438  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1439  			},
  1440  		), ut(
  1441  			"actions not implemented fail but are not errors",
  1442  			createCharm{
  1443  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1444  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log")
  1445  				},
  1446  			},
  1447  			serveCharm{},
  1448  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1449  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1450  			startUniter{},
  1451  			waitAddresses{},
  1452  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1453  			waitUnitAgent{
  1454  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1455  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1456  			},
  1457  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1458  			verifyCharm{},
  1459  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1460  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1461  				name:    "action-log",
  1462  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1463  				status:  params.ActionFailed,
  1464  				message: `action not implemented on unit "u/0"`,
  1465  			}}},
  1466  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1467  			waitUnitAgent{
  1468  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1469  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1470  			},
  1471  		), ut(
  1472  			"actions may run from ModeHookError, but do not clear the error",
  1473  			startupErrorWithCustomCharm{
  1474  				badHook: "start",
  1475  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1476  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-log")
  1477  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-log")
  1478  				},
  1479  			},
  1480  			addAction{"action-log", nil},
  1481  			waitUnitAgent{
  1482  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1483  				status:       status.Error,
  1484  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
  1485  				data:         map[string]interface{}{"hook": "start"},
  1486  			},
  1487  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1488  				name:    "action-log",
  1489  				results: map[string]interface{}{},
  1490  				status:  params.ActionCompleted,
  1491  			}}},
  1492  			waitUnitAgent{
  1493  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1494  				status:       status.Error,
  1495  				info:         `hook failed: "start"`,
  1496  				data:         map[string]interface{}{"hook": "start"},
  1497  			},
  1498  			verifyWaiting{},
  1499  			resolveError{state.ResolvedNoHooks},
  1500  			waitUnitAgent{status: status.Idle},
  1501  			waitUnitAgent{
  1502  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1503  				status:       status.Maintenance,
  1504  				info:         "installing charm software",
  1505  			},
  1506  		),
  1507  	})
  1508  }
  1510  func (s *UniterSuite) TestUniterSubordinates(c *gc.C) {
  1511  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1512  		// Subordinates.
  1513  		ut(
  1514  			"unit becomes dying while subordinates exist",
  1515  			quickStart{},
  1516  			addSubordinateRelation{"juju-info"},
  1517  			waitSubordinateExists{"logging/0"},
  1518  			unitDying,
  1519  			waitSubordinateDying{},
  1520  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed", "stop"},
  1521  			verifyWaiting{},
  1522  			removeSubordinate{},
  1523  			waitUniterDead{},
  1524  		), ut(
  1525  			"new subordinate becomes necessary while old one is dying",
  1526  			quickStart{},
  1527  			addSubordinateRelation{"juju-info"},
  1528  			waitSubordinateExists{"logging/0"},
  1529  			removeSubordinateRelation{"juju-info"},
  1530  			// The subordinate Uniter would usually set Dying in this situation.
  1531  			subordinateDying,
  1532  			addSubordinateRelation{"logging-dir"},
  1533  			verifyRunning{},
  1534  			removeSubordinate{},
  1535  			waitSubordinateExists{"logging/1"},
  1536  		),
  1537  	})
  1538  }
  1540  func (s *UniterSuite) TestSubordinateDying(c *gc.C) {
  1541  	// Create a test context for later use.
  1542  	ctx := &context{
  1543  		s:                      s,
  1544  		st:                     s.State,
  1545  		path:                   filepath.Join(s.dataDir, "agents", "unit-u-0"),
  1546  		dataDir:                s.dataDir,
  1547  		charms:                 make(map[string][]byte),
  1548  		updateStatusHookTicker: s.updateStatusHookTicker,
  1549  		charmDirGuard:          &mockCharmDirGuard{},
  1550  	}
  1552  	addControllerMachine(c,
  1554  	// Create the subordinate service.
  1555  	dir := testcharms.Repo.ClonedDir(c.MkDir(), "logging")
  1556  	curl, err := corecharm.ParseURL("cs:quantal/logging")
  1557  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1558  	curl = curl.WithRevision(dir.Revision())
  1559  	step(c, ctx, addCharm{dir, curl})
  1560  	ctx.svc = s.AddTestingService(c, "u", ctx.sch)
  1562  	// Create the principal service and add a relation.
  1563  	wps := s.AddTestingService(c, "wordpress", s.AddTestingCharm(c, "wordpress"))
  1564  	wpu, err := wps.AddUnit()
  1565  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1566  	eps, err := s.State.InferEndpoints("wordpress", "u")
  1567  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1568  	rel, err := s.State.AddRelation(eps...)
  1569  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1570  	assertAssignUnit(c, s.State, wpu)
  1572  	// Create the subordinate unit by entering scope as the principal.
  1573  	wpru, err := rel.Unit(wpu)
  1574  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1575  	err = wpru.EnterScope(nil)
  1576  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1577  	ctx.unit, err = s.State.Unit("u/0")
  1578  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1579  	ctx.apiLogin(c)
  1581  	// Run the actual test.
  1582, []stepper{
  1583  		serveCharm{},
  1584  		startUniter{},
  1585  		waitAddresses{},
  1586  		custom{func(c *gc.C, ctx *context) {
  1587  			c.Assert(rel.Destroy(), gc.IsNil)
  1588  		}},
  1589  		waitUniterDead{},
  1590  	})
  1591  }
  1593  func (s *UniterSuite) TestRebootDisabledInActions(c *gc.C) {
  1594  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1595  		ut(
  1596  			"test that juju-reboot disabled in actions",
  1597  			createCharm{
  1598  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1599  					ctx.writeAction(c, path, "action-reboot")
  1600  					ctx.writeActionsYaml(c, path, "action-reboot")
  1601  				},
  1602  			},
  1603  			serveCharm{},
  1604  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1605  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1606  			addAction{"action-reboot", nil},
  1607  			startUniter{},
  1608  			waitAddresses{},
  1609  			waitUnitAgent{
  1610  				status: status.Idle,
  1611  			},
  1612  			waitUnitAgent{
  1613  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1614  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1615  			},
  1616  			waitActionResults{[]actionResult{{
  1617  				name: "action-reboot",
  1618  				results: map[string]interface{}{
  1619  					"reboot-delayed": "good",
  1620  					"reboot-now":     "good",
  1621  				},
  1622  				status: params.ActionCompleted,
  1623  			}}},
  1624  		)})
  1625  }
  1627  func (s *UniterSuite) TestRebootFinishesHook(c *gc.C) {
  1628  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1629  		ut(
  1630  			"test that juju-reboot finishes hook, and reboots",
  1631  			createCharm{
  1632  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1633  					hpath := filepath.Join(path, "hooks", "install")
  1634  					ctx.writeExplicitHook(c, hpath, rebootHook)
  1635  				},
  1636  			},
  1637  			serveCharm{},
  1638  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1639  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1640  			startUniter{},
  1641  			waitAddresses{},
  1642  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1643  			waitHooks{"install"},
  1644  			startUniter{},
  1645  			waitUnitAgent{
  1646  				status: status.Idle,
  1647  			},
  1648  			waitUnitAgent{
  1649  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1650  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1651  			},
  1652  			waitHooks{"leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1653  		)})
  1654  }
  1656  func (s *UniterSuite) TestRebootNowKillsHook(c *gc.C) {
  1657  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1658  		ut(
  1659  			"test that juju-reboot --now kills hook and exits",
  1660  			createCharm{
  1661  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1662  					hpath := filepath.Join(path, "hooks", "install")
  1663  					ctx.writeExplicitHook(c, hpath, rebootNowHook)
  1664  				},
  1665  			},
  1666  			serveCharm{},
  1667  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1668  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1669  			startUniter{},
  1670  			waitAddresses{},
  1671  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1672  			waitHooks{"install"},
  1673  			startUniter{},
  1674  			waitUnitAgent{
  1675  				status: status.Idle,
  1676  			},
  1677  			waitUnitAgent{
  1678  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1679  				status:       status.Unknown,
  1680  			},
  1681  			waitHooks{"install", "leader-elected", "config-changed", "start"},
  1682  		)})
  1683  }
  1685  func (s *UniterSuite) TestRebootDisabledOnHookError(c *gc.C) {
  1686  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1687  		ut(
  1688  			"test juju-reboot will not happen if hook errors out",
  1689  			createCharm{
  1690  				customize: func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1691  					hpath := filepath.Join(path, "hooks", "install")
  1692  					ctx.writeExplicitHook(c, hpath, badRebootHook)
  1693  				},
  1694  			},
  1695  			serveCharm{},
  1696  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1697  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1698  			startUniter{},
  1699  			waitAddresses{},
  1700  			waitUnitAgent{
  1701  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1702  				status:       status.Error,
  1703  				info:         fmt.Sprintf(`hook failed: "install"`),
  1704  			},
  1705  		),
  1706  	})
  1707  }
  1709  func (s *UniterSuite) TestJujuRunExecutionSerialized(c *gc.C) {
  1710  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1711  		ut(
  1712  			"hook failed status should stay around after juju run",
  1713  			createCharm{badHooks: []string{"config-changed"}},
  1714  			serveCharm{},
  1715  			createUniter{},
  1716  			waitUnitAgent{
  1717  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1718  				status:       status.Error,
  1719  				info:         `hook failed: "config-changed"`,
  1720  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1721  					"hook": "config-changed",
  1722  				},
  1723  			},
  1724  			runCommands{"exit 0"},
  1725  			waitUnitAgent{
  1726  				statusGetter: unitStatusGetter,
  1727  				status:       status.Error,
  1728  				info:         `hook failed: "config-changed"`,
  1729  				data: map[string]interface{}{
  1730  					"hook": "config-changed",
  1731  				},
  1732  			},
  1733  		)})
  1734  }
  1736  func (s *UniterSuite) TestRebootFromJujuRun(c *gc.C) {
  1737  	//TODO(bogdanteleaga): Fix this on windows
  1738  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
  1739  		c.Skip("bug 1403084: currently does not work on windows")
  1740  	}
  1741  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1742  		ut(
  1743  			"test juju-reboot",
  1744  			quickStart{},
  1745  			runCommands{"juju-reboot"},
  1746  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1747  			startUniter{},
  1748  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
  1749  		), ut(
  1750  			"test juju-reboot with bad hook",
  1751  			startupError{"install"},
  1752  			runCommands{"juju-reboot"},
  1753  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1754  			startUniter{},
  1755  			waitHooks{},
  1756  		), ut(
  1757  			"test juju-reboot --now",
  1758  			quickStart{},
  1759  			runCommands{"juju-reboot --now"},
  1760  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1761  			startUniter{},
  1762  			waitHooks{"config-changed"},
  1763  		), ut(
  1764  			"test juju-reboot --now with bad hook",
  1765  			startupError{"install"},
  1766  			runCommands{"juju-reboot --now"},
  1767  			waitUniterDead{err: "machine needs to reboot"},
  1768  			startUniter{},
  1769  			waitHooks{},
  1770  		),
  1771  	})
  1772  }
  1774  func (s *UniterSuite) TestLeadership(c *gc.C) {
  1775  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1776  		ut(
  1777  			"hook tools when leader",
  1778  			quickStart{},
  1779  			runCommands{"leader-set foo=bar baz=qux"},
  1780  			verifyLeaderSettings{"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"},
  1781  		), ut(
  1782  			"hook tools when not leader",
  1783  			quickStart{minion: true},
  1784  			runCommands{leadershipScript},
  1785  		), ut(
  1786  			"leader-elected triggers when elected",
  1787  			quickStart{minion: true},
  1788  			forceLeader{},
  1789  			waitHooks{"leader-elected"},
  1790  		), ut(
  1791  			"leader-settings-changed triggers when leader settings change",
  1792  			quickStart{minion: true},
  1793  			setLeaderSettings{"ping": "pong"},
  1794  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed"},
  1795  		), ut(
  1796  			"leader-settings-changed triggers when bounced",
  1797  			quickStart{minion: true},
  1798  			verifyRunning{minion: true},
  1799  		), ut(
  1800  			"leader-settings-changed triggers when deposed (while stopped)",
  1801  			quickStart{},
  1802  			stopUniter{},
  1803  			forceMinion{},
  1804  			verifyRunning{minion: true},
  1805  		),
  1806  	})
  1807  }
  1809  func (s *UniterSuite) TestLeadershipUnexpectedDepose(c *gc.C) {
  1810  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1811  		ut(
  1812  			// NOTE: this is a strange and ugly test, intended to detect what
  1813  			// *would* happen if the uniter suddenly failed to renew its lease;
  1814  			// it depends on an artificially shortened tracker refresh time to
  1815  			// run in a reasonable amount of time.
  1816  			"leader-settings-changed triggers when deposed (while running)",
  1817  			quickStart{},
  1818  			forceMinion{},
  1819  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed"},
  1820  		),
  1821  	})
  1822  }
  1824  func (s *UniterSuite) TestStorage(c *gc.C) {
  1825  	// appendStorageMetadata customises the wordpress charm's metadata,
  1826  	// adding a "wp-content" filesystem store. We do it here rather
  1827  	// than in the charm itself to avoid modifying all of the other
  1828  	// scenarios.
  1829  	appendStorageMetadata := func(c *gc.C, ctx *context, path string) {
  1830  		f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(path, "metadata.yaml"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
  1831  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1832  		defer func() {
  1833  			err := f.Close()
  1834  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1835  		}()
  1836  		_, err = io.WriteString(f, "storage:\n  wp-content:\n    type: filesystem\n")
  1837  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1838  	}
  1839  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1840  		ut(
  1841  			"test that storage-attached is called",
  1842  			createCharm{customize: appendStorageMetadata},
  1843  			serveCharm{},
  1844  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1845  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1846  			provisionStorage{},
  1847  			startUniter{},
  1848  			waitAddresses{},
  1849  			waitHooks{"wp-content-storage-attached"},
  1850  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
  1851  		), ut(
  1852  			"test that storage-detaching is called before stop",
  1853  			createCharm{customize: appendStorageMetadata},
  1854  			serveCharm{},
  1855  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1856  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1857  			provisionStorage{},
  1858  			startUniter{},
  1859  			waitAddresses{},
  1860  			waitHooks{"wp-content-storage-attached"},
  1861  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
  1862  			unitDying,
  1863  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed"},
  1864  			// "stop" hook is not called until storage is detached
  1865  			waitHooks{"wp-content-storage-detaching", "stop"},
  1866  			verifyStorageDetached{},
  1867  			waitUniterDead{},
  1868  		), ut(
  1869  			"test that storage-detaching is called only if previously attached",
  1870  			createCharm{customize: appendStorageMetadata},
  1871  			serveCharm{},
  1872  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1873  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1874  			// provision and destroy the storage before the uniter starts,
  1875  			// to ensure it never sees the storage as attached
  1876  			provisionStorage{},
  1877  			destroyStorageAttachment{},
  1878  			startUniter{},
  1879  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
  1880  			unitDying,
  1881  			// storage-detaching is not called because it was never attached
  1882  			waitHooks{"leader-settings-changed", "stop"},
  1883  			verifyStorageDetached{},
  1884  			waitUniterDead{},
  1885  		), ut(
  1886  			"test that delay-provisioned storage does not block forever",
  1887  			createCharm{customize: appendStorageMetadata},
  1888  			serveCharm{},
  1889  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1890  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1891  			startUniter{},
  1892  			// no hooks should be run, as storage isn't provisioned
  1893  			waitHooks{},
  1894  			provisionStorage{},
  1895  			waitHooks{"wp-content-storage-attached"},
  1896  			waitHooks(startupHooks(false)),
  1897  		), ut(
  1898  			"test that unprovisioned storage does not block unit termination",
  1899  			createCharm{customize: appendStorageMetadata},
  1900  			serveCharm{},
  1901  			ensureStateWorker{},
  1902  			createServiceAndUnit{},
  1903  			unitDying,
  1904  			startUniter{},
  1905  			// no hooks should be run, and unit agent should terminate
  1906  			waitHooks{},
  1907  			waitUniterDead{},
  1908  		),
  1909  		// TODO(axw) test that storage-attached is run for new
  1910  		// storage attachments before upgrade-charm is run. This
  1911  		// requires additions to state to add storage when a charm
  1912  		// is upgraded.
  1913  	})
  1914  }
  1916  type mockExecutor struct {
  1917  	operation.Executor
  1918  }
  1920  func (m *mockExecutor) Run(op operation.Operation) error {
  1921  	// want to allow charm unpacking to occur
  1922  	if strings.HasPrefix(op.String(), "install") {
  1923  		return m.Executor.Run(op)
  1924  	}
  1925  	// but hooks should error
  1926  	return errors.New("some error occurred")
  1927  }
  1929  func (s *UniterSuite) TestOperationErrorReported(c *gc.C) {
  1930  	executorFunc := func(stateFilePath string, getInstallCharm func() (*corecharm.URL, error), acquireLock func() (mutex.Releaser, error)) (operation.Executor, error) {
  1931  		e, err := operation.NewExecutor(stateFilePath, getInstallCharm, acquireLock)
  1932  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1933  		return &mockExecutor{e}, nil
  1934  	}
  1935  	s.runUniterTests(c, []uniterTest{
  1936  		ut(
  1937  			"error running operations are reported",
  1938  			createCharm{},
  1939  			serveCharm{},
  1940  			createUniter{executorFunc: executorFunc},
  1941  			waitUnitAgent{
  1942  				status: status.Failed,
  1943  				info:   "resolver loop error",
  1944  			},
  1945  			expectError{".*some error occurred.*"},
  1946  		),
  1947  	})
  1948  }